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Unit 1【how often】how often用来询问动作的频率,即动作“多长时间发生一次”,回答可用once/twice/three times a day“一天一(两、三)次”,sometimes“有时”,never“从不”,very often“经常”等。例如:-How often do you read English books?你多长时间看一次英语书?-Every day.每天。-How often does he go to the movies?他多久去看一次电影?-Twice a week.一周两次。【watch】watch用作及物动词,用来指非常仔细地,有目的和特意的动作,表示“注视,观看,监视”之意。也常用于“看电视,看比赛”等短语中。例如: The teacher often watches us playing games.老师经常观看我们做游戏。 Theyre going to watch the football match tomorrow.明天他们将去观看那场足球比赛。【want】(1)want sb to do sth意为“想让某人做某事”,其否定want sb not to sth,意为“想要某人不要做某事”。例如: Mr Li wants you not to stand here.李老师让你不要站在这儿。(2)want作及物动词,意为“想要”,其后可接名词、动词不定式等。例如: I want to speak good English.我想讲一口流利的英语。 I want some green tea.我想要些绿茶。(1)be good for意为“对有好处,对”有益,有效,适用”,后接表示人或事物的名词。例如: Reading books is good for you. 读书对你有好处。 The medicine is good for headaches. 这药可治头痛。 Vegetables are good for us. 蔬菜对我们有益处。(2)health 是个不可数名词,意思是“健康(状况)”,常用于be in good (poor, bad) health短语中,表示“身体好(不好)”。例如: Health is better than wealth. 健康胜于财富。 He often comes home to see his mother, because she is in bad health.因他妈妈身体不好,他常回家看望他的妈妈。【habit】habit 作名词,意为“(个人)习惯,习性”。例如: I have a good habit of reading.我有良好的读书习惯。 Habit is second nature.习惯成自然。【pretty】pretty作副词,意为“相当,颇”,用于修饰形容词或副词。例如: Its pretty cold today.今天相当冷。相关链接:pretty还可作形容词,意为“美丽可爱的”,多用于指小孩、妇女或较细小的东西,语气较弱。例如:She is a pretty girl.她是一个漂亮的小姑娘。I have a pretty house.我有一个漂亮的房子。(1)try to do sth意为“尽力去做某事,努力做某事”。例如; I will try to help you.我将尽力去帮助你。相关链接:与try搭配的短语:try doing sth则表示“试着去做某事”。例如: I will try answering the question.我将试着回答这个问题。try/do ones best to do sth意为“尽力做某事”。例如: We should try/do our best to help the people in trouble.我们应该尽力帮助处于困境中的人。(2)a lot of=lots of意为“许多”,既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,多用于肯定句中,在否定句中和疑问句中则多用many或much.例如: I have a lot of books.我有许多书。 There is a lot of money in the bag.在袋子里有很多钱。【look after】(1)look after在本句的意思是“留意,重视”,还可表示“照看,照顾”。例如: I have to look after my sick sister at home. 我不得不在家照看生病的妹妹。 You must look after yourself. 你应该照顾好你自己。 You must look after your things. 你必须照看好你的东西。(2)look after相当于take care of.例如: Please look after your baby well.Please take good care of your baby. 请照顾好你的孩子。Unit 2(1)matter作名词时,意为“事情,问题,情况”。(2)当看到某人心情沮丧,闷闷不乐,或是身体不舒服时,可使用本句询问对方,句中的matter前一定要加冠词the。意思为“困扰的事,麻烦事,故障”,后面常接介词with,再接“人”,也可接“物”。同义句为Whats wrong with sb/sth?或Whats the trouble?例如: Whats the matter with you?Whats wrong with you?Whats your trouble? 你怎么了? Whats the matter with your pen?Whats wrong with your pen? 你的钢笔出了什么毛病了? There is something wrong with my watch. 我的表出了些问题。 There is nothing wrong with your TV set. 你的电视没问题。【have】have/have got a+疾病名词,意思是“得了病”。例如: He has (got) a toothache. 他牙疼。 He has (got) a stomachache and cant go to school. 他胃疼,不能上学。 Yesterday she had a headache. 昨天她头疼。 She has a cough and has to see the doctor. 她咳嗽,不得不去看医生。【should】should是一个情态动词,意思是“应当”,表示义务、责任,可用于各种人称。其后跟动词原形。例如: You should brush your teeth before you go to bed.你在睡觉前应该刷牙。 Children should be taught to speak the truth.应该教导儿童说实话。 You should do what your parents tell you.你应该照你父母的话办。 He should do some work, but he doesnt want to do.他应该做些工作,但是他不想做。【believe】(1)believe后跟的是that引导的宾语从句,believe作动词,意为“相信”,常用于believe+宾语或that从句中,也用于“believe+宾语+宾语补足语”结构。例如: I believe him(或what he says).我相信他所说的话。 I believe him honest.我认为他是诚实的。(2)believe引导宾语从句时,如否定从句动作,则往往用承前否定。例如: I dont believe he can fix the bike.我认为他修不好这辆自行车。 I cant believe its true.我相信那不是真的。 They dont believe shell come.他们相信她不会来了。【for example】for example意为“例如”,可用于句中、句首或句末。例如: I must buy a lot of school things, for example, notebooks, pen and ruler.我必须买许多学习用品,比如:笔记本,钢笔和尺子。 I know some students in your class-Lucy, Lily and Tony, for example.我认识你们班的一些人,比如:Lucy, Lily和Tony。【too much】too是副词,much是形容词“许多的,大量的”,too much则是“过于,太多”,作定语修饰不可数名词,还可以单独使用作主语、表语、状语等。例如: I have too much homework to do.我有太多的家庭作业要做。相关链接:much too的中心词为too,much修饰too,用来加强语气,意思为“太,非常,极其”等,后接形容词或副词。例如: Its much too cold.天气太冷了。Unit 3“be+doing” 表示将要做某事,或计划打算做某事。其中be是助动词,它有人称和单复数的变化。be包括am, is, are。第一人称单数I与am搭配;第二人称单数you和所有复数人称与are搭配;第三人称单数he, she, it与is搭配。doing为“v.+ing”形式。1在肯定句中,结构为“be+doing”。例如: I am going shopping this afternoon.我打算今天下午去购物。 You are going fishing, arent you?你打算去钓鱼,不是吗? He is visiting his grandparents for vacation.你打算假期去看望他的祖父母。2在否定句中,在be之后加not。例如: Im not going shopping this afternoon.我不打算今天下午去购物。 You arent going fishing, are you?你不打算去钓鱼,是吗? He isnt visiting his grandparents for vacation.你不打算假期去看望他的祖父母。3一般疑问句是将be置于句首。例如:-Are you going shopping this afternoon?你打算今天下午去购物吗?-Yes, I am/we are.是的,我/我们是。-No, Im not./we arent.不,我/我们不是。-Is he visiting his grandparents for vacation?他打算假期去看望他祖父母吗?-Yes, he is./No, he isnt.是的,他是。/不,他不是。4特殊疑问句是“疑问词+一般疑问句语序”。例如: What are you doing for vacation?你假期打算做什么? When is he going camping?他打算什么时候去野营? Where is she going?她打算去哪儿? Who are you going there with?你打算和谁一起去那里?【go camping】go camping意为“去野营”,“go+另一动词的-ing形式”表示去进行这一活动,这种-ing形式的动词是现在分词,可以看作为go的表语,前面不能用some或其他数概念的词修饰。例如:go shopping 去买东西go swimming 去游泳go boating 去划船go skating 去溜冰go walking 去散步go climbing 去登山go dancing 去跳舞go hiking 去徒步远足go sightseeing 去观光【sound】(1)sound是系动词,后接形容词作表语,也可跟名词或like引导的介词短语。例如: Your plan sounds like a good one.你的计划听起来很不错。 This song sounds beautiful.这首歌听起来很优美。(2)sound用作名词,意为“声音,音响”。例如: We can hear a strange sound.我们能听到一种奇怪的声音。相关链接:与sound类似的词还有look, turn, feel, become, get, taste(尝起来), smell(闻起来)等均可用作系动词。 He looks young.他看起来很年轻。 The flower smells sweet.那花闻起来很香。(1)how aboutwhat about,用于询问对方或第三者与情景有关的各种情况。例如: I like red. What about/How about you?我喜欢红色,你呢? How about your math and physics? 数学和物理怎么样?(2)how about/what about还可用于向对方提出一个建议,或征求对方的意见,后接名词或动词的-ing形式。例如: What/How about a cup of tea?来杯茶好吗?Unit 4(1)询问去某地的交通方式,用how提问。how作疑问副词,还可表示“如何怎样,以何种方式或手段”。例如: How should I do? 我该怎么做?(2)get表示“到达”,是不及物动词,若加宾语,后需跟介词to.例如: When can you get to school?你何时可以到达学校? When will she get to Shanghai?她什么时候将到达上海?(3)get后跟副词时,不需加to.例如: I usually get home at six oclock.我通常六点钟到家。 I will get there on time.我会按时到那里的。(1)“take+the+交通工具”用于表示“乘”,相当于“by+交通工具”。例如:It will save you a lot of time if you go there taking the subway.如果你坐地铁去那里,可以节省很多时间。(2)与交通方式相关的动词短语。例如:take the subway乘地铁take the bus乘公共汽车drive a car开小车ride a bike骑自行车take the train乘火车take a taxi乘出租车(3)还有一些介词短语也可表示交通方式。例如:by bus乘公共汽车 by plane乘飞机by ship乘轮船 by boat乘船by train乘火车 by taxi乘出租on foot步行 It takes sb some time to do sth.是一固定句型,意为“做某事需要花费某人多长时间。”it是形式主语,不定式to do是真正的主语,如果我们对这一宾语提问时,就用how long(多久)引导一个特殊疑问句。例如:-How long does it take you to go home on foot? 你步行回家需要花多少时间?-It takes about fifteen minutes. 大约需要十五分钟。 It took me too much time to do the problem. 解这道题花了我太多的时间【around】around为副词,意为“大约”,同义词为about。例如: There are around forty students in the classroom.在教室里大约有40个学生。 The boy is around ten years old.这个男孩大约十岁。【take】It takes sb some time to do sth.是一固定句型,意为“做某事需要花费某人多长时间。”it是形式主语,不定式to do是真正的主语,如果我们对这一宾语提问时,就用how long(多久)引导一个特殊疑问句。例如:-How long does it take you to go home on foot? 你步行回家需要花多少时间?-It takes about fifteen minutes. 大约需要十五分钟。 It took me too much time to do the problem. 解这道题花了我太多的时间。【how far】how far“多远”,用于询问两地间的距离,答语要用表示距离的词语。例如:-How far is it from Beijing to Shanghai?从北京到上海有多远?-About several thousand kilometers.大约有几千千米。-How far is it from here to the hospital?从这里到医院大约有多远?-About ten minutes walk.大约走10分钟的路程。相关链接:在回答How far的提问时,有两种情形:(1)有具体数字时,应与away from连用,表示具体距离的计量,口语中away可省去。(2)没有具体数字时,应用far或near作答。例如: How far away is the moon from the earth?从地球到月球有多远? It is 380,000 kilometers away from the earth.从地球到月球有380,000公里。 Its very far.那很远。【most students】most students意为“大多数学生”,most前不加冠词,作代词用,表示大多数,后面常接表示范围的of介词短语,most的单、复数概念,取决于of后面的名词,谓语动词根据of后的名词来决定。例如: Most of us are going to the field trip.我们大多数人要去郊游。 Most of the mooncake is bad.那块月饼的大部分坏了。注意:most of后面的名词要用冠词、物主代词或指示代词修饰;人称代词则用宾格。【also】also意为“也”,含有较庄重的色彩,通常置于be或助动词之后,实义动词之前。例如: He also learns English.他也学英语。 She is rich and she is also selfish.她很富,也很自私。相关链接:too也有“也”的意思,是副词,但常用在句末,前边加逗号隔开。例如: He like English, too.他也喜欢英语。 I like bananas, but I like oranges, too.我喜欢香蕉,可我也喜欢橘子。【must be】must be意为“一定”,在这里表示推测,只用在肯定句中,否定句中表推测用cant代替。例如: It must be more delicious.那肯定更好吃。 He must be late for school today.今天他上学很可能迟到。 Li Ming cant forget my name.李明不可能忘记我的名字。Unit 5(1)Can you.?意为“你能吗?”是客气地请求某人做某事的句子。接受邀请常用I would (Id) love to或者Thanks a lot for或者Certainly.来应答。如有事不能接受邀请,则说:Im sorry, but I cant.这种句式中,用could比can语气委婉,显得有礼貌,而用can则较随便。例如:-Can you come to my home for dinner?你能来我家吃晚餐吗?-Im sorry, I cant.很抱歉,我不能来。-Can you go shopping with me?你能和我一起去购物吗?-Sure, Id love to.当然可以,我很乐意。(2)on Saturday afternoon意为“周六下午”,在具体的某一天或某一天的早上、中午、晚上则用介词on.。例如: I met my friend Li Ming on the morning of October 1, 2003.2003年10月1日的早上我见到了我的朋友李明。 We always play football on Wednesday afternoon.我们总是在周三下午踢足球。(1)Sure常用于口语之中,作为说话人较有把握的肯定回答,意思是“当然可以,当然愿意”,相当于Certainly或Yes.例如: -May I use your ruler?我能用一下你的尺子吗?-Sure.当然可以。 -Would you like to come?你愿意来吗?-Sure.当然(愿意)。(2)Id love to.是由“I would love to.”缩写而来,其义与“I would like to.”相近,均表“我想要”,但若省略助动词would,则语意就随之改变了,即“We like/love to.”表示“我们喜欢”。(3)would love意为“愿意,想要”,其后可接名词或“to+动词原形”。例如: Would you love to play basketball?去打篮球好吗?-Would you love to live near the factory?你愿意住在工厂附近吗?-No,I wouldnt love to live near the factory.不,我不愿意住在工厂附近。【have to】have to意为“不得不,必须”,表示“义务”,第三人称单数用has to.例如:-Can he go to the baseball game?他可以去看棒球比赛吗?-No, he cant. He has to study.不,他不能去。他必须学习。【another】another通常用于三个以上或不确定数量中的任意一个人或物体,意思是“另一个,再一个”。例如: This pair of shoes is too small for me. Please show me another pair.这双鞋我穿太小了。请再给我拿一双。 May I have another cake, please?请再给我一块蛋糕好吗?相关链接:the other指两者中的“另一个”,有特定的数量范围,不是任意的“另一个”。例如: One of Toms hands is bigger than the other.汤姆的手一只比另一只大。 Here are two rulers. One is short. The other is long.这儿有两把尺子,一把短,另一把长。Thanks for asking.相当于Thank you for asking.Thanks for后接名词或动名词形式,表示“因为而感谢”。例如: Thanks for helping me.谢谢你帮助我。 Thanks you for your advice.谢谢你给我的劝告。 Thank you for coming to my birthday party.感谢你来参加我的生日晚会。(1)“因什么事情而感谢某人”要用介词for。(2)invitation意为“邀请”,是名词。其动词为invite.例如: I invited him to my home.我邀请他到我家。相关链接:如果要是动词invite,则用invite sb to do sth或invite sb to sth.例如: He invited me to go to his party.= He invited me to his party.他邀请我去参加他的晚会。【busy】(1)busy作形容词,意为“忙的,繁忙的”,相当于no time,反义词是free.例如: Im very busy so I have no time to see you.我非常忙没有时间去看你。 The line is busy.电话占线。(2)be busy with sth意为“忙于”。例如: He is busy with his homework.他正忙着做作业。(3)be busy doing sth意为“忙于做”。例如: The children are busy playing on the computer.孩子们正忙于玩电脑。 They are busy going shopping for Toms birthday.他们正忙于为汤姆的生日购物。Uint 6【last】(1)last作形容词,意为“最后的。最近过去的”,与first相对。例如: He was the last person to leave.他是最后一个离开的。 I was the last one to finish the work.我是最后一个完成工作的。(2)last还可作副词,意为“最后一次”“上一次”,与next(下次)相对。例如: When did you last see him?你上次见他是什么时候? He laughs best that who laughs last.谁笑到最后,谁笑得最好。【both】(1)both表示“两者都”,all表示“(三者或三者以上)都”。例如: There are shops on both sides of the street.街道两边都有商店。 There are five children in the room. They are all Mr Greens children.房子里有5个孩子,他们都是格林先生的孩子。(2)both用作副词时,注意它在句子中的位置。一般在行为动词之前,be动词之后。例如: They both like playing basketball.他们俩都喜欢打篮球。 The two students are both from Class 5.这两个学生都是5班的。【a little】a little和much都可用来修饰比较级,表示“更一点,得多”。例如: He is a little taller than you.他比你稍高一点。 This song is much more popular than that one.这首歌比那首歌流行得多。 He is much taller than you.他比你高多了。(1)make sb do sth意为“让某人做某事”,make作“让”解时,其后接宾语和宾语的补足语,其中宾语的补足语须用省去不定式符号to的动词原形。例如: The teacher made the boy sing a song for two minutes.老师让那个孩子唱了两分钟的歌。 Dont make him work ten hours a day.别让他一天工作10个小时了。(2)laugh作动词,意为“笑,因而笑”。例如: Why are you laughing?你为什么笑呢?(3)laugh常用于laugh at sb.短语中,表示“取笑,讥笑,嘲笑某人”。例如: Dont laugh at the poor people.不要嘲笑穷人。 We shouldnt laugh at him.我们不应该嘲笑他。【the same】“the same + as + 名词/代词”意为“与相同”。例如: His opinion is the same as his uncles. 他的观点和他叔叔的一样。 I bought the same book as yours. 我买了一本和你的一样的书。【though】though作连词,意为“虽然,即使”,用来引导让步状语从句,相当于although, though在非正式语体中较为普遍,而although较正式,多用于句首。例如: Although (Though) it was so cold, he went out without a coat.天气虽然很冷,但他没穿大衣就出去了。(2)英语中,从句用了主从连词although (though),主句中不可再用并列连词but,但可用yet和still。也就是说一个句子有although (though)就不能有but,有but就不能有although(though).(3)但在下列情况中,不用although,要用though.表示强调时用even though;倒装句中;though可作副词,表示“然而”,放在句末或其他位置。【always】always与一般现在时连用,表示一种事实,与进行时连用,表示经常性、反复性的动作,表示说话人的某种感情,如赞扬、批评、厌烦等。例如: He is always thinking of others.他总是想着别人。 She is always asking the question.她总是问这个问题。 I always come at eight.我总是8点钟来。Unit 7【how much】(1)how much 意为“多少”,询问不可数名词数量,后接不可数名词。例如: How much milk is there in the cup?杯子里有多少牛奶? How much rice is there in the bag?那只袋子里有多少米?(2)how much还可以用来提问价格。例如:-How much is this coat?这件外套多少钱?-80 yuan. 80元。【how many】 how many意为“多少”,后接可数名词的复数形式,用来提问可数名词的数量。例如: How many books do you have?你有多少本书? How many monkeys are there in the zoo?动物园里有多少只猴子? How many oranges do you want?你想要多少橘子?【like】(1)like作动词,意为“喜欢”,常用于like doing sth中,意思是“喜欢做(经常性)”;like to do sth意思是“喜欢做(一次性)”。例如: I like red.我喜欢红色。 I like reading books.我喜欢看书。 I like to go and play football this afternoon.今天下午我想去踢球。(2)like可用作介词,意思是“像,如样”。例如: She drinks like a fish.她像鱼一样喝水。 He looks like his father.他看起来和他爸爸一样。【first】(1)first作副词,意思是“第一次,最初地,首先”。序数词用作副词作表语时,前面不加冠词。例如: Safety first.安全第一。 Ill tell you how to do first.我先告诉你怎样做。 Tom came to school first.汤姆最先到校。(2)first还可以用作序数词,意为“第一”,其前一般要加冠词the,但序数词前如有物主代词时,则不用the.例如: The first lesson is easy.第一课很容易。 My first teacher is Miss Li我的启蒙老师是李老师。(3)first作形容词,意为“最初的,第一的,主要的,一流的”。例如: This is my first time to see the film.这是我第一次看这部电影。 Li Mei is the first student in our school.李梅是我校一流的学生。(4)first作名词,意思是“开端”。例如: The first of June is Childrens Day.6月的第一天是儿童节。【then】then意为“然后”,与next意思基本相同,但next更强调“接着做某事”,而then则着重于表示“下一个动作在之后,”常与and连用。例如; First came Lucy, then Bill.露西先来,然后比尔来了。 He had a bath and then went to bed.他洗了个澡,然后睡觉了。(1)add.to.意思是“把加到上去”。例如: If you add six to seven, youll get thirteen.6加7等于13。(2)add to 意为“增加”。例如: The music added to our enjoyment.音乐给我们增添了快乐。(3)add up to意为“加起来等于”“总计达”。例如: The expenses add up to 100 yuan.支出合计为100元。【finally】finally意为“最后,终于”,相当于at last,通常位于句首。finally侧重最后的结果,at last着重指先后顺序。例如: They talked about it for hours. Finally they decided not to go.他们为此讨论了几个小时,最后决定不去了。 Its not finally settled yet.这事还未最终解决。 We had a long journey by train, and at last we reached the town.我们乘火车走了很长时间后,终于到了那个镇。Unit 8have a great timehave a good time,意思是“玩得开心”,也相当于enjoy oneself。 We had a great time last Saturday.上周六,我们玩得很开心。 We enjoyed ourselves last Sunday.上周日,我们玩得很愉快。(1)because在本句中引导原因状语从句。例如: I had to stay at home because my mother was ill.我必须待在家里,因为我母亲生病了。(2)at the end of.意为“在的末端”,可以表示时间,也可以表示地点。例如: They will come here at the end of February.他们将在二月底到这里来。 You will find a hospital al the end of the road.在这条路的尽头你会看到一个医院。【off】off在本句中作副词,表示“休假,不工作”,多用在名词之后。例如: The teacher gave him two days off.老师给了他两天假。 We have two days off every week.我们每周有两天休息。相关链接:off还可作“(离)开(走)开”“下”,“停止,关掉”解。例如: I must be off.我该走了。 He took off his coat.他脱下了他的外套。 The gas is off.煤气关了。【no one】no one相当于nobody,意思是“没有人”。作主语时,谓语用单数,后面不能跟of短语,常回答who和不确定的问题。例如: No one will make friends with him.没有人想和他交朋友。 No one wants to go.没有人想去。-Who can answer the question?谁能回答这个问题?-No one.没有人。Unit 9born是动词bear的过去分词,它与be一起构成be born,意为“出生于”,常用于一般过去时态,也可用于将来时。例如: Michael Jordan was born in 1963.迈克尔乔丹出生于1963年。-Where were you born?你在哪出生的?-I was born in Beijing on October 1, 2000.我于2000年10月1日在北京出生。 Her baby will be born next month.她的宝宝下个月出生。 She was born in a small village.她出生在一个小村庄。【too.to】(1)too.to意为“太而不能”,too是副词,后跟形容词或副词,to是不定式符号,后跟动词原形。例如: He is too short to reach the picture.他太矮了,够不到那幅图片。 The box is too heavy to carry.盒子太重了,搬不动。 This problem is too difficult to solve.这个问题太难,解决不了。(2)too.to结构可与not.enough to互换,但not后面的形容词是too后面的反义词。例如: Hes too young to join the army.他太年轻了,不能参军。He is not old enough to join the army.(1)这是一个时间状语从句,用一件事情的发生作为另一件事情发生的时间。我们经常能见到when和while引导的时间状语从句。例如: When I watched TV, the telephone rang.当我在看电视的时候,电话响了。 While I was having lunch, she came in.当我在吃饭的时候,她进来了。(2)when和while的区别是while只能引导延续性动词的句子,而when既可以引导延续性动词,也可以引导非延续性动词的句子。相关链接:when和while的区别:when和while作为连词,汉语意思皆为“当的时候”,when引导的状语从句时态用一般过去时或一般现在时,而while后的状语从句时态是进行时。其次when和while在表示时间上,when往往指时间上的某一点,而while指一段时间。while的另一意思为“在同时”。【pieces of】英语中在表示不可数名词的数量时,常用“数词+量词+of+不可数名词”来表示,需要注意的是“量词”可以有复数形式。例如: a piece of bread一块面包 two pieces of bread两块面包 a teaspoon of soup一茶匙汤 three teaspoons of soup三茶匙汤【begin】begin意为“开始”,后可接不定式或动名词作宾语,意义没有多大区别。例如: Lets begin to have a class.让我们开始上课。 When did you begin learning English?你什么时候开始学英语的?相关链接:begin与start同义,都是“开始”的意思,都可接to do或doing作宾语,但在下列情况下通常接to do.(1)主语是“物”时。例如: The tree leaves begin/start to turn yellow.树叶开始变黄了。(2)begin和start用于进行时态时。例如: Its beginning/starting to snow.要下雪了。(3)其后的动词与想法、感情有关时。例如: She began/started to understand it.她开始明白这件事了【take part in.】take part in.意为“参加,参与”,指参加群众性的活动、会议、考试、竞赛、讨论、游行等。例如: Did you take part in the sports meeting?你参加运动会了吗? Our teacher took part in the debate yesterday.我们的老师参加了昨天的辩论。Unit 10(1)be going to意为“打算;将要”,后接动词原形,是将来时态的一种表达方法。其中be随着主语的人称和数的改变而改变,而going to没有变化。例如: We are going to have a swim this afternoon.今天下午我们将去游泳。 My brother is going to learn English next year.我哥哥准备明年学英语。 Are you going to meet this afternoon?你们今天下午打算会面吗? When are they going to leave?他们将什么时候离开?(2)what引导的从句可以表示一种东西或事情,不具有疑问概念,一般译为“(某人)所的东西(事情)”。在本句中作为动词do的宾语。例如: Thats what we need.这正是我们所需要的东西。(表语) Do you remember what he said?你记得他所说的话吗?(宾语)【somewhere】(1)somewhere是复合词,作副词,意思是“在某处;到某地”,相当于in/at/to some place.例如: I remember seeing her somewhere before. 我记得以前在什么地方见过她。 He just lives somewhere in the city. 他就住在这个城市的某个地方。(2)somewhere通常用在肯定句中,而在否定句或疑问句中,通常用anywhere.例如: I cant find my pens anywhere. 我到处都找不到我的钢笔。(1)that I could enjoy是that引导的从句,在句中作定语,修饰名词city.(2)sound在这里作系动词,意思是“听起来”,其后常接形容词,名词及like短语作表语。例如: This idea sounds a good one. 这个想法听起来不错。 She surely sounds like an expert. 听起来,她真像是一位专家。相关链接:英语中可作连系动词的还有get, turn, become, grow, feel, look, smell, seem等。【grow up】grow up意思是“生长;发育”,是不及物动词短语。例如: My brother is growing up fast. 我弟弟长得很快。 He wants to be a doctor when he grows up. 他长大想当一名医生。get a letter from sb.意为“收到某人的来信”,相当于receive a letter from sb.或hear from sb.例如: Yesterday I got a letter from my brother. 昨天我收到了我哥哥的来信。lots of相当于a lot of,意为“许多,大量”,用于表示数量。它既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词,一般用于肯定句中。例如: There are lots of people in the room.房间里有很多人。 There is lots of water in the bottle.瓶子里有许多水。want to do sth.意为“想做某事”,还可用于want sb. to do sth.“想让某人做某事”、want sb. not to do sth.“想要某人不做某事”中。例如: I want to watch TV.我想看电视。 I want him to stay at home.我想让他待在家里。 I want her not to play with the boy.我想让她不要和那个男孩玩。Unit 11【could】(1)could是情态动词can的过去式,但在本句中Could you do表示请求帮助或请求允许,用以表示礼貌,委婉,或不确定的语气。而can则不具备这些语气。此外,could在这里已没有时态的概念。例如: Could you help me with the box? 你能帮我拿一下这个箱子吗?


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