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剑桥少儿英语 剑桥少儿英语是资深的国际权威考核机构英国剑桥大学考试委员会(University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate,简称UCLES),为培养、提高英语为非母语国家少年儿童的英语能力而精心设计的,它为612岁少年儿童提供了一个全方位的教学评测方案,为他们走进英语世界迈出良好的第一步。剑桥少儿英语分为:预备级(Pro-Starters)、一级(Starters)、二级(Movers)和三级(Flyers)。预备级:适合5-6岁,经过大约80小时的英语学习,掌握约280个词汇的学生参加,预备级考试只设口试,无听力和读写内容;剑桥少儿英语考试一级(Starters):一级:适合6-8岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约460个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为459个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为439个);剑桥少儿英语考试二级(Movers):二级:适合8-11岁,经过大约100小时的英语学习,掌握约770个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为772个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为674个);剑桥少儿英语考试三级(Flyers):三级:适合9-12岁,经过大约150小时的英语学习, 掌握约430个词汇的学生参加(07版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为427个,旧版剑桥考试大纲词汇量为398个)。考试大概内容:读写(Reading and Writing )这个部分是个笔试部分,时间为:20分钟(一级)到40分钟(三级)。文字篇幅比较短小,由一些固定内容的单词和结构组成。考生只需要进行简单的操作如选择和打勾,用单词和短语填空,回答灵活性的问题。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。听力(Listening)这个部分也是一个笔试部分。时间为:20分钟(一级和三级),25分钟(二级)。和读写部分一样,考试内容局限在考试指定的内容。考生听简短的成人和儿童的录音对话,进行简单的操作如划线、选择、配对和填色。试卷被送往剑桥大学考试委员会打分。口试(Speaking)这部分是个面对面的持续约5到10分钟的考试。考试由经验丰富的,经过培训的合格考官执行。考生按照考官的视觉提示回答提问,提供自我的简单情况。剑桥少儿英语预备级课程简介剑桥少儿英语入门级,本册教材为整个剑桥少儿英语的引导和启蒙篇,从卡通26个英文字母学起,每个字母 都配有一个童谣和34个常用单词,并配有20首英文歌曲和一套字母操。结合简单口语交流,英语指令性动作 、旨在开发孩子左右大脑,提高孩子综合素养,培养孩子的英语学习兴趣。教学目标以培养英语学习习惯为侧重点,从培养少年儿童的英语基础语言能力和语感入手,培养学生的英语语言思维能力,建立起英语学习的自信心与荣誉感。本册目标使零基础的学龄前、学龄儿童有一定的词汇积累,并能用英语进行简单的交谈,在此同时注重培养孩子的英语学习兴趣,轻松、活泼的气氛中为孩子以后的英语学习打下良好的基础。剑桥少儿英语一级课程简介本册教材含颜色、动物、食物、水果、家庭、人称、学校、朋友、器官、自己、体育运动、业余活动、生日PARTY等系列词汇达614个,运用每课重点句型及日常用语使英语学习更贴近生活,不同的主题、不同的场景设置在课堂教学中的运用使学生更有一种身临其境的感觉。教学目标认读614个新词汇并掌握其拼写规则,提高孩子的词汇应用能力,自然拼音法在教学中的灵活运用使学生不再怕文章中的生词,背单词也更简单容易。语法点涉及到名词复数、一般现在时、不同人称的运用、现在进行时、物主代词的运用、BE动词的运用、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、选择疑问句、动名词的变化形式、祈使句、 方位词的运用、动词词组的固定搭配。运用方面:学生能用英语简单的描述家庭、学校、朋友、自己、体育运动、购物、喜欢的事物、业余活动等系列主题并涉及年龄、外貌、颜色、形状等概念。剑桥少儿英语二级课程简介本册教材含地点、名词性物主代词、人称代词、形容词、星期词、月份词、介词、着装、动词过去式、基数词、序数词、情态动词、天气词、体育运动、颜色、动物、食物、水果、家庭、学校、朋友、 器官、自己、职业、业余活动等系列词汇达941个。教学目标语法点:一般将来时、一般现在时、一般过去时、现在进行时、人称或时态变换引起的动词变化、灵活判断时态、物主代词的灵活运用、THERE BE 句型、HOW句型、特殊疑问句、肯定句、否定句、反意疑问句、形容词的比较级和最高级、一般疑问句的变换,掌握941多个词汇,具体描述的主题和概念扩展到天气、健康、环境、动作、职责等。本级要求学生掌握每单元重点单词及词组的拼写,掌握书中日常用语、每课重点句型及用法,灵活运用本级涉及到的语法点,能听懂对话,能用简单句型描述一件事物,基本连贯的口语表达,能正确作出教 师发出的指令性动作,会变换句型。教学方法游戏教学:让孩子通过谜语和智力游戏提高学习兴趣,逐渐让孩子掌握听课技巧课堂表演:英文故事让您的孩子成为童话中的主角,使您的孩子充满自信的说英语口语交际:英文教学让您的孩子有更多的机会接触英文,提高实际应用能力环境沉浸:外教课堂更能增加孩子对英文的新鲜感和兴趣,真正体会和享受外国人的生活剑桥少儿英语三级课程简介本册教材新增天气词、健康词、形容词、动词等系列单词、包含二级词汇共计1800多单词,包含二级语法新增语法点:被动语态、现在完成时、过去进行时、条件状语从句、定语从句、宾语从句等。教学目标灵活运用1864个词汇和语法讲述自己生活中的所见所闻,描述各种物品、人物、动物等身边事物,注意培养学生的英语写作能力,能够书写简单英文日记或小文章,所有时态基本掌握。建立学生的英语语言思维能力。能听懂英文小文章,用英文回答问题,词汇量达到初中毕业要求。教学方法英文教学:让孩子充分享受运用英文的快乐,培养孩子英语学习和思维的习惯。课堂表演:教材中美妙的英文描述和有寓意的英文故事让您的孩子学习的同时领略用英文讲故事的乐趣,加强用英文思考的能力。口语交际:英文课堂中外教、中教与学生间的互动让您的孩子充分体验英语实际运用的乐趣。环境沉浸:英语短片欣赏和英语角使您的孩子有更多的机会运用英语进行交流,享受异国语言环境,让您的孩子减少英文的距离感。剑桥少儿英语一级全1级AUnit 1 Hello, Im Sam.考点:词汇a pen, a pencil, a pencil-case, a ruler, a book, a bag, an eraser (一级)句型1. Hi! Im Pat.2. This is my new book. (一级)3. Nice to see you. /Nice to see you, too!4. Who is this girl? /This is Jill. (一级)语法点my, your, his(一级)自然拼读aUnit 2 Its a goat.考点:词汇a horse, a fish, a turtle, a duck, a cow, a chicken, a goat, a rabbit, a dog, a frog, a sheep, a cat(一级)句型1. Whats this, Mr. Li? /Its a goat.2. Its a long tail.语法点Its a(一级)自然拼读eUnit 3 I like apples.考点:词汇apples, grapes, bananas, mango(e)s, pears, grapefruits, oranges, peaches, pineapples, coconuts, watermelons, lemons(一级)句型1. I like bananas. (一级)2. I dont like bananas, but I like peaches. (一级)3. Would you like an apple? (一级)Yes, please. /No, Thanks.4. Me too. (一级)5. Here you are! (一级)语法点n单复数(一级)a/an(一级)自然拼读oUnit 4 Whats in my hat?考点:词汇a clock, a baseball, a hat, a table, a turtle, a pig, a fish, a bird, a pen, fun, time, friend句型1. Whats in my/the hat/bag/box/desk/hand?2. Whats on the table?语法点in, on(一级)自然拼读iUnit 5 My body and the monsters考点:词汇身体部位名词:hair, head, eye, nose, ear, mouth, arm, hand, leg, foot, neck(一级)动词:clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, jump, hop, see, smell, hear, taste, touch(一级)句型1. Hes got three eyes. (一级)2. We can see with our eyes. (一级)3. What can you see?/ I can see a book.语法点can(一级)自然拼读uUnit 6 Lets play games.考点:词汇身体部位名词:hair, head, eye, nose, ear, mouth, arm, hand, leg, foot, neck(一级)动词:clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, jump, hop, see, smell, hear, taste, touch(一级)句型1. Hes got three eyes. (一级)2. We can see with our eyes. (一级)3. What can you see?/ I can see a book.语法点can(一级)自然拼读uUnit 7 Fruit and vegetable party考点:词汇身体部位名词:hair, head, eye, nose, ear, mouth, arm, hand, leg, foot, neck(一级)动词:clap, hold, pick, write, catch, stand, run, kick, stamp, jump, hop, see, smell, hear, taste, touch(一级)句型1. Hes got three eyes. (一级)2. We can see with our eyes. (一级)3. What can you see?/ I can see a book.语法点can(一级)自然拼读uUnit 8 Colors around us考点:词汇new, street, nice, beautiful, live, lot, wait, hurry, truck, lorry, different, favorite句型1. Whats red? The apple is red.2. Do you like blue? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.自然拼读i_e1级AUnit 9 Where is my toy car?词汇交通工具:train ,car, ship, boat, plane, bike, bus(一级)介词:on, in, under, between, behind, next to(一级)句型1. Where is my toy car ?(一级)2. Its under the cap. (一级)3. Have you got a toy car ?Yes, I have/No, I havent. (一级)语法点介词:on, in, under, between, behind, next to (一级)自然拼读o_eUnit 10 An easy maths lesson词汇giraffe, snake, horse, hippo, elephant, bee, tiger, ant (一级)count, plus, minus, maths, easy, busy, fun句型1. One plus two is three.自然拼读u_eUnit 11 Our family tree词汇mum, dad, grandpa, grandma, nephew, niece, cousin, son, daughter, photo, family, tree, home(一级)make, show, read, watch, drink, hold, eat(一级)句型1. Ive got a friend here.(一级)2. Is that your grandma?(一级)3. She is watering the flowers now.语法点一般疑问句:Is that your grandma? (一级)现在进行时:She is watering the flowers now. (一级)自然拼读ooUnit 12 Lets make friends词汇friend, hobby, swimming, climbing, talking, bike-riding, hopping, drawing, wearing, sleeping, singing, drinking, reading, listening to music, doing homework, playing computer games, flying a kite, helping mum, go shopping,roller-skating(一级)句型1. What does he/she like doing?He/ She likes flying a kite. (一级)2. Whats your hobby?I like bike-riding. (一级)语法点like doing(一级)自然拼读shUnit 13 Paper clothes show词汇服饰词汇:shirt, dress, skirt, jacket, hat, socks, T-shirt, glasses, trousers, shoes, shorts, vest(一级)名词性物主代词:yours, mine, his, hers, ours, theirs, its(一级)句型1. Is that yours?Yes, this is mine. (一级)2. This is my T-shirt. (一级)3. These are my shorts. (一级)语法点名词性物主代词(一级)自然拼读chUnit 14 Lets help the old词汇动词:feed, mop, sweep, wash, scrub, clean, comb, cross, tidy家居:bookcase, sofa, floor, window, kitchen, cupboard(一级)句型1. What is he/she doing ?(一级)He /she is mopping the floor.2. Would you like to listen to my story ?(一级)3. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, thanks a lot. (一级)语法点现在进行时(一级)自然拼读thUnit 15 A happy new year词汇动词:guess, blow, bounce, wear, sleep, drink, fly, put玩具:train, plane, car, ship, helicopter(一级)句型1. Whos he ? (一级)2. You are Li Ming. (一级)3.Happy new year!Unit 16 An English evening词汇colors, animals, fruits, clothes, body parts, school things句型1. What have you got? (一级)2. Lets have a race.(一级)语法点Lets1级BUnit 1 School Opening Day考点:词汇文具与工具:crayon, rubber, toilet paper, radio, exercise book, picture book, cake, water, lemonade, glasses其他:holiday, favorite句型Whats your favorite fruit? My favorite fruit is apple.交际用语:How was your holiday? It was great!语法点出现一般过去时,但非本课重点自然拼读eeUnit 2 “Doing” English in the classroom考点:词汇类别词:drinks, fruits, plants, time, names, food, family, body, sports, school things, numbers, colors, animals句型What are house/farm/zoo animals?语法点What提问名词复数自然拼读eaUnit 3 Lunch in the garden考点:词汇食品相关:rice, bread, burger, fish, chicken, egg, chips/fries, sausage, ice cream, pumpkin, chocolate, onion, coffee, pizza句型1. What would you like, Sir?Id like a burger.2. Can I have two burgers, please? Sure.自然拼读arUnit 4 We are having an English class.考点:词汇形容词:old, young, happy, sad, short, long, big, small, tall, short, quick, slow句型1. This is a small baby.2. This is long, which is short?语法点形容词用法自然拼读erUnit 5 Lets play with letters!考点:词汇动词:act, bend, eat, iron, listen, move, nod, open, paint, read, sleep, visit句型1. A is for an apple.2. I can write T.自然拼读irUnit 6 More fun at “World Factory”考点:词汇same, bad, please, wait, sound, factory, word, coat, night, sea, star , run句型1. Ive got a name.2. There is a 3. Which is my name? is my name.语法点Which的用法; There be 单数自然拼读orUnit 7 I like this reading-room.考点:词汇reading-room, love, picture, story, cartoon, music, maths, Chinese, Sports, English, easy, pardon句型What books do you like? I like picture books.语法点like sthUnit 8 Our color fair考点:词汇fair, by heart, parrot, rose, clown, grass, bear, sky, rainbow, mouse(mice), smart句型1. Is your apple red? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.2. Which colored parrot do you like? I like this blue parrot.语法点Which的用法自然拼读ai1级BUnit 9 Lets smell the flowers.考点:词汇playing on the see-saw, talking, riding a bike, shining, having lunch, taking a photo, painting a picture, listening to music, smelling the flowers句型What are they doing? They are talking.语法点1. 复习现在进行时2. 掌握一些动词短语自然拼读ouUnit 10 Numbers in our lives考点:词汇zero, 数字1120, double句型How many children can you see? I can see自然拼读allUnit 11 A visit to the park of opposites考点:词汇反义词:angry, new, old, young, hot, cold, fast, dark, bright, left, right, back, front句型1. What can you see in the park?I can see an old man and a young boy in the park.2. What is big?The elephant is big.自然拼读owUnit 12 I like paper-folding lessons.考点:词汇形状:square, circle, ring, triangle, rectangle, star, pentagon工具:paper, scissors, sticky tape动词:fold句型May I use the sticky tape?交际用语:1. Here you are!2. Thank you.3. You are welcome./Not at all.自然拼读areUnit 13 Happy Childrens Day!考点:词汇watch TVsee a puppet showgo boatingplay table tennisgo swimmingplay hide-and-seekgo bike-ridingkick the ballpass the ball句型What do you often do on Childrens Day?I often go boating.语法点一般现在时(一级)自然拼读urUnit 14 A birthday party考点:词汇have a birthday partymake a birthday cakelight candlesgive a presentsing a birthday songmake a wishblow out candlescut the cakeeat the cake句型What do you want on your birthday? I want a new toy motorbike.自然拼读air, earUnit 15 Fun in the playground考点:词汇动词:walk, stand, sit, mimic名词:playground, shuttlecock, person, sound, feather, race, street, classroom句型I can jump.自然拼读ayUnit 16 I can! You can! Everybody can!考点:词汇动词:mime, show, try, lay, wash, stamp, roll动物:tiger, spider, bird, snake类别:shape句型Who can hop? I can hop.剑桥少儿英语二级上Unit 1 Ive got many new friends.教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demandsl 通过本学习本单元,学生能用英语简单介绍自己的朋友l 学习和掌握本单元的重点句型l 综合复习一下以前学过的词汇交际用语 Expressions in communicationl Ive got many new friends.l They are so lovely.l Maybe I can meet her tomorrow.l I like to play with toys.l My Chinese name is“Zhou Changcheng.”l My English name is“Ann.”l Please give it to me.l Can I help you with the bag?重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions Chinese, English, friend, American, maybe, tomorrow, sure, robot, piano, crayon, puppy, Alex, strong, weak, fat, thin, garden所需教具 Materials for teachingl 几个男生和几个女生照片或图片l 每个同学需要带自己的照片l 已学过的分类图片l 书包里装的相应玩具及学习用品教学步骤 Teaching ProceduresWarm up 教师热情得和学生们打招呼,并主动带领学生认识班上的新同学,鼓励新同学融入到集体中,全班同学互相介绍与认识。同时鼓励学生定出新学期的学习目标,制定好每天的学习计划,注意把握时间。Presentation上课时,教师首先欢迎学生继续选学剑桥少儿英语的课程。教师说:“First of all, I would like to saywelcometo all of you. Welcome you back to school. Im sure you can learn more things this semester. And I hope you enjoy learning English.”接着,教师说:“This semester weve got some new friends.”教师有意识地介绍一两个新同学,比如说:“This is Li Ming. He is eight years old. He likes to play football and he is very good at learning maths. He likes to play soccer, too.”介绍完了之后,教师可以对学生说:“Now I want you to work in groups and introduce yourself to your friends. You are going to tell your friends the following things: name (English and Chinese name) , age, hobby, and where do you study?”学生依次在小组里做一个介绍,让大家相互了解。介绍完之后,教师说:“We have six new friends today. Who can tell us something about the first friend? Whats his name? What does he like to do? What food does he like?”教师鼓励学生把第一张图的信息都说出来。然后,教师让学生依次介绍其他的几个新朋友。本部分需要学生掌握的内容是能说说自己,并用三到五句话介绍自己的朋友。接下来,教师让学生进行对话练习。重点需要掌握以下句型:They are my new friends. Whos she? She is May. Whos he? Hes Tom. Shes an American. Hes a Chinese. Shes an English.教师可以用这些句子让学生重新编新的对话,不必一字一句地按照对话的原文进行。Practice单元教学活动 2 Listen, read and match.第二部分让学生阅读句子并根据句子的描述搭配相应的图片。此部分的题相对比较容易,主要是让学生刚开始学习的时候感觉到难度不大,能够很轻松地跟上新学期的学习。单元教学活动 3 Pick and tell.第三部分属于游戏部分,教师上课前将一些学生的图片贴在贺年卡片上,并在下面写上孩子的名字。上课时,教师将这些图片依次拿出来,挂在一条细绳上,此绳由两个学生拉着。教师边往上挂卡片边说:“Ive got many new friends. They are Alex, May and Linlin.”教师可以使用第二级考级中要用的名字来练习,比如Daisy, Jane, Mary, Sally, Fred, Jim, Paul, Vicky, Jack, John, Peter及第一级已经学过的英语名字。单元教学活动 5 Draw, ask and answer. 第五部分是画画并根据图画相互询问有关信息。因此,教师先让学生在自己的书上画自己的一个朋友。画好之后,教师让学生之间进行询问:“Is your friend a boy or a girl?”(书上的句子)为了增添游戏的趣味性,教师可以准备一张大纸,让某个同学到讲桌上画,等小组完成之后,教师让全体同学来询问他(她)。这个同学先不给大家看他(她)自己画的内容,直到最后大家基本猜对时,教师再让同学一起观看这张画。单元教学活动 6 Read and write. 第六部分是阅读句子并判断左边的图是否正确。教师最后再检查答案。单元教学活动 7 Listen, chant and match.第七部分是说唱歌谣。教师可以让学生反复听录音,并跟着学说歌谣,直到熟练为止。之后教师可以让学生自己填上新词,自编自演。单元教学活动 8 Play and guess.第八部分是猜学生名字的游戏。学生在以前的练习中也做过类似的游戏。但这一次,教师可以加大难度,要求学生到前面唱一首歌、说一个歌谣或说几个句子,而不是单纯地问“Who am I?”这个游戏参与的人控制在三到五人。单元教学活动 9 Look and say.第九部分是练习新句型。教师拿出事先准备好的书包问学生:“ What have I got here, in my bag? ”学生可以猜。有的学生会说:“Youve got a pen and a book.”等。单元教学活动 10 Circle and match. 第十部分是让学生根据周边所给的图片在字母中找出相应的单词。教师先让学生自己划线或做记号,最后统一给出答案。单元教学活动 11 Skill practice.第十一部分是语音练习。学生应根据前面所给的单词的读音,将左边有类似发音的词写在该单词旁边。最后,教师再检查是否正确。Closure单元教学活动 4 Read and act.第四部分是对话表演。教师先让学生朗读这些句子,然后让学生分角色练习对话。在两人练习的基础上,教师让学生自编动作,然后到前面表演。Homework请学生找一张自己的照片,将其贴在A4纸上,并在下面做一个自我介绍。可供学生阅读的小短文 教师应注意:本级前面的几个单元没有太多的阅读理解练习。根据学生的实际情况,教师可以将下面提供的小短文复印给学生,以便让学生进行综合的复习。My friend and IXiao Ming is my best friend. We go to school together, play football together, do our homework together, and we want to go to the same university in the future. People say we are like brothers, but we ourselves know that we are very different in many ways. For example, he seems happy with everything while I always see the dark side of things. Last Sunday morning when we were going out to play football, it started to rain. I got very upset because Sunday morning was the only time we could play our plans. But Xiao Ming didnt seem to care much; he suggested that instead we watch“Star Wars”at home. While we were watching the movie, he tried to cheer me up, and soon I forgot about our bad luck that he cares a lot about but I dont. He always wants to get the highest test score in our class. If he fails, he gets so angry that he wont talk to anyone, not even to me. But I, on the other hand, dont mind a score of 70, or even 60. As long as I can pass the test, my parents wouldnt get upset. I guess Im not as smart as Xiao Ming is , so I dont expect to do better than him. When he gets angry, I simply leave him alone for a day or two. I know he will come to talk to me when he feels better. After all, we are best friends.Unit 2 Is this book yours?教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demandsl 通过本学习本单元,学生能初步掌握名词性物主代词的用法l 学生能较熟练地使用本单元的词汇和句型l 学生能自己编小对话交际用语 Expressions in communicationl Is this book yours?l No, its not mine.l Maybe you can ask Bob.l You should ask Tina.l This book is not yours. Which one is different?l His beard is short, but his is long.重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs, its, maybe, different, scarf, sweater, pet, find, socks, dialogue, guess, circle, bat, fan, tank, bank, hand所需教具 Materials for teachingl 名词性物主代词的卡片l 有关的学习用具,如钢笔、铅笔、书、铅笔盒、书包等l 能用做比较的相关图片,如short, long, new, old, big, small, dirty, clean, green, yellow, do, cat等教学步骤 Teaching ProceduresWarm up 教师带领学生复习unit1教学活动7, 复习一级学习过的学习用品类单词。Presentation上课时,教师拿出一支钢笔对学生说:“Look, Ive got a pen. This pen is mine. Ive got a book. This book is mine.”a) 给出几个例句后,教师对学生说:“Now you pick up a thing and say it to your friend.”教师暗示学生拿出东西跟自己同座位的同学说:“Ive got a pencil. This pencil is mine.”b) 练习一会儿后,教师找几个同学拿着东西到前面演练。然后,教师拿出一本书问学生:“Is this book yours?”并教学生说:“No, its not mine. Mine is here.教师继续让学生练习类似的表达。“You pick up your own thing and ask your friend,Is this bag yours?Your friend answers, No, its not mine. Mine is here.学生开始练习。c) 教师请几个同学拿自己的东西到前面做类似的问答。说完之后站到旁边,手里仍然举着自己的东西。教师开始举例说:“Shes got a ruler. The ruler is hers. Hes got an eraser. The eraser is his.”教师说完之后,让学生按照教师所给的例句做同样的练习。d) 几次练习之后,教师说:“Now lets play a game. Im going to ask Li Ming a question.Li Ming, is this book yours?Li Ming says,No, its not mine. Maybe its Toms.You can ask Tom. Then, I go to Tom and ask Tom, Tom, is this book yours?Tom answers,No, its not mine. Maybe its Tinas. You can ask Tina.Then I go and ask Tina. Tina says the same thing. Do you understand? Who wants to come here and try?”教师找一个同学拿东西到前面来问另一个同学。e) 等该同学问了几个同学之后,教师说:“Now you can go and ask your friends and do the same thing.”教师暗示学生离开座位相互问问题。 f) 最后,教师让大家听录音并朗读对话在。旁边的小对话熟悉一个就可以了,但中间的对话需要同学们再认真地朗读并做pairwork。练习教师应该检查学生是否认真地进行对话练习,及时提出表扬与批评。Practice单元教学活动 2 Listen, chant and sing. 第二部分是歌曲和歌谣。教师首先带着大家一起说歌谣。说的时候,教师可以让学生边拍桌子边说,一个词一拍。说几遍后,教师让学生跟着录音一起学唱歌曲。单元教学活动 3 Odd one out.第三部分是指出每组中的不同类的东西或动物。教师可以这样说:“Now please look at these four pictures. One thing is different. The rabbit is different. The rabbit is white and the others are black.”同时教师也可以说:“The bat is different. Because the bat has wings, but the other animals dont have wings. Do you understand? Now Im going to ask you to do this one in pairs. You tell each other which is different and why.”教师给学生一些时间,让学生练习说区别和不同之处。第二组:The first one is different. This one is moustache and the others are all hairs.第三组:The second one is different. The second one is a shoe, the others are all clothes.第四组:The third one is different. The third one is a drink. The others are all food.如果学生还能从别的角度说出不同,教师也应该给予肯定。单元教学活动 4 Lets play.第四部分是游戏。教师将事先准备的一个空盒子放在桌子上,然后找一个同学到前面背对着学生开始数数,用英语从1一直数到20.在数数的时候,教师让五个同学尽快往盒子里各放一样东西。数到20的时候,该学生转过身,拿出盒子里的一个东西问学生:“Zhang Nan, is this ruler yours?”如果猜对一次,该学生为小组得到10分,然后继续猜,直到猜错了,就回到座位上。为了节省时间,教师把东西放在一边,继续开始另一组游戏,方法同上。几分钟的游戏之后,教师再让学生到前面认领自己的东西说:“This is mine.”单元教学活动 5 Look, match, point and say.第五部分是让学生把物品与相关的人进行连线。连线之后,学生应该说:“This hat is his. These shoes are hers.”警察与警察帽子/跳舞的人与舞蹈鞋/做饭的人与白帽子/教师与书/小丑与小丑帽子单元教学活动 6 Tongue twister. 第六部分是绕口令。教师带着学生慢慢地说,然后逐渐加快速度。最后可以采取比赛的方式检查学生说的效果。单元教学活动 8 Read and tick.第八部分要求学生阅读句子,并从所给的选项中选出正确的答案。在做该练习时,教师可以先拿出名词性物主代词的卡片让大家朗读及辨认,然后再让学生进行选择,最后一起核对答案。答案是:1 ) hers 2 ) mine 3 ) hers 4 ) yours5 ) theirs 6 ) ours 7 ) hers 8 ) theirs单元教学活动 9 Read, write and put.第九部分需要学生将密集的字

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