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第一章 广告起源及初期表现1.中外古代广告的早期变现形式古希腊罗马时期:叫卖,陈列,音响,文图,诗歌和商店招牌等。罗马共和国时期:叫卖,招牌,招贴,海报等。中国:“咨询”四岳,鼎,“时刻”,“诰书”,“令”,“制”,“策书”,“诏书”,“露布”,“批”,“判”,“碑志”。2. 最早的口头广告产生于商业贸易比较发达的地中海地区。 最早的路牌广告是地中海沿岸的腓尼基人创造的。3.火发明的意义(1) 火的出现使原始人食用熟食,改善了其饮食结构,促进了其体质发展;(2) 火还可以帮助原始人进行围猎活动,扩大了其食物来源;(3) 火同样可以帮助原始人取暖,并使其可以生活在结冰线以北,扩大了其活动的区域和范围;(4) 火还成为原始人进行信息交流的工具。4.烽火传信印第安人在围猎的过程中,为了动员部落成员集体围猎或调整围猎方向,便将冒烟的火时而盖住,时而揭开,借助烟火把有效信息传递给氏族部落成员。火地岛原始氏族用烟火传递信息的方法更复杂,他们用旋涡状的烟来传递具有特定信息的信号,一个表示一切平安,两个表示发生了意外,三个则表示着发生了死亡。在南美的原始部落普埃奇人和兰克里人那里,还流行着用烟火报警的做法,这种信息传递方式在进入阶级社会以后,仍保留下来,在中国古代社会里,既有“烽火传信”的历史故事,也有“孤山几处看烽火,壮士连营候喜颦”的诗句。由于烽火用于传达特定的信息,且具备信息源和受众两个基本要素,我们可以把其看成是原始广告的形态。第二章 中国古代商业广告的发展及表现1.商业广告出现的物质基础人类生产力水平得到很大程度的提高,人类已创造出更丰富的物质财富。2.商品广告出现的两个基本前提(1)人类生产力水平得到很大程度的提高,人类已创造出更丰富的物质财富;(2)社会分工的出现,促使了行业的形成和商品产生及商品交换的出现,这是商品广告出现最直接的动因。3.商品生产和交换是商品广告出现的最直接动因。(简答题)(1) 商品交换的数量,区域和范围不断扩大。原始社会的两次社会大分工,使不同行业的生产效率不断提高,生产的物质品类越来越丰富;同时,在原始社会解体过程中,以血缘为纽带的氏族关系逐渐为以地域为纽带的村社或国家关系所替代。不同氏族,不同群体,不同行业的人杂居在一起,使商品交换的地域和范围不断扩大。(2) 商品交换的形式也不断发生变化而日趋成熟。商品交换出现伊始是最原始的以物易物的交换形式,人们扛着粮食,带着铲,镰等工具,牵着牲畜在市场上自由交换,后来人们发现某一种物品如一头羊在市场上可以换取多样东西,于是羊便逐渐成为实物货币,人们只需牵着一头羊便可在市场上换取其想要的任何物品。交换的过程变得相对简单。后来,人们在交换活动中发现现实货币太笨重,便逐渐以铜,布匹和装饰品等作为等价物来进行商品交换,交换的形式变得更加简单,交换活动也更加便利。(3) 相对固定的交换场所出现。商品种类增多,交换形式简化,促使部落氏族之间的交换活动日趋活跃,在氏族部落的据土边缘,最初出现相对固定的交换场所。4.工商食官商代和西周的商业主要控制在官府手里,奴役商业奴隶从事商业活动,商业收入归官府所有,人们称这种商业形式为“工商食官”。5.行商行商就是走街串巷或进行区间贸易的商人。6.坐贾坐贾就是守着固定场所或摊位招徕顾客进行买卖的商人。7.悬物广告悬物广告就是商品经营着往往在门前悬挂与经营特征有关的物品或习惯性标志的广告形式。8.悬牌广告秦朝在栎阳“初行为市”也即开始在这里设立由官府统一管理的市场。商鞅变法后,对市场管理也曾做出规范,规定商业贸易要“平权衡,正度量,调轻重。”在这样的商业贸易环境中,一种新型的广告宣传形式,即由市场管理者统一规定的悬牌广告出现了。9.槐市槐市是一个开放性市场,没有围墙,因以一排槐树为标志进行交易,故称为槐市。10.军市军市主要出现在长安城外驻扎军队的地方,主要交易者都是城外驻军的军市,交易的物品多以生活用品为主。军市的存在,一定程度上弥补了军队因供给不足而造成生活用品的短缺。11.旗亭汉代市场内标志性建筑,市官的官舍。汉代称为市亭,也称为市楼,并以其上高悬旗帜以为标志而称为旗亭。旗亭成为新型的广告宣传形式,本身具有双重涵义:(1) 旗亭本身就是市场的标志(2) 旗亭上多悬挂旗帜,更为引人注目。旗帜广告成为旗亭广告的组成部分。12.市鼓市场的标志之一。多悬挂在市楼之上,每当市场开启或关闭之时,均击鼓告之民众。市鼓本身也是旗亭广告的组成部分。击鼓示众又是一种声响广告形式。市鼓的设置和汉代市场的建制密切相关。汉代的市场与居民区分开,主要为了方便商人交易,并出于安全的需要,市场的四周多建有围墙,四方开门,按时开闭。13.标记,铭刻随着区域贸易的频繁和城市商业贸易的兴盛,汉代的商品生产着往往在自己生产的商品上刻上名号或打上标记,以标明产品的质量可靠或显示商品生产者的商业信誉。这类广告往往出现在各地具有特色的商品上,分为官营商品标记,铭刻和个人商品标记,铭刻两种主要类型,是汉代的一种重要广告变现形式。14.唐代市场管理进一步规范(1) 随着各地商品贸易的繁荣,唐代的市场管理也进一步规范化。秦汉以来在城市中把商业区域划定在一定范围并与居民点分开的市场规模在隋唐时期仍得到延续,称之为“坊”,“市”分区制度。所谓“坊”,即居民区,“市”则指商业区,无论是坊还是市,四面都设有围墙。唐代的市仍然是围墙内的市场,由于唐代商业贸易较为发达,市场发育也较为成熟,“市”往往是城市的商业中心,在城市社会经济生活中占据着重要地位。(2) 唐代较大的市往往设市令一人,主要负责“市内交易,察禁非为”。市令之下设“通判事丞一人,掌判市事,佐一人,史一人,师三人,掌分行核查。”中央各部及较小的市,也均设市管对市场进行管理。(3) 市场交易中所使用的度量衡器皿,要采用官方制定的标准器皿,每年八月还要到官府规定之所进行平校,平校合格,方可使用。监校不负责或私造度量衡的,均要受到较为严厉的惩罚。(4) 市场的商品也要按照其质量分为精,次,粗三等,分等论价,没半个月重新论价一次。一些特殊商品,如刀,矢,弓等,则要按照官方制定的规格,并刻上工匠的名字,才能在市场上销售。(5) 在市场经营管理上,唐代规定了较为详细的办法。如对粗制滥造,缺斤少两,哄抬或故意压低物价,扰乱市场秩序及市场管理人员营私舞弊等各种现象,都有相应的处罚措施。这些对市场的稳定和贸易的发展起到了积极的促进作用。15.”市坊“制度新变化(1)唐中叶以后,坊间开始零星出现一些小店铺,这些小店铺设在市,坊之外,打破市,坊严格分离的界限,为宋代市场完全突破市场限制奠定了基础。(2)这一时期,夜市在不同地区出现,这样坊市制度上的时间限制也被打破,扬州,长安,苏州等地夜市已成为一种较为普遍的现象。(3)唐代的草市出现,是一种新型的贸易形式,草市的出现,是农村商品交换日益频繁的必然产物。草市多出现在离州,县较远但交通便利的农村地区,大多在交通要道或水道两旁,是一种较为固定的商业贸易活动地点,多设有固定的店铺。(4)农村集市在唐代也逐渐出现。这种农村集市就是农村村落间定期交易的小市场,各地称呼不同,归纳起来有墟,集,亥,庙会等几种。农村集市的出现,表明商品贸易也逐步突破了城市的限制而开始逐渐向农村地区渗透。16.坊市制度的废除,使宋代的商业发展形式出现了一些重大变化(1)宋代的市场不再是围墙内的市场,居民区也不再是围墙内的居民区,人们既不用遵循市场交易必须定时启用的门禁制度,也不用担心在居民区内开设店铺或交易经营而受到处罚。在地域上,市场的空间得到了广泛的延伸,即从面积有限的官方管理的狭隘市场逐渐向直接面对普通民众的广义市场延伸。(2)市场教师交易的时间得到得到充分延伸。由于市场延伸到居民区,没有了市场定时启闭的限制,市场交易可随时而为,而官方对这种变化也相应给出了一些政策。公元965年,宋太祖诏令开封府三鼓以后夜市不禁,夜市成为汴京城居民消费和交易的重要场所。随着商品经济的快速发展,宋代的市场发育也呈现了快速增长的趋势,草市,夜市,是宋代市场交易出现“三更,五更有复唱“的情形。17.标记广告标记广告到了宋代又有了新的发展。除了产品标记外,此时的标记广告也出现店铺标记和独立于产品及店铺之外的广告形式。宋代的标记广告也多是工匠在产品上打上自己的名号或者印记,和以前有所不同的是,宋代以前的产品名号或印记,多是官方 手工业作坊里的产品标记,所刻的也多是官工的名字或标识。而宋代的产品标记广告已超越官工印记的范畴,多是民间小手工作坊里的小商小贩或手工业者的信誉符号,而民间普通老百姓也特别看重这些带有信誉符号的产品。18.幌子草标的使用在宋代较为流行,主要是可以就地取材,不需要太多成本,使用也方便,多是往所售商品上一插,交易完成,草标也就完成了使命。草标和陈列展示相结合,是普通民众现场进行交易的一种快捷方式,也是市井里常见的一种广告形式。直观的,放大的,或者缩小的的实物幌子在宋代也较为普遍,卖什么挂什么,或卖什么就挂相应器皿,均是原始的幌子形态,在一些乡野村店也起着识别作用。酒幌在宋代仍是一种主要广告形态,两宋时期的幌子广告在广告表现形态中占有较大的比重。19.印刷广告印刷广告的出现,不仅增加了宋代了广告表现形态,更为重要的是,书籍是打破地域限制而在全国流通的,书籍作为广告的载体,成为广告信息传递的媒介,在古代较为原始的广告表现形态中,出现广告者,媒介,和广告信息接收者三个要素。从信息传播的角度看,由于能够在更广泛的范围内发生作用,印刷广告相对来说是一种更为成熟的广告形式。19.元代印刷广告的类型书坊广告书籍广告图书征稿广告封面广告20.水牌水牌是商家在经营过程中根据自身经营特点而创作的一种可反复使用的招牌广告形式。第三章 中国古代“社会广告“的产生和发展1.广告出现的物质基础(1)广告信息的发布者,或广告的使用者事实存在;(2)广告传播的现实现实环境,即人类的信息交流活动或商品交换活动已相当频繁;(3)产生广告手段和形式的物质条件,主要指特定的传播媒介如手势,肢体语言,口头语言,烽火,旗帜之类,已起到了广泛传递信息的作用。2.社会广告在原始社会里主要是指与人类生活密切相关的,借助特定媒介或标志物发散,具有目的性的信息传递活动。在文明社会里则指非商业性的信息传递活动,包括政治广告,军事广告和文化活动等具体广告表现形式。3.中国古代政治广告是伴随着国家机器的出现和国家政权机构的设立,以及各级权力机关的运转而出现的。4.政治广告多指统治者设立的代表权力,权威的标志物,歌功颂德的象征物,以及借助特定媒体和特定渠道传递,自上而下颁布的政令,法规,文件,文书等。5. 诏诏作为广告宣传形式,主要用于国家政令颁布和国家机器的运转,每当王朝更替,政权交接,官员任命,奖励惩罚,历代统治者均要以下诏的形式来进行,以示皇恩浩荡或显示皇权的神圣与威严。6.中国古代政治广告存在和发展的显著特点(1) 政治广告的内容多体现统治者的治国思想和管理思想。从政治广告传播的形态来看,无论是鼎,石刻,碑志等以自然物为载体,相对固定的广告形态,还是诏,制,策,诰等以纸,绢,绸,锻为介质的自上而下流动的广告形态,其传播的内容一定是为统治者所制定的,所控制的,并沿着特定的渠道,方向进行定向传播。其主要内容一定是与统治者的治国方略,政治纲领及政策法令有关。同时,此类广告也有大量内容对统治者进行歌功颂德,期通过广泛的传递来树立 统治者的权威,并通过广泛的信息传播来博得民众的好感,这在中国古代社会的历代政权中,基本形成惯例。(2) 广告传递的方式在各级政权机构之间有相对固定的模式。从总的来说,中国古代社会的主要传播类型有三种:政治广告多是在政权各个机构之间自上而下层层传播,不同时期的王朝虽然有不同的区别,但这种自上而下的传播形态没有发生根本性的变化。军事广告则有自上而下和自下而上两种主要传播途径,多和军队的调动,前方的战况有关。如露布广告的传播途径,主要是沿驿站沿线,从边疆直到中央机构,一站一站层层传递,不能有误。文化广告则是在民间横向传播,传播的途径和方式也是根据统治者证权管理的规定,并遵循各地的风土人情和民俗传说,沿着一定的礼仪规制进行文化信息传播。(3) 使用媒介的本身具有象征,借代意义。鼎,石刻,碑等自然物,如果成为统治者传播信息的工具,便具有象征的借代意义,是统治者权力的化身或权力延伸的工具。而官府的不同颜色,规制,图案,也是身份,地位的象征,代表黄权的神圣和权力之间各种礼仪的不可逾越,如官员出行乘坐的轿子及相关的旗帜数量,肃静牌的位置及鸣锣开道的点数,均与身份,地位,黄泉等有关。在这里,这些普通的传播媒介就变得不普通了,多具有象征和借代意义。7.檄羽即古代军中文书上插羽毛表示紧急速递。8.檄移檄文和移文的合称。 檄文:古代官府用以征召,晓谕或声讨的文书。 移文:多用于责备或者晓谕的文书。第四章 中国古代广告发展的基本脉络1.中国古代广告发展的特点(课本105页)(1)中国古代广告的出现及存在,多与人们的生存,生活需要直接关联。(2)中国古代广告的发展水平与当时的社会发展的物质基础及信息传播的方式,途径密切相关。(3)社会广告和商品广告是古代广告的两种主要形式,但在不同的社会发展阶段其比重有所不同。(4)政治广告受政权更迭影响较大,而商品广告则受市场发育程度的制约,二者的变化均呈现独特的规律性。(5)广告市场发育不成熟,广告市场中的多角关系尚未形成。2.广告自身衍化过程中也呈现出一定规律和特点(1)原始社会的文化广告以肢体语言为主,其他类型的广告如纹身,岩画,象形文字广告等都是肢体语言的延伸或发展。(2)广告所反映的内容也多以人类自身生产,劳作的场景为主。(3)原始社会较为特殊的广告形式是图腾崇拜,它是原始人在特定的认知范畴内从生活经验中提炼和高度抽象的结果之一,这种广告形式在 原始社会解体和阶级社会出现时得到延伸和继承,在文明社会发展的不同阶段得到发展,有些成为国家和政权的象征,有些则成为等级和权力的标志,还有一些则成为普通民众日常生活中喜爱和尊敬的偶像。3.广告在古代社会历史发展过程中的作用(1)传播信息,沟通文化交流;(2)宣传政治主张,推动社会变革;(3)扩大商品交流,促进经济繁荣。第五章 鸦片战争到五四运动时期的广告1.报刊广告的出现是近代广告发展的最显著的标志。2.我国是世界上最早有报纸的国家之一。我国最早的报纸是唐玄宗开元年间就出现的邸报。3.中国近代报纸是以鸦片战争前后外国人所创办的两类报纸为发轫的:一类是鸦片战争前创办于东南亚一带的教会报纸;一类是商业报纸。4.1815.85日英国传教士马礼逊和米怜在马六甲创办查世俗每月统计传,是外国人创办的第一家中文近代化报纸。其中刊登的告贴是 中国近代报刊最早的广告。5.1833.8.1日东西洋每月统计传在中国创刊,这是我国境内出版的第一份中文近代化报刊,同时也是我国境内中文报刊刊登商业广告的滥觞。6.上海地区的报刊广告上海是旧中国影响最大的商业报刊中心。除了北华捷报等一些较早的英文商业报刊外,还出现了一批中文报刊。1857年1月创刊的六合丛谈是上海的第一家中文近代报刊,由英国传教士伟烈亚力主编,月刊。1861年11月,英商字林洋行庇克乌德创办上海新报,是当地最早的中文报纸。从1862年起的十年间,上海新办的外文报刊10多家,19世纪70年代,上海有出现了影响很大的中文报刊万国新报 ,申报等,这些商业报刊都大量刊登广告,如上海新报,该报一创刊便在本馆谨启中利用报纸广告经济且传播广的特点,与当时商家较常用的招贴广告之弊端说明对比,劝读者做广告,。这些商业报刊促进了中国近代报刊广告的发展,同时也使上海逐渐成为就中国广告繁盛的策源地。7.万国公报是中国近代上海地区,乃至全国影响最大,出版时间最长的宗教刊物。8.申报是我国近代出版时间最久,影响最大的一张报纸。是中国最富有代表性,经营最为成功的一张商业报纸,提出了洋贵华廉的特殊广告刊例。9戊戌变法时期报刊广告的发展(课本p130)(1)广告代商的出现(2)报刊广告内容的变化及编排形式的改进(3)广告与报纸关系更密切,广告经营在报业经营中占重要地位。10.辛亥革命前后商业报纸广告的发展(1)申报广告价格对中西客户一视同仁,按行来收费;广告的排列方式也开始分为前幅,后幅,长行,短行等几种;报馆内特设广告推广科,科内分设广告外勤组和广告设计科。(2)新闻报设置了负责推销报纸的“推广科”和负责报纸广告开发,设计,编辑及刊登事宜的“准备科”;1928年销量突破15万份大关,发行量的激增促进了报纸广告的发达;报中广告所占版面达六成,新闻仅占四成;形成了靠广告盈利的经营模式。第六章 五四运动时期到中华人民共和国成立以前的广告1.20世纪2030年代这一时期成为中国近现代广告发展的黄金时期的原因。2.月份牌年画广告是我国最早出现的商品海报,也是我国最早出现的为推销 商品服务的商品艺术。月份牌广告最早出现在上海。上海的月份牌广告可分为三个时期:古装美女时期周慕桥时装美女时期郑曼陀旗袍美女时期杭墀英第七章旧中国的广告管理与广告教育1.20世纪20年代的民律法案,曾对广告的解释,效力,撤销,悬赏等方面做了16条规定,这是我国最早的广告管理法规条款。2.劝告禁载有恶影响于社会之广告案是我国最早的广告自律文件。3.中国广告工会是我国广告业最早的行业组织,1919年在上海成立。4.1918年成立的北京大学新闻学研究会是我国最早的广告研究团体。5.戈公振对当时我国报纸广告的状况作了精确的量化分析,得出了很多中肯的结论,并对广告的政治思想意义和文化价值做了深入的论述。6.中国大陆电视台第一条电视广告参桂补酒。7.简单告白+艺术装饰是广告复兴之初最普遍的广告设计模式。8.1979年3月18日,上海电视台播出了中国电视史上第一条外商电视广告瑞士雷达表。9现代广告理论建立了“以消费者为核心”的新观念,这和传统广告“以生产者为核心”的原则形成了鲜明的对比。10.温州模式11.国际“4A”4A是美国代理商协会的简称,是全球最早的广告代理商会。美国的4A广告协会主要的责任和义务是加强和改进美国的广告代理业务,提供综合经验,培训专业人才,制定行为规范,还要研究如何对广告公司进行管理,就广告人的工资报酬提出建议,对名人做广告的酬金制定出参考意见,帮助客户寻找适合的广告公司等。目前,美国4A逐渐演变成为全球范围内规模化的广告公司的代名词,变成一种国际通用的叫法,意思为“合格的广告代理商协会”,同时也成为一个公司综合实力的体现和象征。11. 中国广告业直面的四大挑战(1) 现代广告是知识密集,人才密集,技术密集的高科技产业。(2) 现代的广告业追求专业化分工和规模效应。(3) 现代广告也追求品牌效应,强调个性化经营,看重长远利益。整合营销传播是一个营销传播计划概念,要求充分认识用来制定综合计划时所使用的各种带来附加值的 传播手段,如普通广告,直接反映广告,销售促进和公共关系,并将之结合,提供良好清晰度,连贯性的信息,使传播影响力最大化。12. 零代理就是广告公司将从媒体得到的代理费再返回给客户。13. 零代理的出现不但反映的广告界的恶性竞争,也暴露了媒介单位的不规范操作。14. 世界古代广告发展的两条基本线索 政权更迭与政治,军事广告的发展 商业发展与经济广告的兴盛15. 世界古代广告发展的几个阶段(p304)原始社会时期奴隶社会时期封建社会时期18.1314世纪,欧洲出现了最早的报纸雏形“新闻信”,其内容为报道市场行情和商品信息。19.世界各地的政客,商人需要了解威尼斯的情况,促使一批专门代客打听,供应新闻来谋生的人,他们自己收集新闻,自己抄写,自己发行,这些新闻成为手抄报。20.广告中心转移的原因(p329)21.印刷技术进步对报刊媒介的促进作用(p338)22.帕尔默,胡珀(p347)请您删除一下内容,O(_)O谢谢!2016年中央电大期末复习考试小抄大全,电大期末考试必备小抄,电大考试必过小抄Basketball can make a true claim to being the only major sport that is an American invention. From high school to the professional level, basketball attracts a large following for live games as well as television coverage of events like the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) annual tournament and the National Basketball Association (NBA) and Womens National Basketball Association (WNBA) playoffs. And it has also made American heroes out of its player and coach legends like Michael Jordan, Larry Bird, Earvin Magic Johnson, Sheryl Swoopes, and other great players. At the heart of the game is the playing space and the equipment. The space is a rectangular, indoor court. The principal pieces of equipment are the two elevated baskets, one at each end (in the long direction) of the court, and the basketball itself. The ball is spherical in shape and is inflated. Basket-balls range in size from 28.5-30 in (72-76 cm) in circumference, and in weight from 18-22 oz (510-624 g). For players below the high school level, a smaller ball is used, but the ball in mens games measures 29.5-30 in (75-76 cm) in circumference, and a womens ball is 28.5-29 in (72-74 cm) in circumference. The covering of the ball is leather, rubber, composition, or synthetic, although leather covers only are dictated by rules for college play, unless the teams agree otherwise. Orange is the regulation color. At all levels of play, the home team provides the ball. Inflation of the ball is based on the height of the balls bounce. Inside the covering or casing, a rubber bladder holds air. The ball must be inflated to a pressure sufficient to make it rebound to a height (measured to the top of the ball) of 49-54 in (1.2-1.4 m) when it is dropped on a solid wooden floor from a starting height of 6 ft (1.80 m) measured from the bottom of the ball. The factory must test the balls, and the air pressure that makes the ball legal in keeping with the bounce test is stamped on the ball. During the intensity of high school and college tourneys and the professional playoffs, this inflated sphere commands considerable attention. Basketball is one of few sports with a known date of birth. On December 1, 1891, in Springfield, Massachusetts, James Naismith hung two half-bushel peach baskets at the opposite ends of a gymnasium and out-lined 13 rules based on five principles to his students at the International Training School of the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA), which later became Springfield College. Naismith (1861-1939) was a physical education teacher who was seeking a team sport with limited physical contact but a lot of running, jumping, shooting, and the hand-eye coordination required in handling a ball. The peach baskets he hung as goals gave the sport the name of basketball. His students were excited about the game, and Christmas vacation gave them the chance to tell their friends and people at their local YMCAs about the game. The association leaders wrote to Naismith asking for copies of the rules, and they were published in the Triangle, the school newspaper, on January 15,1892. Naismiths five basic principles center on the ball, which was described as large, light, and handled with the hands. Players could not move the ball by running alone, and none of the players was restricted against handling the ball. The playing area was also open to all players, but there was to be no physical contact between players; the ball was the objective. To score, the ball had to be shot through a horizontal, elevated goal. The team with the most points at the end of an allotted time period wins. Early in the history of basketball, the local YMCAs provided the gymnasiums, and membership in the organization grew rapidly. The size of the local gym dictated the number of players; smaller gyms used five players on a side, and the larger gyms allowed seven to nine. The team size became generally established as five in 1895, and, in 1897, this was made formal in the rules. The YMCA lost interest in supporting the game because 10-20 basketball players monopolized a gymnasium previously used by many more in a variety of activities. YMCA membership dropped, and basketball enthusiasts played in local halls. This led to the building of basketball gymnasiums at schools and colleges and also to the formation of professional leagues. Although basketball was born in the United States, five of Naismiths original players were Canadians, and the game spread to Canada immediately. It was played in France by 1893; England in 1894; Australia, China, and India between 1895 and 1900; and Japan in 1900. From 1891 through 1893, a soccer ball was used to play basketball. The first basketball was manufactured in 1894. It was 32 in (81 cm) in circumference, or about 4 in (10 cm) larger than a soccer ball. The dedicated basketball was made of laced leather and weighed less than 20 oz (567 g). The first molded ball that eliminated the need for laces was introduced in 1948; its construction and size of 30 in (76 cm) were ruled official in 1949. The rule-setters came from several groups early in the 1900s. Colleges and universities established their rules committees in 1905, the YMCA and the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) created a set of rules jointly, state militia groups abided by a shared set of rules, and there were two professional sets of rules. A Joint Rules Committee for colleges, the AAU, and the YMCA was created in 1915, and, under the name the National Basketball Committee (NBC) made rules for amateur play until 1979. In that year, the National Federation of State High School Associations began governing the sport at the high school level, and the NCAA Rules Committee assumed rule-making responsibilities for junior colleges, colleges, and the Armed Forces, with a similar committee holding jurisdiction over womens basketball. Until World War II, basketball became increasingly popular in the United States especially at the high school and college levels. After World War II, its popularity grew around the world. In the 1980s, interest in the game truly exploded because of television exposure. Broadcast of the NCAA Championship Games began in 1963, and, by the 1980s, cable television was carrying regular season college games and even high school championships in some states. Players like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, and Lew Alcindor (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) became nationally famous at the college level and carried their fans along in their professional basketball careers. The womens game changed radically in 1971 when separate rules for women were modified to more closely resemble the mens game. Television interest followed the women as well with broadcast of NCAA championship tourneys beginning in the early 1980s and the formation of the WNBA in 1997. Internationally, Italy has probably become the leading basketball nation outside of the United States, with national, corporate, and professional teams. The Olympics boosts basketball internationally and has also spurred the womens game by recognizing it as an Olympic event in 1976. Again, television coverage of the Olympics has been exceptionally important in drawing attention to international teams. The first professional mens basketball league in the United States was the National Basketball League (NBL), which debuted in 1898. Players were paid on a per-game basis, and this league and others were hurt by the poor quality of games and the ever-changing players on a team. After the Great Depression, a new NBL was organized in 1937, and the Basketball Association of America was organized in 1946. The two leagues came to agree that players had to be assigned to teams on a contract basis and that high standards had to govern the game; under these premises, the two joined to form the National Basketball Association (NBA) in 1949. A rival American Basketball Association (ABA) was inaugurated in 1967 and challenged the NBA for college talent and market share for almost ten years. In 1976, this league disbanded, but four of its teams remained as NBA teams. Unification came just in time for major television support. Several womens professional leagues were attempted and failed, including the Womens Professional Basketball League (WBL) and the Womens World Basketball Association, before the WNBA debuted in 1997 with the support of the NBA. James Naismith, originally from Al-monte, Ontario, invented basketball at the International YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts, in 1891. The game was first played with peach baskets (hence the name) and a soccer ball and was intended to provide indoor exercise for football players. As a result, it was originally a rough sport. Although ten of Naismiths original thirteen rules remain, the game soon changed considerably, and the founder had little to do with its evolution. The first intercollegiate game was played in Minnesota in 1895, with nine players to a side and a final score of nine to three. A year later, the first five-man teams played at the University of Chicago. Baskets were now constructed of twine nets but it was not until 1906 that the bottom of the nets were open. In 1897, the dribble was first used, field goals became two points, foul shots one point, and the first professional game was played. A year later, the first professional league was started, in the East, while in 1900, the first intercollegiate league began. In 1910, in order to limit rough play, it was agreed that four fouls would disqualify players, and glass backboards were used for the first time. Nonetheless, many rules still differed, depending upon where the games were played and whether professionals, collegians, or YMCA players were involved. College basketball was played from Texas to Wisconsin and throughout the East through the 1920s, but most teams played only in their own regions, which prevented a national game or audience from developing. Professional basketball was played almost exclusively in the East before the 1920s, except when a team would barnstorm into the Midwest to play local teams, often after a league had folded. Before the 1930s very few games, either professional or amateur, were played in facilities suitable for basketball or with a perfectly round ball. Some were played in arenas with chicken wire separating the players from fans, thus the word cagers, others with posts in the middle of the floor and often with balconies overhanging the corners, limiting the areas from which shots could be taken. Until the late 1930s, all players used the two-hand set shot, and scores remained low. Basketball in the 1920s and 1930s became both more organized and more popular, although it still lagged far behind both baseball and college football. In the pros, five urban, ethnic teams excelled and played with almost no college graduates. They were the New York Original Celtics; the Cleveland Rosenblums, owned by Max Rosenblum; Eddie Gottliebs Philadelphia SPHAs (South Philadelphia Hebrew Association); and two great black teams, the New York Renaissance Five and Abe Sapersteins Harlem Globetrotters, which was actually from Chicago. While these teams had some notable players, no superstars, such as Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, or Red Grange, eme

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