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Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A 1a-1c主备人:宋成建 参与者:初一全体英语教师 备课时间:第六周 拟使用时间 第七周一、【学习目标】1)记住重点词汇: 物品:pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil box, schoolbag, dictionary 物主代词:his, mine, hers初步学会用英语确认物主关系问和答。2)会用句型:学会如何更好地与他人交流,增强交际能力。 Is this your pencil?Yes, it is. Its mine. Is that your schoolbag?No, it isnt. Its hers. Are these your books? No, they arent. Theyre hers.重点难点1. 重点是初步感知“be”动词的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答。 2. 难点是理解名词性物主代词的用法。【预习导航】1)观察图片,将下列英语单词与图片物品配对, 完成1a.2)词汇运用,将下列单词变成复数形式。pencil_ book_ eraser _ box_ schoolbag_ dictionary_ boy_ family _photo _3)能力迁移,完成下面翻译。 一块橡皮_我的铅笔 _他的尺子_她的书包 _这些书 _ 那些字典 _二、【认定目标】一学生读出三、【自主合作】【自主展示】:1听写所学单词及短语 2对话展示【情景创设】: 利用真实物品,确认物品主人。【文本展现】Whats this/that?Its a/ anIs this/that your?Yes, it is. Its mine./No, it isnt. Its hers/his.What are these/those? Theyre .Are these/those your?Yes, they are. They are mine./No, they arent. They are his/hers.【读记新知】1. pencil, book, eraser, box, pencil box, schoolbag, dictionary2. Is this your pencil?Yes, it is. Its mine.Is that your schoolbag?No, it isnt. Its hers.Are these your books? No, they arent. Theyre hers.【文本处理】完成1b, 小组内检查答案。两人小对子: 询问物品主人。 四人互助组: 询问物品主人。八人共同体:在组长主持下进行组内展示会话,力争人人过关.【展示反馈】主题:his/his, her/hers, my/mine 代词用法小结。 主题:互学疑点 “be”动词的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答。 主题:全班互动展示讨论内容。1)Mine和my, her和hers它们的意义是一样的吗?2)This is _book. 和This book is _.应该填 my还是mine?3)下面的句子是: A. 肯定句 B.否定句 C. 特殊疑问句 D. 一般疑问句 a. I m Mr. Happy. b. Whats your name? c. Is this your pencil? d. He is not my brother.4) is not 和are not的缩写形式分别是:_ _四、【达标测评】(合上书本,独立完成,小组内相互批阅)一、同义句转换,每空一词。1. This is my book. = _ _ is _.2. Thats her ruler. = _ _ is _.3. These are his boxes. = _ _ are _.4. Those are my pens. = _ _ are _.5. These dictionaries are hers. = These _ _ dictionaries.二、将下列句子变成一般疑问句,并作肯定或否定回答。1. This is my pen. _ this _ pen? Yes, _ _.2. Thats his eraser. _ that his pen? No, _ _.3. These are her schoolbags. _ these her schoolbag? No, _ _.4. He is her friend. _ he her friend? Yes, _ _.5. Those are my parents. _ those your parents? Yes, _ _.五、【拓展提高】:配套练习册P13 教学反思Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section A 2a-3c主备人:宋成建 参与者:初一全体英语教师 备课时间:第六周 拟使用时间 第七周一、【学习目标】1)记住下列单词及短语:excuse, thank, help, teacher, me, welcome, about excuse me, what about, thank you for, Youre welcome.2)会用下列句子: Is this your pencil?Yes, it is. Its mine. Is that your schoolbag?No, it isnt. Its hers. Are these your books? No, they arent. Theyre hers.3)会用交际句子:Excuse me. What about? Thank you for your help. Youre welcome.重点难点1. 重点是熟练运用“be”动词的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答。 2. 难点是如何正确使用交际句子。【预习导航】1)完成下面句子,每空一词。 1.劳驾 _ _2. 谢谢你的帮助 _ _ _ _ _ 3. 这只钢笔怎样?_ _ the pen? 4. 别客气。_ _.2)完成下面句子,每孔一词。 1. 这是你的书吗?是的,它是我的。 _ this _ book? Yes, it is. Its _. 2. 那些是她的钢笔吗?不是,它们是他的。 _ these _ _? No, they _. They are _.二、【认定目标】学生读出目标三、【合作探究】【自主展示】1、听写所学单词及短语句子。 2、对话展示【情景创设】利用真实物品,谈论物主关系。【文本展现】Excuse me, is this your?Yes, it is. Its mine./No, it isnt. Its his/hers.Are these your .?Yes, they are. They are mine./No, they arent. They are his/hers.What about this?Its mine./Its his/hers.Thank you for your help.Youre welcome.【读记新知】1. excuse, thank, help, teacher, me, welcome, about excuse me, what about, thank you for, Youre welcome. 2. Thank your for your help. Youre welcome.【文本处理】完成2a, 2b 小组内检查答案。【合作学习】1) 在你询问他人之前,你应该说_ _.2) Theyre Bobs. Bobs 应该理解为 A. Bob的 B. Bob是3) 组长组织组员利用对话文本进行真实交流。4)针对 Grammar Focus小组进行讨论。1. be动词am/is /are的一般疑问句应该把_放到句首。2. this, that 可以用_ 来代替。3. these, those 可以用_来代替。4. it is= _, are not= _ is not=_【展示反馈】小组完成3a和3b练习,然后再全班展示答案【归纳总结】1. 如何表达 “谢谢你的帮助”? _2. 感谢别人的谢意,你应该说_ 四、【达标测评】(合上书本,独立完成,对子间相互批阅)把下列对话句子重新排序:( 1 ) Excuse me. Is this an orange?( ) Thank you.( ) Whats this in English?( ) No, it isnt.( ) Its an apple.( ) Yes, it is my apple.( ) Here you are.(给你)( 9 ) Youre welcome.( ) Is this your apple?5、 【拓展提高】配套练习册P13教学反思:Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section B 1a-1e主备人:宋成建 参与者:初一全体英语教师 备课时间:第六周 拟使用时间 第七周一、【学习目标】1)记住下列单词及短语:baseball,watch, computer, game, card, ID card, ring, bag2)会用句型: Whats this/that? Its a/ an How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-H.。学会用英语询问和拼读物品。更好地与他人交流,增强交际能力。重点难点1. 重点是熟练运用“be”动词的一般疑问句形式及其肯定和否定回答。 2. 难点是如何正确使用交际句子。【预习导航】1)识记词汇,完成1a任务。2) 能力迁移,将下列单词变成复数形式。1card _ 2. ring_ 3. key _ 4. bag_5. watch _6. box_ 7. notebook _8. photo_3) 能力迁移,用 a/an 填空。 1. _ book 2. _ English book 3. _ eraser 4. _ red eraser二、【认定目标】一学生读出目标三、【合作探究】【自主展示】1、听写所学单词及短语 2、俩俩对话展示【情景创设】利用真实物品交流。【文本展现】Excuse me, whats this?Its a/ anHow do you spell it?.Is this your?Yes, it is. Its mine./No, it isnt .Its his/hers.Thank you for your help. Youre welcome.【读记新知】1. baseball,watch, computer, game, card, ID card, ring, bag2. How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-H.【文本处理】完成1c, 1d, 小组内检查答案。【自我探究】你能在图中找到这些人物,将单词与图中人物匹配吗?1)询问物品是什么有两种表达形式: _? _?2)a和an 怎么使用?3) spell中文意思是什么?在组长主持下读记新知内容。在组长主持下利用文本对话内容,用英语询问和拼读物品,力争人人过关.【展示反馈】主题:每组选派一名展示用英语询问和拼读物品。主题:互学疑点 询问物品两种表达形式;a和an 怎么使用。【归纳总结】1)询问“你好吗?”的英语句子是 _?2)表达“你怎样拼读它?”的英语句子是 _?四、【达标测评】(合上书本,独立完成,对子间相互批阅)1. _, Miss Gao. Is this your ID card? Oh, yes. Thank you. A. Excuse me B. Goodbye C. Thank you2.Whats this? _.A. Its an eraser. B. It is a eraser. C. Its eraser. 3._ do you spell it? BAG.A. Who B. Where C. How4. _ these your keys? No, they _.A. Are, are B. Is, isnt C. Are, arent5. _those your books? Yes, _ are. A. Are, they B. Are, it C. Is, they6. “钥匙”怎么拼写? _? 7. 这是什么?_ ?8. 那是你的手表吗? _ ?9. 这些事他的电脑游戏吗?_?10. 那是Tom的书。 _.五、【拓展提高】配套练习册P14教学反思Unit 3 Is this your pencil?Section B 2a-shelf check主备人:宋成建 参与者:初一全体英语教师 备课时间:第六周 拟使用时间 第七周一、【学习目标】1)记住下列单词及短语:baseball,watch, computer, game, card, ID card, ring, bag2)会用句型: Whats this/that? Its a/ an How do you spell it? W-A-T-C-H.。学会用英语询问和拼读物品。更好地与他人交流,增强交际能力。重点难点1. 重点是学会通过阅读提取重点信息。 2. 难点是如何用英语写失物和招领启事。【预习导航】1、写出你所知道的学习用品单词。 _2、写出你所知道的日常用品单词 _3、英汉互译:1遗失_ 2. 找到_3. 劳驾 _ 4. 打电话_ 5. 帮助_ 6. 询问_4、 能力迁移,完成下面翻译。 1. 在学校图书馆 _ _ _ _ 2. 请求老师找到它_ the teacher_ it 3. 打我电话34567 _ _ _ 34567二、【认定目标】三、【合作探究】【自主展示】1、听写单词及短语 2、对话展示【自我探究】1)Lost 和Find是什么意思?2)失物和招领启事应该包含哪些内容?【整体感知】预读2b启事,独立完成2b.【任务型阅读】任务1 阅读失物和招领启事,大声朗读下列: library, classroom, email, ask, find, call, must, in ,at, lost, some askfor, callatAsk the teacher for it. Please call me at 686-6034任务2 独立完成2c【合作学习】任务 3 组内朗读短文。任务4 组内检查核对2a和2c答案。主题:全班讨论2a 2c答案。主题:互学疑点 失物和招领启事应该包含哪些内容?【展示反馈】1)a set of keys的中文意思是_.2)人称代词的两种形式是_.3) I He She You They 是主格还是宾格?4) my, mine, your,yours, her, hers是人称代词还是物主代词?四、【达标测评】(合上书本,独立完成,对子间相互批阅。)一、用at, in, for 填空。 1. Whats this _ English? 2. Please call me _ 678903.3. My book is _ the school library.4. You must Ask your teacher _ your book.二、完成句子。1. I _(遗失了) my ruler. 2. They _(必须) call me.3. There are (有) some _(图书馆) in my hometown.4. Can you _(找到) my baseball?五、【拓展提高】一、补全对话,每空一词。Tom: Kim, whats (1)_ ? Kim: Its a (2)_ . Tom: Is it (3)_ watch ?Kim: No, it (4) _ .Tom: (5)_ that in English ? Kim: Its a (6)_ .Tom: Can you (7)_ it , please ?Kim: Yes. RULERTom: Is it your ruler?Kim: (8)_ , it is. Its (9)_ orange (橙色的 )ruler.Tom: Oh, how nice !Kim: (10)_ you. 二、假如你遗失了你的英语书,请用英语写一则寻物启事。教学反思

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