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Units 13综合能力评估试题 一、听力测试(20分)第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节;满分30分)第一节:单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。( )21. Can you play _ guitar?A. a B. an C. the( )22. When do you go to school?_ 6:30. So Im never late _ school.A. In; to B. At; for C. At; to( )23. Mr. Wang is our teacher, and he teaches _ math.A. we B. our C. us( )24. Whats your _? I want to be a musician.A. habit B. job C. dream( )25. The students cross the river on a ropeway every day, but they arent _.A. quick B. early C. afraid( )26. Sally, can you _ me with my history?A. do B. help C. play( )27. In the morning, Peter _ home and goes to work by train.A. goes B. gets C. leaves( )28. I like the food. It _ good.A. sells B. tastes C. looks( )29. _ Bill dance? Yes, he can.A. Can B. Does C. Is( )30. Its easy for her _ a bus to school.A. take B. takes C. to take( )31. Is Cindy good at _ the piano?Yes.A. playing B. to play C. plays( )32. _ students are there in your class? Sixty.A. How many B. How muchC. What( )33. Why does Tony _ eat ice-cream at night?Because he knows it is not good for his teeth.A. always B. usually C. never( )34. Can Bob play basketball?Yes. And he can play ping-pong _.A. also B. only C. too( )35. How long does it take you _ to school every day?About 20 minutes by bus.A. getting B. to get C. gets( )36. _ is it from your home to school?About five kilometers.A. How manyB. How muchC. How far( )37. What do you _ the village? Its interesting.A. think of B. come onC. look at( )38. Bill can _ stories in English.A. speak B. tell C. talk( )39. _? By bike.A. Where does your mother workB. How does your mother go to workC. When does your mother go to work( )40. Do you go to school by bus or by subway? _.A. Yes, I do B. No, I dontC. By bus第二节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)阅读下面的短文, 掌握其大意, 从题中所给的A、 B、 C三个选项中, 选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Dave is my mothers brother. He is my 41 . He is a music teacher. He works in a school. It is not big; its 42 . But Dave likes it. He 43 at 5:30 every morning. Its 44 , isnt it? Then he goes out to exercise. He often 45 for half an hour. Then he takes a shower at 6:30. At about 7:20, he eats breakfast. After 46 he goes to work at 7:40. His school is not far, 47 he walks to school. He eats lunch at 12:00. He likes hamburgers 48 lunch. He goes home at about 5:30 in the afternoon. At about 6:30 he has dinner at home. He usually 49 with his family. He loves his children (孩子) very much. He often 50 them stories after dinner. He goes to bed at 10:00.( )41. A. dad B. cousin C. uncle( )42. A. small B. busy C. new( )43. A. takes a walk B. gets upC. eats breakfast( )44. A. easy B. difficult C. early( )45. A. sings B. draws C. runs( )46. A. those B. that C. them( )47. A. but B. because C. so( )48. A. at B. for C. with( )49. A. thinks B. reads C. eats( )50. A. tells B. talks C. speaks第三部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。AThis is Scott. He has an interesting job. He works at a radio station. His radio show is from twelve oclock at night to six oclock in the morning. He sings well. He usually gets up at eight thirty at night. He brushes his teeth and takes a shower at ten past eight. Then he eats breakfast at nine. Thats a funny time for breakfast! After that , he usually exercise at about ten twenty. He goes to work by car at eleven oclock. It takes ten minutes to get the radio station. So he is never late for work( )51.Scott often _ to the radio station. A. takes the subway B. by bus C. takes the car ( ) 52.His radio show is _.A from8:00 to 12:00 in the morning.B From 12:00 at night to 6:00 in the morning.C From 13:15 to 18:25 in the afternoon ( )53.It takes Scott _ minutes to get to the radio station. A.50 B.10 C.15 ( )54.His house is_ from the radio station. A. ten minutes drive B. ten-minute drive C. ten minute-drive ( )55.He takes a shower at_. A. half past nine B. a quarter past eight. C. eight tenBDear Grace,How are you? Thank you for your last e-mail. You want to know about my school clubs, right? Well, its time for us to join the school clubs now. There are many clubs in my school, like the English club, the art club, the music club and the sports club. I have two good friends, Jack and Lisa. We all want to join the school clubs.I want to join the music club, because I can play the guitar. I cant speak English well, but I also want to join the English club. Jack likes sports. He can play soccer and basketball. He is in the school soccer team (队). He wants to join the sports club. He can play the guitar, too. But he doesnt want to join the music club. Lisa likes drawing. She wants to join the art club. She also speaks English very well. I think she can be in the English club.Are there many clubs in your school? What club are you in? Please write and tell me about your school clubs.Yours, Jane ( )56. Jack and Lisa are Janes _.A. friends B. cousinsC. classmates( )57. Jane wants to join _.A. the music club and the sports clubB. the English club and the sports clubC. the English club and the music club( )58. Jack is in the school _ team.A. tennis B. soccerC. basketball( )59. Lisa likes _ and speaks good English.A. singing B. dancingC. drawing( )60. Who can play the guitar?A. Jane and Lisa. B. Jane and Jack.C. Lisa and Jack.Do you know that man? He is my uncle. His name is David Smith. He is forty-eight this year. He is a worker. He works in a Car Factory. His factory is not near his home. So he gets up early in the morning and takes a bus to work. At about seven thirty, he gets to his factory. He makes (生产) the parts (零件) of the car. He makes many every day. He works very hard. Everyone likes him and says he is a good worker. He has his lunch in the factory. He often plays basketball after work. In the evening, he learns Chinese at home. His Chinese is good, too. Sometimes he helps me with my Chinese. I like my uncle very much.()1. That man is _.A. a teacherB. a bus driverC. a workerD. a player()2. He _. A. teaches Chinese in a schoolB. works in a Car FactoryC. learns Chinese every dayB. helps me with my Chinese every day()3. He goes to work _.A. by busB. on footC. by taxiD. by bike()4. He _ in the factory.A. has dinnerB. plays basketballC. sleepsD. eats lunch()5. Which is not right?A. Everyone likes my uncleB. My uncle can speak ChineseC. My uncle is very lazy in the factoryD. My uncle works very hard in the factory第II卷(非选择题,共30分)第四部分:基本技能(共两节;满分10分)第一节:补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)A:61._? B:I want to join the chess club. A:62._? B: We can play chess with others. A:63_? B: Yes, Its about 15 kilometers away from my school. A: How do you get there? B:64._. A: Bus?oh, no .I can take you there. B:65._? A: About 35 minutes.第二节:句型转换(共5小题;每空0.5分,满分5分)按要求完成下面各句, 每空一词。66. We can speak English well.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ speak English well?67. Tim can play the drums.(对划线部分提问)_ _ Tim do?68. Alan usually takes a shower after getting up. (对划线部分提问)_ does Alan usually _ a shower?69. The students go to school by bus every day. (对划线部分提问)_ _ the students go to school every day?70. Mary exercises at a quarter to seven in the morning. (对划线部分提问)_ _ does Mary exercise in the morning?第五部分:写(共三节;满分20分)第一节:汉译英(共5小题;每空0.5分,满分5分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子, 每空一词。71. 我堂弟想加入体育俱乐部。My cousin wants _ _ a sports club.72. 你善于和老人打交道吗?Are you _ _ old people? 73. 他朋友通常七点四十穿衣服。His friend usually _ _ at seven forty.74. 放学后, 我有时打一个小时篮球。I _ play basketball _ an hour after school.75. 杰克家离他叔叔家有九十公里。Jack lives _ _ from his uncles home.第二节:单句改错(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)下列句子均有1处错误, 先指出错处并把序号填在括号里, 然后在后面横线上改正(不得改变原句意思)。76. Mike tells me a story. The story is very fun.A B C( )_77. His cousin likes to talk with his school.A B C ( )_78. June live twenty kilometers from her friends home.A B C ( )_79. Janes grandpa is good at write.A B C( )_80. Many villager want to have a new life.A B C( )_第三节:书面表达(共1题;满分10分)假如你是王伟,请用英语写一篇短文介绍一下你的情况。提示:1. What time do you get up, eat breakfast, go home after school .?2. How do you usually go to school?3. How far is it from your home to school?4. What can you do?5. Are you in a club?要求:可适当发挥,70词左右。_ 5 / 5

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