高一地理 3-1活页规范训练(含解析) 鲁教版必修1

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高一地理 3-1活页规范训练(含解析) 鲁教版必修1_第3页
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111马鞍山市2014高考英语阅读理解、动词短语精讲讲练(18)及答案 Late that afternoon I took the train back to Sydney. There I found another surprise waiting for me. My room at the hotel had been given to somebody else and they had no room for me. Harkin had known my travel plans and had planned everything. How could he have booked the room only for three days? There was nothing to be done but to find another hotel. The waiters were happy to find me a new hotel, and when I said that I was happy to stay at the airport, thinking it might be cheaper than staying in the city, they suggested the Holiday Inn at the airport. There was one small matter: the room rate was DS| 300 per night. The best hotel in Katoomba had wanted only DS| 145. I asked if there was anything cheaper they might suggest but they warned that most hotels would already be full by this time.The hotel was far from the train station, so I had to take a taxi, as DS| 25. On the way to the Holiday Inn, we passed a hotel just two blocks from the Holiday Inn that advertised a room rate of DS| 104. At the desk I asked if their room rate could go down a lot. “No, this is a 4star hotel,” the waiter told me. “In that case,” I replied, “Ill just walk the two blocks to the cheap hotel.” But she warned me that they were probably full and that if I didnt take the room, it might not be available when I came back. Finally, I decided to take the room.The room itself was big, but the air conditioning couldnt keep up with the Australian heat. I couldnt get to sleep until about 1:00 am.语篇解读:文章讲述了作者在澳洲因预订房间的期限已到而不得不艰难地再找旅店的经历。9Why did the writer have to look for another hotel?AHe didnt book early. BHarkin made a mistake.CHe was short of money. DHe wasnt well received.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的Harkin had known my travel plans and had planned everything. How could he have booked the room only for three days?可知,Harkin犯了一个错误,房间预订的时间比计划短了。答案:B10How did the writer feel when hearing the room rate at the Holiday Inn?ANervous. BHappy.CSurprised. DRelaxed.解析:推理判断题。根据第一段中的There was one small matter: the room rate was DS| 300 per night. The best hotel in Katoomba had wanted only DS| 145.可推断作者感到惊奇。答案:C11What was the weather like at that moment?ACool. BWarm.CCold. DHot.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的The room itself was big, but the air conditioning couldnt keep up with the Australian heat.可知,当时的天气很热。答案:D12Why did the writer take a room in the Holiday Inn finally?AIts a 4star hotel.BIts around the station.CIt was midnight then.DThe room was in great demand.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的.they were probably full and that if I didnt take the room, it might not be available when I came back.可知,应选D项。答案:D13What does the text mainly talk about?AA hotel hunting experience.BAn unforgettable day.CA warmhearted waiter.DAn introduction to hotels.解析:主旨大意题。本文主要讲述作者寻找旅店的过程。答案:A。*结束 The website “FarmersOnly.com” calls itself an online dating and friendship finder. The idea started in the mind of a man, Jerry Miller in Ohio. He wondered how farmers could meet new people who understand the life of a farmer. Jerry Miller is not a farmer but he represents a lot of farmers.As he tells it, the idea for the site was planted when a farmer told him one day that she was recently divorced and would like to date. But_someone_would_invite_her_to_meet_for_coffee_at_nine_oclock_at_night,_when_she_had_to_start_her_day_at_five_the_next_morning.So, in 2005, Jerry Miller launched his website. “You dont have to be a farmer to be on FarmersOnly.com, but you do have to have the good oldfashioned traditional values of Americas heartland.”You also have to live in the United States or Canada to be a member of the site. Some services are free, but a full membership costs fifty dollars for a year. As of last week the site listed more than 58,000 members. Many of them are farmers in the United States. Others are students or workers involved in some way with agriculture. Jerry Miller tells us about thirty marriages in the last year have resulted from his website.Some farmers have also found love through a group, Singles in Agriculture, which was formed as a nonprofit organization in 1986. It organizes gatherings that usually end with a dance, but is not a dating service. The purpose is to support educational and social activities that offer people a chance for friendship. Its website, “singlesinag. org”, says there are more than 1,000 members across the nation and as far away as France.语篇解读:乡村生活的作息规律让农民的社交生活受到了限制,受此启发,专门为农民创办的网络约会与交友的网站应运而生。5Jerry Miller started “FarmersOnly.com” in order to _.Ahelp farmers Bsupport traditionsCunderstand farmers Drepresent farmers解析:推理判断题。Jerry Miller是在听完一位女性农民的苦衷后才创办了这个网站,以便为农民网上约会和交友提供方便,由此可推断他创办网站的目的是帮助农民。答案:A6What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 indicate?AShe dislikes city lifestyle.BShe prefers late night coffee.CCountry life isnt well understood.DIts tiring to get up early.解析:细节理解题。有人邀请她在晚上九点喝咖啡,可是她必须在第二天早上五点起床,由此可推断乡村生活没有被很好地理解。答案:C7Which of the following is TRUE of “singlesinag.org”?AIts services are free.BIt provides dating services.COnly farmers can become its members.DFarmers in France cant benefit from it.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句中的“a nonprofit organization”可知这是一个非营利性机构,它创办的网站提供的是免费服务。答案:A8The author of the text intends to _.Aadvertise for the two websitesBintroduce two websitesCencourage social activitiesDurge readers to help farmers解析:作者意图题。作者只是客观地介绍了Jerry Miller创办的网站,顺便提及了另外一个网站,并没有发表自己的观点,所以作者意在对两个网站进行介绍。答案:B9It can be inferred from the text that _.Aall farmers desire marriageBfarmers are easy to meet new peopleCmore farmers get divorced in the USADthe Internet helps improve farmers social life解析:推理判断题。由文中介绍的这两个关于农民社交的网站可推知因特网有助于提高农民的社交生活。答案:D。常见动词词组讲解与自我检测【2】八、care(1) I dont care what they say. I shall go on just the same.(在乎,在意)(2) If you care to hear it,I will tell it to you.(愿意)(3) Albert Einstein cared little for money. He was seen using a cheque for1500 as a bookmark.(喜欢)(4) Would you care for a cup of coffee?(Would you like.?)((礼貌用语)你喜欢要吗?)(5) He cared about money.(喜欢)(6) The mother card for the sick child day and night(照顾,照料)(7) The professor said that he was interested only in research:he didnt care about his students.(关心)(8) In this way we could give them timely medical care.(医疗护理)九、catch(1) catch fire(to start burning)(着火)(2) catch ones breath(缓口气,歇口气)(3) That car caught his eyes/attention.(引起注意)(4) The police caught him stealing a car.(to discover suddenly and by surprise especially when someone is doing something bad)(5) (撞见,突然发现)(6) That style has never caught on in China.(become popular)(流行)(7) He was caught in the rain.(be stuck)(被困扰)(8) Her skirt got caught in the door.(be hooked)(被钩住)(9) I suddenly caught sight of him in the crowd.(看见)十、clear(1) She made it clear that she would support Australia.(2) (弄清楚,查明白,明确)(3) After the storm the sky cleared.(晴朗起来)(4) The waitress will clear away these dishes in a moment.(收走)(5) How can we clear away,these doubts?(消除,清除)(6) The weather has cleared up;we can go out.(晴朗起来,开朗起来)(7) Youll have to clear up the things on the table before we have tea.(整理,收拾)十一、compare(1) Car production rose by 25,compared to/with the first 3 months of this year.(2) (和相比)(3) We know it was a small place,comparing to what it is now.(和相比)(4) Compare this with that,and you will see which is better. (5) (把和相比)(6) Shakespeare compared the world to a stage.(把比作)十二、cover(1) They covered 12 miles yesterday.(走完(一段路程))(2) How many pages have you covered?(看完(多少页书))(3) The city covered ten square miles.(占据(多大面积))(4) The professors talk covered the subject.(谈到,涉及)(5) The mountain was covered with snow all the year round.(覆盖着)(6) The best reporters were sent to cover the 27th Olympic Games.(7) (报道,采访) 十三、cut(1) cut off(切断;切下来)(2) cut out(戒掉,不吃,剪出)(3) cut in(插嘴)(4) cut up(切碎)(5) a short cut(捷径)(6) They want to cut down a large forest in this area.(砍倒)(7) George is trying to cut his weight down.(消减,减少)(8) The army was called in to cut through the fallen trees on the road.(9) (锯断,剪断,凿穿)十四、deal(1) Id rather deal with a man than a woman. Women are sharp.(2) (和打交道)(3) Im used to dealing with matters of this sort.(处理)(4) This book deals with questions on politics.(论述,谈)(5) What shop do you deal with?(和做买卖)十五、die(1) die of(死于(情感、饥寒、年老等原因)),如:(2) die of illness/a fever/hunger/sadness(3) As a result,many westerners die at an early age of heart disease.(4) die from(死于(间接原因)),如:(5) die from an accident/the polluted air/a bad habit(6) Ronnys steps had died away/down,and there was a moment of silence.(7) ((指风、声、光)消逝)(8) The wind has died away/down again.(平息)(9) It is thought that between the years 1550 and 1950 an average of one kind of living thing died out each year.(灭绝,不复存在)(10) Im dying for something to eat.(have a strong desire for sth.)(渴望)(题组训练)用与die有关的短语填空:22、The wild population of koalas is in danger of _ .23、Do you fancy a cup of tea? Im _ thirst.24、I am _ a cup of coffee.答案:22、dying out 23、dying of 24、dying for十六、 do(1) I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English.(2) No,youre doing fine.((工作、学习、生活、生长等)情况(好))(3) Im happy in my work in the garden. Im doing well.(4) Will it do if we let you have an answer by Friday?(5) (行,够,合适,可以,凑合)(6) Lets do up this room first.(整理,收拾)(7) They tried to do away with slavery.(废除)(8) Mary has done herself up for the party.(梳妆打扮)(9) Please do up these books and post them for Mr. Smith.(包,扎,系,捆)(10) do ones hair(做头发)(11) do the room(打扫房间)(12) do the bed(铺床) (13) do wrong to sb.(使某人受委屈)(14) do business(做生意),(做买卖)(15) do right(做得好)(16) do wrong(做错事,做坏事)(17) have something/nothing/anything/a lot to do with(与有些没有有什么有很大关系)(题组训练)用与do有关的短语填空:25、_ your buttons!26、He has nothing _ the case.27、The school has _ the rules.28、I havent enough money to buy a car,so Ill have to _ without it.答案:25、Do up 26、to do with 27、done away with 28、do*结束111

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