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长沙南雅中学一新生发言稿大家好,我是王#宁。今天能站在这里,纯属偶然。什么说偶然呢,因为,南雅是个人才济济的地方,164班是一个优秀的集体。个人认为,班级前二十几名的同学,时机适宜,谁考班上第一名都有可能。妈妈对我说:考了第一名,不要有压力,这一次已证明了你有考第一名的实力。以后,出现名次上下浮动都很正常,以平常心对待。先说明一下,因为时间紧,这份发言稿是我和爸爸妈妈一起写的,下面就孩子的学习和家庭教育的几个观点和大家探讨一下:1、关于分数。从小学开始,爸爸妈妈对我就是这样要求的,只要学习态度好,考试考多少分都不会怪我,所以,我考试对分数没什么压力,所以很少有发挥失常的时候,成绩也差不到哪去。我的经验就是:像考试一样做认真做作业,像做作业一样地轻松考试。初中了,妈妈重新告诉我:考试,只要考出你的真实水平,就可以。比如,某次考试,你的真实水平是90分,你考了90分,就很好。如果,因为某种原因,你只考了70分,那爸爸妈妈就会为你遗憾,因为你的努力付出没有得到对等的回报。在我们家,分数引起的反应基本上是波澜不惊的,考100分也好,80分也好,没什么太大的反响。人生处处是考场,从容面对,考出自己真实水平就好。在我们家,物质也不与分数,成绩挂钩。物质上的东西,能给生活带来便利,而爸爸妈妈的经济能承受的,就会给我买,与成绩没关系。爸爸妈妈认为,那种挂钩很容易培养孩子的功利思想,而偏离了学习和生活的本质。我身上不缺零用钱,钱包里有一张银行卡备用,家里的小盒子里,爸爸妈妈也常放了几百元零钱备用。爸爸妈妈的理念是,在当今充满诱惑的时代,孩子不缺钱、不缺爱,到外面走弯路的概率就要小很多。2、享受生活。教育的最终目的是让孩子有能力创造幸福生活,享受生活。我们觉得,享受生活,不要说等你长大以后,而是从今天开始,从现在开始。有一次,一位奶奶对我说,你父母对你这么好,你一定要好好学习,长大报答你的父母。妈妈更正了这种说法,对我说:对父母的报答不是很高的分数,而是从现在开始,好好活着,每一天。所以,学习只是我生活重要的一部分,但不是全部。交朋友、看电影、打扮漂亮、和小狗狗玩、适当上网玩游戏放松、去乡下陪伴疼爱我的奶奶、外婆外公、聊有好感的男生等等这些让我的生活很丰富,也让我的生活充满了爱,生命之火激情燃烧。妈妈说,她从我的每一篇作文中,都感觉到了我对爱的理解。3、阅读经典。阅读经典,是学好语文的关键。也是理解人生的重要途径。经典之所以成为经典,必定有它的卓越之处。从去年开始,我开始阅读外国经典名著。我强烈地感觉到,我的作文、考试做阅读题目都上了一个台阶。在阅读的时候,并不一定感觉到明显效果,但写起作文来,笔下的文采仿佛不是自己的,涓涓流出。这就是文化的熏陶,在不知不觉中融入到了阅读者的生命。建议大家不要让孩子读那种快餐书籍,比如各种杂志、童话故事、如何成功速成等等,要读经典的的世界名著。可能刚开始读,会找不着感觉,但读上两三本,就会找到节奏。有一次,妈妈问我:你阅读名著时,感受到愉悦了吗?我说,感受到了!那一刻,妈妈很欣慰。因为,愉悦,是最高层次的享受。从阶段性的作用上讲,阅读经典可以使语文成绩提高十分左右,这十分左右对于中考来说,是多么重要。4、音乐的熏陶阅读、音乐和其他艺术形式,其终极意义都是让人在某一阶段感到愉悦,让灵魂舒展,轻盈。孩子们时间很紧张,妈妈平时在接送我,或开车一起外出的时候,会根据情况适时的挑选一些高雅的音乐在车里放。我在放松的情况下,不知不觉地接触到了一些世界名曲,和一些歌词写得很好的歌曲,这一次我的作文拿了高分,就是以平时在车上听到的那些音乐为题材写的。5、润物细无声。现在的孩子叛逆心极重,我也不例外。比如阅读,听音乐这些事情,我妈妈做得很随意,不露痕迹,根据我的情绪来,在我想休息或者做其他事的时候,她会尊重我的意见,不强行摊派。6、训练孩子的独立性,有主见。从小,爸爸妈妈就有意识地培养我的独立性。因为,孩子不可能一辈子生活在父母的羽翼下。尊重孩子的选择,这是最重要的。因为,人生很多事情不是只有一个选择,可以有很多选择,每一种选择都有一定的道理。不要用家长心中的选择去评价孩子。比如:我五岁的时候,天气很热,从幼儿园出来,很渴,想要喝饮料。妈妈给钱给我,让我自己去买。我害羞,因为从未尝试过,害怕,就不肯自己去。妈妈告诉我,现在你有两个选择,一是自己去买,然后喝。一是自己不去买,那就忍着,回家再喝水。我犹豫了一下,选择了不去买,忍着。妈妈觉得这也是一种选择,就尊重我,也不评价我。小学时,放学下雨了,妈妈也不会主动送伞。她知道,我总会想办法的,比如,和同学共,比如在教室里先做作业,比如去超市里避雨,顺便逛一逛超市。因为,我曾对妈妈说过,你女儿没你想象的那么蠢,总会想到办法。再比如:现在我买衣服,妈妈只负责出钱。上次,和同学一起去买地摊货,25元买了一件衬衣,穿到学校来了,妈妈说也还漂亮,但建议我把那些线头剪一下,别让人一眼就看出地摊货。第二次,我又去买了一件,拿回来就觉得小了。妈妈也没评价我,建议我送给一个比我矮一点的朋友了。这都是我的选择,爸爸妈妈都尊重我。不作负面评价。就是这样,我一路思考,爸爸妈妈一路尊重,我渐渐长大了,遇事不逃避,学会思考,有自己的主见。7、关于粗心经常听见有家长这样说自己的孩子,我家孩子这次错的题目好多都知道做,就是粗心啊。在这里,我想谈一谈我们家的观点。从五年级起,妈妈就告诉我:粗心,就是能力差,学得不扎实的表现!任何时候,都不要说是因为粗心没考好。也请家长不要再为孩子找这个推脱责任的借口。细心、沉稳、脚踏实地是必备的能力,如果具备了这些能力,偶尔丢一两分,可以理解,超过两分,就是能力还欠缺,学得不扎实。这个观点,妈妈五年级开始和我交流,我也渐渐认同。所以,我正常情况下能考高分,成绩稳定,这个观点应该起了很大的作用。8、培养孩子的能力家长要放手,在可控的范围下尽量放手。比如,做一件事,孩子去做,可能只能打30分,你不满意,骂他,甚至代替他做了,当时事情的效果可以打90分。但请家长注意,这90分,永远是你的90分,孩子仍然是0分。如果,你让他做,用他不反感的方式指点一下,这一次可能只是30分,下一次就有可能是60分,再下一次,可能就是95分,甚至比你做得更好。所以,家长要学习聪明地示弱,把机会让给孩子,并及时鼓励肯定孩子。爸爸妈妈终将老去,要学会把舞台适时地让给孩子,让他们发挥。孩子只有在一次次的实践、思考中,不断长大,独立,然后超越父母。长江后浪拍前浪,我爸爸妈妈常常很幸福地被我拍死在沙滩上。9、赏识孩子,扶持孩子的自信,呵护孩子的自尊中华民族是个谦逊的民族。在教育孩子方面,却容易走入一个误区。不注意赏识孩子的优点,而过份强调孩子的错误。当我做得对的时候,爸爸妈妈会及时肯定我,表扬我。妈妈平时在同朋友谈话时,谈到孩子的时候,她会充分肯定孩子身上的优点。我们偶尔听到,表面会装得不在意,实际上,我们很在意,得到肯定的这些优点,我们会继续坚持,越来越好。会按照父母描述的那样优秀的样子去校准自己的言行。当孩子出现错误的时候,就事论事地分析。不哆嗦,不翻旧账。正确面对事情,改正就好。事情过了,继续过美好的生活,不要把负面情绪过分强调和延伸。最错误的方式是,在公众面前训斥孩子,丢孩子的脸。家长们,请呵护孩子脆弱的自尊!当然,是人就会有缺点,我也有一些缺点,就不在这里说了,呵呵。10、必然性与偶然性。开始,我说我考第一名是偶然,现在我想告诉大家,当爸爸妈妈用心地把孩子呵护好了,这种偶然,就是必然!孩子具备了努力、坚强、细心、有爱心等等这些品质,偶然地考上一次或几次第一名就成了必然。最后,我向关心、教育我的老师们、我的爸爸妈妈致以最诚挚的谢意:你们辛苦了!谢谢你们!向曾经关心、帮助我的朋友们、同学们说一声:谢谢!祝老师们、家长们:工作顺利、身体健康!祝同学们:生活开心、学业有成!英语课堂用语400句CONTENTS目录一、Getting the pupils ready for class组织教学二、Revision复习三、Presentation介绍四、Drill操练五、Practice练习六、Consolidation巩固一、Getting the pupils ready for class1.Its time for class.上课时间到了。2.Lets begin our lesson.我们开始上课。3.Stand up,please!请起立!4.Good morning,boys and girls!大家早上好!5.I will teach you English this term.这学期将由我教你们英语。6.I am a teacher trainee.我是一位实习老师。7.Good morning,teacher!老师早上好!8.Good afternoon,class!同学们下午好!9.Good afternoon,teacher!老师,下午好!10.Sit down,please.请坐。11.Have you got anything to report to the class,monitor?班长,你有什么向班级汇报的吗?12.Who is absent today?今天谁缺席了?13.Zhang Ming is absent.张明缺席了。14.Is everyone here?都出席了吗15.Everyone is here except Li Ning.除了李宁,全都到了。16.Why is he absent?他为什么缺席?17.He is ill. He has asked for sick leave.他病了,他已请了病假。18.Are you a new pupil?你是新同学吗?19.Allow me to introduce myself,please.请允许我自我介绍一下。20.Where are you from?你从那里来?21.I am from Beijing.我来自北京。22.How did you spend your Sunday?星期天你是怎么过的?23.We had a picnic.我们去野餐了。24.We had a very good time.我们玩得很痛快。25.What time is it now?现在几点了?26.Its ten past eight.八点十分了。27.Open the window,please.请打开窗户。28.Please shut the door. It is very cold today.今天很冷,请把门关上。29.Leave the window open,please.请开着窗户。30.How are you?你好吗?31.Fine, thank you ,and you?很好,谢谢!你呢?32.Im fine too.我也很好。33.Whats your name?你叫什么名字?34.My name is Wan Lin.我叫王林。35.Be quiet,please.请安静。36.Silence,please.请安静。37.Stop talking.不要讲话了。38.Dont talk any more.不要在讲话了。39.Who is on duty today?谁值日?40.I am on duty.我值日。41.You have done your duty very well.你值日生工作做得很好。42.Your classroom looks clean and tidy.你们教室看起来既清洁又整齐。43.Where is the chaik?粉笔在哪?44.In the drawer.在抽屉里。45.Next time please put the eraser and chalk on the teachers desk before class.下次上课前请把黑板擦和粉笔放在老师书桌上。46.May i come in?我可以进来吗?Yes,please.请进。47.I am sorry I am late.请原谅我迟到了。48.Please excuse me for coming late.请原谅我来晚了。49.Dont be late next time.下次别迟到了。50.Please come early next time.下次早点来。51.Get up early in the morning,please.早上请起来得早一点。52.Have you finished your homework?作业作完了吗?53.Hand in your homework,please.请交作业。54.Monitor,have you collected all the homework?班长,作业收齐了吗?55.Yes, here it is.收齐了,这就是。56.No, not yet.还没收齐。57.Some of us havent finished yet.有些同学还没有做完。58.I am sorry I didnt do my homework.请原谅我没做家庭作业。59.I am sorry I cant hand in my homework,because I didnt feel well yesterday evening.很抱歉我不能交作业,因为我昨天晚上不舒服。60.Take out your homework, please.请把你们的家庭作业拿出来。61.I am sorry I have left my homework at home.很抱歉我把作业忘在家里了。62.May I hand in my homework tomorrow?我可以明天交作业吗?63.You must hand in your homework on time.你们必须按时交作业。64.Hand it in after class.下课后交来。65.Make it up after school.放学后补交。66.I will bring it with me next time.我下次带来。67.Youve done your homework very well.你的作业做得很好。68.Your handwriting is excellent.你的字写得很好。69.Have you all prepared your lessons well?你们的功课准备好了吗?70.I will see how well you have prepared your lessons for today.我看看你们今天的功课准备得怎么样。二、Revision复习71.Lets have a review of Lesson 5.我们复习一下第五课。72.Id like to give you a quiz about some phrases in Lesson 5.我想给你们一个小测验,检查一下第五课中的几个词组。73.We have studied Lesson8. Now let me check up on you a little.我们已经学了第八课,我来检查一下。74.Huang Ping and Wang Min,come to the front,please.黄平和王敏,请到前面来。75.Heres a picture for you. Look at it.这有一张图片,请看。76.Ill ask you some questions.我要问你们几个问题。77.Is there a plane in the picture?图片上有飞机吗?78.No,there isnt.没有。79.What is there in the picture?图画里有什么?80.There is a house,a tree and a dog.有一幢房子,一棵树和一只狗。81.Where is the tree and the dog?树和狗在那里?82.The tree is beside the house.树在房子旁边。83.The dog is in front of the tree.狗在树的前面。84.OK,class,say these sentences again,please.好,同学们,把这些句子再说一遍。85.Very good, go back to your seat, please.很好,请回到你们座位上去。86.Where is Huang Ping now?现在黄平坐在什么地方?87.He is sitting behind Wang Min.他坐在王敏后面。88.Lets look at the blackboard.我们看黑板。89.Zhang Ling,read your sentence,please.张玲,读一下你的句子。90.Is her sentence correct?她的句子对吗?91.No, the word order is wrong.不,词序不对。92.She didnt use this word properly.她这个词用得不恰当。93.Lin Lan, please recite the text.林兰,请背课文。94.Good! You have done a good job.很好,你背得很好。95.You did quite well on the firsttwoparagraphs, but you didnt recite the lasttwoparagraphs.but you didnt recite the last two paragraphs smoothly.你前两段背得还好,但后两段背得不熟练。96.You didnt recite well this time.Try to do better next time.这次背得不好,希望下次背得好些。97.Can you answer this question,Li Ping?李平,你能回答这个问题吗?98.Yes,no problem.没问题。99.Lets say the numbers from 1-100.让我们读一下数字1-100。100.Please write down the numbers 1-20.请写出数字1-20。101.How many boys are there in your class?数一数你们班有多少男生?102.One, two, three-There are twenty boys in our class.1,2,3-我们班有20位男生。103.Lets discuss Excercises 1 and 3 in Lesson 9.我们讨论一下第九课中的练习1和练习3。104.Please retell the story of The Emperors New Clothes.请复述一下“皇帝的新装”的故事。105.Whats the weather like today?今天的天气怎么样?106.Its fine.今天天气很好。107.Nice weather,isnt it?今天天气真好,是吗?108.No,its windy.不,今天有风。109.What should you say in this situation?在这种场合下你们应该怎么说?110.How do you explain this word?你怎么解释这个词?111.In English or in our own language?用英语还是用自己的语言解释?112.You have to explain it in English.你必须用英语解释。113.What is an emperor?皇帝是什么?114.An Emperor is like the king of a country.皇帝就象国王。115.Who can translate this sentence into Chinese?谁能把这句话译成汉语?116.What do you think about Gao Fengs translation?你觉得高峰的翻译怎么样?117.Whats wrong with Gao Fengs translation?高峰的翻译有什么错误?118.Please take out a piece of paper. Lets have a dictation.请拿出一张纸,我们听写。119.I am reading it for the last time now.我现在读最后一遍。120.Check your dictation.检查一下你的听写。121.We have studied the word market.Now,Lets discuss how to use it in a sentence.我们已经学过“market这个单词,现在我们讨论一下如何在句子中使用它。122.Does your mother often go to the market?你母亲经常去市场吗?123.Yes,she goes there every day.是的,她每天都去。124.When does she go there?她什么时候去?125.She goes there in the morning.她早晨去。126.What does she buy?她买些什么?127.She buys some vegetables.她买蔬菜。128.Do you live mear a market?你住在市场附近吗? Yes, we do.是的,住在市场附近。129.What do they sell there?那儿卖些什么?130.They sell vegetables,bread,meat,bananas and oranges.那儿卖蔬菜、面包、肉、香蕉和橘子。三、Presentation介绍131.We are going to have a new lesson today.今天我们学习新课。132.First well study five new words and then look at the dialogue.我们先学习5个生词,然后学习对话。133.Stop talking,please.不要讲话了。134.Dont be noisy!安静下来。135.What do you think it is ?你认为它是什么?136.It may be a panda.它可能是只熊猫。137.Lets play this game.我们玩这个游戏。138.Let me teach you an English song.我教你们一首英文歌曲。139.Can you guess what it is?你能猜出它是什吗?140.Open your books to page 10.把书翻到第10页。141.Lets start from where we left off yesterday.让我们接着昨天的讲。142.Lets begin at the 12th line.我们从第12行开始。143.Close your books.把书合上。144.Think it over想想看。.145.Think for a while.想一会儿。146.Try again.再试试看。147.I shall tell you something about the authors life.我将讲一点作者的生平。148.Now you are going to read the text one by one.现在你们轮流读课文。149.Its your turn now,Li Jun.李军,该你了。150.Lets go on to the next sentence.现在让我们看下一句。151.What am I holding?我拿的是什么?152.Say after me,apple.跟我说“apple。153.Whats the date today.今天是几号?154.Its the eleventh of October.今天是10月11号。155.What day is today?今天星期几?156.Its Monday.今天星期一。157.Its very kind of you to help me.您帮助我真是太好了。158.Thank you very much indeed.真是太感谢您了。159.You are welcome.没关系。160.Sure.没关系。161.Once more,tape recorder.再说一遍,“磁带录音机”。162.Lets listen to the portrait of a Teacher.我们听一下“老师的画像”。163.What did you hear?你听到什么了?164.What important news did the father read in the evening paper?那个父亲从晚报中读到了什么消息?165.What did the father and his son do that Saturday afternoon?那个星期六下午他们父子做了什么?166.On their way back home,what did the father tell his son?在回家的路上,那个父亲告诉儿子什么了?167.What do you thinkofthereaderspronunciation?你觉得朗读者的发音怎么样?168.Her pronunciation is very clear and correct.她的发音既清晰又正确。169.Any other opinions?还有别的意见?170.This morning we are going to have a slide show class.今天早上我们要上幻灯课。171.I am going to show you some slides.我给你们看一些幻的灯片。172.Now look at the first slide, please.现在请看第一张幻灯片。173.Who do you see in the slide?你们在幻灯片里看见了什么?174.Ill begin by asking you some questions on yesterdays lesson.我先问你们几个昨天课文中的问题。175.Its at the bottom of the page.在这一页的最后。176.The second line from the top (bottom).正(倒)数第二行。177.Is there going to be a sports meet next Sunday?下星期天开运动会吗?178.Are you going to take part in any of the events,Liu Fang?刘芳,你打算参加什么项目?179.What event are you good at?你擅长什么项目?180.I am good at the high jump.我擅长跳高。181.We like sports.我们喜欢体育活动。182.Can you understand what I am saying?你们能听懂我的话吗?183.Do you know what I mean?你们懂我的意思吗?184.Do you understand what I said?你们明白我所说的吗?185.Does that make sense?明白了吗?186.Is everything clear to you?都清楚了吗?187.What does the word focus here mean?“focus”一词在这里的意思是什么?188.Raise your hand if you dont understand.不懂,请举手。189.Ill explain again.我再解释一遍。190.Look at the text on page 5, please.请看第5页的课文。191.Ask each other questions about the picture.根据图画内容互相提问。192.Whats this in English?用英语怎么说?193.It is a tiger.它是只虎。194.Do you have a dictionary?你有词典吗?195.Can you use the English-Chinese dictionary?你会英汉词典吗?196.Look up the word in the dictionary.在词典上查一查这个词。197.Have you got a pen?你有钢笔吗?198.Dont forget to bring your pen next time.下次别忘记带钢笔来。199.Be careful with your ink.当心墨水。200.Who knows how to operate the computer?谁知道怎样操作计算机?201.Who can tell us a story in English?谁能用英语给我们讲个故事?202.Today we will read and explain the newwords in Lesson 9 first, then well work on the text.今天我们先朗读和解释第九课生词,然后学课文。203.Let us do some listening prctice.让我们来做听力练习。204.Lets start our vocabulary work.我们开始词汇学习。205.This word has the same form in the singular as in the plural.这个词单位单复数形式相同。206.This word can be used either as a verb or as a noun.这个词既可作动词,又可作名词。207.How do you spell this word?如何拼写这个词?208.This word comes from Latin.这个词来自拉丁语。209.Could you tell me the difference between the two words?能告诉我这两个词有什么不同吗?210.You can guess the meaning of the word from the context.你可从上下文猜出这个词的意思。211.This sentence is American English.这句话是美国英语。212.Can you mak a sentence with this word?你能用这个词造句吗?213.Please say something about this picture.请谈谈这幅画。214.Whats the title of the story?故事的标题是什么?215.This text is selected from a novel.这篇课文选自一部小说。216.Let me tell you something about the background of the article.我将告诉你们一些有关这篇文章背景的情况。217.Let me expkain some difficult sentences in this text.我解释一下这篇课文中的几个难句子。218.This phrase has different meanings in different contexts.这个短语在不同上下文里有不同的含义。219.Compare the two translations and see which is better.比较这两种译法,看看哪个更好些。220.Have I made everything clear to you?我是否把什么都讲清楚了?四、Drill操练221.Youve mispronounced the word right.你把“right”这个词念错了。222.You said bed instead of bad.你把“bed”念成了“bad”。223.The t is silent in the word often.“t”在“often”一词中不发音。224.Ill help you to improve your pronunciation and intonation.我将帮助你改进语音语调。225.Attention, please!请注意!226.May Ihave your attention!请大家注意!227.Listen to me carefully.注意听我讲。228.Where do you go to school?你在哪里上学?229.What school are you in?你们在哪所学校上学。230.We are in No.2 Junior High School.我们在第二初中上学。231.We are in No.5High School.我们在第5高中。232.We are in the High School attached to Beijing Normal University.我们在北京师范大学附属高中。233.What class are you in?你们在哪个班?234.We are in class 6.我们在6班。235.Dont interrupt him.不要打断他。236.Say it slowly!慢慢地讲!237.Its better this time.这次好一些。238.Ill repeat it.我再重复一遍。239.Will you say it again?请你再说一遍好吗?240.Ill say it once more.我再说一遍。241.There is no need to translate everything.没有必要一切都译。242.Stop here.在这儿停下来。243.Whats wrong with you, Zhang Hua?你怎么了,张华。244.Ive got a headache.我头疼。245.Now, lets read it together.现在让我们一起读。246.Reading aloud is very importaant.阅读是非常重要的。247.Read slowly and loudly.读得慢一些,声音大一些。248.Ill read the text for you.我给你们朗读课文。249.Is this dialogue interesting?这个对话有趣吗?250.Dont be nervous.别紧张。251.Did you say beg or bag ?你说的是“beg”还是“bag”?252.You must learn to take notes.你们一定要学习记笔记。253.Take down the examples I give you.把我给你们的例句都记下来。254.Say it louder so that everyone in the class can hear you.大点声以便教室里所有人都能听到。255.What would you say to his answer, class?同学们,你们认为他的回答怎么样?256.Excuse me,may I ask you a question?我能问你个问题吗?257.Can you give us an example?你能给我们举个例子吗?258.Open your mouth wide when you pronounce this sound.发这个音时,嘴要张大。259.Dont use the nasal sound.不要用鼻音。260.Put the stress in the right place.重音要读正确。261.Dont pause here.不要在这停顿。262.Here we should use a falling tone.这里我们应该用降调。263.Arising tone can not be used here.这儿不能用升调。264.Lets read in unison.我们集体朗读。265.Pronounce this word,please.请发这个词的音。266.Now try to replace the word with some other words.现在用另外的词来代替这个词。267.Make these sentences negative.把这些句子变为否定句。268.Ask questions about the underlined parts.就划线部分提出问题。269.This sentence is in the active voice. Can you change it into the passive voice?这个句子是主动语态,你能把它变为被动语态吗?270.Is it a simple or a compound sentence?这是个简单句还是一个复合句?271.Lets do the pattern drill.You must respond as quickly as possible.我们做句型练习,你们必须尽快做出反应。272.Do this drill in groups of four.四人一组做这个练习。273.Dont write while Im reading.我读时候先不要写。274.Ill read the story sentence by sentence for you to write down.我把这个故事一句一句地读,你们写下来。275.Ill read it once more from the very beginning.现在我再从头读一遍。276.Is it correct to use the present tense?用现在时对吗?277.If you go on like this,you will not make any progress.如果你这样下去你不会进步。278.Great pains must be taken to master a foreign language.要掌握一门外语非下苦工夫不可。279.We cant learn English well without first training ourselves to speak it.如果不先练习讲英语是不能学好英语的。280.Dont be afraid of making mistakes.不要害怕出错。五、Practice练习281. Who wants to try?谁要试一试。282.Who would like to answer my question?谁愿意回答我的问题?283.Please raise your hand.请举手。284.Lets have the students in the first row read the text.请第一排的学生读课文。285.Dont be shy.别害羞。286.Good! Very good!好!很好!287.Hum, not quite.恩,不太正确。288.What are your favorite subjects?你喜欢哪些课程?289.Biology and mathematics.生物学和数学。290.Read the new words and phrases, please.请读生词和词组。291.Will you please correct me if I make a mistake?如果我错了,请你给我指正好吗?292.Read the second paragraph,please.请读第2段。293.This is good practice.这是一种很好的练习。294.Is that the right word?那个词对吗?295.Anything wrong?有错吗?296.Thats perfectly correct.完全正确。297.Im afraid its wrong.恐怕这是不对的。298.Spell the word soldier.拼出“soldier”一词。299.Who will volunteer to answer this question?谁自愿回答这个问题?300.Any volunteers?有自愿回答的吗?301.Will you check my spelling,please?请你检查我的拼写好吗?302.This is quite easy.这相当容易。303.Very well done this time.这次做得很好。304.Excellent.相当好。305.What mistake did he make?他出了什么错?306.Who has a different answer?谁有不同的回答?307.Would anyone like to add anything?谁愿做些补充?308.That will do. 这样行了。309.Thats all right.这样可以了。310.Thats it.这就对了。311.Please read the word syllable by syllable.请把这个词分音节读。312.Pay attention to stress on the sentence.注意句子重音。313.You read much better now. Keep it up.你现在读得好多了,保持下去。314.If you want to express yourself freely,you must have a large vocabulary.要想自由流畅地表达自己的意思,必须掌握大量的词汇。315.These two words are identical in meaning.这两个词意思相同。316.Can you tell the story in your own words?你能用自己的话讲这个故事吗?317.Lets divide our class into two groups,one group asks questions, the other answers.我们把同学分成两组,一组提问,另一组回答。318.Liu lu, make a sentence using the pattern.刘露,仿照句型造一个句子。319.Now lets do sentence-changing exercises.现在让我们做句子变换练习。320.Please change the declarative sentence into an interrogative one.请将这个陈述句变为疑问句。321.Now lets practise the dialogue in pairs.现在两人一对来练习这个对话。322.Now lets act out the model dialogue.现在让我们表演一下示范对话。323.Well ,Li Yang ,you act as A,Wei Hua, you act as B.好,李洋你扮演A,魏华你扮演B。324.Have you learned the word by heart?你们记住这个单词了吗?325.Lets do it next time.下次我们再做。326.Ill ask two students to give us a dialogue about our school library.我要请两个同学作一个有关学校图书馆的对话。327.Im afraid I have to cut you short.我恐怕得打断你的话。328.Now lets try another type of exercise-asking and answering questions.现在让我们做另一种练习-问答练习。329.Your dialogue was well-organized.你们的对话组织得很好。330.Im satisfied with your answer.我很满意你的回答。331.Now fire questions at him.现在大家向他不断提问。332.You may ask someone to stand up and answer your questions.你可以叫一位同学起来回答你的问题。333.Youmust know, think hard.你一定知道,再好好想想。334.Please write the sentence in your exercise book.请把这个句子写在练习本上。335.This is a common mistake made by Chinese students.这是中


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