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附件1:工程制图双语课程教学大纲工程制图(1)教学大纲(机类)1工程制图(2)教学大纲(机类)8工程制图(1)教学大纲(近机类)17工程制图教学大纲(非机类)24计算机绘图教学大纲28深圳大学课程教学大纲(机类)课程编号: 2211010122110106 课程名称: 工程制图(1) 开课院系: 机电与控制工程学院 制订(修订)人: 程蓉 彭小波 审核人: 胡 琳 批准人: 王贤坤 2009年 9 月 1 日制(修)订Course Syllabus Engineering Drawing (1)Course Number: 22110101Course Title: Engineering Drawing (1)Total Lectures: 5 lectures/week13 weeks = 65 lecturesCredits: 3Course Prerequisites:noneTextbook: Lin HU, Engineering Drawing (Chinese-English Bilingual Edition), China Machine Press, 2005.9.Supplementary:Colin H. Simmons/Dennis E. Maguire. Manuai of Engineering Drawing. (Second edition). Elsevier Newnes. Linacre House, Jordan Hill,Oxfrod OX2 8DP 200 Wheeler Road,Burlington MA 08103.2004Participants: undergraduate students in all science and engineering majorsCourse Objectives:After completing this course, students should be able to:1. Understand and use the basic theory of orthographic projection and learn how to apply projection to view and analysis of engineering solids; 2. Comprehend the structure and the representation of engineering components.3. Have the skills in spatial-visual thought, spatial imagination, exploration and innovation.4. Read and prepare engineering drawings.5. Work with a careful, down-to-earth, meticulous, serious and faithful style and with a science spirit.Course Description:Engineering drawing is an application oriented course that introduces the preparation, representation and reading of engineering drawings. Engineering drawing, similar to characters and numbers, is one of the indispensable tools used by human for technical communication and is an important technical document in industry for design, manufacture, operation, and maintenance, so it is called as “a common technical language for engineers”. This course teaches students the related national standards in Mechanical Drawing and Technical Drawing as well as the basic engineering knowledge, basic theories of drawing preparation, regulations, up-to-date drawing technologies, etc.This course is with emphases on precise understanding and apprehension of the basic theories, procedures and skills of drawing, for students to communicate effectively with their working partners in the future. It also emphasizes on comprehension and application of various representation modes and drawing technologies, for students to have an all-round and integrated grasp of the relationship between technology and standard in design. The difficulty of the course lies in the cultivation of spatial imagination and spatial logical thinking. A student lack of practical experience and education in manufacturing has to make great effort to learn, understand and use the introduced theories and methods.Lecture Contents:1)Basic knowledge of drawing 1. Drawing tools and their utilization2. Related provision in National Standards 2)Basic orthographic projection 1. Principles of orthographic projection2. Projection of points、lines and planes 3)Solids and their intersections 1. Projection of solids2. Cutting of solids3. Intersection of solids4)Composite solids 1. Drawing views of composite solids2. Reading views of composite solids3. Dimensioning composite solids5)Axonometric projection 1. Isometric projection2. Cabinet axonometry projection6)General principles of representation 1. General representation2. Sections and cuts3. Simplified and conventional representation7)Representation for commonly used parts1. Threads2. Screw fasteners3. Commonly used parts 8)Detail drawings 1. Standard parts and commonly used parts2. Limits and fits, surface roughness3. Technical requirements and reading simple detail drawings9)Computer-aided drawingLecture allotment:Chap.ContentsLecture allotmentP.S.classroom teachingpracticeclassroom quizexercisestotal1Foundations of Engineering Drawing22homework2Basic orthographic projection20.50.53homework3Solids and their intersections830.53.515homework4Solids and their intersections611210homework5Axonometric projection10.50.52homework6General Principles of Presentation6.510.5210homework7Representation Methods of Common Parts30.51.55homework8Detail Drawings1011215homework9Computer-aided drawing33homework Total42.56.541265AssessmentThe grade is given according to the performance of the students in two fields. The first includes attendance, Q & A in class, exercises in class, homework, 40% in weight. The other is final exam, 60% in weight.工程制图(1)教学大纲课程编号:22110101课程名称: 工程制图(1)英文名称: Engineering Drawing (1)总学时: 65 学 分:3先修课程:无教 材: ENGINEERING DRAWING 工程制图(英汉双语对照)胡琳等主编 机械工业出版社,2005年 参考教材: 焦永和等主编, 工程图学(第8版,改编版)高等教育出版社,2006课程性质: 理工科学生本科专业基础课,必修教学目标: 工程图学是研究工程图样的绘制、表达和阅读的一门应用学科。学生在完成本课程学习后,应能够达到以下要求:1. 掌握并应用正投影法的基本原理,学会运用投影法进行工程形体的观察、分析的方法;2. 学习工程形体的构成及表达方法;3. 培养形象思维、空间思维能力和开拓、创新精神;4. 能阅读和绘制工程图样;5. 培养严谨、求实、细致、认真、负责的工程素养和科学精神。课程简介: 本课程主要研究绘制、阅读工程图样的基本理论和方法,学习国家标准机械制图、技术制图的相关内容。工程图样是进行技术交流的不可缺少的工具之一,就当代科学技术水平而言,工程图样仍是工业生产中进行设计、制造、使用、维修时的重要技术文件,有“工程界共同的技术语言”之称。因此,工程图学并不是仅为某个特定专业提供基础,而是作为“工程教育”的一部分,为一切涉及工程领域的人才提供空间思维和形象思维表达的理论及方法。教学内容、要求及重点:(一)制图基本知识教学内容:1. 工程制图相关技术制图标准介绍; 2. 绘图工具及仪器使用方法介绍; 教学要求:了解工程制图国家标准规范,掌握正确的绘图仪器使用方法及绘图步骤。教学重点:1. 工程制图相关的技术制图国家标准;2. 绘图仪器的使用方法及绘图步骤。(二)正投影基础教学内容:1. 投影的形成、分类及应用, 正投影的特性; 2. 立体三视图的形成及投影规律; 3. 立体表面上点、线、面的投影分析。教学要求:要求学生掌握正投影基本特性及投影规律,掌握立体表面上的点、线、面的位置分折方法。教学重点:三视图的投影规律及重影点的判别方法。(三)立体及其交线教学内容:1. 基本体的投影; 2. 截切体(平面与立体相交,平面限特殊位置); 3. 相贯体(两回转体相交,限回转体轴线垂直于投影面)。教学要求:本部分为该课程教学之重点,要求学生掌握基本立体三视图画法及截交线、相贯线的求法。教学重点:求截交线、相贯线的方法。(四)组合体教学内容:1. 组合体的形体分析;2. 组合体三视图画法;3. 组合体三视图的读图;4. 组合体的尺寸标注。教学要求:本部分为该课程教学之重点,要求学生掌握组合体三视图画法及读图的方法。教学重点: 形体分析法及线面分析法。(五)轴测图教学内容:1. 轴测图基本知识;2. 正等轴测图画法(平面立体);3. 斜二等轴测图画法(曲面立体)。教学要求: 要求学生了解平面立体的正等轴测图画法。教学重点: 正等轴测图的画法。(六)图样画法教学内容:1. 视图;2. 剖视 (以单一剖切面、平行于基本投影面的剖视为主);3. 断面及局部放大图;4. 常用简化画法和规定画法;5 *第三角投影简介。教学要求: 要求学生掌握各种表达方法的具体运用,能正确地选择表达方案,完整地表达各种结构的形体。教学重点:要求学生掌握图样中的各种表达方法及其适用场合。(七) 常用机件的表达教学内容:1. 螺纹;2. 螺纹紧固件;3. 常用件。教学要求: 要求学生了解各种常用机件的表达方法、适用场合及标注方法。教学重点: 螺纹、螺纹紧固件、直齿圆柱齿轮的规定画法。(八) 零件图教学内容:1. 零件图的内容及表达方法; 2. 零件的结构工艺性; 3. 零件图的技术要求;4. 读零件图。教学要求:了解产品零件的设计、制造、加工工艺过程及零件图在机械设计中的作用及地位,能阅读一般零件图,能识别和正确理解表面粗糙度符号、尺寸公差与配合符号,会分析零件的尺寸基准和工艺结构。教学重点:零件图的阅读。(九) 计算机绘图计算机绘图的方法。学时分配: 章节主要内容各教学环节学时分配备注讲授实验讨论习题小计1制图基础22课外习题2正投影基础20.50.53课外习题3立体及其交线830.53.515课外习题4组合体611210课外习题5轴测图10.50.52课外习题6图样画法6.510.5210课外习题7常用机件的表达30.51.55课外习题8零件图1011215课外习题9计算机绘图33课外习题 总 计42.56.541265考试与成绩评定方式:学期总成绩由平时成绩和期末考试成绩两部分组成。平时成绩包括平时记录的出勤情况、课堂提问、课堂练习、课后作业等的成绩,占总成绩的40%,期末成绩占总成绩的60%。深圳大学课程教学大纲(机类)课程编号: 2211100422111006 课程名称: 工程制图(2) 开课院系: 机电与控制工程学院 制订(修订)人: 程蓉 彭小波 审核人: 胡 琳 批准人: 王贤坤 2009年 9 月 1 日制(修)订课程编号:22110101课程名称: 工程制图(1)英文名称: Engineering Drawing (1)总学时: 65 学 分:3先修课程:无教 材: ENGINEERING DRAWING 工程制图(英汉双语对照)胡琳等主编 机械工业出版社,2005年 参考教材: 焦永和等主编, 工程图学(第8版,改编版)高等教育出版社,2006课程性质: 机械类工本科专业基础课,必修教学目标: 工程图学是研究工程图样的绘制、表达和阅读的一门应用学科。在学习了工程制图(1)的基础之上,学生在完成本课程学习后,应能够掌握零件测绘和装配图画法。一、课程设计的指导思想本课程主要研究绘制、阅读工程图样的基本理论和方法,学习国家标准机械制图、技术制图的相关内容。工程图样是进行技术交流的不可缺少的工具之一,就当代科学技术水平而言,工程图样仍是工业生产中进行设计、制造、使用、维修时的重要技术文件,有“工程界共同的技术语言”之称。因此,工程图学并不是仅为某个特定专业提供基础,而是作为“工程教育”的一部分,为一切涉及工程领域的人才提供空间思维和形象思维表达的理论及方法。本课程是机械设计制造及其自动化本科学生必修专业基础课,在学习完工程制图(1)的基础上方能学习本课程。工程图学是研究工程图样的绘制、表达和阅读的一门应用学科,是一门既有系统理论又有很强实践性的技术基础课。绘制工程图样的技能必须在学习理论的基础上,通过大量的绘图和读图实践才能逐步掌握。通过本课程的学习,培养学生绘制和阅读常见机器或部件零件图和装配图的扎实的基本功和基本技能。 学生在完成本课程学习后,应能够达到以下要求:This course follows the course of Engineering Drawing (1) and is a required basic specialized course for students majoring in mechanical engineering. Focusing on the plotting, representation and interpretation of engineering draws, it is an application discipline and a basic technical course, with systematic theories as well as practical trainings. Skills of engineering drawing can only be mastered by a lot of practice of drawing and reading of engineering drawings, based on solid theory background. This course aims to make students master various representation methods of engineering drawings and their application situations, especially to improve their abilities of comprehensive representation of engineering drawings and provide them a range of plotting and reading skills of mechanical detail drawings and assembly drawings. Students should have following abilities by learning this course:1. 掌握并应用正投影法的基本原理,学会运用投影法进行工程形体的观察、分析的方法;Mastering basic principles of Orthographic Projection; knowing how to observe and analyze engineering objects using project methods;2. 学习工程形体的构成及表达方法;Skills of analyzing structures of engineering objects and their representation methods;3. 培养形象思维、空间思维能力和开拓、创新精神;Strong abilities of spatial thinking and imagery thinking; the spirit of pioneer and innovation;4能阅读和绘制工程图样;Abilities of reading and drawing of engineering drawings of moderate complexities;5培养严谨、求实、细致、认真、负责的工程素养和科学精神。Processes of precise, factualistic, serious-minded and responsible personality and scientism.二、教学内容第1章 制图基础 (Chapter 1 Foundations of Engineering Drawing)教学目的(Education Objectives): 使学生明确本课程的地位、性质任务和学习方法,了解工程制图国家标准规范,掌握正确的绘图仪器使用方法及绘图步骤。Introduces students the status, properties and tasks of the course and the study methods; Makes students understand National Drawing Standards and be proficient in the use of drawing tools and master drawing steps.教学要求(Education Requirements):1. 了解并遵守技术制图与机械制图国家标准的有规定。Understand and observe the rules of technical drawings and mechanical drawings specified by National Drawing Standards;2. 能正确使用一般的绘图工具和仪器,掌握常用的几何作图方法,做到作图准确、图线分明、字体工整、图面整洁。Be able to use common drawing tools and instruments properly; Master 、common geometric drawing methods; Drawings should be precise and clean, lines be clear and handwritings be neat;3. 分析和标注平面图形的尺寸。Abilities to analyze and mark dimensions of plane graphs;4.掌握徒手绘图的技巧。Master skills of freehand drawing.内容提要(Abstract):1. 绘图工具和仪器的使用方法。Usage of drawing tools and instruments;2. 机械制图国家标准介绍,制图一般规定(图纸幅面、比例、字体、图线、剖面符号、尺寸注法),标题栏。Introductions of national mechanical drawing standards, general drawing specifications (sizes and scales of drawings, fonts, lines, section symbols and dimension marking) and title block;3. 常用几何图形的作图方法。Common geometric drawing methods;4. 平面图形的尺寸分析、作图步骤。Dimension analysis and drawing steps of plane graphs;5. 徒手画草图的方法。Methods of freehand sketching.教学重点(Education Emphases):制图的基本知识和基本技能,重点是“制图基本规格”、“平面图形画法”、“工具仪器使用方法及正确的绘图方法步骤”、“画徒手草图的方法”。Basic knowledge and skills of engineering drawing, including “basic specifications of engineering drawing”, “plane graph drawing”, “use methods of drawing tools and proper drawing steps”, “methods of freehand sketching”.(第25章由工程制图(1)课程讲授)第6章 图样画法 Chapter 6 General Principles of Presentation教学目的(Education Objectives):使学生掌握各种表达方法的具体运用,能正确地选择表达方案,完整地表达各种结构的形体。Students should master various representation methods and be able to select proper one to represent all the structures completely.教学要求(Education Requirements): 1. 掌握机件的视图(包括基本视图、斜视图、局部视图)画法。Master drawing methods of views, including principle views, oblique views and partial views;2掌握剖视表达方法(包括全剖、半剖、局部剖等剖视图的画法)。了解徒手作剖视草图和剖视轴测图技能。Master drawing methods of sections, including full sections, half sections and partial sections. Understand freehand sketching methods and axonometric drawing methods of sections.3. 掌握移出断面和重合断面表达方法。 Master representation methods of removed sections and coincide sections.4. 了解相关的规定画法和简化画法。Understand common conventional and simplified representations.5了解第三角投影的视图配置。Understand the arrangement of views of the third angle projection.内容提要(Abstract):1. 视图(了解基本视图及辅助视图的形成)。Views(understand the way the principle views and auxiliary views are constructed).2. 剖视图 (以单一剖切面、平行于基本投影面的剖视为主)。Sections(especially sections with single cutting planes paralleling to principle projective planes).3. 断面图及局部放大图。Cuts and drawing of partial enlargement.4. 常用简化画法和规定画法。Common simplified and conventional representations.5.第三角投影法。Third-angle projection教学重点(Education Emphasis):掌握图样中的各种表达方法及其适用场合,重点在于提高学生的综合表达能力。Ensure that students master various kinds of representation methods and their application occasion. Improve the abilities of comprehensive representation of students.第7章 常用机件的表达 Chapter 7 Representation Methods of Common Parts教学目的(Education Objectives):使学生了解螺纹及螺纹紧固件的有关知识、规定画法和标记等内容。掌握螺纹、常用螺纹紧固体及其联接的规定画法,并能按已知条件进行标注。Students should master conventional representations and marks of thread and thread fastener, and be able to mark thread parts according to the given conditions.教学要求(Education Requirements):1. 掌握螺纹规定画法和标注方法。Master conventional representations and mark methods of thread part.2. 理解常用螺纹紧固件画法、装配画法及查表。Understand representation methods of detail drawings and assembly drawings of common thread fasteners and correlative look-up table method.3. 掌握直齿圆柱齿轮结构、工作原理及其啮合规定画法。Master structures and work principles of spur cylindrical gears and the conventional representations of their engagement.4. 掌握鍵和销的查表及规定画法。Master look-up table method and conventional representations of keys and pins.5. 了解圆柱螺旋压缩弹簧画法。Understand representation methods of cylindrical helix compression spring.6了解滚动轴承知识,掌握其规定画法。Understand background knowledge of rolling bearings and their conventional representations.内容提要(Abstract):1. 标准化的基本概念和标准件。Concepts of standardization and standard parts.2. 螺纹的基本知识、规定画法、标注和查表。Background knowledge of threads and their conventional representations, marks and look-up table method.3. 常用螺纹紧固件(螺栓、双头螺柱、螺钉、螺母、垫圈)及其连接的画法和规定的标记.螺纹紧固件的装配画法。Representations and marks of common thread fasteners(bolts, double end studs, bolts, nuts and washers) and their joints. Representation methods of assembly drawings of thread fasteners.4. 销连接、键连接的画法、标注和查表。Representation methods of key joints and pin joints and their marks and look-up table methods.5. 弹簧和滚动轴承的画法、标注和查表。Representation methods of springs and rolling bearings and their marks and look-up table methods.6. 齿轮的基本知识及其画法。Background knowledge and representations of gears.教学重点(Education Emphasis):螺纹和螺纹紧固件及连接的规定画法、代号、标注。Conventional representations, codes and marks of threads, thread fasteners and their joints.第8章 零件图 Chapter 8 Detail Drawings教学目的(Education Objectives):能正确绘制和阅读常见零件图,所绘图样应做到:投影正确、视图选择和配置适当、尺寸标注完整、清晰、基本合理、字体工整、图面整洁、符合机械制图国家标准.Students should be able to draw and read common detail drawings. Detail drawings should be produced according to national mechanical drawing standards, with correct projections, properly selected and arranged views, complete, clear and reasonable dimensions, neat handwritings and tidy drawings.教学要求(Education Requirements):1.了解零件图作用与内容,了解典型零件表达方法及常见工艺结构。Understand the functions and contents of detail drawings. Understand representation methods of typical parts and common process structures.2.能正确阅读中等复杂程度零件图(视图一般不少于3个)。Be able to read detail drawings with moderate complexities.3.掌握零件测绘基本方法,能正确绘制中等复杂程度零件图。Master principle methods of part mapping. Be able to draw detail drawings with moderate complexities.4.尺寸标注要完整、清晰、符合标准,并能考虑零件结构的工艺要求。尺寸数量约25个左右。Dimensions should be correct, complete, clear and in accordance with process requirements of the part. The number of dimensions is generally about 25.5.会正确注写和识别表面粗糙度代号、尺寸公差与配合代号、形位公差代号。Be able to label and read surface roughness codes, codes of size tolerance and fitting, and geometrical tolerance codes.内容提要(Abstract):1.零件图的作用和内容。 The functions and contents of detail drawings.2.零件的视图选择、尺寸注法及技术要求。View selections, dimensioning and technical requirements of parts.3.零件的常见制造工艺结构简介。Introductions of common manufacturing process structures of parts.4.表面粗糙度的代号及其标注。Surface roughness codes and their labeling.5.公差配合的基本概念及其标注;表面形状和位置公差的基本概念及其标法。Concepts of tolerance and fitting and their labeling. Concepts of geometrical tolerances and their labeling.6. 零件的测绘方法。Methods of part mapping.7. 零件图的读图。Interpretation of detail drawings.教学重点(Education Emphasis):着重于零件图的视图选择、表达方式及尺寸注法。提高绘制和阅读机械图样的能力;并且能阅读、会注写尺寸公差和表面粗糙度符号。系统掌握看零件图的一般方法和步骤。This chapter focuses on view selections, representation methods and dimensioning methods in detail drawings, the abilities of plotting and reading mechanical drawings, the methods of reading and labeling size tolerance and surface roughness codes, as well as systematic mastery of general methods and steps of detail drawing interpretation.第9章 装配图 Chapter 9 Assembly Drawings教学目的(Education Objectives):培养绘制和阅读常见装配图的基本技能,所绘图样应做到:投影正确、视图选择和配置适当、尺寸标注完整、清晰、基本合理、字体工整、图面整洁、符合机械制图国家标准,在制造工艺结构和装配工艺结构方面,尽可能结合生产实际,并注意生产的要求,用类比法制定技术要求。Master basic skills of plotting and reading assembly drawings. Assembly drawings produced should be produced according to national mechanical drawing standards, with correct projections, properly selected and arranged views, complete, clear and reasonable dimensions, neat handwritings and tidy drawings. As for manufacturing process structures and assembly process structures, assembly drawings should be consistent with manufacturing practice and technical requirements should be specified by analogy method according to manufacturing requirements.教学要求:1.了解装配图作用和内容。掌握装配图的常用表达方法、视图选择、规定画法、尺寸标注及有关装配工艺结构。1. Understand the functions and contents of assembly drawings. Master common representation methods, view selection methods, conventional representations, dimensioning methods and assembly process structures of assembly drawings.2. 能正确绘制中等复杂程度装配图(要求非标准件应超过8个)。2. Be able to draw assembly drawings with moderate complexities(with more than 8 un-standard parts).3. 识读中等复杂程度装配图(非标准零件数应不少于8件),并拆绘其中一个支架或箱体类零件的零件工作图,至少画一张零件图或零件草图,视图不少于2个。3. Be able to read assembly drawings with moderate complexities(with more than 8 un-standard parts) and disassembly a bracket or box part from it, for which at least one detail drawing or sketch with more than 2 views is produced.内容提要(Abstract):1. 装配图的作用和内容。The functions and contents of assembly drawings.2. 部件的视图表达方法。Representation methods of views of parts.3. 常见的装配工艺结构简介。Brief introductions of common assembly process structures.4. 装配图的视图选择、尺寸注法及技术要求。View selections, dimensioning and technical requirements of assembly drawings.5. 零件的编号及其明细表。Part numbers and part lists.6. 部件的测绘;由装配图拆画零件图。Part mapping and separating assembly drawings.7. 看装配图的方法和步骤。Methods and steps of reading assembly drawings.教学重点(Education Emphasis):系统掌握装配图的绘制和阅读的一般方法和步骤。Systematically master general methods and steps of plotting and reading assembly drawings.三、课时分配及其它本课程只上一个学期,共36学时,每周2学时,具体的各教学环节学时分配情况如下:章节主要内容各教学环节学时分配备注讲授实验讨论习题小计1制图基础224创新设计几何作图Foundations of Engineering DrawingGeometric construction6图样画法30.50.54构型设计徒手绘图Genera

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