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复习Unit 1 SportsIWords: 英汉互译 运动 _ ping-pong ball _ 篮球_ soccer _ some, any _ 运动鞋 _ 运动员 _ 重的 _ 轻的 _ 队_ buy 的过去式_ teach 的过去式_比赛,游戏_ think 的过去式_ 扔,投_接住_ 赢_ 输_ 美元_need_ hit the ball to Danny_II. Translation 翻译。1. 乒乓球是我最喜欢的运动。_2. 你能教我打篮球吗?_3. 你有一些运动鞋吗?_4. 我们需要一些乒乓球。_5. 你喜欢这件T-恤衫还是那件?_6. 篮球太重了。_7. 昨天我买了一双跑鞋。_8. 他是一名篮球运动员。_9. 这是一场篮球赛。_10. 鲍勃队赢了。_III. 写出下列词的过去式。 buy_ think_ teach _ go _ do _ win _ lose _ have _ play _ want _ hurt _ hit _ am/is _ are _ see _ watch _IV. 游戏,单词接龙,单词不能重复。 easy _yes_ _ _ _ team _ _ _ or _ _ _ T-shirt _ _ _V. Writing 写作 Whats your favourite sport? 写一篇短文,介绍你最喜欢的运动。_复习 Unit 2 Good Health to you!IWords: 翻译成英语。介词:在之后_ 在之前_身体部位器官:脸_ 牙齿_ 骨骼_ 皮肤_ 肌肉_ 时间词:分钟_ 小时_ 天_ 周_ 月_ 年_ 蔬菜: 洋白菜_ 大葱,洋葱_ 豌豆_动词:刷_ 梳_形容词:健康的_ 强壮的_ 虚弱的_ 生病的_ 高的_ 低的_ II. Phrases: 词组,英汉互译 吃早餐_ 刷牙_ 洗脸_ comb hair _ how often _ once a day _ 十分钟_ 五小时_ 晚饭后_ 一周五次_ 对有好处 _ten years, five months, three weeks, four days, two hours, fifty-six minutes _III. 写出下列词的反义词strong _ high _ before _ sick _IV. 用所给词的正确形式填空1. Jenny _ (wake) up at 7:00 every morning.2. Jenny _(not) go to school on Sunday.3. After breakfast, he _(brush) his teeth.4. Danny _ (eat) breakfast once last week.5. (Ride) _ a bike is exercise. (run) _ is exercise.IV. Translation. 翻译句子。1. 这盆花是强壮和健康的。_2. Do you want to be strong and healthy? _3. How often did Danny eat breakfast last week?_4. 我一周洗七次脸。_5. 健康的皮肤是干净的皮肤。_6. 我最喜欢的水果是西瓜。_7. How often do you eat vegetables?_8. 六十分钟是一小时。_9. How much exercise do you need? _10. How many minutes do you do your homework?_V. 写作。What do you do to be healthy? 以做什么来保持健康为题,写一篇短文。_复习 Unit 3 What will you do this summer?IWords: 翻译成英语。 海滩_ 海洋_ 树叶_ 花_ 草_ 公园_ 天空_ 云_ 沙子_ 凉鞋_ 游泳池_ 游泳衣_ 飞_ 躺_ 游泳_ 跳_ 将要_ 看起来像 _ 非常_ II. Phrases 词组,英汉互译放风筝_ 看花_ 躺在草地上_ wear sandals _ look at the clouds _ in the sky_有时_ invite sb. to do sth. _ swim very fast_like doing sth. better than doing sth. _ 越来越快_III. 按要求写单词。1. swim (现在分词)_ 2. invite (过去式)_3. take off (第三人称单数)_ 4. make (过去式)_5. run (过去式)_ 6.lie (过去式)_7.swim (过去式)_ 8.fly(现在分词)_9. say(过去式)_ 10. fast(比较级)_IV、单项选择。(10分)( )1.Last summer, I _to the ocean. A. go B. goes C. went( ) 2.In fall ,the trees lose _leaves. A. their B. they C. them ( ) 3.Danny _ to the swimming pool .A. walk B. walks C. walked( ) 4.I like to _shorts and sandals in summer. A. put on B. put in C. take off( ) 5.your kite _a bird. A. look like B. look at C. looks likeIV. 同义句转换。1. I am going to wake up at 6:30 tomorrow. _2. We will go to the park tomorrow._3. She likes to swim._4. My father will go to Beijing next week._5. I will lie on the beach._复习 Unit4 Li Ming goes homeI. Words: 翻译成英语。蛋糕 _ 饼干 _ 冰淇淋_ 白糖 _ 聚会 _ 国旗_ 惊喜 _开始 _ 忘记_ 记得_早的_ 晚的 _ 每一个_ 某人_ 多少_II. 按要求写单词。eat(过去式)_ see(过去式)_ begin(过去式)_take(现在分词)_ buy(现在分词)_ swim(现在分词)_补全单词:so_eone remem_er cre_m surpr_se dra_onIII、同学们,请认真读题,将A、B、C、里正确的那个送到括号里!( )1、I want to buy gifts _ my family. A、with B、to C、for( )2、“I need eleven gifts for every person in my family”_ Li Ming. A、answered B、answer C、answers( )3、“_?”asks Jenny. “Seven dollar, thats very cheap!” says Mike. A、How much are they? B、How long are they? C、How many are they( )4、John wanted _ basketball with a ping-pong ball! A、to plays B、to playing C、to play( )5、“_?”asks Lily. “Its ten hours to Beijing!” says Zhang Feng. A、How many times? B、How much does it? C、How long is the trip?IV. 同学们,请根据已经给出的单词,把他们还原成你熟悉的句子吧!1、took, many, in, we, park, pictures, the (.)_2、do, you, did, night, last, what (?)_3、gifts, for, friends, my, bought, I (.)_ _4、people, How many, to, party, are coming, the (?)_5、holiday, your, did, where, you, go, on (?)_期末模拟试卷(一)一、慧眼辩真伪:把每组单词中与其他三个不同一类的单词的编号写在相应的括号(10分) ( ) 1. A. sunny B. cloudy C. snowy D. muscle( ) 2. A .pea B. water C. cabbage D. onion( ) 3. A. bread B. cake C. cookies D. table( ) 4. A. noodle B. dumpling C. rice D. tea ( ) 5. A. cake B. cookies C. sandwich D. grass二、根据汉语意思补全单词(10分)( )1.c_bbabge 白菜 A. u B. o C. a ( )2.cl_udy 多云的 A. u B. o C. a( )3.c_ _b 梳 A. on B. om C. am( )4.m_ _th 月 A. on B. em C. am( )5.w_ _k 弱的 A. ee B. ae C.ea( )6.p_ _ty 晚会 A. ur B. ar C.ir( )7.b_ _ch 海滩 A. ea B. ee C.er( )8.fl_ _er 花 A. ou B. ow C. aw( )9.oc_ _n 海洋 A. ea B. er C. ee( )10.h_ _lthy 健康的 A. ee B. re C. ea三、单词交朋友:单词连线。(20分) 强壮的 muscle 冰淇淋 minute意外的惊喜 remember 分钟 cookies肌肉 strong 短裤 homework记得 heavy 饼干 ice cream重的 surprise 家庭作业 shorts四、单词大变身,按要求写出单词:(10分)1tooth(复数)_ 2.think(过去式)_3. leaf(复数)_ 4.teach(过去式)_ 5. buy(过去式)_五、中英小朋友手牵手:(10分)( )1.Can you teach me to play basketball? A.我需要一双运动鞋。( )2.I need a pair of runners. B.明天我要7:00起床。( )3.I like to swim. C.下周我要坐飞机回西安。( )4.Tomorrow I am going to wake up at 7:00. D.我喜欢游泳。( )5.I will fly home to Xian next week. E.你能教我打篮球吗? 六.你问,我来答:根据问句,选答句(10分)( )1.What is Li Ming doing? ( )2.How often do you eat donuts? ( )3.Whats your favourite sports? ( )4.How will Jenny go to the park? ( )5.How far is Beijing? A. Ping-pong is my favourite sport . B. By bus. C. About two thousand kilometres. D. Usually twice a day. E. He is throwing the basketball.七、学会说英语,轻松来交际(20分)( )1. How many minutes a day do you play sports? -_A. About 40 minutes B.5 days C.I like sports( )2. -How often do you wash your face?-_ A. I dont wash hands B. twice a day C. Sure( )3.-What colour is cabbage?-_ A. Its red B. Its blue C. Its green( )4.-How do you usually go to school?-_ A. By bus B. By plane C.I like to go to school.( )5.-How far is it to the store? A. Its about one kilometre from here. B. Its here C. Its far( )6.-Do you have a T-shirt?-_ A. I dont have a T-shirt. B. Here you are C. Where is it ?( )7.-Can you hit the ball to Jenny?-_. A.I think I can B.I dont want C. Here they are( ) 8. -What are you doing? -_ A. I throw the basketball B. Im throwing the basketballC. I throwed the basketball. ( )9.-May I ask you some question? -_.A. Yes, I can B. Sure C. Youre welcome( )10.- _for one hot dog?- Five yuan.A. How many B. How much C. What八、 同学们,认真的阅读和分析短文,相信你一定会找到正确的答案。On National Day, we had a long holiday. It was seven days. I went to Hainan with my parents. My grandparents live in a beautiful village in Hainan. We visited them. We went to see the blue see every day. We swam in it. We went to fishing, too. My grandmother cooked good food for us every day. The seafood is tasty, but very delicious, I like it very much! We also took many picture of our trip, I think that is a good trip for my family, what about you?( )1、National Day is on _. A、October 1 B、September ( )2、I went to _ on National Day. A、Haikou B、Hainan( )3、I _ in the sea. A、went swimming B、swim( )4、The seafood is _. A、very delicious B、dirty food( )5、My parents _ live in Hainan. A、grandparents B、parents期末模拟试卷(二)第卷 (选择题)一、单项选择(一)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出划线部分读音不同于其他三个的选项。( ) 1. A. liveB. giveC. drinkD. five( ) 2. A. cheapB .muchC. schoolD. chess( ) 3. A. rockB. monthC. operaD. job( ) 4. A. Friday B. SundayC. mayD. Monday( ) 5. A. noodleB. schoolC. soupD. book(二)从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( ) 1 . There is _apple on the table. _apple is yellow. A. a, The B. an, The C. an. An D. the, The ( ) 2.The shop is closed _this time _day. A. at, on B. in, of C. at. of D. in. on ( ) 3.One shoe is on the floor. Where is _? A. others B. other one C. the other one D. other ( ) 4. What would you like _ ? A. to eat B. eating C. drink D. eat ( ) 5.Your English is very good. _. A. Thank you B. Do you think so C. No D.I dont thinks( ) 6. How many _ are there in the picture?A. differenceB. dressC. womenD. boy( ) 7. The girl red skirts today. They look nice.A. are wearingB. are wearC. are putting onD. put on( ) 8. My brother cant play basketball. He can play piano.A. a, the B. /, the C. the, the D. the, /( ) 9. Tony here yesterday.A. didnt came B. comes C. come D. didnt come( ) 10. My brother is and his birthday is August .A. three, threeB. third, thirdC. three, thirdD. third, three二、完形填空Mrs.Green feels very happy this morning, 26 today is Junes birthday. June is her 27 . She is twenty 28 old. 29 her friends are coming to the party.Twenty 30 them are girls.At seven oclock in the morning. Mrs.Green is getting ready for the party. June is helping 31 . After a while, Mrs.Green goes shoping and 32 lots of apples, oranges and bananas. Then, she goes home.Its five oclock 33 . Everything is ready. Now, the first 34 , he is a handsome(俊美的,漂亮的) boy. He works in Children Hospital.He is a 35 . Then the girls comes, too. The party is going to being in twenty minutes. ( ) 26. A. butB. soC. andD. because( ) 27. A. sonB. daughterC. motherD. friend( ) 28. A. yearB. yearsC. yearsD. years( ) 29. A. A lot ofB. A lotC. FewD. A few( ) 30. A. in B. overC. fromD. of( ) 31. A. herB. himC. sheD. hers( ) 32. A. buyB.buysC. buyingD. to buy( ) 33. A. in the morningB. in the nightC. in the eveningD. at night( ) 34. A. arrive B. arrive inC. arrive atD. arrives( ) 35. A. worksB. reporterC. waiterD. doctor三、阅读理解Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind her house, and in spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after them very carefully, and when summer came, they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, Tomorrow I am going to pick them, and we can eat them. But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen(厨房) and shouted, Mother, Mother! Come quickly! Our neighbours(邻居的) ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables! Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbour was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables. Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbour brought Mrs. Brown a parcel(包裹). In it was a beautiful, fat duck, and on it was a piece of paper with the words. Enjoy your vegetables!根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误(T 、F)( ) 36. In spring, Mrs. Brown grew a number of vegetables in the garden. They grew very well.( ) 37. Mrs. Brown couldnt pick any vegetables because her neighbours ducks ate up the vegetables.( ) 38. Her neighbour was very glad for that.( ) 39. The neighbour brought Mrs. Brown a parcel before Christmas.( ) 40. There was a piece of paper with the words: Enjoy your vegetables!in the parcel. 四、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空1.There _ (not be) any milk in the bottle. 2. I want you _ ( help) me. 3. Let Jim _ ( take) photos. 4. Its eight oclock. We _ ( have) English classes. 5. Children _ ( watch) TV every evening6. I like _ (talk) to people and write stories.7. My father wants (buy) a new computer for me. 8.There are many _ (child) in the park on Sunday.9. .There are many_ (potato) here.10.The news sounds very _ (excite).五、句型转换1.She works in a hospital. (就划线部分提问) she ? 2. Its Sunday today. (就划线部分提问) it today?3. Miss Green often goes to the park with her daughter on Sunday. (就划线部分提问) Miss Green often to the park with on Sunday? 4. My brother likes comedies. (与thrillers一起变为选择疑问句)Does youe brother or ?5. I like music because it is relaxing. (就对划线部分提问) you like music? 六、书面表达暑假就要来了,你想在假期做什么呢?写一篇“My Summer Holiday”的短文。_

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