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六年级上册短语1.Good morning !早上好!2.Good evening !晚上好!3.Good afternoon !下午好!4.greet people问候他人5.English name英语名字6.the big letters大写形式7.each other彼此,互相8.the small letters小写形式9.in English 用英语10.a map一张地图11.look at 看12.in the picture在图片中13.listen to 听14.write the words写单词15.talk about谈论16.the missing letter缺少的字母17.black and white黑白相间18.number the letters给字母编号19.color the picture给图画上颜色20.match with将和搭配21.the English alphabet英语字母表22.read the chant读儿歌23.sing the song唱歌24.fill in 填写25.how many多少26.listen to听 27.first name名字28.in the class在班级29.phone number电话号码30.ID card身份证31.family name姓氏32.telephone number电话号码33.last name姓氏34.take out拿出35.pencil case铅笔盒36.pencil sharpener卷笔刀37.excuse me打扰了38.thank you 谢谢39.in English用英语40.this is这是 41.that is 那是42.call at给某人打电话43.computer game电脑游戏44.lost and found失物招领45.school ID card学生证46.a set一套47.a set of keys一串钥匙48.How do you spell it?怎样拼写它?49.those are那些是50.these are这些是51.take turn轮流52.change roles转换角色53.fill in blanks填空54.thanks for为感谢55.the family photo全家福照片56. buy sb sth=buy sth for sb.给某人买某物57.the photo of照片 58.in the photo在照片里59.write a letter写一封信60.match with与匹配61.complete the conversation完成对话62.in the picture在图片中63.under the table在桌子下面64.on the sofa在沙发上65.in the backpack在双肩背包里66.under the chair在椅子下面67.on the dresser在梳妆台上68.on the right在右边69.I dont know.我不知道70.math book数学书71. sell to卖给 72.in the drawer在抽屉里73.bringto把拿(带)到去74.on the floor在地板上75.tennis racket网球拍76.a ping-pong bat一个乒乓球拍77.a ping-pong ball一个乒乓球78.play soccer踢足球79.sports clubs运动俱乐部80.watch TV看电视81.play sports做运动82.let sb do sth让某人做某事83.baseball bat棒球棍84.every day每一天85.a great sports collection大量体育收藏品86.French fries炸薯条87.ice cream冰激凌88.countable noun可数名词89.uncountable noun不可数名词90.in the chart在表格中91.running star赛跑明星92.lots of 许多93.healthy food健康食品94.likefor breakfast喜欢作为早餐95.a group of 一帮,一群96.how m uch多少97. on sale出售,廉价出售98.here you are给你99.Ill take it.我要买它。100.make a sentence造句子101.play games玩游戏102.ask and answer问答103.have a look at看104.at a price以高价105.buyfrom从买进106.for sale待售107.Do you like?你喜欢吗?六年级下册短语1.January fifteen一月十五日2.your mothers birthday你妈妈的生日3.date of birth出生日期4.How old?.几岁?5.your own name你自己的名字6.the other students其他学生7.speech contest演讲比赛8.school trip学校郊游9.basketball game篮球比赛10.birthday party生日聚会11.Music Festival音乐节12.School Day校庆日13.at your school在你们学校14.have an Art Festival举办艺术节15.years old岁16.find out找出,查明17.want to do sth想要做某事18.go to a movie去看电影19.see a comedy看一部喜剧20.an action movie一部动作片21.what kind of哪种22.Beijing Opera京剧23.learn about学到关于24.Chinese history中国历史25.go to with sb.和某人一起去26.different kinds of 不同种类的27.my favorite actor我最喜欢的演员28.on weekends在周末29.a new movie一部新电影30.a funny comedy一部搞笑喜剧31.a great actor一个伟大的演员32.in the movie在电影中33.play chess下国际象棋34.speak English 说英语35.play the guitar弹吉他36.join the art club加入文艺俱乐部37.playwell弹(演奏)得好38.be good with与相处得好39.help sb. with帮助某人40.need help for需要对的帮助41.be in加入42.call sb. at拨找某人43.rock band摇滚乐队44.school show校园演出45.do Chinese kung fu练中国功夫46.a little 一点47. a small orange juice48.an email address电子邮箱地址49.what time几点,什么时候50.go to school/work去上学/上班51.get up起床52.eat breakfast吃早餐53.take a shower洗澡54.at five oclock在五点钟55.brush ones teeth刷牙56.get to到达57.take the numberbus to.乘坐路公交车去58.all night整夜59.go to bed上床睡觉60.in the evening在晚上61.thanks for为感谢62.know about了解63.do homework做家庭作业64.at around six fifteen大约在六点十五分65.tell sb about告诉某人关于66.write soon尽快回信67.best wishes最美好的祝愿68.my favorite subject我最喜欢的科目69.my favorite color我最喜欢的颜色70.my science teacher我的科学老师71.have math上数学课72.at eight oclock在八点钟73.after class下课后74.physical education体育课75.play with和一起玩76.run round到处跑77.pen pal笔友78.the United States美国79.the United Kingdom英国80.be from来自于81.in the picture在图片里82.live in住在83.the names of 的名字84. a large bowl of一大碗85.like doing sth喜欢做某事86.go to the movies去看电影87.play sports做运动88.write to sb给某人写信89.on weekends在周末90.an action movie一部动作片91.tell sb. about sth告诉某人关于某事92.likes and dislikes爱好与厌恶93.post office邮局94.pay phone投币公用电话95.across from在对面96.between and在和之间97.next to 紧挨着98.in front of 在前面99.in the neighborhood在附近100.go straight直走101.turn left向左转102.on the right在右边103.a quiet street一条安静的街道104.take a walk散步105.the beginning of的开始 106.have fun玩得开心107.a busy street一条热闹的街道108. order food and drink109.the way to 去的路110.take a taxi乘出租车111.go down沿着走112.go through通过113.welcome to the zoo欢迎来到动物园114.make conversation做对话115.the other animals其他的动物116.draw a line画一条线117.more than once不止一次118.kind of 有点儿119.cross out删去,除掉120.twelve years old十二岁121.like to do sth喜欢做某事122.eat grass吃草123.during the day在白天 124.at night在夜晚125.get up起床126.shop assistant店员127.bank clerk银行职员128.work with和一起工作129.a white uniform一套白色制服130.in the day 在白天131.talk to sb和某人交谈132.go out出去133.TV station电视台134.in a hospital在医院里135.be interested in对感兴趣136.want to be想成为137.an interesting job一份有趣的工作138.work late工作的很晚139.work hard努力工作140.talk with和谈话141.work for为工作142.want sb to do sth想要某人做某事143.an international school一所国际学校144.children of 5-12 5-12岁的孩子145.do ones homework做作业146.go to the beach去沙滩147. green tea绿茶148. orange juice橙汁149.a bowl of一碗150.beef noodles牛肉面151.what size什么型号152.would like想要153.a medium bowl一中碗的154.what kind of 什么种类七年级上册1.talk on the phone打电话2.in order to 为了/目的是3.sound good听起来不错4.make a conversation编对话5.role play分角色表演6.wait for等候7.talk to / with和交谈8.some of当中的一些9.in the first photo在第一幅图中10.at the pool在泳池11.at home在家12.be with sb.和在一起13.How is ?.如何?14.one of the places这些地方中的一个15.play computer games玩电脑游戏16.on page 67在第67页17.Picture d d幅图18.Hows it going?情况怎样?19.thank you for因而感谢你20.report for CCTV为CCTV做报道21.around the world世界各地22.on the beach在海岸23.play beach volleyball打沙滩排球24.be surprised(人)感到惊奇25.be relaxed(人)放松,休闲26.this group of people这一群人27.have a good time过得愉快28.in different kind of weather在不同的天气里29.make a list做个列表30.around China祖国各地31.key word主要词汇32.sound terrible听起来很糟糕33.look like 看起来像34.peoples looks人们的长相35.medium height中等身高36.medium build中等身材37.fill in填空38.the picture above上面的图片39.one of 当中的一个40.the captain of the basketball team篮球队队长41.a little bit quiet有点安静42.tell jokes讲笑话43.stop talking停止说话44.have a new look有了新的形象45.not any more不再46.go shopping去购物47.the other students其他学生48.the picture below下面的图片49.how often 多久一次50.on weekends在周末51.once a week每周一次52.twice a week每周两次53.three times a week每周三次54.the number of times次数55.surf the Internet上网,网上冲浪56.Animal World动物世界57.the result of 的结果58.be good for对有益59.every night每晚60.come home from school放学回家61.try to do sth努力去做某事62.a lot of许多 63.of course当然了64.look after照看65.help sb do sth帮助某人做某事66.get up 起床67.keep in good health保持健康状态68.a healthy lifestyle一种健康的生活方式69.eat less meat少吃肉70.think of 想起71.have a cold感冒72.have a sore back后背酸疼73.,have a stomachache胃疼74.each part of the body身体的每一部分75.the students problems学生们的问题76.lie down躺下77.hot tea with honey加蜜热茶78.see a dentist看牙医79.have a toothache牙疼80.Thats a good idea好主意81.be stressed out压力大的82.a balance of yin and yang阴阳的平衡83.for example例如84.a balanced diet均衡的饮食85.get tired 感到累86.stay healthy保持健康87.the list below下面的列表88.have a headache头痛89.hava a sore throat嗓子疼90.on a student exchange program参加学生交流节目91.at the moment此时92.go to school去上学93.how to do sth如何去做某事94.how about怎么样95. take the subway乘地铁96.it takes sb some time to do sth花费某人多长时间去做某事97.walk to school走着去上学98.leave for动身前往某地99.how long多久,多长100.think of想出,认为101.North America北美102.depend on依靠103.a lot more fun更多乐趣104.the way of doing sth做某事的方式105.a small number of一小部分106.be ill in the hospital生病住院107.how far有多远108.have a problem有问题109.play soccer踢足球110.last weekend上周末111.on Saturday morning星期六上午112.study for为而学习113.do some sports做运动114.What about.?.怎么样?115.do some reading读书看报116.stay at home呆在家里117.on Saturday evening在周六的晚上118.talk show脱口秀,谈话节目119.work for为效力120.Heartwarming Project爱心工程121.go for a walk去散步122.play with sb和某人一起玩123.go home 回家124.look for寻找125.go on vacation度假126.go to summer camp去参加夏令营127.go to the mountains去爬山128.pretty good非常好,相当好129.show sth to sb把给看130.play in the water在水里玩131.too crowded太拥挤了132.be kind of boring有点无聊133.find sb. doing sth看见某人在做某事134.walk back to 走回135.all morning整个上午136.each other彼此137.at the airport在飞机场138.on ones way home在某人回家的路上139.discuss with sb和讨论140.studets vacation学生们的假期141.soap opera肥皂剧142.game show游戏节目143.TV shows电视节目144.English Today英语新闻145.Sports News体育新闻146.Healthy Living健康生活147.Culture China中国文化148.Chinese cooking中国美食149.Weekend Talk周末访谈150.Thanks for doing sth谢谢你做了某事151.agree with sb同意某人152.How many有多少153.this week这周154.show sb sth给某人看某物155.ask sb about sth问某人有关某事156.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事157.in the school magazine在学校的杂志里158.what I think我所想的159.next months magazine下个月的杂志160.break rules违反规则161.in class在课堂上162.arrive/be late for做某事迟到163.in the hallways在走廊里164.in the dining hall在餐厅165.at school在学校166.have to 不得不167.after school放学以后168.on school night上学期间的晚上169.too many rules太多的规矩170.the Childrens Palace少年宫171.never have any fun没有一点儿乐趣172.No talking不许讲话173.No food不许吃零食174.No music不许听音乐175.No schoolbag不许带书包176.No wet umbrella不许带湿伞177.the rules of the Jones family琼斯家的家规178.wear a helmet戴头盔,戴安全帽七年级下册1.visit sb拜访某人2.come to my party来参加我的聚会3.go to the baseball game去参加棒球比赛4.go to a doctor= go to the doctors = go to see a doctor看医生5.invite a friend邀请朋友6.study for a test为考试学习7.a guitar lesson一节吉他课8.the day after tomorrow后天9.on the calendar在日历上10.on Tuesday在周二11.thanks a lot非常感谢12.call sb给某人打电话13.play tennis with sb和一起打网球14.why not?为什么不?15.join sb加入某人16.go on vacation with sb和一起度假17.go shopping with sb和一起购物18.an e-mail message一封电子邮件19.from 7a.m. to 8a.m.从上午7点到8点20.babysit his sister看护他的妹妹21.help sb with sth帮助某人某事22.on Tuesday night在星期二的晚上23.fish with sb.和某人一起钓鱼24.here are这有25.we both我们俩都26.in common有共同之处27.enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事28.in some ways在某些方面29.look different 看起来不同30.last letter上一封信31.as good at sports as像某人在体育方面一样好32.the same as sb/sth和一样33.look the same看起来一样34.a little taller更高一点35.look alike看起来很像36.make sb do sth使某人做某事37.in a friend在一个朋友的身上38.in a frienship在友谊中39.be different from与不同40.keep secrets保守秘密41.be good at sth在很擅长42.be popular in school在学校很受欢迎43.be good with sb和某人相处的很好44.beat sb. in tennis打网球打败某人45.stay at home呆在家里46.its (not) necessary to do sth做某事很(没)必要47.pour.into把倒入48.let me think让我想一想49.a cup of 一杯50.cut up切碎51.tell sb how to do sth告诉某人如何做某事52.put. into把放进53.addto把加入到54.listen to sb doing sth听某人在做某事55.turn on打开56.a slice of bread一片面包57.on the top 在上面58.roll the pancake卷起煎饼59.here is a 这是这有60.mix up搅拌61.another slice of另一片62.two teaspoons of relish两汤匙作料63.hang out出去溜达64.take photos拍照65.have a great time过得愉快66.take the subway乘地铁67.go on a school trip去参加学校活动68.get ones autograph得到某人的签名69.win a prize获奖70.take the bus乘公共汽车71.make up编造72.next day off下一个休息日73.sleep late睡懒觉74.go for a drive开车,兜风75.sound boring听起来很无聊76.take a class上课77.a yard sale院落摆摊78.have a very fun day过得愉快79.find out找出80.singing competition唱歌比赛81.none of them他们当中没有人82.all day一整天83.get wet弄湿了84.go camping去野营85.a movie star电影明星86.too young to do sth太年轻了以至于不能做某事87.stop hiccupping停止打嗝88.world record世界纪录89.start doing sth开始做某事90.because of由于,因为91.first prize一等奖92.take part in参加93.be alive生存,活着94.start ice skating开始在冰上滑冰95.on the 2nd of June在六月二号96.a skating champion滑冰冠军97.spend time with sb和某人一起度过时光98.in the speech competition在演讲比赛中99.an unusual girl一个不寻常的女孩100.difficult pieces of music很难的乐曲101.join the national team加入国家队102.play the piano弹钢琴103.relax at home在家休息104.next week下周105.go to Tibet去西藏106.go hiking去远足107.get back to school回到学校108.go to Hawaii去夏威夷109.watch a football game/match看足球比赛110.go to sports camp去参加体育宿营111.next vacation下一个假期112.just for four days仅仅四天113.stay for a week呆一个星期114.go away离开115.in December在十一月116.rent videos租录像带117.go shopping去购物118.this summer今年夏天119.go sightseeing去观光120.the first week in June六月的第一周121.have a relaxing vacation度过一个放松的假期122.the south of Italy意大利南方123.take a long vacation长期度假124.play volleyball打排球125.a few questions几个问题126.in the beautiful country在一个美丽的国度127.take walks散步128.in Europe在欧洲129.at night在晚上130.go fishing去钓鱼131.go bike riding去骑车远足132.basketball player篮球运动员133.practice basketball练习篮球134.all over the world遍布世界各地135.a computer programmer电脑程序师136.a part-time job临时/业余工作137.move to a place搬到某地去138.finish high school and college念完高中或大学专科139.somewhere quiet and beautiful安静而美丽的某个地方140.grow up成长,长大141.a year or two一两年142.somewhere interesting某个有趣的地方143.take acting classes/lessons上表演课144.ones dream job某人梦想的工作145.show sb around带领某人参观某地146.speak Mandarin讲普通话147.News Resolution新年的打算148.cross the street过街149. at least至少150.make a soccer team组建足球队151.got lots of exercise进行大量训练152.go to a summer camp去夏令营153.a welcome party一个欢迎宴会154.make sth cleaner使某物更干净155.leave ones job辞了工作156.a few records几个记录157.next year明年158.think of 想起159.play an instrument弹奏乐器160.get good grades得到好成绩161.eat healthier food吃更健康的食品162.take piano lessons上钢琴课163.communicate with sb和某人交谈164.a six-point plan六点计划165.travel to 到某地去旅游166.keep fit保持体形167.get a ride搭乘车168.do the laundry洗衣服169.do the dishes洗餐具170.sweep the floor扫地171.make your bed铺床172.fold your clothes叠衣服173.have a rest休息174.clean the living room打扫客厅175.stay out late在外面呆得很晚176.turn one card over把一张卡片反过来177.take out the trash把垃圾拿出去178.go to a meeting去开会179.face down正面朝下180.ask sb to do sth请求某人做181.invite sb to 邀请某人182.work on sth从事某方面的工作183.take care of sb/sth照顾184.give sb sth给某人某物185.CD player CD播放机186.borrow some money借一些钱187.move sth to some place把某物搬到某地去188.take sb for a walk带某人去散步189.go to the store去商店190.dont forget to do sth别忘记做某事191.comfortable seats舒服的椅子192.friendly service友好的服务193.be close to home离家很近194.radio station广播电台195.think about考虑196.listen to sb doing sth听某人在做某事197.all the movie theatres所用的电影院198.do a survey of做的调查199.in town在镇上200.in Southern China在中国南方201.negative words否定词汇202.cut the price降价203.feel like想要204.winfor the best performer获得最佳演员205.positive words肯定词汇206.talent show才艺表演207.a great success巨大的成功208.an Ice and Snow Festival冰雪节209.on a bus乘公共汽车210.be crowded很拥挤211.wait to cross the street等着过街212.walk to school every day每天走着去上学213.look through 看透214.by noon到中午时分215.wait in line在队伍中等候,排队等候217.make math so easy数学很容易218.part of sth的一部分219.come along过来220.have a hard time doing sth做某事有困难221.be friendly to sb对很友好222.do sth until做某事一直做到(时候)223.make it a lot easier做这件事容易多了224.not (do sth) until直到做(才做某事)225.get along相处226. go camping with和某人一起去野营227.send sb. sth 把某物寄给某人228.a well-known Chinese pianist一位著名的中国钢琴家229. International Piano Competition国际钢琴比赛230.no one没有人231.in the future将来八年级上册1.go to school去上学2.stay at home呆在家里3.use money使用钱4.be free免费5.on computer在电脑上6.big and crowded大并且拥挤7.more pollution更多的污染8.high school高中9.space station太空站10.live in住在11.take the train坐火车12.fly rocket坐火箭13.fall in love with爱上14.live alone一个人住15.keep a pet养宠物16.on the weekend在周末17.be able to 能够18.on vacation去度假19.the World Cup世界杯20.next time下一次21.next year第二年22.from now从现在开始23.go skating and swimming去滑冰、游泳24.science fiction movie科幻电影25.in the future在将来26.hundreds of 上百的27.do the same things做相同的事情28.wake up醒来29.over and over again一遍又一遍30.get bored厌烦31.electric toothbrush电动牙刷32.the same as和一样33.play ones CDs听光盘34.too loud很大声35.argue with sb.和某人争吵36.out of style过时37.write sb a letter给某人写信38,call sb. Up给某人打电话39.on the phone在打电话40.Whats wrong?怎么了?41.Whats the matter?怎么了?42.pay for支付43.summer camp夏令营44.borrow from从借45.ask for要46.have a bake sale卖烧烤47.a good idea好主意48.join a club加入俱乐部49.get a tutor找家教50.in style流行51.tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事52.get different clothes买不同的衣服53.wear the same clothes穿相同的衣服54.need ones help需要某人的帮助55.be popular at school在学校很有名气56.find out发现57.a birthday party生日聚会58.everyone else其他每个人59.a lot of things很多事60.at home在家里61.sports clothes运动服62.P.E. classes体育课63.be funny滑稽,幽默64.after school放学后65.paino lesson钢琴课66.have a quick supper快速吃晚餐67.by themselves靠他们自己68.as much as possible尽可能多69.too much太多70.take part in参加71.pushy parents一意孤行的家长72.do the same做的一样73.a bit一点74.on the one hand一方面75.on the other hand另一方面76.from activity to activity从一个活动到另一个活动77.in front of在前面78.in the kitchen在厨房79.baber shop理发店80.the barbers chair美发椅81.clean my room打扫屋子82.sleep late晚睡83.get out of the shower洗个淋浴澡84.on the phone通电话85.cut chair剪发86.land on着陆87.walk down the street沿着街道走88.visit the museum参观博物馆89.the TV station电视台90.take off起飞91.get out走出92.unusual experience不平凡的经历93.last Sunday morning上周日早晨94.how about怎么样95.do ones homework做作业96.climb a tree爬树97.jump down跳下来98.call the newspaper给报社打电话99.take a photo照相100.ride ones bicycle骑自行车101.last Sunday上周日102.the train station火车站103.run away跑开104.look at看105.outside the station站台外106.walk around绕而行107.think about考虑108.next to 接下来109.look for寻找110.a car accident车祸111.have English class上英语课112.in hospital住院113.how long多久114.last night昨晚115.have lunch with sb与共进午餐116.the gold medal金牌117.important events重要事件118.in history历史上119.on this day在这一天120.hear about听说121.at the time曾经122.have fun玩的开心123.in the playground在操场上124.10 minutes ago十分钟以前125.in silence沉默126.take place发生127.in more recent times近几次128.World Trade Center世贸中心129.of course当然130.a national hero民族英雄131.all over the world全世界132.the first time第一次133.a bright, sunny day晴朗,阳光明媚的一天134.the most everyday activities最日常的活动135.be mad at对愤怒136.drinks and snacks饮料和零食137.what happened发生什么138.the next day第二天139.speak three languages说三种语言140.an exciting week令人兴奋的一周141.first of all首先142.pass on传递143.the bus stop公车站144.do a homework project制定作业计划145.be supposed to do sth应该,应当146.have a surprise party举办一个惊喜聚会147.be good at擅于148.have a cold感冒149.last week上周150.be in good health身体好151.end-of-year年底152.a really bad time艰难时刻153.get nervous紧张154.in the mail在邮件中155.good news好消息156.send their love问候157.some music CDs一些音乐光碟158.have a big fight大吵一架159.do well in在某方面做得好160.copy ones homework抄某人的作业161.a bad habit坏习惯162. do ones own work做自己的工作163.best friend最好的朋友164.be sure确信165.another disappointing result另一个令人失望的结果166.clean ones home打扫屋子167.sound like fun听起来有意思168.change the life改变生活169.as a volunteer作为志愿者170.care for关心171.mountain village山村172.rural areas农村173.at first起初,首先174.argue with和争吵175.school dormitory学校宿舍176.the volunteer teacher志愿教师177.poor country穷国178.wild animals野生动物179.experience different things经历不同的事180.open up my students eyes开拓我的学生的眼界181.senior high school or college高级中学或大学182.go to the party去参加派对183.wear jeans穿牛仔裤184.take the bus坐公共汽车185.make some fo


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