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一、跟可可突破语音:前元音/i/i:和短元音/I/i1二、跟可可突破语音:前元音/e和/2三、跟可可突破语音:前元音/e和/课后练习3四、跟可可突破语音:后元音和:3五、跟可可突破语音:后元音u:和u6六、跟可可突破语音:中元音8七、跟可可突破语音:双元音ei9八、跟可可突破语音:双元音u11九、跟可可突破语音:双元音ai12十、跟可可突破语音:双元音au14十一、跟可可突破语音:双元音ai15十二、跟可可突破语音:双唇爆破辅音p和b17十三、跟可可突破语音:爆破辅音t和d18十四、跟可可突破语音:爆破辅音k和g19十五、跟可可突破语音:摩擦辅音f和v20十六、跟可可突破语音:摩擦辅音s和z21十七、跟可可突破语音:破擦辅音ts和dz22十八、跟可可突破语音:摩擦辅音和23十九、跟可可突破语音:破擦辅音和25二十、跟可可突破语音:破擦辅音t和d26二十一、跟可可突破语音:音的同化28二十二、跟可可突破语音:半元音/w/29二十三、跟可可突破语音:舌边辅音/l/30二十四、跟可可突破语音:半元音/j/31二十五、跟可可突破语音:摩擦辅音/h/32二十六、跟可可突破语音:摩擦辅音/r/33一、跟可可突破语音:前元音/i/i:和短元音/I/i先来了解一下英语中的元音和辅音。 元音和辅音从名称上来看,就有主辅之分,从发音上看,也是以元音为主。如果没有元音,辅音是如何也响亮不起来。 英语中的元音在发音的时候,气流呼出的时候不受任何的阻碍,同时声带随之震动而发出的声音叫元音,比如我们的/i/、/ai/、/au/等等,都是这样的,大家可以摸摸你喉结的地方,发现它是不是在震动呢? 辅音呢,就是气流呼出的时候受到口腔器官的阻塞,形成成阻之后发出的声音,这个很容易理解了,如果你把牙关紧闭,作出微笑状,呼出一口气看看,是不是有sisi的声音呐 ? 辅音还有清辅音和浊辅音之分,同样的发音位置,如果声带震动就是浊辅音,如果声带不震动就是清辅音了。 今天我们要学习的是:前元音/i/ i: 和短元音/I/ i 前元音/i/ i: 的发音要领: 首先,舌间抵下齿, 舌前部要靠近硬腭 继续, 口型扁平,上下齿间分开 好了,呼气吧,感觉声带震动, 好,仔细体会一下。 它是元音,所以声带一定要震动。 前元音/I/ i的发音要领: 顾名思义,短元音是长元音的对应短音,但是舌位呢,要比长元音低一些,不要咬的很紧。 提醒: 切记 / i/和/I:/ 都是单元音,所以在发音的时候口型一定要保持不变, 千万不要松弛的拖拉,变成双元音,把I 变成 ei了。 单词练习:/i/ i:/I/ ibee 蜜蜂deep 深的jeep 吉普车keep 保持neat 整洁queen 女王tea 茶zeal 热情bill 账单dig 挖Jim(人名)kick 踢Nick(人名)quick 快tip 小费zip 拉链词组、短语练习:real eastate 不动产body building 健美运动sweet dreams 美梦latchkey kids 自带门房钥匙的孩子a Los Angeles freeway 一条洛杉矶超速干道句子练习:Believe me. 相信我。Its a deal. 一言为定。I mean it. 我是认真的。Zip your lips! 闭上你的嘴!Its Greek to me. 我完全听不懂。Business is business. 公事公办。A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交才是真朋友。He is extremely happy. 他高兴极了。Anything to drink? 喝点什么吗?What do you feel like eating? 你想吃点什么?Seems like all you do is eat and sleep. 好像你成天除了吃就是睡。I beat him down to fifteen.我把价给他杀到了15元。二、跟可可突破语音:前元音/e和/今天我们要学习的是:前元音/e和/前元音/e 的发音要领: 前元音/e 发音的时候,舌尖抵下齿,舌的前部稍微抬起,但是,舌位要低于上节课所学的/ I /,上下齿的宽度要容得下一个手指,气流呼出短促而有力。 提醒: 发音时注意别把 man 读成了“闷” 。 别把pen 读成了 “盆” 。 前元音/的发音要领: /发音时,舌尖轻触下赤, 比/的口型要大,下颌下拉。 提醒: 别把单音的/发成了/ ai / 。 出现在讲解中的练习: 单词练习:bed, bad, get, gap, head, hat, lend, land, met, map, pet, pack, smell, smash, test, task, wet, wax 词组、短语练习:cash desk, half the battle, a letter to a friend, get the sack, the weatherman said, half as many again, go cap in hand, catch him red-handed, as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb句子练习:Send him back.That settles it.Ill check you later.Lets check in at a hotel.He let the cat out of the bag.Its not the end of the world if you fail that test.Only graduate students have access to the library shelves. One mans trash is another mans treasure. 三、跟可可突破语音:前元音/e和/课后练习单词练习:dead, dad, hen, hand, jet, jack, net, nag, quest, quack, rest, ram, vest, vast, yes, Yank词组、短语练习:A dead man, A map of Japan, A red cent, A happy family, Hand in hand, Half past ten, A Cheshire cat Empty the bag, Hang by a thread. 句子练习:Thanks. It depends. Forget it. Theres a catch in it. I get your message. He laughs best who laughs last.四、跟可可突破语音:后元音和: 和:的发音要领 :张开口,舌身平放,后缩,舌面微微下凹,舌尖离开下齿。::张开口,但张口程度比要小,舌身低平后缩。双唇稍稍收圆,并向前突出。容易出现的错误有人容易把元音:读成了双元音au有人在:和它前边的辅音之间合拢双唇,实际上等于加进了一个u或接近半元音w的音。如把call 读作kaul 。模仿录音 Accent Imitation :Calm 安静Palm 手掌Odd 奇怪Boss 老板Lock 锁Not 不Pot 罐Top 顶端All 一切Ball 球Lawn 草坪Naught 零Pause 中止Talk 谈话自己练 Self-practice:Cop 警察 (口语)Fox 狐狸Hot 热Socks 袜子Watch 看Cause 原因Fall 落下Hall 厅Saw 看见(过去式)Walk 走路对比发音 Accent comparison:Bar 酒吧间Car 汽车Far 远Hard 努力Large 大Mark 标记Park 公园Tar 柏油Board 木板Corn 谷物Fork 叉子 Horse 马Lord 上帝More 更多Pork 猪肉Torch 火炬词组,短语和句子训练 Sentences, phrases and idiomsTop talks 最高级会谈Coffee shop 咖啡店Hot water 热水Calm authority 无声的权威Sports car 赛车Drawing board 画桌Warm applause 热烈的鼓掌欢迎Law and order 法律和秩序The calm before the storm 暴风雨前的平静自己练 Self-practiceDraw lots 抽签Cotton socks 棉袜Father-in-law 岳父The father of waters 红河之父 (如尼罗河,密西西比河)Whats more 而且Draw to a halt 停下来Water in the pot 罐子里的水As far as possible 尽可能模仿录音 Accent ImitationCome on! 来!Guess what!你猜怎么着!Dont walk on the lawn.不要在草坪上走。To top it all I lost my job.更糟的是我丢了我的工作。Dont bother your father.不要打扰你父亲。Could you drop me off at the department store?你能让我在百货公司下车吗?Farmers harvest their crops in fall.农民秋天收获庄稼。She poured out her heart.她倾吐肺腑。She dropped a bombshell and told him she wanted a divorce.她突然告诉他说她要离婚。You cant palm off that story on your father.你那套话骗不过你父亲的。More often than not people dont realize what their rights are.人们常常意识不到他们的权利是什么。The our-of-pocket costs caused by the tornado are no less than four million dollars.龙卷风造成的直接经济损失不少于四百万美元。I picked him for a swindler the first time I saw him and I wasnt far wrong.我第一次见他就看出他是个骗子,我可是没怎么看错。课后作业 HomeworkTell you what!你听我说!Its a promise.我保证。Hard to tell.难说。Lets call it a day.今天就到这里。Hold your jaw.别唠叨了。How far have you got?你做了多少?The office is on the fourth floor.办公室在四楼。There are more and more social problems.社会问题越来越多了。The pot calls the kettle black.严于责人,宽于律己。The wish is father to the thought.愿望是思想之父。The army was called in to restore order.部队集合起来重整队形。五、跟可可突破语音:后元音u:和u发音要领:这一对元音的关键是要把嘴唇拢小收圆,同时在发音的时候又要防止双唇阻碍气流泄出,也就是要防止加进一个辅音w。还需要注意的是u: 和 u不仅仅存在长短的差别,更重要的还有音调高低的差别,u:音调低,音程长,u音调高,音程短。u::舌身后缩,舌后部尽量向软腭抬起,舌尖离开下齿;双唇收圆并用力向前突出;长音,和英音u:音值相同。容易出现的错误:在双唇之间发生摩擦,读作wu, 或如汉语的“乌”一样。u:舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起,但舌位比u:稍低,是u:的对应短音;双唇收圆并稍稍向前突出,开口程度比u:略大;短音,和英音u相似容易出现的错误:在单词中把u读得像汉语“哥”中的韵母一样,如“good”读作“哥的”。要注意到这个音是圆唇音。模仿录音 accent imitationu:uCool 凉快Goose 鹅Loose 松的Noon 中午Root 根Soup 汤Woo 追求Cook 厨师Good 好Look 看Nook 偏僻隐蔽的角落Rook (国际象棋的)车Soot 煤烟Wood 木头自己练 self-practiceu:uBoot 长统靴Food 食物Whose 谁的Pool 池子Tool 工具Book 书Foot 脚Hook 钩子Put 放Took 拿(过去式)词组,短语和句子训练 phrases, idioms and sentences fool-proof 傻瓜也会用的a cook-book 一本烹调书a good student 一个好学生book a room 预定一个房间refuse wood 废木料recruit new members 吸收新成员the lunar new year 阴历新年gross industrial output value 工业总产值look somebody through and through 仔细打量某人自己练 self-practicea new book 一本新书new moon 新月put to use 使用pull through 度过危机a good loser 输得起的人a woman of virtue 有美德的女人refute an argument 驳斥一种观点remove the troops 调动军队a review copy of a book 供评论用的赠阅本模仿录音 accent imitationYou should choose between the two.你得在两个里面挑A fools bolt is soon shot.蠢人易于智穷。The news is too good to be true.那消息太好了,很难相信是真的。You should make good use of that rare opportunity.你应该好好利用这一次难得的机会。He polished his car till it looked like new.他把他的车擦得跟新的一样。I know you could but you wouldnt do it.我知道你能做,但是你不肯做。You should ask him when he is in a good mood.你该在他心情好的时候去问他。I looked through the newspaper but I could not find any report on the accident.我把报纸读了个遍,也没能找到任何关于那次车祸的报道。It would take a pretty clever person to pull the wool over his eyes.要想蒙骗他,得找一个非常聪明的人才行。The cook took a spoon of sugar and put it in the food.厨师取一小匙糖放进食物里。课后作业:Youre pulling my leg.你在拿我开心。The phone booth is in use.电话亭有人在用。The plane took off very smoothly.飞机很平稳地起飞了。I dont dare even to put a foot wrong.我连一点小错也不敢出。He makes friends with a view to using them.他交朋友是为了利用他们。No news is good news.没有消息就是好消息。What shoes would you like to choose?你要什么样的鞋子?He knew he was wrong, but he would not admit it, for fear of losing face.他知道他错了,但是不愿意承认,怕丢面子。There used to be a bookshelf in this room.过去这个房间里有一个书架。Take care not to lose yourself in the woods.小心别在树林里迷路。I took my umbrella because it looked like rain.我带上了伞,因为天好像要下雨。Could you please put up with that woman?你能受得了那个女人吗?六、跟可可突破语音:中元音模仿录音 Bus 公共汽车Dull 沉闷的Gun 枪Hut 棚屋Luck 运气Stuck 刺(过去式)Wonder 惊讶Boss 老板Doll 玩具娃娃Gone 走(过去分词)Hot 热Lock 锁Stock 存货Wander 漫游自己练 Club 俱乐部Dug 挖(过去式)Gulf 海湾Nut 坚果Sung 唱(过去分词)Clock 钟表Dog 狗Golf 高尔夫球Not 不 Song 歌曲词组,短语和句子训come by bus 乘公共汽车来under the sun 天下;到底a tough nut 大胆果断的人ugly duckling 丑小鸭summon up ones courage 鼓起勇气an upright young judge 一个正直年轻的法官自己练such and such 这样那样的nothing much 没什么,很少blood brother 亲兄弟the upper crust 面包表层的皮just for fun 就为了高兴gulp down a cup of tea 把一杯茶一饮而尽模仿录音They love each other他们彼此相爱。Will Tom come next month?汤姆下个月来吗?The cut gushed out with blood.伤口大量出血。The flap of the envelope has come unstuck.信封的封口脱胶散开了。There is nothing for it but to rush him to hospital.只有赶快把他送到医院了。Well begun is half done.好的开始就是成功的一半。The tongue is not steel, yet it cuts.人言非剑,但可伤人。The deer stood there without moving a muscle until the hunter was gone.那鹿站在那儿一动不动,知道猎人走开。The runners were called back because one of them jumped the gun.赛跑运动员被叫回原位,因为有一个人枪响前抢跑。课后作业Shut up!住口!You must overcome all the difficulties.你必须克服所有的困难。It was none other than his mother.那不是别人,原来是他母亲。Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。Troubles never come singly.祸不单行。But me no buts.别老跟我“但是”,“但是”的。The rabbit was running in front of the dog.兔子在狗前面跑。I was lucky enough to catch the last bus.我还算幸运,赶上了最后一班公共汽车。七、跟可可突破语音:双元音ei模仿录音ei e Age 年龄Late 迟到Pain 痛苦Sail 航行Edge 边缘Let 让Pen 笔Sell 卖自己练ei e Fail 失败Hail 冰雹Jail 监狱Wane 月亏Fell 砍伐Hell 地狱Jell 成胶状When 什么时候模仿录音 ei i Fail 失败Hail 冰雹Jail 监狱Wane 月亏Fill 装满Hill 小山Limb 肢Pin 针自己练 ei i Bait 饵Dane 丹麦人Wane 月亏Bit 一点Din 闹音Win 赢词组,短语,句子训练模仿录音same age 同样的年龄pave the way 铺平道路play a good game at chess 下一手好棋turn the scale in favor of 使形势变得有利于face the world and brave the storm 经风雨,见世面自己练May Day 五一节Rain cape 雨披Day by day 一天天地Make a face 扮鬼脸Save ones face 顾全面子模仿录音His name is David.他的名字叫大卫。No pains, no gains.不劳则无获。Success came after many failures.经过多次失败才获得成功。It takes hard work to make the grade in school.在学校里必须用功才会有好成绩。Great changes have taken place in only a few days.只几天时间就发生了巨大的变化。He made haste to say that he had made a mistake.他马上就说犯了个错误。自己练Its pay day today.今天是发薪水的日子。Call a spade a spade.实事求是。The plane will take off at eight.飞机在八点钟起飞。He is having a conversation with a stranger.他在和一个陌生人说话。八、跟可可突破语音:双元音u模仿录音 u : Coal 煤Loan 贷款Pose 摆姿势Toll (过路)费Call 叫Lawn 草坪Pause 中止Tall 高自己练 u :Bowl 碗Hold 握住Note 笔记Ball 球Halt 停止Naught 无,零模仿录音go it alone 自己干hold ones own 坚持住a game show host 一个娱乐节目的主持人vote by a show of hands 举手表决hoe ones own row 自扫门前雪(锄自己的地)pose for a group photo with his old fellows 摆好姿势和他的老朋友合影自己练go home 回家a cloak of snow 一层覆盖着的积雪blow ones nose 擦鼻子propose a motion 提出一项动议be old enough to know better 岁数不小应该懂事些了模仿录音I hope so 我希望如此I know you wont so 我知道你不会去的Dont go home alone 别一个人回家He wrote prose poems 他写散文诗The hotel is located close to the post office 旅馆就再那家邮局附近The countrys growth rate was close to zero 该国的增长率几近于零Its an old story told by an old man 那是个老人讲的古老故事A rolling stone gathers no moss 滚石不生苔 (见异思迁,终无所获)自己练No smoking 请勿吸烟Most people think so 多数人都这样想So far, so good 到目前为止,一切顺利He lost control over himself 他失去了自控的能力Close the window, please. Its so cold! 请关上窗户。天太冷了!Will you please show me the coat over there? 请你让我看一下那边那件上衣好吗?There is no smoke without the fire 无风不起浪九、跟可可突破语音:双元音ai模仿录音 ai Bike 自行车 (口语)Height 高度Mine 我的Pile 堆Sight 视力Back 回Hat 帽子Man 男人Pal 伙伴Sat 坐 (过去式)自己练ai Dime 一角硬币Kite 风筝Lime 石灰Rhyme 韵,押韵Dam 水坝Cat 猫Lamb 羔羊Ram 公羊词组,短语,句子训练fly a kite 放风筝dry wine 没有甜味的葡萄酒turn a blind eye 视而不见ninety-nine times our of a hundred 十之八九do the right thing at the right time 在适当的时候做适当的事情自己练a nice guy 好人high in the sky 在高空中keep prices in the line 控制物价fight side by side 并肩战斗reappear in my minds eye 在我眼前重现模仿录音The news spread like wildfire消息迅速传开。Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。Strike while the iron is hot.趁热打铁。“Might is right” is the logic of pirates.“强权即公理”是强盗逻辑。Did you buy your hi-fi in nineteen ninety-five.你的组合音响是1995年买的吗?On hearing that her dad died, she cried her eye out.一听到她爸爸去世,她便痛哭流涕。The doctor advised my wife to have a light diet.医生要我的妻子只吃容易消化的食物。诗歌朗诵 火与冰Fire and Ice By Robert FrostSome say the world will end in fireSome say in iceFrom what Ive tasted of desireI hold with those who favor fireBut if it had to perish twiceI think I know enough of hateTo say that for destruction iceIs also greatAnd would suffice火与冰罗伯特弗罗斯特有人说世界将毁于火有人说将毁于冰我曾受过欲火的折磨我相信世界将毁于火可如果它注定要毁灭两次我想我也深知仇恨的力量似冰一样其破坏力之强亦足以让世界灭亡自己练He sat by my right side.他坐在我的右边。I can safely advise you to buy it.我劝你买准没错。I went to the riverside by bike.我骑自行车到了河边。Time is on my side.我可以等 (有时间的优势)。He was frightened out of his life and turned as white as a sheet.他吓坏了,脸色苍白如纸。歌曲 你是我的阳光The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping,I dreamed I held you in my arms.When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken.And I hung my head and cried.You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.You make me happy when skies are gray.Youll never know, dear how much I love you.Please dont take my sunshine away.You told me once dearThat you really loved meAnd no one else could come between.But now you have left meAnd you love another.You have shattered all my dreams.十、跟可可突破语音:双元音au发音比较au : Doubt 怀疑Foul 难闻的Found 发现(过去式)Gown 长袍Howl 嚎叫Noun 名词Owl 猫头鹰Pound 磅Dot 点Fond 喜爱Gone 走(过去分词)Non 非(前缀)Pond 池塘Fall 落下Haul 拖,拉All 所有的词组,短语和句子训练模仿录音without doubt 无疑a rounded vowel 圆唇音turn round and round 团团转thousands upon thousands 成千上万outside working hours 工作时间之外an out-and-out scoundrel 一个十足的恶棍自己练about an hour 大约一个小时in a roundabout way 间接地down south 南下out of town 城外count me out 别算上我模仿录音There is no doubt about it.这事无可置疑。Read it out loud.大声读The house looked fairly rundown.房子看起来相当破旧。The crowd shouted down his suggestion.人们大声反对他的建议。“You are a coward,” Mr. Brown cried out.布朗先生喊到,“你是个胆小鬼。”Sound in body, sound in mind.有健全的体魄,才有健全的精神。This is out-and-out power politics.这是彻头彻尾的强权政治。Open your mouth and pronounce the sound loudly.张开口,大声读这个音。He looked around and found a tall tower in the south.他四下看了看,发现南边有一座高高的塔楼。课后作业I doubt it.我不信。How about a brown one?棕色的怎么样?Put it down to my account.记在我的帐上。He has a white towel around his neck.他脖子上围着一条白毛巾。They crowded around the flower girl.他们聚集在卖花女的周围。Out of a clear sky there were enemies all around them.突然间,他们的周围全是敌人。He finally found out how much the house would cost.他终于知道了那房子要多少钱十一、跟可可突破语音:双元音ai双元音 Bi 模仿录音 i ai Boy 男孩Coin 硬币Noise 嘈杂声Oil 油Toil 劳作Voice 声音Buy 买Kind 善良Nice 好Aisle 通道Tile 通道Vice 罪恶词组,短语和句子训练 boiling point 沸点 toil and moil 辛辛苦苦地工作 enjoy your voyage 旅途愉快 exploit and oil field 开发油田 I see your point 我明白你的意思。 He couldnt avoid facing a difficult choice. 他无法避免这种两难处境。 She lowered her voice and her eyes were moist with tears. 她降低了声音,眼睛里浸满了泪水。 They tried their best to avoid destroying the historical relics. 他们尽最大可能避免破坏文物。 The manager was annoyed by the noise of his employees. 经理被他的雇员们的吵闹声弄得很烦躁。 The boy gave voice to his joy over the new toy. 男孩儿见到新玩具高兴地叫了起来。 自己练 the boys voice 那个男孩子的声音 voice of joy 欢乐的声音 toil on the soil 在土地上劳作 exploit the virgin soil 开垦荒地 Join us, boy! 和我们一起玩吧,孩子! He is a spoiled boy. 他是个惯坏了的孩子。 Thats the point. 问题就在这里。 He had no choice but to resign his appointment. 他别无选择,只有辞职。 He was foiled in his attempt of poisoning the friendship between us. 他破坏我们之间的友谊的企图被挫败了。 Though the boy annoyed her for a while she really enjoyed the party. 尽管那个男孩儿骚扰了她一会儿,她还是很喜欢这个晚会。十二、跟可可突破语音:双唇爆破辅音p和b双唇爆破辅音 p 和 b 模仿录音 p b Pie 馅饼Pea 豌豆Plank 板条Pump 泵Buy 买Bee 蜜蜂Blank 空白的Bump 冲,撞Cap 帽子Mop 拖把Rope 呈子Top 顶端Cab 出租车Mob 暴徒Robe 长袍Job 工作词组,短语,句子训练 basketball player 篮球运动员 push the button 按按钮 peace-loving people 热爱和平的人民 Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧 Bill broke his promise. 比尔未能信守诺言 The pickpocket was peeping into his pocket. 小偷正在偷窥他的口袋 自己练 grab a bite 吃点东西 Pride and Prejudice 傲慢与偏见 Probably 很可能 The big building is two blocks away. 那座大建筑物要过两条马路 失去爆破 (1) 爆破音爆破音 e.g: a flat tire (瘪了的车胎) cup-board (碗柜) blackboard (黑板) (2) 爆破音摩擦音或破擦音 e.g: a sad story (一个悲伤的故事) a nonstop flight (一次不着陆的飞行) recite the poem (朗诵那首诗) (3 ) 爆破音鼻辅音 e.g: garden (花园) good morning (早上好) lightning (闪电) good night (晚上好) (4 ) 爆破音舌侧音 e.g: little (小) at last (最后) hard life (艰苦的生活) s 后面的爆破清辅音的送气问题 (1) 英语中 s 音后面, 元音前面的爆破清辅音在实际发音中要明显减少送气,听来就像与它相对应的浊辅音,但实际上发该音声带并无明显震动。 e.g: sky 注音为 skai 但听起来是 sgai 一样 stone 注音为 ston 但听起来是 sdon (2) 美语中的t 在其他某些情况下也发生类似现象,特别是当它出现在两个元音之间,重读音节之后的时候。这时发t 音不可用力。 e.g: city 读如 sdi little 读如 lidl 十三、跟可可突破语音:爆破辅音t和d爆破辅音 t 和 d 模仿录音 t d Tide 潮水Tear 眼泪Team 队Two 二Died 死(过去式)Dear 亲爱的Deem 相信Do 做Feet 脚(复数)Let 让Neat 整洁的Sat 坐(过去式)Feed 喂,饲养Led 领导Need 需要Sad 悲伤词组,短语,句子训练 Stop talking! 别说话了! Not at all. 一点儿也不。 Whats the date today? 今天几号? Dont tell me what it is. 别告诉我那是什么。 The old lady s daughter is a doctor. 那个老太太的女儿是个医生。 I get into bed at about 10:30 every day. 我每天大约十点半上床休息。 Good, better, best, 循序渐进 Never let it rest, 永不停顿 Until good is better, 好上加好 And better best. 精益求精十四、跟可可突破语音:爆破辅音k和g爆破辅音k和g模仿录音 kgClass 班级Come 来Crane 鹤Quest 探索Glass 玻璃Gum 口香糖Grain 粮食Guest 客人Lack 缺少Leak 漏Pick 挖,掘Take 拿Lag 落后League 团Pig 猪Tag 标签词组,短语和句子训练 catch cold 感冒 take a look 看一眼 record breaker 打破记录者 grin like a Cheshire cat 无缘无故傻笑 put all ones eggs in one basket 孤注一掷 He is a good guy. 他是个好小伙子。 He gets up at six oclock. 他六点钟起床。 The kids often go hiking at weekends. 孩子们常在周末远足。 The truck driver stops at the same caf coming and going, 卡车司机往返都停在同一个饭店。 Care killed a cat. 忧虑伤身。 A cat may look at the king. 猫也可以看国王 (小人物也该有些权利)。 A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始方能善终十五、跟可可突破语音:摩擦辅音f和v摩擦辅音 f 和 v 发音要领:(1)下唇轻触上齿,气流从唇齿间的缝隙通过,摩擦成音。(2)要处以避免用汉语中的 w 音代替了英语中的 f 。模仿录音 f v Fast 快Fan 扇子Few 很少Fowl 家禽Vast 巨大的Van 大篷车View 观点Vowel 元音Leaf 树叶Proof 证明Safe 安全 (n)Surf 冲浪Leave 离开Prove 证明Save 救 (v)Serve 服务词组,短语和句子训练 very fast 非常快 beautiful flowers 美丽的花 a fine view of the mountain 山的优美景色 as far back as 1955 (nineteen fifty-five) 早在1955年 Fortune favors the brave. 天佑勇者 It is one of my favorite novels. 这是我最喜爱的一本小说。 I felt as if hed never know fatigue. 我觉得他好像永远也不会疲倦。 Feed a cold and starve a fever. 伤风时宜吃,发热时宜饿。 It is very difficult for us to finish it before five. 五点钟以前我们很难完成。 Turning around,


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