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1 be/get acquainted with 熟悉2 at the moment 目前 for the moment 暂时3 a moment/a short time 一会 the moment/as soon as 一就4 make profits 获利5 take/do exercise 体育锻炼do exercises 做习题6 couldntwithout7 taketoIt took me 10 minutes to get changed.换衣服8 notuntil 直到才9 take up 占据10 1/3 one thirds11 be full of/be filled with12 be ready for sthget ready to do sth13 asleep adj. be/get asleepsleepy adj. feel sleepy14 complain to sb about sth15 so that 因此sothat 太以至于such a/an n. that16 by 5:00 = at before 5:0017 work ones way through sth 自始至终做18 a pile of 一堆19 this way round 这个方向the other way round 反方向 the right way round 正是这个方向20 prefer sth to sthprefer doing to doingprefer to do rather than do21 imagine doing22 a large part of 大部分的23 take turns to do 轮流做24 in the front of 里 in front of 外25 be supposed to do26 rise v. 升起raise v. 举27 deal with = cope with 应付28 social manner 社交行为29 hate doing/to do30 be generous with 对慷慨be mean about/with 吝啬31 as a result of = because of32 leave for 前往leavefor 离开去33 from a habit of doing 养成习惯34 without trouble of doing sth 省得干的麻烦35 do harm to36 far from 远离37 used to do 过去常常be/get used to doing 习惯于38 manage to do sth = succeed in doing sth 39 otherwise 否则 therefore 因此 thus 这样40 besides 除了(包括) beside 在旁边41 except和 except forExcept a new chair, the room has no furniture. 一类 Except a new chair, the room is empty. 不同类42 as soon as = the moment43 none:人、物 no one:人44 should have done 本应45 reason sb into (out of) doing sth 说服sb使做/不做sth46 be famous for 以出名be famous as 以身分出名47 lift off 发射/起飞lift down 放下48 separate from 把分开49 on behalf of 代表50 let out 释放,泄露51 hundred thousand million前加数无s/s of52 placeon 把建立在上53 name after 以命名54 be willing to do 愿意做be reluctant to do不愿做55 come to an end 结束56 make progress 无a57 train sb to do sth58 be keen on 非常喜欢be keen to do 渴望59 compete against/with 竞争protest against 抗议60 lead a revolution61 lay stress on sth 强调的重要62 look back 回头看/回忆 +never/not 停滞63 result in 导致64 even if 即使(假定)even though 即使(真实)65 The price includes the tax. v.I have three friends including A. prep. I have three books, an E book included. adj.66 as if = as though 好像67 be honest(strict)with sbbe honest(strict)in sth68 protect against69 take your time 别着急70 go ahead 向前走/干吧71 out of the reach/touch 够不着72 in turn 轮流/反过来in return 作为回报73 be made of 看得出原材料be made from 看不出.make into 做成了74 do wrong to sb 冤枉75 struggle for 为奋斗struggle against 反对76 judging from = to judge by 由判断 Judging from what he said, he must be an honest man.77 burn down 烧毁78 the boiled water 凉白开the boiling water 沸腾的水79 with the help of 在的帮助下80 shake off 摆脱81 be lack of 缺少82 as we know = as is known 正如83 that depends 说不准84 Need提问:肯 Yes, I must. 否 No,I neednt.85 catch sight of 看到86 make use(宾一) of sth(宾二)利用被动语态:宾一 Good use should be made of computers. 宾二 Computers should be made use of.87 因为 because as since ,for88 call on sb 拜访(号召)call at sp 访问call up 打电话,使回忆call back 回电话call off 取消call for 需要/接(sb)89 manage to do = succeed in doing90 connect + n.+ with/to + n.91 be connected to/with 与相连接92 refuse to doreject sth93 help to 有助于help (sb) out 帮助摆脱(困境)94 getoff 把摘下来95 Being taught by him. 正在被Taught by him. 被 Having been taught by him for 被了多长时间96 other than 除了(多用于否定句)97 in charge 负责98 combine sth with sth99 matchwith 和搭配100 in secret 秘密地101 settle in 定居102 cut off from 隔离103 not really 不完全是104 need doing/need to be done105 in the future 在将来in future 以后106 go into action 付诸于行动107 practise doing108 close down 关闭109 call off 取消110 set off 出发111 pay attention to(prep.) doing 112 敲打击用the113 Im sorry.Never mind.114 turn into 变成115 in the flesh 亲身116 have problem with117 rely on 依靠118 be known as 被认为是 be known for 以著名119 hardlywhen 一就no soonerthan120 go back to/date back to 追溯到/始于 (主动)121 consist of/is made up of 由组成122 impress sb on sth/impress on sb that 使铭记123 pick up 捡 接(放学)接收(video)获得 恢复健康124 finishwith 用结束125 attend a meeting126 in charge of 我负责别人in the charge of 别人负责我 127 grow out of 起源于128 别人谢,我说:Thats ok/Its a pleasure谢别人:Its very kind/nice of youPardon me 表歉意 回答:It doesnt matter/Never mind129 in skillful ways 以熟练的方式130 none 指人/物no one 指人131 note down/take notes of 记笔记132 at latest 最迟133 call for = need134 be lack of 缺少135 fit (大小)suit + 人(颜色) match 不+人136 I dont know = I have no idea137 take the place of 代替138 The earth is 49 times as large as the moon.The earth is 48 times larger than the moon.139 come on 加油140 go in for 喜欢141 many a n. = many n.s142 a second 又一143 in sort 简言之144 in case 万一145 come about 发生146 in couples 成双成对地147 fit in with 适合148 work out 顺利完成149 such as to 到的地步150 the letter saysthe sign reads151 now that 既然152 hold an exhibition153 add up to 总计addto 添加154 hold down 压制hold out 提出 hold up 举起/阻挡155 keep well 保鲜156 atspeed 以的速度157 sink (sinksanksunk) into a chair158 give in 屈服give off 发出,长出give out 分发,用尽give away 分发,泄露159 go out 出去/熄灭160 Seeing(由于) that she was going off to sleep, I asked if shed like a doll.161 come across 偶然遇见come over 顺便来访162 get off 下车163 非常:rather (色彩:抱怨) fairly (色彩:高兴)164 cross out 删掉165 come up to sb 走到sb跟前166 listen to music (无the)167 at a time 一次at one time 曾经168 (time) go by169 go over 复习170 have mercy on/show mercy to 同情171 dream of/about doing 梦想做172 be home to 是的原产地173 Its no wonder that 难怪174 look forward to doing175 a matter of 的问题176 agree on 决定agree with 同意sb的话 agree to 同意(+提议/计划)177 remind sb of sth/sbsb to do178 the letter 后者179 at your service 愿意效劳180 take pains to do = take efforts to do181 protect sb/sth from sth/doing 保护远离protect sb/sth with sth 用保护182 make an arrangement183 mean doing 意味着mean to do 打算做184 suggest doing185 sort of 有几分地all sorts of 各种186 get through 通过/完成187 get into 进入188 get down 下来/写下189 get on/along 进行190 be marked with 被留下的记号191 merry sb/get(be) married to sb192 come to 达到193 by sea 乘船194 make up 化妆/编造(故事)/组成make out 书写195 stand for 代表196 turn to sb(for help) 向sb求助197 be blamed for 为(sth)受责备198 a large number of +可数199 thus 于是200 therefore 因此201 weather 不可数202 take your time 别着急203 be frightened at204 make sb dobe made to do205 everyday 定every day 状206 on the left side(of the street)207 fix ones eyes oneyes were fixed on208 deep in thought209 try out 试用try on 试穿210 refer to 提及/参考/递交relateto 把联系起来211 blame/scold/criticize sb for sth 212 used to do 过去常常be used to (doing) sth 习惯于 be used to do 被用作213 三态:gas/liquid/solid214 although/though(都能句首) 不能加butrepeat不能加again because不能加so215 freefrom216 时刻表:一般现在时217 in 1900in the 1900s218 at times 有时219 whats more 况且220 rise 上升/增加raise 上升/筹集221 I made it 我成功了222 in the last 30 years +完成时223 adj. n.wide width long lengthdeep depth224 be pessimistic/optimistic about225 Its clear that226 with the increasing use of227 have a bad effect on228 with a long history229 in seconds 在几秒钟之内230 have a population of231 get in touch with 和取得联系232 carry out 执行,完成233 come out 出版234 be impressed by 留下印象235 play an important role in 在起重要作用236 in other words 换句话说237 dance to238 sing alone to239 back and forth 来回240 to the rhythm of 和着节奏241 skip over 略过242 on special occasions243 develop from 出自244 be popular with245 be familiar to 主:事with 主:人246 show interest in247 during ones youth248 wave goodbye to249 so far 到目前为止250 worry about251 add fuel to the fire252 虚:主句would/could/might + do 从句(if)一般过去时253 at the seaside254 in the street255 on a storm night256 whose 表所属关系(不限人/物)257 Its obvious258 TV series 电视连续剧259 talk show 谈话节目260 couch potato 终日懒散在家的人261 remote control 遥控262 alarm clock 闹钟263 go off 响264 suffer from 忍受265 distance learning 远程学习266 over the years 数年间 267 kung fu 功夫268 manned spaceship 载人飞船269 on ones own 独自地270 pull through 使渡过难关271 commit suicide 自杀272 get involved with 参加273 far too 太274 come off it 别胡扯275 Youve got a point there 你说的有道理276 the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节277 the Dragon(龙) Boat Festival 端午节278 bean paste 豆馅279 the Lantern Festival 元宵节280 sweet dumpling 元宵281 hot pot 火锅282 apply for 申请283 put up 举起/建造put off 延后284 carry on 继续/坚持285 as well 也as well as 也286 global warming 全球变暖287 hang on 别挂断288 be up to 做/从事于289 non-smoker290 in some ways 在某些方面291 tap dancing 踢踏舞292 hold ones breath 屏住呼吸293 air conditioner 空调294 preventfrom295 take pride in = be proud of296 tooto (反) enoughto297 separatefrom298 aboard 在船上 abroad 在国外299 in the distance 在远处within distance 在的范围内out of distance 离太远keep sb at a distance 对sb保持疏远300 be crowded with301 no use(useless) doing302 In the past 10 years, there have been great changes in our hometown.303 on ones own 独自,靠自己of ones own 自己的,特有的adj.304 as far as 远至,就的限度305 ought to 应该306 encourage to do307 in honor of 为祝贺308 get rid of 去掉309 apply for310 thank you for doing311 dozens of 几十,多数的312 stick down 粘贴,放置313 参加会议:attend314 play tricks 捉弄315 in support of 支持316 speak out/of 谈话/谈到317 linkto/with 把连起来318 on Christmas Eve 在圣诞节前夜319 manage to do 设法做320 decoratewith321 serve sb with sth = serve sth to sb322 in celebration of 为了庆祝323 strength 体力/精神力量 force 强迫324 must have done 对过去推测325 by accident326 infect v.传染 material adj.实质性的327 do harm to sb/sth = do sb/sth harm328 go wrong 走错路/(机器)发生故障329 offer sb sth= offer sth to sb330 help (oneself) to 随意取用331 cant help doing 忍不住332 match with/to 把搭配起来333 形容population:large/small334 however 然而/无论如何335 go on to do 继续干336 on the evening of Dec.6th337 come along 出现/进步338 fix up 安排/整理339 out of ones mind 发疯340 for company 陪伴341 switch on/off 打开/关上开关switch over 转换频道,转变


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