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2011年中考单词拼写专项训练8A8B8A一、根据单词的首字母或中文写出单词的正确形式1. Daniel is very g_ and he often shares things with his friends.2. Liu Tao has a round face, but Zhang Han has a s_ face.3. Peter is our monitor and he never tells lies, we all think he is h_.4. The Model Eiffel Tower looks like a _(真的) one. 5. Please keep a _(秘密).Dont tell anyone else.6. My father often tells me _(笑话) when we have dinner7. Theres n_ in the bottle. Its empty.8.My friend often shares his _ _ (欢乐) with me. 9.We often borrow books and _(杂志) from our school library.10.Betty is _ (苗条) than me , I think.11.Li Yuchun is one of the best _(歌手) in China.12.Ill buy a pair of glasses because of my poor _(视力)。.13.- Is _(每人)here today ? -No, Jim is ill in hospital.14.I hate the _(广告)when I watch TV.15.-I dont think Liu Dehua is _(英俊). - I really dont agree with you.16.My daughter has a _(圆的) face like an apple.17.-How long did you spend s_ _ this problem? -About half an hour.18.-I want to be a doctor in the _(将来)。-So do I.19.Your idea is great, I_ (同意) with you.20. China is f_ for the Great Wall. Would you like to go there with me?21. My cousin always w_ a smile on his face and looks happy.22. I feel really u_ when I sit on the old sofa.23. Xiao Wang is a top student. He always answers the questions _( 正确)。24.We all cant forget the _(令人愉快的)hiking to the town of Datao.25. Tony is w_ _ to help others when they are in trouble.26. We have a lot of time for after-school _(活动).27. Our school is a m_ one .Boys and Girls have lessons together.28. After having Home Economics, I know how to cook healthy and t_ meals29. Youll find it u_ to learn English well after you leave school.30. English is one of my favourite s_.31.There are twelve_ (猴子) in the zoo.32.Daniel went to bed after he_(完成) doing his homework.33.Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are both my_ _(崇拜的对象).34.There are many_(语言) in the world, but most of them arent used widely.35. We have two G_ lessons every week. I can learn a lot about different countries.36. He is a famous scientist. When he was a little boy, he was interested in _ (科学).37. I know, I study for m_, so I must try my best.38. Its not right to think English is an u_ _ subject.39. Kitty has l_ _ orange juice of the three.40.-Would you be back as soon as _ _(尽快)? -All right.41. We give each other g_ every morning when we meet.42. We enjoyed o_ last night.43. We saw many places of i_ from all over the world.44. They played very badly at the b_ of the match.45. My sister always feels s_ _ when she takes a bus.46.We can travel by _(长途汽车).47. Children enjoyed t_ at the party.48.School safety is one of the most serious (社会的) problems.49. The film i_ is very interesting.50. Im interested in the b_of the West Lake.51.There was much _(交通) on the hills.52. Were climbing r_. We are brave _(登山者).53.I r_ a letter from my mother yesterday.54. Good news! Our school football team goes to f_ match.55.At last, the _(获胜者) got their medals.56. Look! The students of Class 2 are _(喝彩)for the players.57. Shanghai is one of the biggest c_ in China.58. Dogs help people if they are t_ _ by people.59. Qian Xuesens death is a great l_ to our country.60. After you finish the trip to the mountain, write an English r_.61. Our English teacher often e_us to practice speaking English in and out of class.62. The police caught the robber because he k_ a boy. 63. Many wild animals live in the f_. 64.-Are you doing OK in _(保护) the environment? -Yes.65.G_ panda is very lovely.66._(袋鼠) are in Australia.67. When he was in Paris, he had n_ to live and nothing to eat. 68. H_ often kill many wild animals for their fur.69. We must take some a_ to protect these animals.70.The _(作者) of this book will arrive in Nanjing.71.The little boy is crying _(伤心).72. Im ill. I need to take some m_.73. Ill c_ to study as usual this year.74. We dont want the war, we want a p_ world.75.Different people have different _ (业余爱好).76. Nature Reserve is a great place for w_ to live in.77. Every year, a lot of t_ go to Beijing to visit the Great Wall.78. Be careful, then you can do the exercises c_.79. China is in the n _ part of the earth.80. Many people do not understand the _ (重要性)of saving water.81.Our school _(提供) three meals for us students.82. Nothing is _(不可能) if we put our minds into it.83. This T-shirt makes him feel _(舒服). 84. We dont like to make the _(不诚实)friends. 85.There is going to be a _(暴风雪)tonight. 86. The Yellow Mountain has good _ (自然) scenery.87.Traffic _ (事故) often happened because people were careless.88. Everything was _ (晃动)when an earthquake happened.89.The wind blows my hair _ (狂乱地) .90. At the news ,he is quite still, but not _ (平静).91. He got up very late, so he went to school in a h_ without breakfast.92.I _ (掉下) my stick on to the ground.93.The first thing to do is to _ _ (清除) the snow in the street.94.Which sign of the following means “_” (有风的).95.I think skiing is as _(危险) as cycling.96. Pay no attention to your (高度). Appearance is less important.97.Some people want to change the wetlands to make more _(空间) for farms.98.When giant pandas are born, they look like white _(老鼠).99. I am very t_. I want to drink some water.100. My father look at me a_, because I dont pass the exams.二、根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出完整正确的单词:(一)Tom: Is your school a mixed school?Jack: Yes, boys and girls study t_.Tom: You must have more s_ than us, dont you?Jack: Yes, we do. And m of them are very difficult.Tom: Do you often speak to foreigners?Jack: Of course I do. And I really enjoy it. I always talk about Chinese geography and his h with them.Tom: How much I a_ you! I hope I can talk with them like you.Jack: Sometimes we are asked to write long a_ or give long speeches in English. I really like it, because I can use English to show m_.Tom: Thats a good w_ to learn English.Jack: And we have an English corner. I go there t_ a week.(二)Sandy: Would you like to go b_ with us at Beijing Wildlife Park?Daniel: Isnt that b_?Sandy: No. You can see different kinds of birds. Theres an interesting bird show as w_ _.Daniel: W_ is the birdwatching?Sandy: Its on Saturday, 15th December. A_ you free on that day?Daniel: What time does it s_?Sandy: It starts at 9.30 a.m. and f_ at 3.30 p.m.Daniel: Id like to go, but I have to ask my parents f_.Sandy: Of course. Just let me know soon.(三)Millie: Mum, I dont think you should buy clothes m_ of animal fur.Mum: Why? They look l_ on me.Millie: Many animals lose their l_ because people buy furs. I dont think thats right. People should p_ animals.Mum: If I dont buy them, someone e_ will buy them.Millie: If no one buys furs, then people wont k_ wild animals any more.Mum: M_ youre right. OK. I will not buy furs any more.(四)Today is Monday. Millie and Sandy are looking at the weather forecast on the Internet. Completetheir conversation.Millie: The weather today is _(晴朗的) but itll be _(多云的) tomorrow. The temperature will be around 7. What about Wednesday? Sandy: Itll be _(有雨的). The temperature is going to drop a little.Millie: So the weather wont be too bad. What about Thursday?Sandy: Itll be _(有雾的) on Thursday. The temperature will be _(更低的). Itll be only 0.Millie: The weather will become _(更糟糕的) on Friday. Itll be _(有雪的) and the temperature will drop to -5.8B一、illie在造句时,有一些词想不出来,你能根据单词的首字母或中文帮她写出来吗?1.I have lived here s_ then.2.I first lived in the _ _(南方的) part of town with my _(妻子).3.We lived together until 1960 when I got m_.4.The government r_ _ that water pollution was a serious problem.5.We must take action to r_ _ the pollution.6. I have no friends. I feel a bit l_ _ from time to time. 7.The factory used to dump its w_ into the river.8.I learned a lot about Beijings _(过去) and_(现在).9.Have you seen any exhibitions _(最近)?10.It was in _(服务) in 2002.11.The changes to Moonlight Town have brought many _(优势).12.It was a bad (经历). I will never forget it.13.Eating too much is (有害) to our healthy.14.He smiled while we were (拍)our hands.15. (不幸的是), he fell off his bike and his left leg was hurt.16.I love reading because books bring me (知识).17.Wheres Mr. Green? He has gone to attend an (国际) meeting.18.Dr. Li felt tired because he had two (手术) in the day.19.Many people dont have the money for (医疗的) treatment.20.The weather (影响) his health.21.People are excited about Chinas _(成功) in space travel.22. We hope to help more people by _ (培训) local doctors and nurses. 23. It _ (似乎) that she will leave for Hong Kong with her parents.24, There are so many people in the room, so its _ (没有希望) for us to get inside.25. Whats the _ (意思) of this sentence?26. Smoking is _ (有害) to your health.27. Can you tell me the way to the _(文化) centre of Hong Kong?28. Its _ ( 有意义的) to raise money for Project Hope.29. We are all p_ of the success on Shenzhou IV.30. Its u_ to talk with him. Its a waste of time.31. I was falling a_ when Lin Tao came in.32. Its one of the _ (教育) films.33. These audience are _ (主要地) children between 14 and 16.34. Can you answer my questions _(正确)?35. You must _ (控制) the new machine?36. In our d_ life, we should take more exercise.37. Whats wrong with my computer? Let me _ (重新启动).38. The new course _ (涉及) many subjects.39. If you want to fly to Beijing tomorrow, youd better o_ an air ticket today.40. Amys father works in a big _ (公司),41. This kind of car p_ in Japan.42. Could you c_ the keyboard to the computer for me?43. S_ is another way of saying “easy”?44. TV is short for t_.45. _ (紫色) is my favourite colour.46. Do you know the _ (官员) well?47. Would you please speak more loudly? I cant hear you c_.48. Bill Gates is very s_ in business.49. Her father is a businessman. He has gone to America on b_.50. You can p_ me if you have some questions to ask.51. Do you need c_ when you travel to Hainan Island?52. Many people have no money for medical _(治疗).53. Keep quiet1 Dr Sun is o_ on a patient.54.Take this m_ three times a day.55.What he said was already _(记录) by the police. 56.It is said it will rain this afternoon. Youd better take an u_ with you.57.He cant hear anything. He is a d_ person.58.With the d_ of science and technology, our country is becoming stronger and stronger59.Its a t_ _(困难的) walk but Im really interested in it.60.Dont give up the _(机会) to study abroad.61.Its our duty to help b_ people because they arent able to see.62.A friend in need is a friend i_.63.The camera was one of the great _(发明) in the second half of the 19th century.64.Lisa is such a shy girl that its hard for her to sing in p_.65.Do you know that famous singer? Let me _(介绍) him to you.66.If it rains, lets have the party in the hall i_ of the playground.67.George always _(检查) the answers carefully before handing in his papers.68.Every reader who buys this magazine will receive a free g_.69.The earth travels around the sun at high s_.70.Paris has some fantastic sights, _(包括) the Eiffel Tower and Notre Cathedral.71.Im planning to travel _(国外) this coming holiday.72.Many of our patients are so poor that they cant a_ to travel to hospital.73.We have arranged work _(在。中) the students.74.About 80 per cent of these _(案例) can be cured or prevented.75.A c_ is equal to 100 years.76.We can go to the c_ to see the films.77.It was my job to introduce each other. I also had many other d_ .78.Project Hope helps some children in poor areas pay for their e_.79.The line of people outside Space Mountain was _(无尽的).80.Oxfam Trailwalker is an e_ chance for people to learn team spirit.81.People screamed with e_ when the parade began.82.Youre happy that you have time to relax. I have the same f_ too.83.If you are f_, please come to my new house.84.It is good for us to eat f_ vegetables.85.Tomorrow he will go to the USA for his f_ study.86.This CD-ROM helps you learn English by testing your knowledge of English g_ and vocabulary.87.People over eighteen can _(组成小组) themselves into a team of four and join this charity walk.88.A microphone can make your v_ sound louder.89.When a question is answered _(不正确) ,the witch will cut an inch of the princesss hair.90.It is wrong that some people look d_ on blind people.91.After the curtain r_, the host came on stage with a microphone in his hand.92.Sandy is Toms wife, so Tom is Sandys h_.93.My listening is very poor, so I often listen to the radio to i_ it.94.When I am in trouble, I often feel h_ because no one can help me.95.If it isnt r_, well have a sports meeting.96.They have been married for fifteen years. They will celebrate their fifteen years of m_ this Sunday.97.They are very happy, because they p_ the final exams.98.My watch doesnt work. I want to have it r_.99.My son is 10 years old. He goes to a p_ school.100.I need these articles. So I decide to p_ them out.101.My new computer is much faster than the old one. I can type very easily, and the k_ is very comfortable.102.When we r_ the cinema, the film had been on for 15 minutes.103.He is a millionaire. He is very r_, but he is very lonely.104.We teach them new_(技能) and share our knowledge.105.If you disobey the rules, youll_(惩罚).106.Mount Fuji is a s_ of Japan.107.This trip is very boring. It is _(使人不愉快的).二、根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出完整正确的单词:(一)Sandy: Can you s_ me how to start this online tour of Australia, please?Millie: Yes, of course. Just d_ on the icon for “Tour” and itll start.Sandy: Thats good. Thanks a lot.Millie: Do you know this p_ can also let you do some exercise?Sandy: No. Do you mind t_ me how to use this function?Millie: No, not at all. Its very easy. Can you see? A worksheet has just a_ on the screen.Sandy: Oh, yes. Thats s_. Thanks a lot.(二)Sandy: I hope our charity show will be a s_. Im nervous because I dont know how to o_ a show.Kitty: Ill phone my cousin Ricky. He can help us because he was o_ chosen as the h_ of a charity show.Sandy: Thats a good idea. I hope hes not too busy.Kitty: Dont worry. His show is over, so he has lots of f_ time now.Sandy: I hope that our show will be held at the school hall.Kitty: I hope a lot of pop stars can be i_ to the show.(三)Eric: What do I need to pay attention to of I want to join a c_ walk?Ben: First, pay attentian to the w_. Will it be cold or rainy? Bring an u_ if necessary.Eric: What else do I need to do?Ben: You must carry enough water because you need to d_ a lot of water d_ the walk.Eric: What else do I need to take?Ben: Its wise to take a map and a mobile phone. Theyll be u_, especially if you get l_.(四)Kitty: I used to s_ all my p_ money on clothes and snacks. How about you?Daniel: I used to buy new comic books every week. New, I try to s_ some money for charities.Kitty: Which is your f_ charity?Daniel: UNICEF, because it spends a lot of money on schools. I think e_ is so important that every child should go to school. And you?Kitty: I want to d_ money to World Wide Fund for Nature because I love animals.Daniel: Yes, p_ wildlife is important. My mother also told me that pollution is such a serious problem in many parts of the world that more action ought to be taken to p_ it.答案:8A一.1.generous 2.square 3.honest 4.real 5.secret 6.jokes 7.nothing 8.joy/ happiness 9.magazines 10. slimmer 11. singers 12. eyesight 13. everyone/ everybody 14. advertisements 15. handsome 16. round 17.solving 18.future 19.agree 20.famous 21.wears 22.uncomfortable 23.correctly 24.pleasant 25.willing 26.activities 27.mixed 28.tasty 29.useful 30.subjects 31.monkeys 32.finished 33.heroes 34.languages 35.Geography 36.science 37.myself 38.unimportant/unuseful 39.least 40.possible 41.greetings 42.ourselves 43.interest 44.beginning 45.sick 46.coach 47.themselves 48.social 49.itself 50.beauty 51.traffic 52.rocks, climbers 53.received 54.final 55.winners 56.cheering 57.cities 58.trained 59.loss 60.report 61.encourages 62.killed 63.forest 64.protecting 65.Giant 66.Kangaroos 67.nowhere 68.Hunters 69.action(s) 70.writer 71.sadly 72.medicine 73.continue 74.peaceful 75.hobbies 76.wildlife 77.tourists 78.correctly 79.northern 80.importance 81.provides 82.impossible 83.comfortably 84.dishonest 85.snowstorm 86.natural 87.accidents 88.shaking 89.wildly 90.calm 91.hurry 92.dropped 93.remove 94.windy 95.dangerous 96.height 97.space 98.mice 99.thirsty 100.angrily二. (一) together, subjects, most, history, admire, articles, myself, way, twice (二)birdwatching, boring, well, When, Are, start, finishes, first (三)made, lovely, lives, protect, else, kill, Maybe (四)sunny, cloudy, windy, foggy, lower, worse, snowy8B一.1.since 2.southern, wife 3.married 4.realized 5.reduce 6.lonely 7.waste 8.past, present 9.recently 10.service 11.adventages 12.experience 13.harmful 14.clapping 15.Unluckily 16.knowledge 17.international 18.operations 19.medical 20.affects 21.success 22.training 23.seems 24.hopeless 25.meaning 26.harmful 27.cultural 28.meaningful 29.proud 30.useless31.asleep 32.educational 33.mostly 34.correctly 35.control 36.daily 37.restart 38.covers 39.order40.company 41.produced 42.connect 43.simple 44.televi

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