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附2:浙江省大学英语三级词组表a bita case in pointa fewa good/great deala good/great manya littlea lota lot/lots ofa number ofa variety ofabove allaccording toaccount foract onadd upadd up toafter allagain and againahead ofall at onceall butall in allall of a suddenall overall rightall the sameall the timeall the wayalong withand so on/forthanything butapart fromarm in armaround/round the comeras a matter of factas a resultas a result ofas a ruleas a wholeas far asas followsas for/toas good asas if/thoughas it isas regardsas soon asas suchas wellas well asas yetas/so far as . be consideredas/so long asaside fromat (long) lastat a lossat a timeat allat all cOstsat all eventsat all timesat any priceat any rateat bestat easeat faultat firstat first glanceat first sightat handat heartat homeat intervalsat largeat leastat lengthat mostat no timeat onceat one timeat ones wits endat peaceat presentat riskat sbs disposalat short/a moments noticeat the cost ofat the expense ofat the latestat the mercy ofat the momentat the risk ofat the same timeat timesback and forthback awayback down/offback outback upbadly offbe about to dobe addicted tobe aware ofbe bound up inbe bound up withbe composed ofbe fed up withbe mad aboutbe made up ofbe named afterbe to blamebe/get used to doing sthbear in mindbecause ofbefore longbehind sbs backbehind the scenesbelieve inbetter offbeyond (a) doubtbeyond (all) questionbeyond/without comparebit by bitblack and blueblow upboil down toborder onbreak awaybreak downbreak evenbreak inbreak intobreak offbreak outbreak sbs heartbreak the icebreak throughbreak upbring aboutbring backbring downbring forthbring forwardbring into beingbring into playbring onbring outbring throughbring to lifebring to lightbring upbring/carry/put into effectbring/put/into operationbuild inbuild intobuild on/uponbuild upburn downburn outburn upburst intoburst outbut forby accidentby all meansby analogyby and byby and largeby any chanceby chanceby/in comparisonby/in contrastby farby handby heartby/in leaps and boundsby itselfby means ofby mistakeby no meansbe reason ofby the wayby trial and errorby turnsby virtue ofby way ofcall backcall forcall incall in/into questioncall it a daycall offcall on/uponcall outcall upcalm downcannot butcannot/could not helpcare forcarry forwardcarry offcarry oncarry outcarry overcarry throughcarry weightcast asidecast/draw lotscatch (on) firecatch oncatch ones breathcatch sbs eyecatch sight ofcatch up (with)change ones mindcheck incheck outclean upclear awayclear offclear upclose byclose downclose upcome acrosscome alongcome around/roundcome bycome down (to)come income in forcome intocome into beingcome into ones owncome into playcome offcome oncome outcome out withcome throughcome tocome to lifecome to lightcome to termscome truecome upcome up againstcome up forcome up tocome up withcome/draw to a closecome/get to gripscome/go into effectcome/go into operationcool down/offcope withcount downcount on/uponcross outcut downcut offcut outcut shortdate backdate fromday and nightdeal indeal withdecide on/upondie awaydie downdie ofdie outdispose ofdo away withdo ones bitdo ones utmostdo sb gooddo withdo withoutdo/try ones bestdown withdraw ondraw outdress updrive atdrive awaydrop in/bydrop offdrop outdue todwell on/uponend inend upenter intoeven if/thoughever soevery bitevery now and thenevery otherevery so oftenexcept forface to faceface up tofall apartfall behindfall in love with sbfall in withfall offfall on/uponfall outfall short offall throughfar and widefar fromfeel likefigure outfill infill outfind fault withfind outfinish upfirst and foremostfirst of allfit in withfit intofollow upfor allfor everfor examplefor fear of/thatfor freefor funfor goodfor instancefor lifefor one thingfor ones partfor salefor shortfor surefor that matterfor the betterfor the momentfor the presentfor the sake offor the time beingfrom time to timeget alongget around/roundget atget awayget away withget back toget byget down to businessget even withget inget intoget nowhereget offget off the groundget onget on withget outget overget rid ofget throughget togetherget upget/have the better ofgive awaygive backgive birth togive ingive offgive outgive rise togive upgive waygo aboutgo aftergo againstgo aheadgo alonggo along withgo around/roundgo awaygo back ongo bygo downgo forgo from bad to worsego in forgo intogo into detailsgo offgo ongo outgo out of businessgo out of ones waygo overgo throughgo to extremesgo to great lengthsgo to piecesgo upgo wildgo withgo withoutgo without sayinggo wronggrow upguard againsthad betterhad/would rather (than)hand downhand inhand in handhand onhand outhand overhang aroundhang onhang on tohang togetherhang uphave a good timehave in mindhelp outhere and therehold backhold downhold offhold onhold ones breathhold outhold uphow abouthow comeif onlyimprove on/uponin a hurryin a messin a rowin a sensein a wayin a wordin accord within accordance within additionin addition toin allin answer toin any casein any eventin betweenin black and whitein briefin businessin casein case ofin charge ofin commonin comparison within consequencein consequence ofin consideration ofin contrast to/within control ofin debtin depthin detailin doubtin effectin essencein excess ofin factin fashionin favo(u)r ofin forcein front ofin fullin futurein generalin good shapein halfin handin hono(u)r ofin itselfin line within memory ofin no timein no wayin operationin orderin order thatin order toin other wordsin partin particularin personin placein place ofin practicein printin privatein proportion toin publicin questionin realityin relation toin response toin return forin search ofin seasonin shortin short orderin sightin so far asin spite ofin storein sumin tearsin terms ofin thatin the airin the course ofin the distancein the endin the eventin the event of/thatin the face ofin the first placein the futurein the habit ofin the interests ofin the light ofin the long runin the middle ofin the midst ofin the name ofin the neighbo(u)rhoodin the openin the rightin the short runin the wrongin the/sbs wayin timein totalin touch within troublein turnin usein vainin view ofinstead ofjoin handsjoin injust as welljust nowkeep an eye onkeep at a distancekeep backkeep downkeep fromkeep in mindkeep in touchkeep onkeep ones fingers crossedkeep pace withkeep sbs headkeep tokeep track ofkeep upkeep up withkeep . companyknow better thanlack oflater onlay asidelay downlay offlay outlead up tolean onleast of allleave aloneleave behindleave outlend itself tolend sb a handIet alonelet downlet go oflet outlie inlittle by littlelive throughlive up tolive withlock inlock uplog inlog outlook afterlook aheadlook around/roundlook atlook backlook down on/uponlook forlook forward tolook inlook intolook onlook out forlook overlook throughlook tolook uplook up tolook uponlose heartlose ones headlose sight oflose track oflose ones tempermake a differencemake a fool ofmake a point ofmake a thing of/out ofmake formake friends withmake fun ofmake itmake ones waymake outmake peacemake sensemake suremake the best ofmake the most ofmake upmake up formake up ones mindmake use ofmake waymany amay as wellmix upmore and moremore often than notmore or lessmove aroundmove awaymove onneither here nor thereneither.nornever mindnext tono doubtno endno less thanno longerno matter how/what/whenno sooner.thanno wayno wondernone butnone other thannot in the leastnot only.but alsonot to mentionnothing butnow thatof courseoff dutyon a dieton account ofon and onon boardon businesson condition thaton demandon dutyon earthon edgeon endon footon handon lineon loanon no accounton occasionson ones ownon purposeon saleon scheduleon the alerton the contraryon the grounds ofon the horizonon the houron the moveon the one handon the other handon the part ofon the point ofon the strength ofon the wholeon the/an averageon timeon topon top ofon/in behalf ofonce and for allonce in a whileonce more/againonce upon a timeone after anotherone anotherone by oneone way or anotheronly tooopen upor elseor soother thanout ofout of breathout of controlout of dateout of fashionout of handout of lineout of luckout of orderout of practiceout of printout of questionout of seasonout of sightout of stockout of the blueout of the ordinaryout of the questionout of the wayout of useout of workover and aboveover and over againpart withpass awaypass bypass onpat on the backpay attention topay back pick outpick upplay a part inpoint outpresence of mindprior toprovide forpull apartpull awaypull downpull inpull offpull outpull sbs legpull throughpull upput asideput awayput downput forwardput input into practiceput offput onput output to useput upput up withrather thanrefer torefer to.asregard asregardless ofrely onright awayring uprise torule outrun acrossrun away withrun downrun intorun offrun outrun out ofrun overrun throughsee offsee throughsee tosee to it thatsend awaysend forset aboutset apartset asideset backset downset forthset freeset offset outset upsettle downshow offshow upshut downshut inshut upshut offshut upside by sidesign forsign insign on/upsign outsingle outso as toso farso longso soso thatso to speakso.as toso.thatsooner or latersort ofsort outspeak outspeed upspread out/upstand bystand forstand outstand upstand up forstand up tostart offstep asidestep by stepstep downstick tostraight away/offsuch assum upswitch offswitch ontake account oftake advantage oftake aftertake aparttake awaytake backtake caretake care oftake chargetake downtake effecttake for grantedtake intake into accounttake into considerationtake it easytake note oftake offtake ontake ones timetake outtake overtake painstake part intake placetake roottake sbs breath awaytake shapetake the place oftake totake turnstake uptake.astake.by surprisetake.fortake.to hearttalk intotalk out oftalk overteam uptear aparttear awaytell aparttell the truththanks tothat is to saythe moment thatthe more.the morethe same asthink ofthink outthink overthink throughthink upthrow/cast light on/uponto a certain extentto be on the safe sideto begin withto dateto my mindto ones knowledgeto say nothing ofto say the leastto some degreeto some extentto start withto the best of ones abilityto the contraryto the effect thatto the pointtouch on/upontrack downtry ontry outturn a blind eyeturn a deaf earturn awayturn backturn downturn inturn intoturn offturn onturn ones back onturn outturn overturn roundturn the cornerturn toturn upunder controlunder no circumstancesunder wayup toup to dateuse upused towarm upwin overwipe outwith a view towith reference towith respect towith/in regard toword for wordwork at/onwork outyear after/by year

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