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Phonics教学经验浅谈青铜峡市铝业学校 孙永燕作为一名phonics教学实验教师,我很荣幸能和大家一起来探讨phonics教学法。谈经验说不上,我只是将我在phonics教学上的一些做法及看法加以总结,与大家共同交流以达到共勉、共进。 一、字母教学 Phonics教学法的特点首先是要牢牢掌握26个字母的name和sound。在教学字母时,可让学生主要通过模仿记忆,注意看老师的口型,发音要到位。另外,还可通过字母操,教师示范学生可自行创造字母操,这样,在活跃的学习氛围中,学生牢固的掌握了字母的音与形,真正达到了见“形”知“音”,呼“名”记“形”。这样既有利于学生各种综合能力的发展,又有利于phonics教学在愉悦轻松的环境中进行,学生学习起来和谐而又主动。另外还可通过唱“ABC song”和字母游戏让学生熟练掌握。二、音图、单词教学掌握了字母之后,逐渐引入到音图、单词教学。从字母到音图再到单词,这是相关联的。如在教音图at时,学生首先要清楚字母a 和t的发音,然后就可拼出音图的发音。单词教学是phonics教学的重点,在教学时,教师需要自制音图、单词卡片及图片,这样便于检查学生的学习效果。关于教具制作,我还会另外提到。纯粹的单词教学是很枯燥的,我们一定要将单词融入到句子中来教。除了模仿记忆外,教师要花时间和精力设计多种活动方式,如在巩固单词时,可采用游戏Bingo、炒单词、手拍单词等活动,让学生快速掌握该单词的音、形、意。三、歌曲歌谣的重要作用对于低年级学生来说,兴趣教学是重点,在教学中融入歌曲歌谣尤为重要。教师可自行改编歌曲,自创歌谣,我本人喜欢自创歌谣,将本课的重要单词尽量都融入进去,学生听来趣味浓厚,说来琅琅上口。如在第六课时我编写了chant: Cup, cup, cup. The cup on the rug. Bug, bug, bug. The bug in the mug. Bus, bus, bus. The bus is very long. Pup, pup, pup. The pup is very cute. 第七课的内容编了chant: I like hen, I like pet. The hen is yellow. The pet is black. The men are in the jet. The jet is wet. The pen is wet and the net is wet , too. 学生都非常喜欢。我不仅在phonics教学中使用chant,在新标准英语教学中,我也经常会使用到。四、多媒体辅助教学的作用Phonics课本在编排上也存在着一些弊端,单词量大,有的图片不贴近我们的现实生活,而且没有彩图。因此,为方便我们的教学,教师可以制作多媒体课件,给学生以更直观的吸引。我们不能否认和忽略多媒体教学的重要作用。五、教具的制作与使用在制作教具时,我们尽可能将教具做得大些,美观些。如我所作的字母,音图,单词卡片。单词教具尽可能实用些,如我的日历教具。另外,在phonics教学中,我们要尽可能采用实物教具,实物永远是最直观的一种呈现。 以上只是我在实验过程中总结出的一些方法,我还需要继续探究、钻研教法,在实验中经历了一番“苦”与“痛”后,我和学生都尝到了“甜头”,看到了“曙光”。我们要将phonics教学进行到底!说 课 材 料 Lesson Three孙永燕一、 教材的分析与理解本课安排了四个音图,九个单词。重点要求学生掌握音图和单词的准确发音,使学生达到见词能读、听音能写的能力。在Phonics教学中,不仅仅是教给学生认识音图,学习单词,更重要的是让学生领悟Phonics的特点,学习Phonics的方法,为长远的英语学习打好基础。二、 教法的设计与阐述 在教学本课时,我借助了多媒体课件来辅助教学,通过课件展示音图及单词,并下载了相关图片帮助学生理解单词的意思。为了进一步加深学生的印象,我又尽可能地拿出一些实物,如,书包、标签、抹布、帽子等,这样直观的教学能够帮助学生快速而有效地记住单词。对于英语起始年级,一定要注重培养学生学习英语的兴趣,所以,在大容量的教学内容中,我安排了很多活动,除了单词的趣味练习,还有Chant Clap Your Hands. 而这个Chant中正好有所学的音图ap,学生在愉快的Chant中又巩固了该音图。为了活跃学生的气氛,我在新知识教学后安排了一个学生都感兴趣的Bingo游戏,练习了学生的听音、读音的能力。最后,我又借助实物cat, rat, 给学生讲述了一个Mag and Tab的故事,这是对教学的拓展延伸。三、 课堂程序的安排与组织 Step 1.Warmer1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning Ms Sun.T: How are you?S: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine too, thank you.2. Sing a song:Good morning3. Review the letters: A,B,C,G,L,M,N,P,R,S,T Step 2.Presentation1. Teach ag.(1) CAI shows the letter combination ag. The teacher read the sound of ag. Then the students read after the teacher.(2) Practise the sound of ag one by one.(3) CAI shows the words: bag, tag, rag.T: Who can read these words?S1: bag, tag, ragS2: bag, tag, rag (4) The students read the words one by one.(5) CAI shows the pictures or objects to make the students understand the meaning of these words.(6) The students read the words together. 2. Teach ap (1) CAI shows the phonogram ap, teach the students. (2) Shows the words: nap, cap, map, tap. Use the same way to learn the words. 3. Learn a chant Clap Your Hands. (1) CAI shows the contents of the chant. Pay attention to the word clap. The teacher says the chant with actions firstly. (2) Let the students say after the teacher. (3) The students say the chant with actions. 4. Teach ab. Teach the phonogram ab and the word cab in the same way.5. Teach al. Teach the phonogram al and the word pal in the same way. 6. Read all phonograms and words again. Step 3.Practice1. The teacher shows the objects or pictures and lets the students speak out the words.2. Have a match between the boys and girls.Get a boy and a girl come to the front, the teacher says the words, the students point to the correct pictures. Step 4.Game Play the game Bingo. The teacher says the words, the students circle. Step 5.Story1. The teacher use the objects to tell a story Mag and Tab2. CAI shows the contents of this story, get the students read the story. Step 6.Homework1. Say the chant for your parents.2. Copy the words and read out them. 说 课 材 料韩春丽一、说教材分析Good afternoon,everyone.今天我说课的内容是新标准英语(三起点)四年级第四册Module 5 Unit 1 Amys taller than Lingling. 本课主要学习用Amys taller than Lingling.描述个体间的差异以帮助他人区别。本篇课文主要是以一堂英语课为主线,通过老师点名来比较高矮然后学生自己来比较年龄为主要内容。课文内容与学生生活实际联系紧密,有利于学生英语学习兴趣的激发和积极性的调动。二、说教学目标英语课程目标提出基础阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生综合语言运用能力,结合这一总目标和学生的实际情况,将本课的教学目标设计如下:(一)、知识目标:1、能听、会说Amys taller than Lingling.结构式的句子。2、能听、说、认读单词taller,than,older,shorter,younger,stronger。(二)、技能目标:通过引导学生积极参与各项课堂教学活动,使学生养成动脑、动口、动手的好习惯,指导学生熟练应用本课所学的语言和知识进行日常交际,形成综合运用语言的能力。(三)、学习策略:通过小组合作、同学之间竞争等学习方式,鼓励学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。(四)、情感态度目标:通过引导学生参与比高矮、比力气等活动来练习说话来开展教学活动,营造轻松愉快的教学氛围,培养学生的学习兴趣、培养孩子们在生活中运用英语的能力。三、说教学重、难点培养学生在特定语境内领悟和使用语言交际的能力是小学英语教学的重点,本课的句型Amys taller than Lingling.Im older than Lingling.Sams shorter than Daming.Im younger than Daming. 对培养学生的会话能力起着极其重要的作用,所以能听懂会说句型并能运用句式说话练习是本课的教学重点。本课的教学难点是:形容词的比较级的概念和一些形容词比较级的一般变化形式。tall- taller; short - shorter; old-older; young- younger;strong- stronger.四、突破重、难点的关键、运用情景教学法,创设语言情景,让学生在情景中学习,组织活动让学生在活动中掌握知识,在活动中巩固运用新知。五、说教法、学法为了完成以上教学目标,更好的突出重点,突破难点,按照学生的认知规律和本课教材的特点,我设计了以下教学方法:1、小组合作学习法:把全班同学四人为一组,课堂各项教学活动均以小组合作学习为主线,接对或全班活动为辅,学生互相交流、切磋,共同完成学习任务,在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义,也通过小组成员的合作培养学生能够积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。2、情景教学法:在句型学习运用中,为学生提供真实而有效的语言运用环境。激发学生想说的愿望,语言练习中也有利于学生表达能力的提高。3.多媒体直观教学法运用多媒体教学课件来辅助教学,从学生喜欢和熟知的体育明星导入到我们要学的重要句式,激发学生说的兴趣。课件中活泼可爱的大象、小狗和生动形象的大树、房子都是学生熟悉并且学过的单词,通过这些内容的填充,不仅复习了旧单词又学习运用的新句型,一举两得。六、说教具准备:依据小学英语教学的直观性、趣味性、实践性的教学原则,结合合作学习和任务型教学的新理念,我利用了CD-ROM、单词卡片、自画图、录音机等教具,学生则利用身体资源积极参与教学活动。七、说教学程序Step 1: Before the classSing some songs: Step 2: WarmerT: Now, lets play a game. Ill say a word ,then you should say the antonym of the word and you can do the action at the same time.( big small ;tall short ;long short; fat thin)Step 3: Greeting T: How are you today? What day is today? What day is tomorrow? Whats the weather like today?T: Today we are going to study Module 5. Module 5 is talking about size. Do you know whats the meaning of size? Have the students guess.(Show a coat and tell the students that we can know the size of the coat in the label.)Step 4: Learn the sentence: Mr Yao is taller than Mr Liu.1. T: (show CAI: some pictures of Yao Ming and Liu Xiang) Who is he ? Can you tell me something about Yao Ming? Who is he ? Can you tell me something about Liu Xiang? Do you know how tall is Yao Ming and how tall is Liu Xiang?T: Compare with the two man, then we can say Mr. Yao is taller than Mr. Liu.(show the new words: than and taller . Have the students read the words after the teacher than read them one by one. Then read the sentence: Mr. Yao is taller than Mr. Liu. )T: Then Mr. Liu said: Im shorter than you. (show new word: shorter and read several times.)1. Have two students come in front of the class. Stand them next to each other and say who is taller.2. Do more examples with other pairs of students to give them plenty of examples to the adjective +-er+ than”structure.Step 5: Learn the sentence: The man is older than the girl.1.T: (show an old man and a little girls picture) Look at this man. He is old. (show word:old, read it several times then show the comparative of the word:older)T: Look at the cute girl. She is young. (show word:young and read it several times then show the comparative of the word:younger)2.Have the students look at the picture and say a sentence:The man is older than the girl or the girl is younger than the man.3.Read the sentence together.Step 6: Learn the sentence: Im stronger than name.1. Show the picture: A strong man .2. Teaching the new words: strong and stronger, and have the students read them after the teacher.3. The teacher has a contest with the students and show the sentence: Im stronger than name.4. Have the students work in pairs, then say the sentence.Step 7:Look and say,1. The teacher shows all the comparative words and have the students read them.2. Show a picture: A tree and a house, The tree is taller than the house. Have the students look at the picture and say a sentence using words taller and shorter. Then have the students read the sentences together.3. The same way with the picture2: An elephant and a dog.Step 8: Learn the text of Module 5 Unit 11. T: (show the head masks) Look, Ms Smart ,Amy . Lingling, Sam and Daming. They are our good friends. Do you want to know who is taller and who is younger? Now lets look at the text.2. Listen and point: the student listen to the tape and point to the correct pictures.3. Then read after the tape.4. Answer the question: who is taller and who is youngerand write them on the board. Have the students look at the board and say the sentences together. 5. Have the students read the text in different roles.6. Have one more group come in front of the class and act the text.Step 9:SummeringStep 10. HomeworkDo a survey in their family member and use the structure say some sentences.Family memberAgeHeightWeightFatherMother BOOK 5 Module 3 At the weekend Unit 2 What did Daming do? School: 青铜峡铝业学校 Name: 韩春丽Module 3 At the weekend Unit 2 What did Daming do?Teaching requirement:1. Talking about the past activities.2. Learn the new words: hour mountain taketook3. Learn the target language: Where/How/When/What did ?Learn four phonetic symbols: / /; /: / ; / u /; / u: /4. Learn a new song: The London EyeTeaching focus point:1. Have the students using the correct past tense forms to talk about the past activities.2. Can ask and answer the questions: Where/How/When/What did ?Teaching prepairing: Tape Cards Stickers ChartTeaching steps: Step 1. Warmer1. The teacher greeting with the students :Good morning ; How are you today?2. The teacher asks the students what did they do last night? What did you do at the weekend? Step 2.Talking T: Do you remember the text of unit 1? According to the text,do you know what did Lingling,Sam and Amy do at the weekend? Where did they go? T: How happy they were! Daming ( their good friend) also very happy for hearing that .Can you guess what did Daming say? T:Maybe he said I had a good time at the weekend too. What did Daming do at the weekend? Lets listen to the tape. Step3. Listen and say1. Have the students close their books .The teache play the tape first time.Then have them open the books and listen to the reading of the text the second time. This time, they must underline the new words.2. Teach the new words: hour and mountain. First the teacher read ,then the students repeat. After that, have some individual student read the words, the teacher corrent their pronunciation.3. Warning the students that they must use “an” in front of the word hour. 4. Play the tape again, have the students repeat.Then have them read the passage after the teacher . Then have some students read it again. Make sure that the students can read it flurently. Step4. Discuss1. Have the students work in four and discuss how to answer the questions of Activity 22. Ask some groups stand up and answer the questions.When they answer the questions,they must pay attention to use the past tense form of the verbs. Then the teacher asks the questions have the whole class answer .3. Have the students think about the questions of Activity 3. They should talk about themslves.4. Ask some individual students answer the questions. The other students should listen carefully.5. Have the students work in pairs. One asks, the other answers. Tell the students that if they connect all the answers of the questions, they can write a passage of their own.Step 5. Learn four phonetic symbols1. Have the students focus on the table.Then play the tape.2. Tell the students that we are going to learn four phonetic symbols. Write them on the board. The teacher read and the students repeat. Then read the words.3. Write some words on the board .The words contain the same sounds. Have the students put the words into the correct ball cook took room hot foot good two moon zoo drop food floor / /: / u / u: /4. Check their answers in the class.Step 6. Learn a new song: The London Eye1. Have the students look at the picture and the teacher asks: Whats this? Whats the London Eye? Did you ever see a wheel like this? Where is it?2. Get the students to imagine that they were sitting in the London Eye. Maybe they will feel different while singing the song.3. Play the spoken version and let the students to repeat the words.Now play the second version and let the students listen to the melody or they can sing along with the music.4. Have the students do actions as they sing. They should make circular movements with their hands as they sing round and round. They can point upwards as they sing high up in the sky.They should say the line Look at that! slightly louder than the other lines and then point upwards at the same time. They also can change the line Look at that! into another sentences. Such as: Look at me! / Its so big!/I see the sun.5. Have a few students come in front of the class sing the song. The other students accompany them with the claps. Step7.Game: Play and say.1. Before play the game, the teacher should papire some cards. On it write some places that maybe they went at the weekend; The second sort write the transports; The third sort write some actions maybe they did at the weekend.2. Have three students choose the cards, then have one student asks the questions :Where did you go at the weekend? How did you go there? What did you do at there? The correct student should answer the question loudly. At last, have the students connect the three cards in to a sentence. eg: I went to the park by plane to see monkies. The sentences maybe very interesting. Step 8. Brief summary Step 9. Homework 1. Copy the passage into the exercise books.2. Sing the song for your parents.Writing: Unit 2 What did Daming do? Who went to the Great Wall? When did they go? How did they go? What did they do? What did Daming do?Module 4 FoodUnit 1 Do you like meat?Teaching aims(教学目标):1.Get the students to master the following words and sentences:meat,rice,noodles,fish milk. Do you like? Yes, I do. No, I dont.2.Get the students to use the sentence patterns to ask about likes and dislikes.3.Through activities, the teacher should cultivate the students spirit of competition and cooperation. Important points(教学重点): The mastery of the new words and sentences.Difficult points(教学难点): The students can use the sentence patterns to ask about likes and dislikes.Teaching aids(教学准备): tape recorder, some objects ( meat, a pear, an orange, an apple, pencils, pens, table tennis) cards( fruits cards, basketball, football, teddy , cars, ships and so on)Teaching procedures(教学过程):Step1 Warm-up Activities1. Greetings.2. Sing a song.(Please stand up)3.Rewise some words of sports.4. Show a speral word.(Use some pictures of food make up the word “food”) Then have the students guess which letter is it. Then show the new word food .And teacher the word.Step2 Learn some new words.1. The teacher shows the cards of the words and teaches how to pronouce the words . Have the students read the words after the teacher . Then the teacher shows the objects of the words,and have the students remember the meaning of the words.2. Have some groups of the students come in front of the class and one point to the cards ,one read the words,and another shows the objects.3. The teacher gives the objects to some students,and get the students hold up the objects. Then the teacher says the words and the students point to the objects.4. Using the structure of “ I like and I dont like” to strengthen the new words. Step3 Ask and answer 1. According to the students saying. The teacher asks questions to them. Do you like _? Yes, I do. Do you like _? No, I dont.2. Teach the student how to answer the questions. Ask some individual student answer the question. Make sure the students can answer it. 3. Play the game: The teacher asks the questions, and if the answer is yes, they should stand up, and say the answer together. Then have the other group of students answer the question.Step 4 listen and point 1. The teacher have the students open their books and listen to the tape and point to the correct sentences.2. The students read after the tape. Then read after the teacher. Have the students have a rest, and the teacher reads text for them.3. Have some students read the sentences.4. Have all the students read the text together.Step 5. Homework1. Read the text several times.2. Listen to the tape and read afer it.Writing: Module 4 FoodUnit 1 Do you like meat? Yes, I do. noodles? rice? No, I dont. fish? 自评材料 本节课上完后,基本完成了课前制定的教学目标和任务,学生参与课堂活动的面比较广,大部分同学课堂参与活动的热情高,学生学完后的效果较好,充分体现了以学生为主体的新课程理念。因为从语言的本质上看,英语是一种交际的语言,因此,教师应该将它作为一种交际的工具来教,而不应把教会学生一套语法规则和零碎的词语用法作为教学的最终目的。所以在教学过程中我始终坚持词不离句,虽然三年级的词汇和简单的句子学习并不多,将新单词在旧句型中灵活运用不但能巩固旧知识而且能达到语言输出的目的。在教学中,将food这一单词用食物来拼出来比较吸引学生的注意和兴趣。但是课堂中有很多鼓励学生多读的机会,教师却错过了这样的机会。所以学生读得不够熟练,如果教师能在学生参与的活动中再多读几遍,学习效果可能会更好。让Phonics真正成为孩子门的至爱张秀霞Phonics是指以声音为基础的发音教学法,是通过拼音系统与文字拼读的过程,在“字”与“音”之间的关系提供学生一种方法或拼出规则单词,而不需要另一套标音符号。它是指一般人所指的“自然发音” ,“直觉发音” ,“声音基础教学”等。Phonics教学法是由字母到音图,再由音图到单词,让学生从规律中掌握单词的读音,再由单词到句子的学习。在一年的实验教材实施中,学生充分体验了这种方法的优势,体验了成就感。在轻松的,愉快的氛围中获得了知识。学生的学习兴趣也极大地被调动出来。经过一年的的学习,学生基本达到了见词能读,听音能写的教学目标。在教学中我主要采取孩子们喜欢的多种教学方法来组织教学。1.英文儿歌的学习,大大激发了学生的学习兴趣。小学生天性就喜欢唱唱跳跳,。在Phonics教材中有许多朗朗上口的好听的儿歌,还配有有趣的动作,深受孩子门的喜爱。学习儿歌不仅激发了孩子们的兴趣,还培养了孩子们的语感,巩固了所学单词。无论是在课间,还是上学,放学的路上,孩子们可以随时随地唱着他们学会的英文儿歌。我女儿今年二年级,我也给她教了一些儿歌,她特别喜欢,总是要求我和她一起唱。还表示愿意学习更多的英文儿歌,兴趣极浓。2.听故事,讲故事,学习Phonics,培养学生的语感,激发学生的学习兴趣。对于小学生,故事本身具有相当强的吸引力,在他们还是幼儿园的孩子时,他们就喜欢听妈妈讲故事,同一个故事听很多遍也不厌烦。 对于小学生在学习的过程中能否获得成就感,并保持学习英语的兴趣,是英语教学的关键。故事教学的重要环节,能帮助学生突破重点,掌握语言,使用语言,获得成就感。在讲故事时,我主要通过实物进行演示,让学生明白故事的意思,再配上表情,动作,大大激发了学生的兴趣,也加深了学生对单词意思的记忆,收到了很好的效果。3在 Phonics中,背单词变得轻松了,学生的畏难情绪降低了,学习劲头足了。在实验教材中,第一册中的单词全都是三个字母的,在学习怎样读单词时,先由字母的读音学起,再到音图,最后是单词的读音,学生掌握起来并不是很困难,主要是如何记住这些长得很相像的单词的意思,那么,歌曲,故事,说唱和各种巩固练习,就能起到很好的作用。单词掌握了,学生有了成就感,他们学习劲头更足了。4Phonics学习中,缩小了英语学习中两极分化的现象。英语学习在初始阶段孩子们之间的差距斌不大,但到了五年级要背大量单词的时候,两极分化现象明显。在Phonics教学中,即使是程度较差的学生他们也能较轻松背会单词,上课发言积极了,明显进步了,两极分化不那么明显了。5在Phonics中,仅仅三十几节课,学生就学会了一百多个单词,八首歌曲和一些chant等,效率较高。这也是孩子们喜欢Phonics的原因。英语学习中,众所周知,没有足够的词汇就不能有效地进行听、说、读、写,就无法有效地用英语进行交际。著名语言学家里弗(River)曾经说过:“学习语言的人,掌握足够的词汇是成功运用外语的关键,没有词汇就没有能运用所学的结构和功能的意念。”一个人词汇量的大小在一定程度上表明这个人英语水平的高低。由此可见词汇的重要性。而单词是词汇的重要组成部分,单词积累的量决定词汇的量。在实验教材中,学生能在较短的时间内积累到较多的单词,为将来掌握词汇,运用语言打下了坚实的基础。6在英语学习中,有很多家长对英语是一概不知,无法辅导。而Phonics教学正好解决了这一难题。学生通过音图掌握了单词的读音,即使是出现个别但此不会读的情况,他们也能利用其他已掌握的同一音图单词的读音自主复习,巩固所学单词,解决了家长的困难。学生自学能力也逐渐提高了。总之,孩子们在轻松,愉快的学习氛围中学到了知识,学会了语言,提高了兴趣,Phonics必将成为孩子们的至爱。

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