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2011年天门市高考英语模拟试卷(二)21. People like taking photos because photos are the _ of youth and history and can remind us of many happy scenes.A. witness B. guidanceC. evidence D. approval22. For sustainable development, the government has decided to give to those energy conserving and environment-friendly business in many aspects.A. profitB. interestC. advantageD. preference23. Its a major for Obama and his national security team, to fulfill the goal once voiced by Obamas predecessor, George W. Bush, to bring to justice the mastermind (设计者)of the 9-11 attacks.A. anecdote B .accomplishment C. negotiate D. campaign24. While the government says there is a(n) _supply of houses,prices of apartments have been going up these years.A. unconditional B. preciseC. abundant D. short25. Why do English people talk so often about the weather when they start a conversation? Well, its probably the weather is a(n) _topic.A. safe B. ordinary C. primitive D. conventional26. The director added a few characters and changed some names in this movie but _ this is a true story.A. completely B. necessarily C. essentially D. gradually27. Founded by Li Kaifu in September 2009, Innovation Workshop is _ to help Chinese young people create successful starting-up companiesA. commentedB. confirmedC. concludedD. committed28. There is even an animal whose tail will so that it can run away if someone grabs it.A. break upB. break outC. break offD. break down29.To improve your health, you can _ 25 30 minutes three or four times a week to do simple things such as walking ,cycling or running .A. give off B. turn down C. take over D. set aside 30 For a long time, he hesitated whether he should tell us _ what had happened. A. at duskB. at lengthC. at presentD. at stake第一节: 多项选择2125 ADBCA 2630 CDCDB2011年天门市高考英语模拟试卷(三)21. Customers will receive a free CD as a(n) _ with any order over 200 Yuan in this store .A. payment B. bonusC. rewardD. benefit22. Tom accumulated a grate deal of knowledge about plants and agriculture in growing strawberries, he went back to the abandoned of spreading straw under the fruit to reduce the necessary amount of watering.A. customB. approachC. practiceD. principle23. The store has an excellent for fair dealing and its booming sales figures are often reported in local newspapers.A. regulation B reputation C. presentation D. exception24. For fear of unemployment, almost one million people sat (参加考试)China civil service examination in order to get _jobs.A. appropriate B. bureaucraticC. comfortable D. secure25. The USA makes a lot of excuses in an attempt to make war on Iran , however, Its _ purpose lies in the abundant oil there.A. logical B. fundamental C. accurate D. commonly26. Nowadays food safety is a big problem and nobody can guarantee all foods are safe to us, but food produced in the normal companies is _ better.A. strictly B. absolutely C. relatively D. exactly27. British wartime prime minister Winston Churchill _ the reporting for 50 years of an UFO incident because of fears it could create mass panic.A. debatedB. abolishedC. defendedD.forbade28. Their efforts finally when the New York Time picked the group as one of the top 10 bands of the year.A. sent offB. paid offC. set offD. took off29. The accident produced a very bad impact on the society, so those who _ the project were severely punished.A. come up with B. look out for C. took charge of D. took the place of 30. Shoppers are also less likely to queue for long if the item they are buying is of low value, and _ food and drink shopkeepers are having to find new ways to deliver good customer service. A. in the end B. after allC. as a resultD. on the contrary第一节: 多项选择2125 BCBDB 2630 CDBCC湖北天门市2011届高三年级第一次模拟考试21.Believe it or not, last month in America I came across the girl whose photo was in the drift bottle got three years ago . Really?Thats the most surprising Ive ever heard of!A. identificationB. coincidenceC. viewpointD. procedure 22. The stronger the is, the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language. That is to say, it is up to whether he has an interest in the foreign language. A. inspirationB. ambitionC. motivationD. aspiration23. As is known to us all, our Chinese government is now making every to stop the house price from growing too fast. A. effectB. effortC. measureD. performance24. When I think something is right, I will stick to that ,sometimes it sounds a little but I am now trying to find a balance between insistence and compromise. A. reliableB. artificialC. intelligentD. stubborn25. I think you should go back to your plan, which is much more practical than the present one. A. opposite B. original C. abstract D. ridiculous26. The man moved forward and looked over the edge, shrinking (缩) his shoulders. A. accurately B. unconsciously C. cautiously D. properly27. As you the tasks, cross them off your list so you may feel less pressure. A. obtain B. gain C. succeed D. accomplish28. The essay you wrote is excellent, which a rapid improvement on your recent work. A. illustrates B. explains C. represents D. communicates29. What attracted you to our university?You have a great basketball team and I can for it. A. work out B. look out C. carry out D. try out 30. Womens earnings are well below mens educational differences that are decreasing between the two sexes. A. in spite of B. in favor of C. in case of D. in terms of 第一节: 多项选择2125 BCBDB 2630 CDCDA湖北省荆州市2011届高中毕业班质量检查21It cant be a(n) _ that four jewelry stores were robbed in one night.AcoincidenceBaccidentCincidentDchance22Although English may not lead directly to a great career, it will certainly give you _ to a wider range of opportunitiesAacquisitionBaccessCaccentDaccount23It s reported that at present many teachers feel that teaching is really a _ job, so they have to devote a lot to itAdepressingBrewardingCdemandingDblessing24We had expected the weather would be very badBut as it turned out, it was sunny and _ for all outside activitiesAadequateBexactCparticularDappropriate25Founded by Li Kaifu in September 2009, Innovation Workshop is _ to help Chinese young people create successful starting-up companiesAcommentedBconfirmedCconcludedDcommitted26It s unlikely that the disease will be from animals to humans.AdeliveredBtransferredCtransportedDinfected27The project showed just how _ the authorities in Beijing take the threat of a slowdown following the international financial crisis.AsincerelyBexactlyCseriouslyDprecisely28His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has _ many good changes in their lives.Abrought aboutBresulted fromCturned intoDgot through29Considering your salary, you should be able to _ at least twenty dollars a week.Aput forwardBput upCput outDput aside30Statistics show that Shanghai subway lines will reach 350 kilometers by the end of this year, making the city No3 in the world _ subway length.Aaccording toBin terms ofCon account ofDin view ofABCDD BCADB湖北省八市2011年高三年级三月调考英语试题21. With only 20 minutes to _ before the train left, I felt uneasy in the taxi on my way to the railway station.A. goB. leaveC. catchD. spend22. My new job _ me travelling all over the country, which means I wont be able to spend much time with my son.A. takesB. promisesC. involvesD. causes23. Nobody knows why the boy can tell whats written on the paper in another room without looking at it. It really_ explanation.A. preventsB. challengesC. interruptsD. confuses24. After hearing the poor little girls sad story, I tried to _my sympathy by holding her hand firmly.A. improveB. conveyC. confirmD. resist25. At the APEC Summit held in Yokohama, Japan, Asia-Pacific leaders addressed_ over global growth, regional economic development and emerging markets.A. concernsB. careersC. adaptionD. recognition26. The _ on driving after drinking alcohol is being carried out all over the country,which is helpful to reduce traffic accidents.A. withdrawalB. prejudiceC. aimD. ban27. Unemployment arises partly from overpopulation and if fines cant keep the rich from having more than one child, we should say that the regulation is not_A. efficientB. effectiveC. economicD. evident28. As with holding sand in the hand, the fastest way to lose love is to hold it too _, andthe best way to keep it is to give it wings.A. uncomfortably B. looselyC. visuallyD. tightly29. My friend and I planned the trip for a long time, but then her father fell ill, so I _going alone.A. ended upB. kept upC. stayed upD. cheered up30. Studying abroad is quite different from that in China. It took me nearly half a year to _the language problem and culture shock.A. turn overB. take overC. go overD. get over2125 ACBBA2630 DBDAD湖北省八市2011届高三上学期第一次联考英语试卷21During the students first teacher training year, they often visited schools for the_of lessons. Aexamination BinvestigationCinspectionDobservation 22Many studies already link the first meal of the day to better classroom . Aperformance BfunctionCbehaviorDdisplay23Just as our teacher often _ it, success is ninety percent attitude. AgetsBmakesCputsDmeans 24We had hoped to move into the new house at the end of the month, but things didnt _ as we had expected. Ashow upBwork outCtake upDpick out25He does not as a teacher of English, for his pronunciation is terrible. AequalBmatchCqualifyDfit26Joe _ his anger, remembering the mistakes he had made before Aheld backBheld upCheld onDheld down27In the past, he rarely spoke unless others were speaking about something that _ to himAadaptedBappealedCaddictedDapplied28Your ideas are very interesting, but we need suggestions to get us out of the mess AimpressiveBsimilarCpracticalDtraditional29We welcome rain, but a(an) large amount of rainfall will cause floods. AeventuallyBextremelyCgraduallyDconstantly 30Many of the scientists and engineers are judged how great their achievements are. Ain spite ofBin ways of Cin favor ofDin terms of2125: DACBC 2630: ABCBD 湖北省八校2011届高三第二次联考21Mary has a great of interests; she likes sports, travel, photography, and making radio setsAability Bcapability Cdiversity Dproperty22The rising house price and the high income taxation rate have become the biggest . of people in China todayAconcern Binfluence Cinvolvement Doccupation23The President finally agreed to resign after that his action would somehow relieve the international pressure on EgyptAacquiring Bcalculating Ccomplaining Dsharing24If Jim had been more independent, his parents divorce would not have him as deeplyAaffected Bimpressed Covercome Dinspired25People tend to ignore the fact that being good parents a stable society and productive citizens of tomorrow Amakes for Bresults from Csets up Dtakes in26Criticized as online games are, they never cease to a large number of teenagersAappeal to Bobject to Crefer to Dturn to27Jenny can always get a discount in that coffee bar for she is a(n) customerAcasual Bregular Caverage Dusual28Efforts do not _ lead to good achievements if the effort - maker is too anxious to succeedAexceptionally Bhopefully Cnecessarily Dpurposely29The disaster -stricken village was inaccessible _ by helicopter, and the storm added to therescuers difficultyAinstead of Bother than Crather than Dregardless of30A private dinner party was arranged at the White House Chinese Chairman Hu Jintao on his visit to AmericaAin the name of Bin honour ofCin light of Din memory of21-30: CABAA ABCBB2011届湖北八校高三第一次联考21. In order to promote its brand, Harvard University has put a lot of money and time to launch an advertising _.A. campaign B. struggle C. movement D. promotion22. With no better way to express feelings of love and _, its easy to see why everyone turns to the flower shop on Mothers Day. A. appreciation B. inspiration C. satisfaction D. ambition23. The first African-American president of the United States received a(n) _ welcome in the African countries, where he was received as a returning son. A. romantic B. bureaucratic C. enthusiastic D. optimistic24. Its been a difficult time but, on the _ side, I feel physically fine.A. primitive B. original C. unique D. positive25. Mary, whose father passed away for smoking abuse, cried, “Any assumption that smoking is beneficial is _ absurd.”A. totally B. nearly C. rarely D. merely26. Everything from greeting to eating can be an opportunity to do the wrong thing, and not only embarrass yourself, but _ your host.A. scare B. upset C. tease D. blame27. After careful consideration, I decide to _ my current post so as to realize my long-held dream. A. dismiss B. reject C. resign D. ignore28. Rescuers had to _ the search because of worsening weather condition.A. take off B. call off C. cut off D. show off29. A cat in London has been taking a bus regularly. The driver even knows where to_ this special passenger.A. put down B. pick out C. leave behind D. drop out30. Since his works earned him quite a reputation in Liverpool, he has stayed there most of his life, _ the occasional visit to his hometown.A. apart from B. but for C. instead of D. regardless of21-30: AACDA BCBAA湖北省部分重点中学2011届高三第二次联考21Despite such a big difference in towards what one cats, there is no doubt that the west regard the Chinese food as something special.ApointBideasCattitudeDsight22One of my classmates accidentally he had cheated in the last examination, or he wouldnt have got so high a mark.Apointed outBlet outCtook outDtried out23As a teacher rich in experience, he knows how to his ideas to these new students in a limited period of time.AconveyBeducateCpassDconvince24The present system no longer meets the changing needs of our customers; we have to make a (n) management system.AcontradictoryBendlessCflexibleDconcrete25For sustainable development, the government has decided to give to those energy conserving and environment-friendly business in many aspects.AprofitBinterestCadvantageDpreference26Although the educational systems have been a lot, the loads of the students are still very heavy.AtransformedBtransportedCtransferredDtransmitted27None of them have regular and source of income and forced to live below poverty line.AsafeBlegalCsecureDdiverse28By offering free access to a wide range of public facilities, out school now is a quite satisfying place for study, is poor accommodation.Aapart fromBas well asCin addition toDbecause of29Can you me a job when I get there? You know, I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.AapplyBarrangeCprovideDguarantee30I only intended to be there for a few days, but I ended up staying for a whole month.AfortunatelyBactuallyCnaturallyDobviously21-30 CBACD ACADB湖北省部分重点中学20102011学年度高三上学期期中联考21Modern society is built on the concept that all human beings are born free and equal in _ and rightsAdignityBqualityCabilityDidentity22Education should be a universal right and not a (n) _AadvantageBprivilegeCopportunityDbenefit23The students in the international school are encouraged to voice whatever opinions they have and question authority, which helps to develop their _ thinkingAcautious Bpractical Ccareful Dcritical24I told him it was a bad idea, but Daves so _ that he just never listenedAambitiousBstubbornCenergetic Doutgoing25We could hardly believe what she says because she is _ changing her mindAregularly Bsteadily Ceventually Dconstantly26Every student is expected to _ in the school activities activelyAundertakeBparticipateCapproachDguarantee27In some countries packets of cigarettes come with a government health warning _ to themAappealed Bapplied Cappointed Dattached28We must _ to the public the simple fact that drugs are dangerousAget acrossBget awayCget backDget behind29Those who want to do the job well must be _ carefulness, patience and much knowledge of EnglishAowned upBmade up ofCarmed withDconcentrated on30Most people are _ bringing down the price of housing because its too high for themAin favor ofBin honour ofCin search ofDin charge of2130ABDBD, BDACA湖北省部分重点中学20112012学年度高三年级起点考试21Do you have anyone particular in_for the job?In my opinion, Tom is the right personAhead Bheart Cmind Dbrain22Although the average reader spends more than 4, 000 pounds on books in their lifetime, 55 percent say they buy them for decoration and have no_of reading themAadvantage Battempt Cevidence Dintention23The spokesman said that this was a(n)_negotiation (谈判) because it solved a lot of problems between the two sidesAattractive Bdefensive Cprotective Dproductive24Although the painting is very _ pleasant, it is thought to be copied with a modern printing machineAvisually Bhighly Cphysically Dmentally25Our government is trying its best to _the social security system to protect peoples rightsAbalance Breform Cconduct Dpress26Before you_the design of this product, you need to study the market carefullyAmemorise Bconfirm Corder Dexpress27We have very strict quality control and anything imperfect is _, so customers feel secure about our productsAdenied Brejected Cdeserted Drefused28But someday, all the work we have done will _; we will go to college and go on tohave a suitable jobAturn down Bwork out Cpay off Dget away29Although they lost their jobs, saving and unemployment benefits allow the couple to _ their comfortable home

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