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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期中段考试卷A卷一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) Is this his pencil?_. Mine is green.A . Yes, it is.B . No, this isC . Yes, its my pencilD . No, it isnt2. (2分)You could talk about it with Jack _ the phone. A . onB . withC . atD . In3. (2分)The head teacher will tell us at the meeting tomorrow A . important somethingB . important anythingC . anything importantD . something important4. (2分)Every year, there are millions of visitors coming to visit Huang Shan.A . a fewB . a lot ofC . some5. (2分)Amy usually _ from school, but today she goes home by bike. A . walk homeB . walk to homeC . walks homeD . walks to home6. (2分)There is a big stone _ my way _ my way home yesterday. A . at; byB . in; byC . on; inD . in; on7. (2分)What can you do, Li Xin?I can _ Chinese kung fu.A . beB . doC . haveD . make8. (2分)My father _in the morning , but now he likes running in the evening.A . is used to runningB . used to runC . gets used to running9. (2分) Kangkang, I _ my pen. Could you please lend me yours? Im afraid I cant. Mine is _, too.A . lost; lostB . missing; missingC . lost; missingD . missing; lost10. (2分)The girl _ short hair is my sister. A . hasB . haveC . withD . on二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共20分)11. (10分)根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案。 It was a Sunday afternoon. It was 1and Mike decided 2swimming in the river. His 3, Jim, wanted to go with him.Take him with you, Mike, said their father. He will do 4you say, I think.They 5the river quickly. 6people were swimming in it. Mike told Jim to play on the bank, and then he jumped 7the river. About an hour later, Mike swam to the bank with a fish in his 8. Jim was very happy. He found a bottle(瓶) and put the fish in it.Jim did nothing but watch the fish that evening. Suddenly(突然) Mike heard Jim crying(哭) in the room. He ran to him and asked, Whats the matter(怎么了), Jim?The fish has died, Jim said. I thought it was 9. So I took it out of the bottle and put it on the chair. I 10wanted it to have a rest.(1)A . hot B . snowy C . rainy D . cold (2)A . go B . going C . to go D . goes (3)A . son B . brother C . father D . uncle (4)A . as B . if C . and D . when (5)A . got B . reached C . touched D . arrived to (6)A . Much too B . Too much C . A lot D . Lots of (7)A . into B . on C . up D . from (8)A . arm B . mouth C . hand D . mind (9)A . fresh B . tired C . pretty D . hungry (10)A . only B . often C . almost D . never 12. (10分)完型填空Hey, friends! Im Alice. Im an English1, but Im in China now. My 2is Xu Ruike. These are two3of my family. My father Xu Yajun and I are in the 4photo. Xu Yajun is my5Chinese name.6English name is Mike. In the second(第二) photo, you can 7three people. They are my mother and my 8sisters. Their names are Dee, Elly 9Lily. Dee is my mother. Elly and Lily 10my sisters. They are nice.(1)A . name B . school C . girl D . book (2)A . first name B . last name C . family name D . Chinese name (3)A . photos B . numbers C . dogs D . friends (4)A . first B . last C . second D . one (5)A . mothers B . fathers C . sisters D . brothers (6)A . Her B . Your C . His D . My (7)A . say B . have C . meet D . see (8)A . one B . two C . three D . four (9)A . too B . and C . well D . but (10)A . is B . am C . are D . be 三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)13. (10分) Charlie was about to climb into bed when he found there was a light on in his garden shed(棚). Then he noticed some people who were busy stealing his things.He call the police right away. The policeman asked, “Are there any intruders(闯入者)in your house?” Charlie replied “no” and explained what was happening.The policeman said, “All patrol cars(巡逻车) have gone out, and a policeman will go to your house when one is free.”Charlie hung up, waited 30 seconds, and then called the police again. “Hello, I just called a short while ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. I want to let you know that theyre not a problem anymore because Ive just shot every one of them.”Charlie then hung up the phone. In five minutes, three patrol cars, nearly twenty policeman and an ambulance arrived at his house. Of course, the police caught the thieves.One policeman said, “I thought you said that you shot every one of them!”Charlie replied, “I thought you said there were no patrol cars free!”(1)The story happened .A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . in the evening(2)The police didnt want to come at once because .A . there was no patrol cars free.B . they didnt think it was crucial.C . they didnt know what happened.(3)Charlie called the police _for help.A . only onceB . twiceC . three times(4)The police came quickly because they thought .A . the thieves diedB . Charlie was shotC . the thieves broke into the house(5)We can infer(推断) that Charlie .A . was good at shootingB . liked to play a joke on the police.C . didnt belive what the policeman said.14. (6分) Stay as safe as possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks(前震) and a larger earthquake might occur. Reduce your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place.If you are indoors, do “duck, cover and hold”. Duck or drop down to the floor, under something strong, such as a table or a desk, cover your head and face with your arms and hands and hold on to that table or desk so that it does not move away from you as the ground shakes. Do this until the shaking stops and it is safe to move. Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or building parts. If there isnt a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch(蜷缩) in an inside corner of the building.Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, and heavy furniture that may fall over. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injuries occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave.If you are outside, get into the open and stay there. Move away from trees, buildings, signs and power lines. Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger exists directly outside buildings, at exits and alongside exterior walls. Ground movement during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury. Most earthquake-related casualties(伤亡) result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.If you are driving, you may not realize what is going on at first because the car may feel like it is going to blow up. Stop the car in as clear and open an area as possible and stay in it until the shaking stops. If it is a really bad quake, turn on the radio to find an emergency channel to get information. Follow the directions of people directing traffic.If you are in a mountainous area, watch out for falling rock and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake.If you are at the beach, move quickly to higher ground or several hundred yards inland.(1)Which of the following pictures means “duck, cover and hold”?A . B . C . D . (2)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A . Ground movement during an earthquake is the main reason of death.B . You should keep your windows, fireplaces and heavy furniture clear.C . Stop your car in the clear area and get out of it if an earthquake happens.D . Run away from the beach as quickly as possible if an earthquake happens.(3)The passage is mainly about _during the earthquake.A . ways of keeping you safeB . the importance of keeping safeC . ways of finding safe placesD . researches on how to keep safe15. (10分)根据材料内容,选择正确答案。(A)Uncle Wang works in a book shop in the middle of the city. The shop is not far from his home. It is about one kilometer away. So Uncle Wang seldom(很少) goes to work by bus. He usually goes there by bike, sometimes on foot. It takes(花费) him twenty minutes to get there by bike and forty minutes on foot. Today his bike is broken. He wants to walk there. Now he is having breakfast. He leaves home at ten minutes to eight and he walks to work twenty minutes earlier. His work starts at half past eight in the morning and finishes at a quarter to five in the afternoon.(1)What does Uncle Wang do?A . He sells books.B . He grows flowers.C . He makes shoes.D . He works in a hospital(2)Why does Uncle Wang seldom go to work by bus? Because .A . there is no busB . his shop is not far from his homeC . he likes riding a bikeD . his shop isnt in the middle of the city(3)How long does it take Uncle Wang to walk to his book shop?A . Twenty minutes.B . Forty minutes.C . Ten minutes.D . Half an hour.(4)What time does Uncle Wang usually leave home by bike?A . At ten minutes to eightB . At half past eightC . At ten minutes past eightD . At twenty minutes past eight(5)Uncle Wang usually gets back home from work at in the afternoon.A . 4: 55B . 5: 15C . 4: 45D . 5: 0516. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。DMore and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe thats why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million ears on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit(受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You dont even have to ride all the way.Folding(折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travelers.Health Benefits of Bicycling:It helps to prevent heart diseases.Bicycling helps to control your weight.A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.Bicycling can improve your mood(心情).Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.Bicycling is healthier than driving.(1)From the passage, we know that bicycling is becoming very . A . surprisingB . excitingC . expensiveD . popular(2)When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may . A . pollute the environment aroundB . find something you didnt noticeC . go everywhere and use a little oilD . get off your bike and begin to work(3)If you travel with a folding bike, you can fold it and . A . get out of the carB . take it onto a trainC . put it in your purseD . go on airline websites(4)One of the benefits from bicycling is that . A . you can fold the bicycleB . you will be friendly to othersC . you will be more relaxedD . you may get fatter and fatter(5)Which is TRUE according to the passage? A . Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people.B . Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes.C . Riding a bike pollutes your neighbourhood.D . Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines.四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)补全对话Ken: Hi. Whats your favorite sport?Ben: Soccer ball. _Ken: Me? I dont like soccer ball. My favorite sport is basketball.Ben: _Ken: Because its very interesting.Ben: _Ken: My basketball teacher is Mr. Cooper.Ben: Do you like pingpong? I like it.Ken: Me, too.Ben: _Ken: Yes, Im free this afternoon.Ben: _Ken: Sounds good!Ben: OK. See you!Ken: See you then!五、 单词分类。 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个词只能用一次。save slowly except healthy advice(1)A: Daming, Can you give me some _ on how to learn Chinese?B: Of course.(2)A: Miss Wang, all the classmates are in the classroom _ Sam. Why didnt he go to school?B: He is ill at home.(3)The more we play sports, the_ we will feel. (4)Lets find out what else we can do _ as many animals as possible. (5)I spoke _ because my English was poor. 六、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Hey, Susan!_B:No. Whats it like?A:_Its my favorite.B:Can I listen to it on your CD player?A:_B:Its really a good jazz(爵士)piece. But I still like rock music best.A:Who is your favorite singer?B:Cui Jian. _A:Why do you like him?B:_A:I see.A. Of course.B. Have you read the article about him?C. I went to his concert last week.D. I agree.E. Have you listened to the song called“Take Five”?F. Because his music is exciting.G. I think its amazing.七、 选词填空。 (共1题;共24分)20. (24分)根据句意,用方框内所给词语的适当形式完成句子。leave out , neither or , by the time, give a lift, be hard on ,stare at ,let down, pull together in line with, rather than(1)_he_his parents have been to Beijing(2)I saw her standing by the road so I _her_(3)My teacher_us when we were in Grade Two(4)I feel that someone is_me(5)0ur team _to overcome the difficulty(6)_I graduated from this university,my brother had been married for three years(7)What he said is_the experimental results(8)You,_your sister,were chosen by the director(9)His name was_of the membership list(10)He _his parents_when he was kicked off by the school八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)目前很多学生整天都忙于学习,成绩却不理想。请根据表格内容,结合自身实际,写一篇关于怎样提高学习效率的短文。学习方法1).listen to the teacher2).take notes3).review in time4).correct mistakes.体育锻炼1).exercise.其它方面1).make good use of time2).ask sb. For help.要求:1)短文应条理清楚,行文连贯,段落分明,90词左右。(开头结尾己给出,不计入总字数)2)短文中不能出现真实的姓名、学校、地名等信息。3)短文应包括全部信息,可围绕主题适当发挥。How to improve our study effectivelyA great number of students cant finish their tasks, which leads to bad results and makes them less interested in their study. How can we solve the problem? Here are some suggestions.If you follow the advice that I have mentioned above, you will be successful.第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共2题;共20分)11-1、12-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、四、 情景交际。 (共1题;共5分)17-1、五、 单词分类。 (共1题;共5分)18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、六、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)19-1、七、 选词填空。 (共1题;共24分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、20-6、20-7、20-8、20-9、20-10、八、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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