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新理念大学英语学习大厅大学英语(全新版)综合教程第三册综合单元测试全部答案Unit 1T T F T F T T T F T T T T F F T T F T TTelevision has: industrialized essential transmitter elevate maintains quality relationship produced audience entertaining The world: agricultural population Unfortunately efficient automatically romantic mechanic chemical equipment possibilityParents have to : C A D B ATo live through : A B B A BMany companies : B A A B DThrough a : BACCD61. With the economic development, beautiful and expensive villas have _ in the suburbs of big cities. A. mushroomed B. expanded C. grown D. soared 参考答案:mushroomed 62. Youd better _ the garden with insecticide to get rid of the pests. A. spray B. sprinkle C. splash D. scatter 参考答案:spray 63. In the busy holiday season, extra trains and buses are provided to _ the existing service. A. require B. suspect C. resist D. supplement 参考答案:supplement 64. What _ of people in the district voted against the new law? A. amount B. percent C. number D. percentage 参考答案:percentage 65. She felt rather regretful when returning from her holiday, for she had _ out on a promotion. A. lost B. thrown C. passed D. missed 参考答案:missed 66. When people are physically _ a drug, they suffer ill physical effects if they stop taking the drug. A. absorbed in B. accepted by C. addicted to D. attracted to 参考答案:addicted to 67. At one time, people overgrazed the pastures. _, many of them have turned into deserts. A. As a fact B. As a result C. In a conclusion D. In a consequence 参考答案:As a result 68. Books _ with colored photographs are extremely popular with children. A. illustrated B. demonstrated C. displayed D. explained 参考答案:illustrated 69. The young couple were _ with emotion at the birth of their first baby. A. entertaining B. overflowing C. tempting D. resisting 参考答案:overflowing 70. What the lawyer said didnt make any _ to most members of the jury. A. point B. meaning C. good D. sense 参考答案:sense 71. Chinese people like to have _ Spring Festivals, just as Americans do when they have Christmas. A. exaggerate B. expensive C. extravagant D. extreme 参考答案:extravagant 72. She _ when she saw a man dangling out of her window. A. gasped B. breathed C. choked D. shocked 参考答案:gasped 73. The new device, _, is by far more convenient than the old one. A. in the balance B. in parallel C. on parallel D. on balance 参考答案:on balance 74. College students are advised to _ a wide range of subjects in order to broaden knowledge. A. pursue B. invest C. promote D. intervene 参考答案:pursue 75. All animals need _ food, water, air, and protection from the attack of their enemies. A. decidedly B. profoundly C. normally D. primarily 参考答案:primarily 76. The doctor put him on a _ of tablets in order to control the serious symptom. A. range B. course C. matter D. process 参考答案:course 77. To balance your income and expense, you need to set a proper _. A. budget B. limit C. control D. check参考答案:budget 78. If you _ your money in the real estate market now, Im sure youll make great profits. A. dedicate B. devote C. invest D. spend 参考答案:invest 79. Working under the new expert who always encourages creativity in young people, we have been _ with better ideas. A. coming along B. coming out C. coming over D. coming up参考答案:coming up 80. If he loses the case, Jack will have to _ the bill for the cost of the lawsuit. A. make up B. turn up C. pick up D. work up 参考答案:pick up 81. The government decided to _ on defense expense to meet the demand of the economic development. A. cut back B. cut off C. cut away D. cut in 参考答案:cut back 82. Mrs. Black declared that she would never _ that grocery because of its poor service. A. sponsor B. patronize C. insure D. invest 参考答案:patronize 83. The secretary chose a cartoon from the _ of videos and made it into the report. A. scale B. condition C. device D. stack 参考答案:stack 84. Can you _ up a light lunch for me? Ive got to leave in 20 minutes. A. beat B. whip C. strike D. make 参考答案:whip 85. Caught running away from the spot, he was _ of the crime by the police. A. expected B. doubted C. guessed D. suspected 参考答案:suspected 86. The local people could hardly _ enthusiasm for the renovation project of the city. A. duplicate B. extend C. generate D. accumulate 参考答案:generate 87. In compliance with your _, we are sending you the catalog together with a range of pamphlets for your reference. A. budget B. requirement C. expense D. mortgage 参考答案:requirement 88. According to our usual practice, _ is to be effected for 100% of the invoice value. A. allowance B. profit C. budget D. insurance 参考答案:insurance 89. The PICC charges _ at lower rates, so it is to your advantage to have your orders insured with the PICC. A. premium B. account C. insurance D. profit 参考答案:premium 90. While power plants burn coal to _ electricity, they are also polluting the air. A. cause B. create C. invent D. generate 参考答案:generate 91. She retreated into a world of _ where she could do whatever she was fond of. A. nature B. fantasy C. confusion D. situation 参考答案:fantasy 92. She was given an award for her excellent work with the old people in the _. A. course B. community C. process D. behavior 参考答案:community 93. _ duck is a typical course in almost all the restaurants in Beijing. A. Baked B. Burnt C. Roasted D. Cooked 参考答案:Roasted 94. They seldom dine out, _ an occasional dinner at the local restaurant. A. aside from B. beside from C. except of D. outside of 参考答案:aside from 95. The manager has taken some measures to ensure that all the animals in the zoo will _ the winter. A. get by B. get through C. get along D. get over 参考答案:get through 96. She assured her mother that it was only a _ operation and she would be fine soon. A. major B. minor C. minute D. minimum 参考答案:minor 97. My parents could hardly come up with all the money for me to go to college, but we managed to _ with my scholarship. A. get in B. get on C. get by D. get to 参考答案:get by 98. After his fathers death, he _ the small factory that his father devoted his life to. A. took in B. took up C. took over D. took down 参考答案:took over 99. In order to keep slim, my aunt never eats much, but she _ her diet with a variety of vitamins. A. compliments B. supplements C. implements D. compensates 参考答案:supplements 100. As director of the office, Mr. Black is not only _ of the work of the others, but also of his own. A. cautions B. conscious C. critical D. curious 参考答案:critical 101. The young man liked to lead an extravagant life and was soon _ by heavy debts. A. digested B. swamped C. stacked D. supplemented 参考答案:swamped 102. The defendant could see the _ in the voice of his lawyer and began to feel depressed. A. resolution B. frustration C. determination D. temptation 参考答案:frustration 103. The idea of staying all by herself in the Gobi Desert is _ to her. A. alien B. imaginary C. negative D. identical 参考答案:alien 104. The statistics _ the point I was making at the press conference. A. commit B. accomplish C. illustrate D. pursue 参考答案:illustrate 105. During the Christmas season, there was a(n) _ of delicious puddings and cakes in that food store. A. series B. string C. array D. bunch 参考答案:array 106. I live in the suburbs and it takes me three hours to _ between home and office everyday. A. communicate B. commute C. travel D. move 参考答案:commute 107. If you insist on taking the indecent behavior, you will have to suffer the _. A. distinctions B. sequences C. destinations D. consequences 参考答案:consequences 108. At the sight of that beautiful dress, the poor actress could not _ the temptation to steal it. A. attack B. fight C. resist D. assist 参考答案:resist 109. The businessman _ most of the profits from his business to various charities of the society. A. disregarded B. distributed C. donated D. discharged 参考答案:donated 110. From the mid 1980s, the Chinese government began to give top _ to scientific and educational development. A. priority B. primacy C. preference D. privilege 参考答案:priority 111. Although a little girl of nine, Rose could resist _ what to do and what not to do. A. to be told B. having been told C. being told D. to have been told 参考答案:being told 112. So far a three-fourths majority in the neighborhood _ to help the handicapped. A. have volunteered B. have been volunteered C. has volunteered D. has been volunteered 参考答案:has volunteered 113. They worked hard on the construction site with a view _ more experience. A. to gain B. to gaining C. of gaining D. in gaining 参考答案:to gaining 114. He worked so late in the office last night that he hardly had time _ the last bus. A. to have caught B. to catch C. catching D. having caught 参考答案:to catch 115. I apologize if I _ you, but I assure you I didnt mean to. A. offend B. offended C. should have offended D. might have offended 参考答案:offended 116. As it turned out to be much cheaper than we had expected, we _ the money from you. A. neednt to borrow B. did not need have borrowed C. did not need borrow D. neednt have borrowed 参考答案:neednt have borrowed 117. Tradition _ salt was placed in front of the king on the table of royalty. A. made it that B. took it that C. said it that D. had it that 参考答案:had it that 118. Greater efforts to control the population must be made if food shortage _ avoided. A. is to be B. can be C. will be D. has been 参考答案:is to be 119. The newly-stipulated traffic rule _ the number of accidents on the highway. A. is intended to reduce B. intends to reduce C. is intended to be reduced D. intends to have reduced 参考答案:is intended to reduce 120. The living conditions on the deserted island were really hard; they had so much _. A. to put up B. to put up with C. to put up for D. to put up to 参考答案:to put up with Unit 2T T T F T F T F T T T F T F F T T F T F Vitamins are : substances concerned worry exception wisely providing rid nervous digestive cereals Impressive gains : education patterns vulnerable opposed inconsistent compensatebalanced reversing particularly access Washington, Aug 28, 1963 : C C D A BWhen we read : DCBBAThe possible hint : BBBBBThe loudest outcry : ACBAC61. The chief of the terrorists fled the country and has not been _ yet. A. captured B. grabbed C. snatched D. grasped 参考答案:captured 62. A group of seven experts were appointed to establish a committee to _ a new constitution for the company. A. work in B. work off C. work out D. work up 参考答案:work out 63. The enemy was soon on the run when the red army was _ around the mountain. A. coming up B. peering at C. closing in D. enclosing in参考答案:closing in 64. The arrogant young man was accused of _ against women and fined 5,000 dollars. A. disregarding B. dominating C. distinguishing D. discriminating 参考答案:discriminating 65. The beautiful, _ figure of the actress attracted tens of eyes at the party. A. racial B. slender C. secure D. confident 参考答案:slender 66. Having trained hard for 3 months, Jack was _ of winning the game. A. convinced B. confident C. conscious D. trusted 参考答案:confident 67. Among the local people of the small town, Mr. Johnson _ a man of considerable means. A. passed by B. passed for C. passed on D. passed through 参考答案:passed for 68. While slavery was abolished long time ago, _ discrimination against the blacks in the US still exists. A. racial B. radical C. national D. personal 参考答案:racial 69. Slavery is closely associated with _ prejudice and, it is believed, still exists in some remote areas. A. religious B. regional C. regular D. racial 参考答案:racial 70. The medical team _ the advice of Professor Lee and continued their research work. A. explored B. deplored C. ignored D. implored 参考答案:ignored 71. The government should _ restrictions on the use of harmful chemicals in planting fruits and vegetables. A. exploi B. capture C. impose D. abolish 参考答案:impose 72. Viewed in the _ of the recent political situation in the Middle East, these latest developments are worthy of consideration. A. context B. recovery C. property D. commitment 参考答案:context 73. During the job interview, he _ his achievements in the former company. A. played up B. blew up C. made up D. forged up 参考答案:played up 74. Under the intensive care of the doctors and nurses, she made a quick _ after the operation. A. restoration B. revelation C. recovery D. remedy 参考答案:recovery 75. The rebels were cruelly _ by the local government and the fight for freedom was forced to move underground. A. assaulted B. suppressed C. accomplished D. resolved 参考答案:suppressed 76. The company has agreed to _ the 30 million bank loan for its branch in Paris. A. transfer B. corporate C. guarantee D. erase 参考答案:guarantee 77. The generals words at the press conference _ a signal that his troops would launch another campaign in the following spring. A. composed B. consulted C. conveyed D. compelled 参考答案:conveyed 78. Leaving for something urgent, she _ her partner to sign the contract on her behalf. A. assigned B. authorized C. appointed D. entitled 参考答案:authorized 79. A monument will be built in honor of those who have made _ exploits in the development of the city. A. considerable B. remarkable C. accountable D. replaceable 参考答案:remarkable 80. Though she is not very beautiful, she has a _ figure and graceful manners. A. slight B. small C. slim D. tender 参考答案:slim 81. Despite his dislike of Robin, John would always _ him when other boys attack him at the school. A. stand up for B. live up to C. put up with D. make up for 参考答案:stand up for 82. After negotiating with the government for half a year, the company finally won the project to _ the oil under the sea. A. employ B. explore C. examine D. exploit 参考答案:exploit 83. The west regions have been _ since the new policy was carried out. A. flourishing B. mushrooming C. flushing D. flooding 参考答案:flourishing 84. On Saturday nights program, there is a _ of financial experts giving their opinions on the current economic situation. A. procession B. terminal C. conviction D. mission 参考答案:procession 85. During the epidemic outbreak of SARS, anyone who wanted to enter a hospital was _ to a temperature measurement. A. subjected B. enforced C. compelled D. imposed 参考答案:subjected 86. With the improvement of our new product, we can _ full satisfaction to our customers. A. promise B. pledge C. engage D. guarantee 参考答案:guarantee 87. Their mission is to _ the improper or the outdated terms in the local laws and regulations. A. abolish B. forge C. convey D. regulate 参考答案:abolish 88. If you dont compensate us for our loss, we are prepared to _ for our right. A. set up B. get up C. stand up D. rise up 参考答案:stand up 89. _, this time, it was the weak who had saved the strong. A. Ironically B. Interestingly C. Doubtfully D. Painfully 参考答案:Ironically 90. After sharing ten years of hardships together, the couple _ understand the true value of marriage. A. got to B. became to C. came to D. went to 参考答案:came to 91. Mrs. Carter is known chiefly for her _ to severe punishment for the worldwide drug smuggling. A. intelligence B. discrimination C. commitment D. legacy 参考答案:commitment 92. He went on with the adventure without a guide against all the _ and reached the destination alone. A. ideas B. suggestions C. odds D. objections 参考答案:odds 93. Ambulances, fire engines and police cars all _ on the scene of the explosion in Madrid. A. starved B. imposed C. compelled D. converged 参考答案:converged 94. After several rounds of talks, the two parties agreed to _ further economic co-operation. A. explore B. compel C. exploit D. forge 参考答案:forge 95. This automation system of communication has many flaws and must be _ before it is put to use. A. separated B. remedied C. flourished D. concentrated 参考答案:remedied 96. Many investors have suffered great losses as the stock market has been _ for six months on end. A. exposing B. detecting C. generating D. declining 参考答案:declining 97. Financial aids are needed for the preservation of the _ building and monuments in Xian. A. intentional B. virgin C. historic D. serial 参考答案:historic 98. To increase the revenue, the government decided to _ new duties on wines and cars. A. impress B. impose C. embody D. compel 参考答案:impose 99. Lost in the forest without any food, they were _ to starve until rescue came. A. controlled B. imposed C. compelled D. composed参考答案:compelled 100. Under the leadership of the Party, the Chinese people were _ from all kinds of exploiters. A. lifted B. liberated C. released D. relieved 参考答案:liberated 101. It isnt always easy for the management to _ the companys regulations, as some of the terms are not agreed upon by the labor. A. enforce B. remedy C. assault D. dismiss 参考答案:enforce 102. As for the runaways, they were transported to safer places, _ as a funeral procession. A. disguised B. concealed C. hidden D. faked 参考答案:disguised 103. Working day and night, Jane seems _ accomplishing the task ahead of time. A. intended on B. inclined to C. intent on D. attended to 参考答案:intent on 104. The companys accounts will be _ to careful and detailed examination before the new project starts. A. subjected B. defeated C. erased D. dismissed 参考答案:subjected 105. The media usually _ what is generally accepted as normal and attracts the readers eyes at any cost. A. plays in B. plays on C. plays up D. plays with 参考答案:plays up 106. You are _ to draw a draft on our bank against this credit for the amount of the invoice. A. attributed B. authorized C. dominated D. disguised 参考答案:authorized 107. Faced with the serious situation, some people took additional jobs _ to support their families. A. by the side B. in the side C. of the side D. on the side 参考答案:on the side 108. When his brother died, he volunteered to take on the _ to raise his nephew and niece. A. commission B. commitment C. assignment D. conviction 参考答案:commitment 109. The new country is busy with _ favorable relationships with its neighbors. A. making B. s


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