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备战2020年中考英语专题复习语音和情景交际(真题)A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分)My mom always tells me that _/n/ is difficult. A . nothingB . nobodyC . noneD . something2. (2分)In the following words, which underlined letter has a different sound from the others? A . whereB . whiteC . who3. (2分)Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has a different sound from the, others? A . normal worldB . about withoutC . meeting keep4. (2分)在下列单词中选出划线部分与其他三个发音不同的选项 .A . bikeB . whiteC . thisD . time5. (2分)字母D是字母表中的第_个字母。A . 4B . 5C . 6D . 76. (2分)以下单词中的a与take中的a发音一样的是_。A . faceB . carC . act7. (2分) When do you eat dinner? _A . At home.B . At eight oclock.C . I eat dinner with ray parents.D . I like to eat chicken.8. (2分) Shall we watch Korean TV dramas together? . They will kill me.A . They are worth watchingB . I am a fan of TV dramasC . Id rather watch someD . Its a waste of time9. (2分)- I lost my favourite book on my way home.- _! I hope you can find it.A . What a pityB . Sound GreatC . What fun10. (2分)(2015.湖北武汉)Could I borrow your bike, please? _.A . Of course you canB . It doesnt matterC . Yes, Id love toD . No, thank you11. (2分) The jeans look so special. May I try them on? OK, _. Here is a room for you.A . thats rightB . this way, pleaseC . Im sorryD . on the way, please12. (2分)Have a nice day!_A . You are good.B . Thank you.C . Im OK.D . Nice to meet you.13. (2分)Happy birthday!_.A . Thank youB . The same to youC . Youre welcome14. (2分)I want to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. _A . Be back soon.B . Have a good time.C . Youre welcome.D . Lets go!15. (2分)(2016黔西南) Do you mind my opening the window?A . Of course notB . No, you dontC . Thats rightD . Its a pleasure16. (2分)Jane, lets watch TV. A . You are welcomeB . You, tooC . It sounds boringD . Youre right17. (2分)Mo Yans is to write novels and many people like to read his . A . work;workB . works;worksC . works;workD . work;works18. (2分)I bought China Daily from a street corner machine this morning.A . a page ofB . a piece ofC . a copy ofD . a book of19. (2分)Im leaving for Canada on a study trip next week._.A . Enjoy your timeB . Thats all rightC . Youre welcomeD . Its a pleasure20. (2分)- Hi! My names Tim. Its my first time to be here.A . Very well, thank you.B . Its all right.C . That would be very nice.D . Nice to meet you.21. (2分) What does your best friend Amy look like? _A . Shes fine, thanks.B . She likes pandas best.C . Shes of medium height with long curly hair.D . She is like a sister to me.22. (2分)一 May I ask you some questions?一 Sure, _.A . go aheadB . its a secretC . its hard to say23. (2分)Tomorrow is Saturday. What are you doing, Carl?_. Just stay at home and relax.A . Not at all.B . No way.C . Not muchD . No problem.24. (2分)Mike, do you enjoy your present job? . I just do it for a living.A . Of courseB . Not reallyC . Not likelyD . Not a little25. (2分)Mike, I didnt bring my dictionary. May I use yours? _. Here you are.A . Not really.B . Of course.C . I think so.D . Sounds good!26. (2分)How are you doing?A . Im reading.B . Theyre boring.C . Very well, thank you.D . And you?27. (2分)一How was Lilys birthday party?一 A . Sounds goodB . It was greatC . Fine,thanksD . Thats for sure28. (2分)一Would you like to go shopping after work?一 . A . Yes,I wouldB . Yes,Id like toC . No,I wouldntD . No,just a little29. (2分)Excuse me, look at the sign. Its no-parking area.Sorry, I see it.A . dontB . cantC . didntD . wont30. (2分) Where _ the socks? _ on the bed.A . is; ItsB . are; TheyC . are; TheyreD . is; It31. (2分)- Could you please pass me the book?A . Yes, I couldB . No, I couldntC . Sure, here you areD . Thats no problem32. (2分) How was your stay in Hong Kong?_. And it was a pity that I couldnt stay there longer.A . Nothing could be worse.B . It was just fantastic.C . A terrible experience.D . What a hard time I had!33. (2分)_, Tom. Is this your pen?No, it isnt. I think its _.A . Excuse me;JackB . Sorry; JacksC . Excuse me; JacksD . Sorry; Jack34. (2分)Would you like me to take you to the new shopping centre? _. Ive been there once.A . No, thanksB . No problemC . Yes, I think soD . Its kind of you.35. (2分) I feel grateful to you for your help with my English, Amy. Its my pleasure. _A . The grass is always greener on the other side.B . Every dog has its day.C . Thats what friends are for.D . Many hands make light work.36. (2分)My mother always tells me that . So I always do my best while studying. A . many hands make light workB . too many cooks spoil the brothC . no pain, no gainD . the grass is always greener on the other side37. (2分)Gao Shan, be careful with your bags on the train._, I can look after them well.A . I think soB . Good ideaC . Dont worryD . Of course38. (2分)_P-E-N, pen.A . What is pen?B . Is it a pen?C . Its a pen.D . Spell it, please.39. (2分)Would you mind my turning up the TV? The concert has just begun. _. Just go ahead.A . Please dontB . Better notC . Im afraid notD . Of course not40. (2分)Would you like some more dumplings? _. Im full(饱的).A . Yes, please.B . Id love toC . No, thanksD . No, I wouldnt41. (2分)询问同学的夹克衫颜色,应该说_ 。 A . Whats your jacket?B . What color is your jacket?C . Is it a jacketD . Whats this in English?42. (2分)It wont take long to clean our school if all the students are willing to help.Yes, I think so. _.A . Too many cooks spoil the brothB . Dont put all your eggs in one basketC . Many hands make light workD . Every dog has its day43. (2分)Happy birthday! Heres a present for you. _.A . Thank youB . Thats rightC . The same to youD . OK44. (2分) Shall we go and have a picnic at the weekend? _ the weather report says there might be a cold front by then.A . Why not?B . No, lets not.C . It depends.45. (2分)(2017恩施)HelloThis is Leo speakingIs that John?Sorry,he isnt in_( )A . Please hold onB . May I take a message?C . What are you saying to him?46. (2分)- I heard Tom fell down while he was riding to school yesterday.-_? He is always careful when riding.A . Whats upB . What forC . Why notD . So what47. (2分) Your black watch is so beautiful! _A . You are right.B . You are welcome.C . Thank you.D . Not at all.48. (2分) I have a headache. A . Whats the matter, Judy?B . Where are you, Judy?C . Who are you?D . What are you doing, Judy?49. (2分) Its sunny today. How about going skiing in Zhongshan Park? _! Lets ask the twins to go together.A . Sounds greatB . Best wishesC . Good luckD . Thats OK.50. (2分)-Could I borrow your camera?-_, but please give it back by Saturday.A . Im sorryB . Of courseC . Certainly notD . No, thanks第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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