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新四级英语阅读理解自测试卷Model Test One题 号时 间 分 配分 值120 题30 分钟20分2160题40分钟40分6180题30分钟40分Part I Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (30minutes, 20 points)Directions: In this part, you will have 30 minutes to go over the following 2 passages quickly and answer the questions.For question 1-7 and 11-17, markY (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage;N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage;NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.For question 8-10 and 18-20, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage.Passage ACyber CrimeThe first recorded cyber crime took place in the year 1820! That is not surprising considering the fact that the abacus, which is thought to be the earliest form of a computer, has been around since 3500 B.C. in India, Japan and China. The era of modern computers, however, began with the analytical engine of Charles Babbage.In 1820, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, a textile manufacturer in France, produced the looms. This device allowed the repetition of a series of steps in the weaving of special fabrics. This resulted in a fear amongst Jacquards employees that their traditional employment and livelihood were being threatened. They committed acts of sabotage(阴谋怠工) to discourage Jacquard from further use of the new technology. This is the first recorded cyber crime!Today computers have come a long way, with neural network and mass computing promising to turn every atom in a glass of water into a computer capable of performing a billion operations per second.Cyber crime is an evil having its origin in the growing dependence on computers in modern life. In a day and age when everything from microwave ovens and refrigerators to nuclear power plants is being run on computers, cyber crime has assumed rather sinister implications. Major cyber crimes in the recent past include the Citibank rip off. US$10 million was fraudulently transferred out of the bank and into a bank account in Switzerland. A Russian hacker group led by Vladimir Kevin, a renowned hacker, perpetrated the attack. The group compromised the banks security systems. Vladimir was allegedly using his office computer at AO Satrun, a computer firm in St. Petersburg, Russia, to break into Citibank computers. He was finally arrested on Heathrow airport on his way to SwitzerlandDefining cyber crimeAt first, let us satisfactorily define “cyber crime” and differentiate it from “conventional crime.” Computer crimes can involve criminal activities that are traditional in nature, such as theft, fraud, forgery, defamation and mischief, all of which are subject to the Indian Penal Code. The abuse of computers has also given birth to a gamut of new age crimes that are addressed by the Information Technology Act, 2000.Defining cyber crimes as “acts that are punishable by the Information Technology Act”, would be unsuitable, as the Indian Penal Code also covers many cyber crimes, such as email spoofing and cyber defamation, sending threatening emails, etc. a simple yet sturdy definition of cyber crime would be “unlawful acts wherein the computer is either a tool or a target or both.”Let us examine the acts wherein the computer is a tool for an unlawful act. This kind of activity usually involves a modification of a conventional crime by using computers. Some examples are:Financial crimesThis would include cheating, credit card frauds, money laundering, etc. To cite a recent case, a website offered to sell Alphonso mangoes at a throwaway price. Distrusting such a transaction, very few people responded to or supplied the website with their credit card numbers. These people were actually sent the Alphonso mangoes. The word about this website now spread like wildfire. Thousands of people from all over the country responded and ordered mangoes(芒果)by providing their credit card numbers. The owners of what was later proven to be a bogus website then fled taking the numerous credit card numbers and proceeded to spend huge amounts of money much to the chagrin of the card owners.Cyber pornographyThis would include pornography(色情) websites, pornography magazines produced using computers (to publish and print the material) and the Internet (to download and transmit pornographic pictures, photos, writings, etc.)In Mumbai, a Swiss couple would gather slum children and then would force them to appear for obscene photographs to websites specially designed for paedophilia. The Mumbai police arrested the couple for pornography.Sale of illegal articlesThis would include sale of narcotics, weapons and wildlife, etc., by posting information on websites, auction websites, and bulletin boards of simply by using email communication.Online gamblingThere are millions of websites, all hosted on servers abroad, that offer online gambling. In fact, it is believed that many of these websites are actually fronts for money laundering.Intellectual property crimesThese include software piracy, copyright infringement, trademarks violations, theft of computer source code, etc.Email spoofingA spoofed email is one that appears to originate from one source but actually has been sent from another source. E.g. Lydia has an e-mail address Lydiaasianlaws.org. Her enemy, Sam spoofs her e-mail and sends her obscene messages to all her acquaintances. Since the e-mails appear to have originated from Lydia, her friends could take offence and relationship could be spoiled for life. Email spoofing could also cause monetary damage. In an American case, a teenager made millions of dollars by spreading false information about certain companies. This misinformation was spread by sending spoofed emails, purportedly from news agencies like Reuters, to share brokers and investors who were informed that the companies were doing very badly. Even after the truth came out the values of the shares did not go back to the earlier levels and thousands of investors lost a lot of money. ForgeryCounterfeit currency notes, postage and revenue stamps, mark sheets, etc. can be forged using sophisticated computers, printers and scanners. Outside many colleges across India, one finds touts soliciting the sale of fake mark sheets or even certificates. These are made using computers, and high quality scanners and printers. In fact, this has become a booming business involving thousands of Rupees being given to students gangs in exchange for these bogus but authentic looking certificates.Cyber defamationThis occurs when defamation takes place with the help of computers or the Internet. E.g. someone publishes defamatory matter about someone on a website or sends e-mails containing defamatory information to all of that persons friends.A famous cyber defamation occurred in America. All friends and relatives of a lady were beset with obscene e-mail messages appearing to originate from her account. These mails were giving the lady in question a bad name among her friends .The lady was an activists against pornography. In reality, a group of people displeased with her views and angry with her for opposing them had decided to get back at her by using such underhanded methods. In addition to sending spoofed obscene emails they also put up websites about her, that basically insulted her character that sent emails to her family and friends containing matter defaming(诋毁)her. ( ) 1. The abacus was considered to be the earliest form of a computer, has been around since 3500 B.C. in India, Japan and China.( ) 2. The invention of looms caused a fear amongst Jacquards employees that their traditional employment and livelihood were being threatened. ( ) 3. Cyber crime appeared because some people are evil. ( ) 4. Cyber crime is totally the same with traditional crime.( ) 5. There are millions of websites, all hosted on inland servers, that offer online gambling.( ) 6. Using sophisticated computers, printers and scanners can forge counterfeit currency notes, postage and revenue stamps, mark sheets, etc. ( ) 7. A famous cyber defamation ever happened in America.8. In a day and age when everything from _ and _to _ is being run on computers, cyber crime has assumed rather sinister implications. 9. Computer crimes can involve criminal activities that are traditional in nature, such as_, _, _, defamation and mischief, all of which are subject to the Indian Penal Code.10. Financial crimes would include _, _, _, etc.Passage BPurpose of LifeThe purpose of life is a life of purpose.Robert ByrneThe purposes of human life encompass the human being not only as an individual, but also as a social being and as a participant in the web of all life. We find identity, meaning, and fulfillment in relationships of family and community. Thus religions define correct social roles and promote the ideals of social harmony, justice, and peace. Furthermore, human beings have a purpose in relation to nature. We must protect and enhance our environment while at the same time cultivating it and harvesting its riches.“ To me, there is only one form of human depravitythe man without a purpose.” Those are rather harsh words by Ayn Rand. However, I can understand her point. After all, a life without purpose is a life wasted. Kenneth Hilder Brand eloquently explains the problem. “Multitude of people, drifting aimlessly to and fro without a set purpose, deny themselves such fulfillment of their capacities, and the satisfying happiness which attends it. They are not wicked; they are only shallow. They are not mean or vicious; they simply are empty shake them and they would gourd(照葫芦画瓢). They lack range, depth and conviction. Without purpose their lives ultimately wander into morass of dissatisfaction. As we harness our abilities to a steady purpose and undertake the long pull toward its accomplishment, rich compensations reward us. A sense of purpose simplifies life and therefore concentrates our abilities, and concentration adds power.”The purpose of life, then, is to lead a life of purpose and its meaning is to give life meaning. But what is meant by purpose and meaning? They simply mean the “the big picture”, vision, chief aim, or core values that all other goals are subordinate to. For example, our purpose might be to leave the world a better place than the way we found it, or to make everyone we meet happier. Either of these purposes would be noble and achievable. How can help create a better world or make others happier? Wouldnt you agree that one way is by refusing to steal, criticize, intimidate, gossip or argue? Another way would be to treat others with kindness, generosity, honesty, and respect. Our goal should be not merely to be good, but to be good for something, to have value that we offer to the world. Our purpose is the path we follow; it is a broad paint brush that colors all areas of our life. When all personal goals (career, family, etc.) are aligned with our purpose, we will be authentic beings with integrity.Despite the importance of purpose, many of us are floundering, drifting in an unknown direction. Why is that? One reason is fear. We are afraid to state our target because we will miss it. To avoid failure, we avoid having a purpose. But that strategy makes us much sense as an ostrich “hiding from its enemies by burying its head in the sand”. If we do not stand for something, we may fall for anything. What is the purpose of living if we do not have something to live for?Those who lead empty lives sometimes turn to bigotry and hatred for solace. So we need to be careful to choose a purpose that will help us to grow. Help our potential to unfold, and help us transcend our present limitations. Our potential is staggering. We are co-creators of the universe. God has made us partners in creation. He created the universe. We create the music. He created the world. We created the pyramids. He created life. We created language that allows us to reflect on life. Considering the unique position in the universe, our purpose should be equally unique. It should be bigger than life. Since we are only as strong as our purpose, it should be courageous and uplifting. Budhha offers some advice: “Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.” Charles Myas also makes a good point: “Make sure the thing you are living for is worth dying for.” The benefits of living a life of purpose1.Growth. The Indian philosopher, Patanjali, explains, “When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds: your minds transcend limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great, and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive, and you discover yourself to be greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be.”2.Peace. We are at peace when we know our role and contribute to life. Our contribution is a way of thanking life for life. 3.Power. Our purpose will strengthen all of our other goals by binding them with a common purpose.4.Coping. Our purpose will help us overcome challenges and bear pain.5.Happiness. To travel in life without direction is to be lost and unhappy. To know where you are going is to have meaning and happiness. 6.Self-esteem. When we have a purpose, we have value. When we do good, we feel good, we are good. 7.Transcendence. William James explains: “the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that we outlast it.” 8.Meaning. Our purpose makes us useful for others and the world, thereby giving our life meaning. 9.Spirituality. When we are aligned with a noble purpose, we are aligned with God; when we lose sight of our purpose, we lose sight of God. A life of purpose is not without effort. But we must ask ourselves, “which is the better rosebush, that with the fewest thorns or that with the finest roses?” Toil, pain, and sweat are the birthplace of greatness. Lets not spend time; lets use it; to use it to make a difference. If we make a difference to the world, wont we make a difference to ourselves? If the world is happy that we are here, wont we feel the same way? Perhaps this is why Zig Ziglar offers the following advice: “dont become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.”( ) 11. Those who have no purpose of life are wicked and shallow.( ) 12. We dont have time to find a appropriate aim of life, we avoid to have a purpose.( ) 13. So we need to be careful to choose a purpose that will help us to grow.( ) 14. We seldom reap the benefits of living a life of purpose. ( ) 15. Find a destination in your life and you will discover yourself to be greater person by far than you ever dreamed yourself to be. ( ) 16. To know where you are going is to have meaning and happiness. ( ) 17. A life of purpose is effortless.18. We find _, _, and _ in relationships of family and community19. One way of helping create a better world or make others happier is by refusing to _, _, _, _ or _.20. People without purpose of life lack _, _ and _Part Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth) (70 minutes, 80 points)Section A (40 points)Directions: In this section, there are 4 passages with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Passage CThe French are very attached to the family blood is definitely 21 than water. They take pride in their children, partly because for many years France suffered a 22 birth-rate. There are still tax incentives 23 in France to encourage and reward having a large family.The elderly are given respect, the young are given 24 . There is inter-dependence in French families , where grandparents , aunts and uncles may well live very near the immediate family. All 25 are included in family plans, holidays, discussions, meals and celebrations. Children are encouraged to air their thoughts at a tender age, so that they are often good conversationalist by the time they are seven or eight years old. One of the 26 of French life is the spectacle of an entire family of three or four generations all enjoying themselves at the same restaurant, or at a party. And one of the most severe sanctions which can be imposed on a child by a parent is to be 27 from such a function.One French family, whose son 28 some mild beach of family etiquette, ceremoniously 29 his place-setting at the table for dinner that evening , frighteningly reminiscent of poor Dreyfus being marched round parade ground, having the buttons torn from his uniform and his sword snapped in half. But the son uncomplainingly did as he was told and ate 30 in the kitchen.A) expect I) capacityB) banned J) affectionC) thicker K) delightsD) spread L) generationsE) declining M) aloneF) career N) committedG) available O) processH) removedPassage DWhen we think of creative people the names that 31 spring to mind are those of men such as Leonardo da Vince, Albert Einstein and Pablo Picasso, i.e., great artists , 32 and scientistsa select and exceptionally gifted body of men wit rare talents and genius. The tendency to 33 creativity and imaginative thinking as exclusive province of a lucky few disregards the creative and imaginative aspects inherent in the 34 of many of the tasks we regularly have to face- the discovery and development of new methods and techniques , the improvement of old methods, existing inventions and products. Everyone has creative ability to some 35 . Creative thinking 36 posing oneself a problem and then originating or inventing a solution along new and unconventional lines. It involves drawing new analogies, discovering new combinations and/or new 37 of things that are already known. It 38 , then, that a creative person will exhibit great intellectual curiosity and imagination. He will be alert and observant with a great store of information which he will be able to sort out and combine, in the solution of problem. He will be emotionally receptive to new and unconventional ideas and will be less interested in facts than in their implications. Most important of all he will be able to communicate uninhibitedly and will not be too 39 about other peoples reaction to his apparently “crazy” notions. People called the Wright brothers mad but it did not stop them from becoming the first men to construct and 40 a heavier-than-air craft.A) challenge I) occupationB) probably J) regardC) fly K) applicationsD) potential L) solutionE) inventors M) provideF) follows N) extentG) concerned O) involvesH) relatePassage EThe quest for success always begins with a target. As Yogi Bear once said, “ You have got to be very careful if you dont know 41 you are going , because you might not get there.” Too many people 42 throug

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