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全新版大学英语3综合教程听力原文及答案 第三册Unit 1Part BText 1Dating with My Mother (Part One) After 22 years of marriage, I have discovered the secret to keep love alive in my relationship with my wife, Peggy. I started dating with another woman. It was Peggys idea. One day she said to me, Life is too short, you need to spend time with the people you love. You probably wont believe me, but I know you love her and I think that if the two of you spend more time together, it will make us closer. The other woman my wife was encouraging me to date is my mother, a 72-year-old widow who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago. Right after his death, I moved 2,500 miles away to California and started my own life and career. When I moved back near my hometown six years ago, I promised myself that I would spend more time with mom. But with the demands of my job and three kids, I never got around to seeing her much beyond family get-togethers and holidays. Mom was surprised and suspicious when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie. Whats wrong? she asked. I thought it would be nice to spend some time with you, I said. Just the two of us. I would like that a lot, she said. When I pulled into her driveway, she was waiting by the door with her coat on. Her hair was curled, and she was smiling. I told my lady friends I was going out with my son, and they were all impressed. They cant wait to hear about our evening, Mother said. Questions:1. What would make the speaker closer to his wife, Peggy?2. What do you know about the speakers mother?3. Which of the following adjectives best describes Peggy?Text 2Dating with My Mother (Part Two) We didnt go anywhere fancy, just a neighborhood place where we could talk. Since her eyes now see only large shapes and shadows, I had to read the menu for both of us. I used to be the reader when you were little, she said. Then it is time for you to relax and let me return the favor, I said. We had a nice talk over dinner, just catching up on each others lives. We talked for so long that we missed the movie. Ill go out with you again, my mother said as I dropped her off, but only if you let me buy dinner next time. I agreed. How was your date? my wife asked when I got home that evening. Nice.nicer than I thought it would be, I said. Mom and I get out for dinner a couple of times a month. Sometimes we take in a movie, but mostly we talk. I tell her about my trails at work and brag about the kids and Peggy. Mom fills me in on family gossip and tells me about her past. Now I know what it was like for her to work in a factory during the Second World War. I know how she met my father there, and know how they went through the difficult times. I cant get enough of these stories. They are important to me, a part of my history. We also talk about the future. Because of health problems, my mother worries about the days ahead. Spending time with my mom has taught me the importance of slowing down. Peggy was right. Dating another woman has helped my marriage.Questions:1. What does the story mainly tell us?2. Which of the following is true?3. What can you learn from the story?Part CConversation 1:W: You know, many American parents are now wondering why they cant keep their teenage children from drinking.M: Im aware of that. To my mind, its the permissive attitude of the parents that is to blame.Q: What can you learn from the mans response?Conversation 2:M: Dont you think its good to give our children a monthly allowance?W: I think so. It can teach them the value of money. With a monthly allowance they can learn to budget their expenses wisely.Q: What are they talking about?Conversation 3:M: Mom, Ive got a part-time job at a supermarket. Three hours a day weekdays and all day Saturday. W: Congratulations, Tom. But are you sure you can handle it? What about your homework and your piano lessons?Q: How does the mother feel about Toms part-time job at the supermarket?Conversation 4:M: Hey, Mary. You look so upset. What happened?W: My father had an accident the other day. He is now in hospital and will have an operation tomorrow. You see, his heart is rather weak. I really dont know whether he can survive it.Q: Whats the woman worried about?Conversation 5:W : Mothers Day is coming soon. Could you tell me what sons and daughters do in your country on that day?M: Well, they send their mothers flowers and cards to celebrate the occasion. Besides, it is a common practice for them to wear pink carnations on that day.Q: Which of the following is true of the customs of Mothers Day in the mans country?Unit 2Part BText1What a Coincidence! (Part One) Andrew had always wanted to be a doctor. But the tuition for a medical school in 1984 was 15,000 dollars a year, which was more than his family could afford. To help him realize his dream, his father, Mr. Stewart, a real estate agent, began searching the house-for-sale ads in newspapers in order to find extra business. One advertisement that he noted down was for the sale of a house in a nearby town. Mr. Stewart called the owner, trying to persuade him to let him be his agent. Somehow he succeeded and the owner promised that he would come to him if he failed to get a good deal with his present agent. Then they made an appointment to meet and discuss the thing. As good things are never easy to acquire, the time for the appointment had to be changed almost ten times. On the day when they were supposed to meet at 3 oclock in the afternoon, Mr. Stewart received another call from the owner. His heart sank as he feared there would be another change of time. And so it was. The owner told him that he couldnt make it at three but if he would come right then, they could talk it over. Mr. Stewart was overjoyed. Leaving everything aside, he immediately set out to drive to the house. As he approached the area, he had a strange feeling of having been there before. The streets, the trees, the neighborhood, all looked familiar to him. And when he finally reached the house, something clicked in his mind. It used to be the house of his father-in-law! The old man had died fifteen years ago but when he was alive, he had often visited him with his wife and children. He remembered that, like his son Andrew, his father-in-law had also wanted to study medicine and, failing to do so, had always hoped that one of his two daughters or his grandchildren could someday become a doctor. Questions:1. Who are the two main characters in the story you have just heard?2. How did Mr. Stewart get to know the owner of the house?3. What problem did Mr. Stewart have?4. What is the coincidence in the story you have just heard?Text2What a Coincidence! (Part Two) When he entered the house, Mr. Stewart was even more amazed to find that the house was decorated exactly as he had remembered it. He told the owner about this and the latter became intrigued too. However, they were in for even greater surprises. It so happened that in the middle of their discussion, a postman came to deliver a letter. And the letter was addressed to Mr. Stewarts father-in-law! Were it not for Mr. Stewarts presence there and then, the letter would be returned as no person of that name lived in the house any longer. As the postman demanded a signature on the receipt slip, Mr. Stewart signed for his long-deceased father-in-law. Mystified, the owner urged Mr. Stewart to open the letter and see what it contained. The letter was from a bank. When he opened it, two words immediately met his eye - For education. It was a bank statement of an amount his father-in-law had put in years ago for his grandchildrens education needs. With the interest it had earned over the years, the standing value of the amount came to a little over $15,000, just enough money to cover the tuition of Andrews first year at a medical college! Another thing that is worth mentioning is about the postman. The original postman, who had worked in this neighborhood, called in sick that day. So the postman, who was new to the area, came to deliver mail in his place. Had it been the old postman, the letter would undoubtedly be returned to the sender as he knew full well that no person bearing that name lived in that house any longer. The miracle was a blessing for Andrew. With the money given to him by his grandfather he was able to study medicine. Now he is a doctor in Illinois. Statements:1. Several coincidences happened in the story. 2. The coincidences made it possible for the owner to sell his house at a good price. 3. No one actually benefited from the coincidences. 4. It can be inferred that Mr. Stewart did not have to seek extra work from then on. 5. With the extra money Mr. Stewart had earned, Andrews dream finally came true.Part CDad Stops for Gas, Finds Lost Son Nueng Garcia was the son of an American serviceman stationed in Thailand in 1969. But his father went back to the States when Nueng was only three months old. When he grew up Nueng immigrated to the United States and worked as a gas station clerk in Pueblo, Colorado. His dream was to find his father John Garcia. Year after year, he tried in vain to search for information about the whereabouts of his father. It was a fine day in Pueblo. There was not a cloud in the blue sky. But for him, it was just another day on the job. Suddenly he noticed the name of one customer who paid with a check. The man, who was in his fifties, had the same surname as his own. Nueng raised his head from the check and looked at the man. Could this be his father? Are you John Garcia? he asked. Yes, came the answer. Were you ever in the Air Force? Yes. Were you ever in Thailand? Whats that to do with you? answered the man, who became suspicious by then. Were you or were you not? Nueng persisted. Yes. Did you ever have a son? At this truth dawned on the man. They stared at each other and realized at the same moment that they were father and son who were separated 27 years ago and half a world away. John Garcia hadnt seen his son since 1969. He lost touch with Nuengs mother when she started seeing another man. He moved to Pueblo nine years ago. He said he never went to that gas station, wasnt even low on gas that day and hardly ever paid with a check.Statements:1. Nuengs parents divorced when he was only 3 months old. 2. After moving to the U.S.A., Nueng worked at a gas station in Colorado. 3. Nueng never gave up his efforts to find his father, but John Garcia had never looked for his son. 4. One day while at work Nuengs eyes fell on the photo of a customers drivers license, and the man in the photo looked like his father. 5. John Garcia was once in the U.S. Air Force stationed in Thailand. 6. John Garcia and his son didnt meet each other again until 1996. 7. Nuengs father said he often went to that gas station but never paid with a check. 8. It was by coincidence that John Garcia and his son were reunited after many years of separation. Unit 3Part BText 1A Marriage Agreement (Part One)(Tom and Linda have signed a marriage agreement. Both agree not to break the rules outlined in the agreement. John, a reporter, is talking to them about the agreement.)John: Tom, Linda, first Id like to ask you why you decided to write this unusual agreement. Tom: We found that many problems are caused when a person has different expectations from his or her spouse. We wanted to talk about everything openly and honestly before we started living together. Linda: Also we both know how important it is to respect each others pet peeves. Like, I can get very annoyed if others leave stuff - clothing, papers, everything! - lying around on the floor. It really bugged me, so we put that in the agreement. John: This is mentioned in Article 1: Cleaning Up, isnt it? It says, Nothing will be left on the floor overnight. Everything must be cleaned up and put away before going to bed.Tom: Then Ill know clearly what Lindas expectations are. John: I see. What about Article 2: Sleeping? It says, We will go to bed at 11 p.m. and get up at 6:30 a.m. except on weekends. Im sure some people hearing this will think that this agreement isnt very romantic.Tom: Well, we disagree. We think its very romantic. This agreement shows that we sat down and talked, and really tried to understand the other person. A lot of problems occur in a marriage when people dont talk about what they want. Linda: Thats right. When we disagreed about something, we worked out a solution that was good for both of us. I would much rather have Tom really listen to me and understand my needs than give me a bunch of flowers or a box of candy. Questions:1. Which statement best summarizes the marriage agreement between Tom and Linda?2. According to Tom, what will give rise to problems in a marriage?3. What can be inferred about Linda from the conversation?Text 2A Marriage Agreement (Part Two)John: Linda, do you spend a lot of time checking to see if the other person is following the rules? Arguing?Linda: No, not at all. Tom: A lot of couples argue because they dont understand each others expectations. I think we spend less time arguing than most couples because we both know what the other person expects.John: What happens if one of you breaks a rule?Tom: Well, thats in Article 13 of our agreement. John: Is it? Oh yes, Article 13: Breaking Rules. If you break a rule, you must apologize and do something nice for the other person to make it up.Linda: Yeah, like last time Tom broke the rule of driving. John: Whats the rule?Linda: The rule is we must ask for directions if we are driving and get lost for more than five minutes. John: What happened? Tom: We were driving to a friends wedding, and we got lost. Linda wanted to stop at a gas station to ask for directions, but I thought I could figure it out. Linda: Then we drove forty miles in the wrong direction and ended up being late for the wedding.Tom: So I took her out to dinner. I knew what I should do to apologize. John: Thats very important, I think, knowing how to apologize. By the way, do you plan to update your agreement at all? What if things change in your life and a rule doesnt work anymore?Linda: Weve thought about that too. Article 14 states that we must review this agreement once a year and make necessary changes.John: Well, it was really nice talking to you both. Thank you very much for your time. Tom & Linda: Thank you. Statements:1. Tom and Linda never argue because they both know what the other person expects. 2. Once Tom broke Article 14 and apologized to Linda by taking her out to dinner. 3. If some of the rules in the marriage agreement become outdated, changes will be made to update them. 4. It seems that both Tom and Linda are satisfied with their marriage agreement.Part CA Perfect Match Are you looking for a good relationship with someone special? What type of person is the best person for you? Is it the person with the highest IQ? Is it the most beautiful or most handsome person? How about the richest person or the most ambitious? Is your ideal partner the most traditional or the most modern person? Is he or she the person most like you, or most unlike you? The answer, psychologists say, is none of the above. Why? Because they are all extremes. In a number of research studies, psychologists asked couples these questions. The answers were clear. Most people are happy with moderation - with partners who are not the most or the best (or the least or the worst). People are more comfortable with partners who are not so special. The research showed several other important things. In a love relationship, two things can cause trouble. First, trouble happens when both people get angry quickly. This is not surprising. Second, trouble happens when people dont expect to change themselves in a relationship. Do you stay calm when you disagree with someone? Are you ready to change yourself? If you can tolerate disagreement and are willing to change, maybe you are ready for a serious relationship. Statements:1. The passage implies that the perfect match for you is a person who is most unlike you. 2. The author argues that the most beautiful or most handsome person may not be your perfect partner. 3. Moderate person, that is, the partners who are not the most or the best can be your perfect match. 4. The research showed that an extreme love relationship between the two can cause trouble. 5. The passage states that the anger is one of the causes that lead to the breakup of a love relationship. 6. The perfect match lies in the peoples attitudes to tolerate disagreement and be willing to change in a relationship.Unit 4Part BText 1Being a Police Officer Is a Stressful JobInterviewer: Welcome to our program, Sam. Sam: Thank you. Interviewer: Sam, how long have you been a police officer?Sam: Ive been a police officer for thirty years.Interviewer: Thirty years. And youve had different types of assignments on the police force, I guess.Sam: Yeah, Ive done everything from patrol to undercover work to detective work, and now Im supervising investigations.Interviewer: Sam, I think most people would say that being a police officer is a very stressful job. Would you agree?Sam: Yes, its definitely a stressful job. But it depends on your assignment.Interviewer: So, whats probably the most stressful assignment you can have?Sam: Id say patrol is the most stressful assignment.Interviewer: Thats interesting! In what way?Sam: Well, I guess the biggest part of the stress is the fear factor - the fear of the unknown.Interviewer: What do you mean, Sam?Sam: Well, in patrol work, you dont know from moment to moment who you are talking to or what their reaction is going to be to justify your presence. Lets say, for example, a patrol officer stops someone for a traffic violation. It seems as though that would be a very low-stress situation.Interviewer: Yes, it is a very low-stress situation.Sam: But the truth is, there are more police officers injured during a routine stop.Interviewer: Really?Sam: Really! Thats why all police officers are taught from the very beginning to be aware of their surroundings. People back over policemen, people shoot policemen, people jump out at policemen - different kinds of things. So thats probably the most stressful time. Interviewer: I see. Lets take a break and then well move on to our next topic.Sam: All right.Questions:1. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?2. What does Sam mainly talk about?3. What do you know about Sam?Text 2Stress ReducersInterviewer: Sam, youve talked about the police officers stressful time. Now lets move on to the next topic. So far as I know, theres a connection between stress and illness. Do you think that theres a higher percentage of illness among police officers than in the general population? I mean, do they get more colds or anything? Is this really true?Sam: Yes, it is, and the stress level not only manifests itself in daily health - whether or not youve feeling well on any given day. It also manifests itself in things like ulcers, heart disease - police officers tend to have a higher rate of heart disease and ulcers than people in other professions.Interviewer: Really? Thats documented?Sam: Yes, its documented. And also the divorce ra

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