外研版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上学期Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her. 同步练习A卷.doc

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外研版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上学期Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her. 同步练习A卷.doc_第1页
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外研版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上学期Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her. 同步练习A卷.doc_第2页
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外研版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上学期Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her. 同步练习A卷.doc_第3页
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外研版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上学期Module 1 Unit 2 You should smile at her. 同步练习A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)开饭了,你告诉妈妈这就来了,应该说: A . My pleasure.B . Lets eat.C . Im coming.D . Its all right.2. (2分)Again and again the doctor_ the crying baby girl, but he could _ find out what was wrong with her. A . stayed over; almostB . looked over; hardlyC . went over; hardlyD . watched over; barely3. (2分)Its too dangerous. Tell him _in the street. A . not to playB . dont playC . to not playD . not playing4. (2分)Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ the story by yourself?A . to ask; writeB . to ask; to writeC . ask; writingD . asking; to write5. (2分)Could you please give me some _ about giving speeches?Certainly.A . informationB . suggestionsC . decisionD . advise6. (2分)Bob doesnt know the meaning _ the sentence, so he asks his teacher for help.A . inB . ofC . withD . to7. (2分)They ask _advice _computer problems. A . for; andB . /; aboutC . /; toD . for; about8. (2分)He tries _music well, so he practises _music every day.A . to learn; to singB . learning; singingC . to learn; singingD . learning; to sing9. (2分)What are good questions _a conversation?A . startB . to startC . startingD . started10. (2分)Christmas Day is coming. Why not _Christmas cards _your teachers? Good idea.A . put; toB . give; toC . show; onD . send; to二、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 money song film wear spend(1) Do you like Jackie Chan? Yes, and I like his _.(2)He wants to buy a big house, because he has lots of _. (3) Do you like singing? Yes, and I can sing many English _.(4)Helen likes to _ blue clothes. (5) Does your sister like shopping? Yes. She _ much time shopping.三、 填空题 (共10题;共10分)12. (1分)Where is your _(the room where students have lessons)? Its on the first floor. 13. (1分)We should take an a_part in the school sports meeting. 14. (1分)There are many_(杂志) on the table 15. (1分)Is the_yours? 16. (1分)I _ (fail) over and over again in my life and there is why I succeed, said Michael Jordan, a famous basketball player. 17. (1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 We are having a _(dance) party in our classroom. Nancy is a tall girl. She _(show) Latin dance with Nick, an 11-year-old boy at the party. Betty _(can) dance, but she can sing, especially English songs. She is really good at _(sing) and she sings some English songs. Steve is 14 and he plays the drums _three years. Steves partner(搭档)Peter can play the guitar. He _(join) the guitar club and he can play _well. _they play them at the party. Do you know _. I do at the party? I dance the tango with _(I) best friend Dave. We all have a good time!18. (1分)Baskteball _ my favourite sport.(be) 19. (1分)Do you know the two_(woman)? 20. (1分)Its_(possible) for the little boy to carry the big stone. 21. (1分)_ (feed) chickens is my job on the farm. 四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读理解 A guide dog is a blind persons eyes. It helps a blind person do things and go to different places.Guide dog puppies live with families. The families take the puppies to stores, schools, and other places. They teach the puppies to sit down and stand up. Then the puppies go to school. Trainers teach the dogs to do more things there. The dogs learn to go right and left. Next the dogs learn to wear harnesses. The harnesses fit over and around the dogs bodies. The harnesses have stiff metal handles on the top. The blind people hold the handles. It helps them know which way the dogs are walking.When guide dogs finish school, they are ready to help. The dogs will help their owners go to school or work. They will help their owners get on and off the bus. They will lead their owners around things in the way. They will guide their owners across the busy streets.The owner and a guide dog become a team. Blind people will not feel lonely any more. They always have their best friends with them.(1)Guide dogs can help people who cannot . A . hear wellB . see wellC . walk wellD . find their way(2)The underlined word Trainers means “ ” in Chinese. A . 运动鞋B . 驯马师C . 训练者D . 主人(3)Guide dogs do NOT have to learn to before they can help blind people.A . sit down and stand upB . go right and leftC . wear a harnessD . hold a handle(4)The handle on the harness can help a blind person A . feel the directionB . listen to the carsC . get on and off the busD . cross the busy streets(5)Which of the following is the main idea of the third paragraph? A . Guide dogs get their training in different places.B . Guide dogs help their owners in different ways.C . Guide dogs learn to do different things before they can work with blind people.D . There are different kinds of guide dogs.第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共5分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、三、 填空题 (共10题;共10分)12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、四、 阅读理解 (共1题;共10分)22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、

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