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人教版2020届九年级下学期英语中考二模A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Ive got _ pain on my leg. Please help me find out _ reason. Let me see. A . /; theB . a; theC . the; a2. (2分)The man can write with_hand and draw with _at the same time.A . one; anotherB . one; the otherC . first; secondD . one; it3. (2分)Fang Fang, Jason, and I take part in the reading club. A . takeB . enjoyC . join4. (2分)Could you help me ?A . with open the windowB . open the windowC . to opening the windowD . opening the window5. (2分)We went to Hainan Island on May Day and had great fun _ in the sea.A . swimB . swimmingC . to swimD . to swimming6. (2分) It took me half an hour to walk here.Have a drink. You be thirsty.A . mustB . canC . willD . might7. (2分)This room is _ for 100 people to have a meeting in. A . enough bigB . big enoughC . enough small8. (2分)They usually spend one hour _ the violin. A . practiceB . to practiceC . practicing9. (2分)Lucys pants are the same _ Lilys. But her sweater is different _ Lilys. A . to;fromB . as;withC . with;withD . as;from10. (2分)Jack usually goes to school by bike, _ today he walked to school.A . andB . butC . orD . so11. (2分)Why did you start out so early yesterday morning?_ there on time.A . GotB . GettingC . GetD . To get12. (2分) Which coat would you like, the white one or the red one? _. They are both too beautiful. A . NeitherB . EitherC . None13. (2分) We spent all our money because we stayed at the most expensive hotel in town.Why didnt you stay at _ one?A . a cheapB . a cheaperC . the cheapD . the cheaper14. (2分)Li Ming used on the right in China, but he soon got used on the left in England.A . to drive; to driveB . driving; drivingC . to driving; to driveD . to drive; to driving15. (2分)What do you think of the movie?_.A . Its very excitingB . I want to see itC . I feel sadD . Lets go to see it二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 Chinese are very generous (慷慨的) when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the 1, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad-to England, the USA or Australia. The Chinese 2that the more expensive the education is, the better it is. 3parents will spend a lot of money on their childrens education. Even 4parents will buy a computer for their son or daughter. Though theyre not rich, they would rather pay for the education.Parents can 5that their childrens skills are different, skilled (有技能的) in some areas while poor in others. But most 6fail to realize that the children today need more self-confidence.The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to 7tests and how to study well, but they are not teaching them the most important skills that they need. And these skills are important to help them to be 8, happy and clever.Parents can achieve this 9teaching their children the skills like cooking or doing other housework.Teaching a child to cook will 10many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking needs patience and time. It is an interesting but difficult experience. A good cook 11tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish 12job successfully. His result, a well - cooked dinner, will make him 13good and give him a lot of self-confidence.Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child to play 14, will make him interested and want to know more. He will spend hours studying them and trying to fix them. Your child might become an engineer when he 15. These activities are teaching a child not only to study at school, but also to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.(1)A . money B . education C . children D . power (2)A . compare B . believe C . disagree D . let (3)A . Or B . So C . And D . But (4)A . old B . rich C . young D . poor (5)A . see B . hope C . allow D . daughters (6)A . sons B . daughters C . parents D . friend (7)A . discuss B . pass C . give D . friend (8)A . educational B . different C . sad D . confident (9)A . before B . by C . of D . to (10)A . improve B . choose C . miss D . make (11)A . sometimes B . anytime C . never D . always (12)A . my B . his C . her D . your (13)A . sound B . look C . feel D . thought (14)A . with B . for C . against D . as (15)A . wakes up B . grows up C . shows up D . stands up 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共32分)17. (16分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。There is a popular belief that goldfish only have a three-second memory. But a 15-year-old schoolboy from Adelaide has just finished an experiment(实验)to tell us that it is not true. He shows everybody that the goldfish is smarter than we think.“I dont believe that they had a three-second memory because animals need their memory, so they build up over time a knowledge of where the food is,” said Roy Stokes, a student at the Australian Science and Mathematics School.He did the experiment in small tank(鱼缸)of goldfish. “I decided to get a bit of red Logo and just feed them next to that. Every day Id put it in and spread food around it.” He said.“At first they were a bit scared of it, but by the end of the three weeks, they were actually almost coming before I put the food in.”After leaving the fish alone for a week, Rory placed the red Logo block in the tank again.“They remembered perfectly well,” he said.“They actually had a time faster than the average of the three feeds before I left.”The goldfish showed that not only could they store information, they also had the ability to get it back as a later date.Culum Brown, a research fellow at Sydneys Macquarie University, has studied fish behavior for more than ten years.He says his studies of Australian native fish show fish were intelligent creatures that know how to avoid enemies and catch food like any other animal.“The thing that I really liked about Rorys experiment is he not only got that classical conditioning going but the fact that he could get them next just to that specific coloured market. I thought it was really good.” He said.(1)Whats the right order of Rorys experiment?a. find a tank of goldfishb. feed the fish next to the Logoc. leave the goldfish alone for a weekd. take out the Logoe. put a red Logo into the tankf. put the Logo back into the tankA . adbecfB . aebdcfC . dabefcD . adebcf(2)Rory began his research by _. A . discussing with his classmatesB . making friends with goldfishC . asking his teacher for adviceD . questioning a popular belief(3)What do the last three paragraphs tell us? A . Rorys research was highly praised by experienced experts.B . Rorys experiment failed to meet the scientific standard.C . Many scientists had already done the experiment before.D . Fish are the cleverest animal in Australia.(4)What can we learn from the story? A . Fish can become smarter with the help of red color.B . What everybody believes is not necessarily true.C . Scientists should learn from middle school students.D . Young people are generally smarter than aged ones.(5)Rory put a red Logo in the tank to _. A . connect food with the colorB . make the tank nicer to look atC . feed the fish at the same placeD . give the fish something to play with(6)Whats the right order of Rorys experiment?a. find a tank of goldfishb. feed the fish next to the Logoc. leave the goldfish alone for a weekd. take out the Logoe. put a red Logo into the tankf. put the Logo back into the tankA . adbecfB . aebdcfC . dabefcD . adebcf(7)What do the last three paragraphs tell us? A . Rorys research was highly praised by experienced experts.B . Rorys experiment failed to meet the scientific standard.C . Many scientists had already done the experiment before.D . Fish are the cleverest animal in Australia.(8)What can we learn from the story? A . Fish can become smarter with the help of red color.B . What everybody believes is not necessarily true.C . Scientists should learn from middle school students.D . Young people are generally smarter than aged ones.18. (10分)阅读理解Bruno was a boy of eight. His father worked in a cinema and his mother worked in a shop. He lived not far from his school. He always walked there and walked home. On his way to school, he had to pass a playground. It was very wet after it rained. One day, when he got home, his clothes were all wet. His mother became angry and said: “Dont play in the water on your way home from school!”On the next day Bruno came back with wet and dirty(脏的)clothes. His mother became even angrier. “Ill tell your father if you come back wet again.” said his mother, “Hell punish you, you know.”The third day the little boy was dry when he came home.“Youre a good boy today,” his mother said happily,” you didnt play in the water.”“No.” the boy said unhappily. “There were too many older boys in the water when I got there this afternoon.” (1)Bruno went to school _every day. A . by bikeB . by busC . by carD . on foot(2)The playground was between _. A . two classroomsB . the cinema and shopC . Brunos house and schoolD . the shop and Brunos school(3)The little boy liked to play on the playground_. A . when it snowedB . when there was some water thereC . when the children played football thereD . when his father was busy with his work(4)His mother was a _. A . teacherB . movie makerC . shop assistantD . housewife(5)That afternoon, the boys clothes were dry because _. A . nobody made room (空间) for him in the water.B . there was no water on the playgroundC . he took off his clothes before he played there.D . he played in the water carefully.19. (6分)阅读理解In 1834, the clock tower in London was burned down(烧毁).People planned to build a new clock which would be the biggest and the best in the world. So the clock had to be big and keep very goodtime. Several years later the tower was finished. The people put the big clock in the tower, and made it ring out for the first time on July 11, 1859.In order to give the big clock a good name, people held a meeting.Someone wanted to call it the Queen of Bells, and someone thought Victoria was good. At last, a man named Benjamin Hall stood up. He was a big man. Before he started to speak, someone shouted, Why not call it Big Ben? Everyone laughed and agreed with him.From then on, Big Ben became its name. They even send bottles of oil to help keep Big Ben running. Big Ben is not only a clock but also a dear friend of people.(1)The underlined phrase Keep very good time might mean_. A . keep runningB . have a good timeC . build in timeD . show people the right time(2)Big Ben got its name_. A . because a man made a jokeB . because Benjamin was a big manC . because Benjamin Hall gave it the nameD . because the Queen of the UK gave it the name(3)The following statements are true EXCEPT(除了)_. A . people consider(认为)Big Ben as their friendB . Big Ben became a famous building of LondonC . people began to build Big Ben on July 11, 1859D . people all over the world even send oil to Big Ben四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)20. (5分)任务型阅读_Ferry wants to know something about lions, bears, kangaroos and birds._Susan wants to be a pianist. But she cant play the piano well._David likes playing basketball. Watching NBA matches is his favorite._Tomorrow is Kathys friends birthday. She wants to buy some birthday presents such as cards and dolls for her._Han Meimei wants to buy some new clothes because its very cold now.A. Music classroomYou can take lessons on the piano, the guitar and the violin. Please call Ms. Wang at 13560686068.B. English teachers wantedGood English, and be good with kids. Call Li Yang at 7277899.C. Lilys gift shopThere are beautiful cards, cute dolls, nice music boxes, key rings and so on.D. Jennys clothes shopWe have many coats and sweaters for the season! Come and see for yourself.E. SaleDont wait! Different kinds of lovely T-shirts are on sale.F. The NBA matchBulls VS Rockets Time: 6:00 p.m.Place: Club of American AssociationG. CCTV:18:30 World News, 19:00 Pop Songs,19:30 Animal World21. (5分)任务型阅读I have always loved cars. After graduating from college, I got one, which I regarded as my best friend. I called it Victor. For the next three years, everything I did was connected with(与有关)Victor. I lived a happy life. But because of money problems, I had to sell Victor. Then my life broke down. Without Victor, I was like a fish out of water. Three months later, with the encouragement of my friends, I decided to start a new life. I tried and made it. Everything went well again. Losing my car made me grow up. I have learned that life wont go our way, but we can choose to be positive and make the best of it._of the carVictorTime of getting the car_from college.Reason for _the car to someone elseBecause of money problems.Feelings of losing the carLike a fish out of _.Improvement from the experienceLife wont always go our way. We should be _.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)He is _ (suppose) to arrive at the station at 8:40. 六、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)23. (1分)“Laura, youre too tiredGo home and r_,”Tom said 七、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)24. (10分)短文填空(一空一词)Carols and Ming are good friends._of them study in Class Four, Grade One of NO. 3 Middle School. Ming is good at _but Carols is a little weak.One day they had an English test. Ming got a full mark, _Carols did not pass it. Ming was so happy _he began to play all day.Carols felt a little sad, but he did not want to _up. He made a decision to catch up with his best friend, Ming, and the _classmates in his class. He corrected all the mistakes in his paper _the help of the teacher. He also studied hard at home on weekends. In the evening, Carols was working hard at English while Ming was _ computer games.A month later, they had another English exam. They were surprised that Carols got a _mark but Ming failed the exam.Do you know the _?八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25. (5分)例如你叫李华,你的朋友田甜将去英国。请你将她的基本情况介绍给你英国的朋友Rita, 希望她们能成为朋友,并希望Rita 能够去机场接她。请根据以下要点给Rita写一封信。 提示:1)介绍田甜的年龄、外貌、性格以及爱好。2)田甜将去英国George Spencer School学习一年,并将乘飞机于8月1日下午4点到达伦敦希斯罗机场(Heathrow Airport)。注意:1)词数80左右。2)信的开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。June 26th, 2019Dear Rita,How is everything going? Id like to introduce my best friend, Tian Tian, to you. Will you please be kind enough to meet her at the airport? Many thanks.Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共32分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、17-8、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、四、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共10分)20-1、21-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)23-1、七、 短文填空 (共1题;共10分)24-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)25-1、

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