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沪教版2020年中考英语专题复习形容词(真题)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1. (2分) My sisters name is Gina Green. Is her _ name Gina?A . lastB . firstC . familyD . middle2. (2分)His speech was so that all of us felt really _.A . boring; boredB . bored; boringC . bore; bore3. (2分)Why dont you play basketball with us?Thats not my cup of tea. I like reading at home better.A . Its good for me.B . I dont want to drink tea.C . Its my favorite.D . Its not my favorite.4. (2分)Hi, Bob! Whats going on over there?Oh, Tom and Dick are playing chess, with a crowd of students watching them.A . happeningB . appearingC . working5. (2分)He is very dear to us. We have been prepared to do whatever it takes to save his life.A . readyB . possibleC . afraid6. (2分)The computer is 12,000 yuan. Would you like to take it?No. Its too _ for me.A . expensiveB . importantC . necessary7. (2分)Mary, I dont want you to leave. Can you stay here longer?OK. I can stay for another two days.A . a littleB . veryC . a lotD . quite8. (2分)Peter is _ student in our class. He often helps us with our schoolwork.A . popularB . more popularC . most popularD . the most popular9. (2分)_healthy, you should eat _and exercise more.I cant agree with you more.A . Keep,moreB . To keep,lessC . To keep,fewerD . Keeping,less10. (2分)Dont shout at him. because he is .A . deafB . blindC . shortD . tall11. (2分)一 Air pollution is one of the most serious problems in the world. We must take actions now.A . ordinaryB . valuableC . practical12. (2分)The teacher tells us not _a hat in class. A . wearB . wearingC . to wearD . wears13. (2分)The baby kept _ and the mother felt _.A . on cried; angryB . crying; worriedC . on crying; worryingD . to cry; surprised14. (2分)The number of people at the concert was_ than expected. There were many tickets left.A . much smallerB . much fewerC . much moreD . much larger15. (2分)What do you think of the library?Its a _place. I like reading there.A . quietB . funnyC . terribleD . noisy16. (2分) Would you like to give me some_? Certainly. The _you read, the better you are.A . suggestion; moreB . suggestions; muchC . advice; moreD . advices; most17. (2分) Your coffee smells _. Its from the USA. Would you like _ ?A . well; itB . good; itC . good; someD . well; some18. (2分)This pair of shoes _really small for meWhy not try another _.A . is, pairB . are, pairC . is, oneD . are, one19. (2分)So far, MERS(中东呼吸综合症) has become one of _ illnesses in the world.A . seriousB . more seriousC . the most serious20. (2分)Beijing, the capital of China, is one of cities in the world. A . the biggestB . BiggerC . much biggerD . big21. (2分)Xian is a city with a long history and it is one of _ places of interest in China. A . very popularB . the more popularC . much more popularD . the most popular22. (2分)Susan isnt_ girl in our class. Cathy is even_ than her. A . tall;tallerB . the taller;tallerC . taller;the tallestD . the tallest;taller23. (2分)The villagers found a _ dog in the house.Perhaps it died two days ago. A . deadB . sickC . youngD . strong24. (2分)Each of us has to write a _ report every two weeks.A . two-hundred-wordB . two-hundreds-wordC . two-hundreds-wordsD . two-hundred-words25. (2分)I am glad that I meet you here again.A . interestedB . surprisedC . happy26. (2分)Eric likes reading very much.He spends every _ moment in the library. A . nervousB . spareC . boringD . intelligent27. (2分)What do you think of the film, Betty?The _ film made me feel very _ .A . excited; excitedB . exciting; excitedC . exciting; excitingD . excited; exciting28. (2分)How can I make fewer mistakes in the exams?Try to be careful. _ careful you are, _ mistakes you will make.A . The more ; the fewerB . The more ; the lessC . More; lessD . More; fewer29. (2分)What is special about your father? - His dishes are _ in the world.A . goodB . betterC . bestD . the best30. (2分)All of the jackets here are on sale. But the red one is Do you like it? A . cheapB . cheaperC . cheapestD . the cheapest31. (2分)The bowl is very _. Have you got a _ one?A . bigger; bigB . smaller; biggerC . smaller; bigD . small; bigger32. (2分)I dont think money you have, you will be A . the more;the happierB . the much;the happyC . more;happierD . the most;the happiest33. (2分)My _ brother is two years _ than me. A . older, olderB . older, elderC . elder, olderD . elder, elder34. (2分)His methods are regarded as the of working by his leaders and workmates.A . baseB . basedC . basicD . basing35. (2分)He usually takes a shower after work and he feels really _. A . relaxingB . relaxesC . relaxD . relaxed36. (2分)Listening to the music always makes me . A . relaxed; relaxingB . relaxed; relaxedC . relaxing; relaxingD . relaxing; relaxed37. (2分)The scarves are all beautiful.I cant decide which one to choose.Oh,look at this red one.I think its_.A . beautifulB . more beautifulC . the most beautifulD . less beautiful38. (2分)Where _ will you go with the _ students? A . other; elseB . else; otherC . else; others39. (2分) Do you know Li Ying?Yes. She is an _ girl from Shanghai.A . eleven-years-oldB . twelve-year-oldC . eleven-year-oldD . twelve years old40. (2分)She lived_ in a small village, but she didnt feel _ .A . lonely, lonelyB . alone, lonelyC . lonely, alone41. (2分)He speaks English well, but of course not _ a person born in England. A . so clearly asB . as clear asC . more clearlyD . clearer than42. (2分)The shirt is too small. I want a _ one. A . longB . shortC . funD . big43. (2分)After his wife died, he lives_, but he doesnt feel _. A . lonely, lonelyB . alone, aloneC . lonely, aloneD . alone, lonely44. (2分)Why did she get so mad? It was only a _ joke. A . hopelessB . hopefulC . harmlessD . harmful45. (2分)Its _ to point at others with your chopsticks at table.A . politeB . rudeC . correctD . good46. (2分) Mike cut his finger, but nobody knows how to treat it.Too bad. Maybe we should learn how to treat the _.A . woundedB . sickC . dyingD . missing47. (2分)The Yellow River is _ river in China. A . the longestB . the longerC . the second longerD . the second longest48. (2分)The 3D movie was fantastic and all of us felt exciting. A . lovelyB . softC . wonderfulD . silent49. (2分)Is there_ in todays newspaper? Yes. A bus fell into the Changjiang Rever from the bridge. Its a pity.A . new somethingB . something newC . new anythingD . anything new50. (2分)The car isnt _. I cant buy it.A . difficultB . interestingC . cheapD . boring第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共50题;共100分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、

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