牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习(1)B卷.doc

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牛津版(深圳广州)初中英语八年级上册Module 1 Unit 1 同步练习(1)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Mary pays more and more attention to her appearance,but her mother is unaware of itShe shouldnt do that so muchA . doesnt acceptB . doesnt realizeC . doesnt refuse2. (2分)My friend is angry with me. What should I _ to him? A . sayB . speakC . argueD . talk3. (2分) Jack, dont run in the hallways. Sorry, Ms White. I wont (将不)do that .A . eitherB . tooC . againD . outside4. (2分)I cant see Jenny here. Is she in the classroom? A . stillB . tooC . evenD . again5. (2分)How do you like camping?I enjoy it so much. is more exciting than it, I think.A . NothingB . SomethingC . AnythingD . Everything6. (2分) Jack always has good manners. Yes, he is always _ to wait for a long time without getting angry.A . too patientB . patient enoughC . enough patientD . very patient7. (2分)(2015内蒙古呼和浩特) How is Tom now? I hear the company _ him a good job, but he refused it.A . providedB . offeredC . passed D . introduced8. (2分)_ people in the world are sending and receiving emails every day. A . Millions ofB . Many million ofC . Several million of9. (2分)There is _ in todays newspaper so I dont enjoy reading it A . nothing interestingB . interesting nothingC . something interestingD . interesting something10. (2分)Why do you choose to live in the countryside?Because l think its too noisy in the city.A . inside the cityB . close to the cityC . outside the city11. (2分)(2016襄阳)Look! So many colorful bicycles in two lines over there.Theyre for public. This of green smart traffic is everywhere in Xiangyang city.A . numberB . pairC . kindD . piece12. (2分)Dont any more time, or we will miss the meeting.A . saveB . trustC . wasteD . love13. (2分)The famous Eiffel Tower comes from the capital city of _.A . ChinaB . JapanC . FranceD . Russia14. (2分)The famous writer wrote a novel _ this story. A . to baseB . based uponC . was based uponD . to base upon15. (2分)If something is _, it is on fire.A . growingB . burningC . falling二、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)Id like mutton and _ (tomato) noodles.三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)17. (5分)(2015四川眉山)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从的问候的A-E选项中,选出适当的选择项补全短文,使短文完整、通顺。A young soldier was looking for someone in a hospital. Then in front of a room, a nurse saw him and said, Oh, your father is right here.”And before the young man could say nothing, _“Your son is here,” she said. She had to repeat many times before the old mans eyes opened.The old man was too sick to see the young man clearly. He reached out his hand._He wanted to let the old man feel his love.The nurse brought a chair so that the young man could sit beside the bed. All through the night, the young man sat there and held the old mans hand. The nurse found him very tired,_Sometimes, the nurse heard the young man say a few words. The old man said nothing. He only held the young mans hand the whole night._The nurse said, ”Im sorry about that.”But who was that man? He was your father,”she answered in surprise, No, he wasnt,” the young man said. “I never saw him before in my life.”Then why didnt you say anything when I took you to him?”I knew at once that there must be something wrong. But I also knew he needed his son , and his son just wasnt here. When I found he was too sick to tell whether I was his son or not, I knew how much he needed me. So I stayed.”_A. When morning came, the old man died.B. so she asked him to have a rest, but he didnt.C. The next time someone needs you, just be there, stay.D. The young man held his hand.E. she quickly took him to an old man in bed.四、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)完型填空Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is 1important than money. Why? Because when money spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 2, itll never 3. That is 4we mustnt waste time.It goes without saying that the 5is usually limited(有限的). Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 6useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who 7know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking, and playing. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own8.In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt 9todays work for tomorrow.Remember we have no time to 10.(1)A . much B . less C . much less D . even more (2)A . cost B . bought C . gone D . finished (3)A . return B . carry C . take D . bring (4)A . what B . that C . because D . why (5)A . money B . time C . day D . food (6)A . nothing B . something C . anything D . everything (7)A . do not B . does not C . did not D . do (8)A . time B . food C . money D . life (9)A . stop B . leave C . let D . give (10)A . lose B . save C . spend D . take 五、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)19. (8分)(2016金华)阅读下面四篇短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CFor many years, scientists have known that laughing is good for the health of our minds and bodies. Now we are learning that its not just laughter. Having fun and playing are also good for us! Researchers have found that play is good for people of all ages. Play actually leads to the growth of more nerve connections in the brain and gives us more brain power.Play is necessary during childhood. As children play, they learn how to make friends and relate to others. They develop their imaginations and become more creative. Kids carry these qualities with them as they grow older.Amy Whitcomb teaches maths at a school in San Francisco. For several years, she has used games to teach maths. In one class, students play a game with small bags of candy to figure out how many pieces in the bags are red. When they get the correct answer, they can eat the candy! Amy says, ”If its not fun, theyre not going to want to be there. Theyre not going to want to learn.”The spirit of playfulness continues through the teenage years into adulthood (成人期). The famous company Google, for example, keeps a lot of toys and games at different places in their offices and encourages people to use them. Their motto is “Work hard. Play hard.” They know that people often get their best ideas when they are just “playing around ” and let their imaginations go wild.So next time you have to solve a difficult maths problem or cant think of a topic for an article, take a short play break. Do a little dance, or play a quick game. Then come back to it. Maybe youll be surprised at what your brain can do.(1)The example of the company Google is given to show that _.A . play is also fit for adultsB . everyone there works hardC . they have a lot of toys and gamesD . it is very famous in the world(2)The underlined expression “figure out” in Paragraph 3 probably means _.A . look afterB . solve the problem ofC . draw a picture ofD . play a joke on(3)According to the passage, you need to play if you _.A . want to make friends with othersB . have to do some homeworkC . fail to think of a topic for an articleD . find a job in a big company(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A . A maths lessonB . How children growC . The power of playD . Work hard, play hard20. (10分)阅读理解One year, a college in the United States announced that it would offer a lot of money for the pure white marigold(金盏花). The high reward attracted so many people, but in the nature, besides golden, the marigold is brown, and it is not easy to get the white one. So after they were excited for a time, many people had forgotten the announcement.One normal day after 20 years, the college received a letter and 100 seeds of pure white marigold. It was an old woman of over 70 years old. Some experts in the college doubted it, but in order not to let her down, those seeds finally took root (根)in the earth. The miracle appeared after one year; the field was covered by pure white marigold.Therefore, the old woman who was always unknown to the public became a new focus.The old woman was a flower-lover. When she read the announcement 20 years ago, she got very excited like others. But her eight children were totally against her decision. After all, a woman who never knew the seed genetics(遗传学) couldnt complete what the experts could never do, so her thought was only a day dream.Still, the old woman didnt change her mind and went on working. She planted some of the most common seeds and took good care of them. A year later, when the marigold came out, she chose one faintest(最暗淡的) from those golden and brown flowers and got the best seed. The next year, she again grew them and chose.Day after day, year after year, through many seasons, the old womans husband died, her children flew far, a lot of things happened in her life, but only the wish to grow the pure white marigold took root in her heart.Finally, after 20 years on the day we all know, in the garden she saw a marigold, which was nearly white, but as white as silver or snow.A problem even experts couldnt deal with was solved by an old woman who didnt understand genetics. Was it a miracle (奇迹)?To take root in the heart, even the most common seed, can grow into a miracle!(1)According to the passage, _ marigold is unusual.A . whiteB . purpleC . brownD . golden(2)It can be learned from the passage that_.A . the children didnt agree on their mothers decisionB . the woman needed the great reward for her big familyC . the experts also succeeded in growing the white marigoldD . the woman took good care of the flowers instead of her family(3)The woman successfully grew the white marigold at last because she_A . was luckier than expertsB . put her heart into flowersC . got support from her familyD . studied the seed genetics well(4)The passage mainly talks about_.A . the difficulties of getting the white marigoldB . the possibility of going beyond expertsC . the unforgettable development of marigoldD . the importance of holding on to dreams六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)写一篇短文,把你的新朋友David介绍给大家, David的情况如下:1. 男孩,13岁, 来自加拿大;2. 高个, 短发;3. 圆脸, 大鼻子, 小嘴巴, 大眼睛;4. 最喜欢蓝色,穿蓝色上衣和黑色裤子;5. 在同一年级,但不同班级,是好朋友。要求:不少于60词。 第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 填空题 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)17-1、四、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)18-1、五、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、六、 写作题 (共1题;共5分)21-1、

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