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CURRICULUM GUIDEAGRICULTURE TECHNICAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING COURSE TITLE: FISH PRODUCTIONDEPARTMENT: Animal ScienceAgriculture TVET Coordination OfficeAugust 2002Addis AbabaEthiopiaDUTY 1. INTRODUCING ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF FISH Total hrs. 7 (4+3) 4 Theo. 3 Prac.1DUTY 1. INTRODUCING ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF FISH Total hrs. 7 (4+3) 4 Theo. 3 Prac.2DUTY 2. ESTABLISHING A FISH FARM5DUTY 3. DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTING8DUTY 4. MANAGING OF FISH CULTURE12DUTY 5. IDENTIFYING CAPTURE FISHERY21DUTY 6. IDENTIFYING PROBLEMS OF FISH24DUTY 7. HARVESTING AND PROCESSING OF27EVALUATION OF DUTY 730REFERENCES33DUTY 1. INTRODUCING ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF FISHTotal hrs. 7 (4+3) 4 Theo. 3 Prac.GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainees will be able to characterize fish 1. TASK 1. IDENTIFYING ANATOMY OF FISHTotal hrs. 4 (2+2) 2 Theo. 2 Prac.SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to identify different parts of fish. 1.1.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents- The importance of fish- The need for knowing different characteristics of fish- The main parts of fish body The head (mouth modification according to the species and the feeding habit) The trunk The limbs (tail)- Body feature and Body cover Scale (Number and the arrangement of scales as identification troll of different species) Mucous- Skeletal system Muscles Skull bone & nostrils - Digestive system- Reproductive system (ovaries, testis, genital pore)- Breathing Gills- Fins of fish (paired and unpaired)- Spiny or softb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the different part of the fish.- Pictorial presentation- Practical observation of fish body- Video show to explain the different body parts of fish- Showing posters and photograph- Oral question & answer exercisec) Training Material- Lecture notes / hand outs- Picture- Photograph- Video cassette - Fish1.1.2. Evaluation- Asking some of the trainees to summarize the different body parts of fish.- Follow up class participation- Questions and answers assessment1. TASK 2. ANALYZING PHYSIOLOGY OF FISHTotal hrs. 3 (2+1) (2 Theo. 1 Prac.) SPECIFIC OBJECITVE: At the end of this instruction the trainees will be able to analyze functional aspect/features of fish body.1.2.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Content- Breathing- Feeding and digestion The rate of feeding as it depends on the temperature and species variation.- Breeding The size and age at which breeding starts (species and temperature dependent) Behavior shown by male and female during breeding period. External fertilization as reproductive process in fishes. Laying eggs Duration of incubation (species and temperature dependent)- Growth of fish affected by Age Temperature Feed Species- Adaptability and tolerance of fish to physical and chemical qualities of waterb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the different physiology of fish- Video show on the fertilization of eggs, breeding characteristics at the time of breeding- Questioning and answering exercise. c) Training Materials- Lecture notes / hand out- Video cassette - Fish1.2.2. Evaluation- Asking some of the trainees to summarize different physiology of fish- Group discussion on video show- Assessment of the questioning & answering exercise. Evaluation of DUTY 1 - Assess the knowledge and skill that the trainees acquired anatomy and physiology of fish through written exam, quiz. DUTY 2. ESTABLISHING A FISH FARMTotal hrs. 4 (2+2)GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to establish a fish farming.2. TASK 1. EVALUATING THE PRODUCTION FACTORS OF A FISH FARM Total hrs.2 (1+1)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to evaluate the production factors of fish farm. 2.1.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Water holding capacity Shape of the land Supply of water Market Transportation Interest and purchasing capacity of the peopleb) Training Methods- Initiate discussion among trainees about the production factors - Video show on the content of production factors- Provision of summarized notes- Field visit to evaluate production factorsc) Training Materials- Books / Manuals- Hand outs- Video2.1.2. Evaluation- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the discussion- Assess the reflection on the video show- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the field visit 2. TASK 2. SELECTING THE FISH FARM SITE Total hrs. 2 (1+1) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to select the appropriate site for fish farm. 2.2.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Assessing water and land availability - Adequate water supply - Quality of water supply- Smell, clarity, muddiness- Bright green water - Dark to brown water Identifying soil and topography - Ability to hold water- Ability of soil to provide nutrients- Shape of the land- Slopeb) Training Methods- Provision of summarized notes- Make a group discussion with the trainees about the contents.- Field visit to select site around the campus- Video show on the selection of fish farm site. c) Training Materials- Books and Manuals- Hand outs- Video2.2.2. Evaluation- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the group discussion.- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the video show. EVALUATION OF DUTY 2- Assess the knowledge and skill that the trainees acquired to establish a fish farm through written exam, practical exercise. DUTY 3. DESIGNING AND CONSTRUCTING FISH POND Total hrs. 9 (4+5)GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainees will be able to design and construct a fishpond. 3. TASK 1. IDENTIFYING POND TYPES AND SIZE Total hrs. 3 (2+1)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainees will be able to identify pond types and size. 3.1.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Factors to be considered to design a fishpond. - Affordable by the owner- Manage easily - Fits the owners needs Types of fish ponds and their purpose- Brood stock pond- Nursery pond- Grow out pond Size determinations according to personal preference, economic and management criteria. Depth and free board in pondsb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion among the trainees- Make a group and discuss on how to construct pond.- Make a visit to a fish pond to identify pond types- Video show on the construction of fish pondc) Training Materials- Lecture notes / hand outs- Books- Video- Fish pond3.1.2. Evaluation- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the field visit- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the video show- Assess and evaluate the trainees from the group discussion on the field visit.3. TASK 2. IDENTIFYING THE MAIN BODY PARTS OF FISH PONDS AND THEIR PURPOSE Total hrs. 3 (2+1)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to describe the main parts of a pond body and their functions. 3.2.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents The main parts of a pond- The walls- The water inlets- Drainage system- Drainage types and position of construction- Elbow joint- Bottom over flow- Double sleeve over flow- Sluice- Monk- Screens- Catch pits b) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion among the trainees on the contents- Provision of summarized notes- Video show on the main parts of a pond- Make a group and discuss on the parts of a pondc) Training Materials- Books / Manual- Hand out- Video cassette3.2.2. Evaluation- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the video show- Questioning and answering assessment. - Ask the trainees to summarize the content3. TASK 3. CONSTRUCTING THE WALLS AND THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF SEALING THE POND BOTTOM Total hrs. 3 (2Theo +1 Prac.) SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to construct walls and pond floor and make ready for growing fish. 3.3.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Constructing the walls- Preparing the wall with available materials- Maintaining slope of the wall- Clay core construction- Compaction and making the wall water tight Sealing the pond bottom- Using clay soil- Using hollow cement- Using polyethylene sheets and rubber liner- Biological technique - allowing the growth of algae extensivelyb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion among the trainees - Group the trainees and construct walls and prepare pond bottom- Display relevant pictures and photographs on wall and pond bottom- Video show on the walls and pond bottomsc) Training Materials- Books / Manual- Pictures- Photographs- Video cassettes2.3.2. Evaluation- Assess the group discussion on the construction of wall and pond bottom - Asking question and answering exercise- Assess the reflection of the trainees on the video show.EVALUATION OF DUTY 3- Assess the knowledge and skill that the trainees acquired to construct wall and pond bottom through practical exercise, quiz and written exam.DUTY 4. MANAGING OF FISH CULTURE PONDS Total hrs. 19 (8 + 11) GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to handle fish culture pond.4. TASK 1. CONDITIONING AND LIMING THE POND Total hrs.3 (2+1)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to condition the pond and treat with lime. 4.1.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Preparing the pond- Ploughing, clearing, smoothing and drying the pond bottom Liming - Importance of liming- Types of lime - Hydrated lime- Agricultural lime- Quick lime- Application rates and time of limingb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the content- Pay a visit to a fish pond (dried out) to practice liming- Display different types of lime samples- Provision of summarized notes- Oral question & answer exercise c) Training Materials- Books / Manuals- Hand outs- Fish farm- Samples of lime- pH meter / titration apparatus, beakers 4.1.2. Evaluation- Assess the reflection of trainees visiting a fish pond in composition with lecture notes - Question and answer assessment- Make trainees submit a complete report on what pond conditioning is and the uses of lime.4. TASK 2. FILLING THE POND WITH WATER Total hrs. 2 (1+1)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to describe the procedure in filling a pond with water.4.2.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Content Important procedures during filling a pond with water - Allowing the conditioned and limed pond to stay idle at least for two weeks - Gently flooding the pond bottom for a few days- Test the water for- Temperature- Dissolved oxygen content- pH- Turbidity- Hardness- Alkalinity- Plankton density- Test of water in relation to its source b) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the contents- Visiting fish pond and discuses on filling of water in pond and take measurement on water quality parameters- Provision of summarized notesc) Training Materials- Manuals / Books- Hand out- Fish pond- Water quality kits- Secchi disk4.2.2 Evaluation - Assess the reflection of the trainees on visiting fish pond- Assess the trainees knowledge on test of water and the procedures to be followed during filling ponds with water4. TASK 3. DETERMINING STOCKING RATE AND DENSITY OF FISH IN A PONDTotal hrs. 3 (1+2)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to determine the appropriate stocking rate and density of fish in a pond.4.3.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Factors involved in determining stocking rate and densities - Species- Age of fish- Season during stocking- Water replacement rate- Types of fish culture- Fish culture methods - Monoculture - Poly culture b) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the content - Provision of summarized notes- Field visit to practice fish number counting techniques in a fish pond. - Video shows on the stocking rate and density of fish in a pond- Make a group discussion on fish number counting techniques c) Training Materials- Books / Manual- Hand out- Video cassette- Fish pond 4.3.2. Evaluation- Ask the trainees to summarize the important points. - Assess the reflection of the trainees on a video show- Assess the group discussion and presentation on counting techniques of fish.4. TASK 4. STOCKING FISH SEEDS IN A PONDTotal hrs. 3 (1+2)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to handle and transport fish seeds for stocking.4.4.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materials a) Contents- Rules to apply when stocking fish- The fish get enough oxygen- Keep the fish from getting too warm or too cold- Care that should be taken during transportation- Releasing fry or fingerlings into the ponds- Care for moving fry for longer distances- Stocking adult fishb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the content- Provision of summarized notes- Video show on the stocking and transporting of fish seeds - Make a group and practice releasing of adult or fry in to the pond c) Training Materials- Books / Manuals- Hand out- Videocassette- Fishpond4.4.2. Evaluation- Assess the group of trainees in a practice how to release adult or fry into the pond- Ask the trainees to summarize important points of the lecture- Assess the reflection of trainees on the video show. 4. TASK 5. MANAGING POND AND MAINTAINING POND PRODUCTIVITYTotal hrs. 2 (1+1)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to maintain pond and pond productivity properly. 4.5.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods, Training Materials a) Contents- Practice routine management exercise - Check the pond for leaks - Clean filters- Feeding- Fertilizing a pond- Types and source of fertilizer- How fertilizer improve pond productivity- Time of fertilizing- Rate of fertilizingb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the contents- Provision of summarized notes- Make a group and present a report after practicing routine management exercise in a fish pond- Video show on the application of fertilizer in a fish pondc) Training Materials- Books / Manuals - Hand out- Video cassette - Fish pond4.5.2. Evaluation- Assess the group exercise and report presentation of the trainees on practicing routine management exercise- Assess the reflection of trainees on the video show4. TASK 6. IDENTIFYING FEEDS AND FEEDING OF FISHTotal hrs. 4 (2+2)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to identify the different feeds and feeding of fish.4.6.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents- Factors envolved in feeding fish- Time of feeding- Amount of feeds according to - Species- Body weight- Age- Feed types and its presentation- Types of natural and supplementary feeds for fish- Natural feeds - Planktons- Worms- Insects- Supplementary feeds- Grains- House holds wastes- Agro - industrial by - productsb) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the content- Provision of summarized notes- Video show on feeding fish in a pond- Make a group and discuss on the natural and supplementary feeds available in the area. c) Training Materials- Books / Manual- Hand out- Feeds (Natural and supplementary)- Video cassette4.6.2. Evaluation- Assess the group discussion on natural and supplementary feeds - Ask some of the trainees to summarize the important point of the lecture4. TASK 7. MANAGING OF FRY AND FINGERLINGS IN A FISH PONDTotal hrs. 2 (1+1)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to manage fry and fingerlings in a fish pond4.7.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents- Sources of fry and fingerlings- Define fry and fingerlings- Determine the number of seeds required in each stocking time- Brood stock management- Handling of fry in nursery pond- Sex reversal b) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the content- Provision of summarized notes- Visit a fish pond and discuss with the owner on the management of fry and fingerlings- Video show on brood stock managementc) Training Materials - Books / Manuals- Hand out- Fishpond- Videocassette 4.7.2. Evaluation- Assess the response of trainees on the discussion with the owner- Assess reflection of trainees on the video showEVALUATION OF DUTY 4- Assess whether trainees have acquired the knowledge and skills on managing pond culture through practical work, written exam, quiz.DUTY 5. IDENTIFYING CAPTURE FISHERYTotal hrs. 6 (4+ 2)GENERAL OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to describe fishing equipments and constructing grears.5. TASK 1. IDENTIFYING FISHING EQUIPMENTSTotal hrs. 3 (1+2)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to identify the different fishing equipments.5.1.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Boat types and design in small scale fishery Boat propulsion Types of fishing gears used in small-scale fishery and their classification.- Gill nets- Beach and sein net- Cast net- Traps long lines Setting and hauling of fishing gears and identification of fishing ground.b) Training Methods- Lecture and discussion on the contents - Conduct discussions among trainees on boat types and gears used in the area- Video show on the design of boats c) Training Materials- Books / Manual- Boats- Gears- Video cassette 5.1.2. Evaluation- Assess the group discussion of trainees on identifying gears and boat types- Assess discussion among trainees on the video show5. TASK 2. CONSTRUCTING AND MANAGING FISHING GEARS Total hrs. 3 (1+2)SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: At the end of this instruction the trainee will be able to construct different types of fishing gears. 5.2.1. Recommended Contents, Training Methods and Training Materialsa) Contents Gear construction and repair- Materials needed- Directions for making the net- Gill nets- Beach and sein net- Lift net On board

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