新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.单元过关检测卷A卷.doc

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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.单元过关检测卷A卷.doc_第1页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.单元过关检测卷A卷.doc_第2页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.单元过关检测卷A卷.doc_第3页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级下册Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.单元过关检测卷A卷一、 听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。 (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)Where will the man go next month? A . B . C . 2. (1分)What are they doing at the moment? A . B . C . 3. (1分)选出与其意思相符的图片( )A . B . C . 4. (1分)听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片( ) A . B . C . 5. (1分)What does the boy usually use the computer for? A . B . C . 二、 听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、 (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)The girl is_. A . Gina.B . Mary.C . Helen.7. (1分)Where is the railway station? A . Next to a red building.B . At the end of the street.C . On the left of the supermarket.8. (1分)Which way does Lin Tao like best? A . Listening to tapes.B . Reading aloud.C . Studying with a group.9. (1分)听下面一段对话,回答问题。 (1)When will Susan have a birthday party? A . On Saturday evening.B . On Sunday afternoon.C . On Sunday evening.(2)Why did James turn down the invitation? A . He will have piano lessons.B . He will look after his sister.C . He will prepare for a test.(3)What is James going to do after he finishes high school? A . To learn to play the violin.B . To look for a job.C . To go to college.10. (1分)Who are the two speakers? A . Old neighbors.B . Old classmates.C . A teacher and her student.三、 听下面4段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、 (共4题;共10分)11. (2分)听第二段对话,回答小题 (1)Who is John going to pick up?A . His cousin.B . His friend.C . His sister.(2)How is John going to the airport? A . By bus.B . By car.C . By underground.(3)Whats the weather like? A . Rainy.B . Snowy.C . Windy.12. (2分)听对话,回答问题。 (1)What can Lindas father do? A . Swim.B . Dance.C . Drive a car.(2)What can Lindas sister do? A . Sing and dance.B . Fly a kite and sing.C . Dance and fly a kite.13. (3分)听第一段对话,回答小题。 (1)Where did Joe play football? A . In the sports hall.B . In the park.C . On the school field.(2)Joe would like his mother to wash his _. A . socks and shortsB . T-shirt and shortsC . socks and T-shirt(3)When is Joes next football match? A . March 12th.B . March 15th.C . March 18th.14. (3分)听材料,回答三个小题。 (1)Whos Mary? A . The boys sister.B . The boys friend.C . The girls friend.(2)Whats the Marys last name? A . White.B . Black.C . Miller.(3)Whats Marys telephone number? A . 6729061.B . 6279061.C . 6702619.四、 听下面一篇短文,选出最佳选项。 (共1题;共5分)15. (5分)Li Huas hometown is in the south of ChinaIt has changed a lot in the past thirty yearsThirty years ago,it was a village with 2,819 peopleAt that time, orange trees were in front of the village,strawberries were behind the village and rice was on the right of the villageIn 1988,people in the village set up the first factory for making paper and two years later they set up the second factory for making toysAfter that, people set up more and more factories for making bicycles and some other thingsMore and more people from other places came to work in the villageIn 1995,the village became a town and ten years later the town became a city (1)Where is Li Huas hometown? A . In the west of ChinaB . In the south of ChinaC . In the north of China(2)How many people were there in Li Huas hometown thirty years ago? A . 2,691B . 2,819C . 2,890(3)what could people see in front of Li Huas hometown thirty years ago? A . Orange treesB . StrawberriesC . Rice(4)What did the second factory in Li Huas hometown make? A . PaperB . ToysC . Bicycles(5)When did Li Huas hometown become a city? A . In 1995B . In 2000C . In 2005五、 单项选择。 (共10题;共10分)16. (1分)_ eight-year-old girl saw _ UFO yesterday.A . An; anB . An; aC . A; aD . A; an17. (1分)I felt sorry _ my teacher because of my mistake. A . toB . forC . withD . in18. (1分)My sister spent _doing the housework yesterday. A . secondB . some timeC . sometimesD . some times19. (1分)_of the subjects do you like best? I _history.A . Which; likeB . What; likeC . Which; loveD . What; love20. (1分)Ken was_ late for school. The bell rang right after he entered the classroom. A . stillB . alwaysC . alreadyD . almost21. (1分)Read this article, _you will understand that not everything can be bought with money. A . orB . andC . butD . so22. (1分)Do you know him well? Sure. We _ friends since we were kids.A . wereB . have beenC . have becomeD . have made23. (1分)Your shirt is too dirty. and wash it, please. OK. I will.A . Put it onB . Take it offC . Try it onD . Take off it24. (1分)Can you play the piano?_.A . No, a littleB . Yes, a littleC . No, littleD . Yes, little25. (1分)Are these your classmates? _. They are also my sister and brother. A . Yes, these areB . No, these arentC . No, they arentD . Yes, they are六、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选择最佳的答案。 Friends are very important in our life. I think no one cannot live without 1. They say that the friend in need is a friend indeed. I think it is really so.I have a very good friend. His name is Joe. My friend and I 2do our best to help each other. My friend is a very good, kind and clever boy. Now we are in 3classes, but we like to 4together and help each other.When we have some free time, we go for walks, read and 5about books, watch films, go to the park or play computer games. Playing computer games is our 6. Both of us also like 7very much. We often go swimming together. We are football fans and we like to watch the football matches 8TV or go to the stadium. We 9the football club together.I love my friend very much. I think he is a true friend. Our friendship is very 10to me and I will try my best to be a good friend too.(1)A . friends B . teachers C . parents D . classmates (2)A . ever B . never C . always D . sometimes (3)A . good B . bad C . same D . different (4)A . study B . drink C . rest D . eat (5)A . think B . talk C . tell D . know (6)A . hobby B . subject C . homework D . dolls (7)A . music B . art C . science D . sports (8)A . on B . in C . at D . for (9)A . have B . make C . join D . find (10)A . cheap B . important C . difficult D . easy 七、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共10分)27. (5分)阅读理解Heres a shopping receipt(收据) of Linda.Jiulong Great World18 Huanghe North RoadSuqian City,22380013/04/2012 15:17PMNumber Item(物品) Product# Price1 Pair of trousers 3597981144 150.003 Pairs of socks 8294653379 10.00/each1 Sweater 3607889911 375.00Total 555.00WELCOME NEXT TIME!根据以上内容,选择正确答案。(1)When did Linda go shopping? A . In the afternoon.B . In the evening.C . In the morning.D . I dont know.(2)How many kinds of things did Linda buy? A . Four.B . Five.C . Three.D . One(3)Where did Linda go shopping? A . Times Supermarket.B . Jiulong Great World.C . Tongguan Store.D . Star Shopping Mall(4)How much money did Linda spend on them? A . 150.B . 555.C . 375.D . 20.(5)Where is the Jiulong Great World? A . In 19 Huanghe North Road.B . In Jiangxi ProvinceC . In Nanjing City.D . In Suqian City.28. (5分) Mr Black was walking in the forest(森林) He was scared when he heard a terrible noise. But he could not get out of the forest. His friends were waiting for him in a village outside the forest. They would give him a lot of money if he took a tiger to them, or they were going to laugh at him.Mr Black liked hunting(打猎). He usually killed some birds and animals. But a week ago, after he drank too much, he called himself a brave hunter. So his friends bet(打赌) him twenty thousand dollars if he could kill a tiger.Suddenly, he heard a little noise. He ran to a big tree,and climbed up it quickly.He didnt come down until he saw it was a farmer. He went close to him and asked, “Excuse me, sir.Are there any tigers in the forest?”“Yes,” said the farmer. “I saw a lot of tigers tracks(足迹)about a kilometer north near here.”“Good!”Mr Black said in a hurry. “Which way is to the south,then?” (1)Mr Black was good at_.A . drinkingB . hunting small animalsC . runningD . betting(2)Which is NOT true?A . Mr Black was a brave hunter.B . Mr Black was scared of tigers.C . He thought a tiger was close to him, so he climbed up the big tree quickly.D . Mr Black asked the farmer the way to run away.(3)We can guess _ finally.A . Mr Black got twenty thousand dollarsB . his friends would think he was very braveC . Mr Black won the betD . Mr Black lost the bet八、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共6分)29. (1分) There are over 800 boarding (寄宿) schools in the UK. Children of 7 to 18 can go to boarding schools._In the UK, boarding schools have three terms in a school year, each student has his or her subject plan. Besides the usual classrooms and laboratories, the boarding schools also have music rooms, boats, swimming pools, cinemas and theatres for their students._There are some rules for the students at boarding schools to obey. Students study and live together. They cant go outside if they are not allowed to. Most boarding schools have a “light out” time. So when its time to go to bed, all the lights in the bedrooms are turned off._Nearly all students at boarding schools wear a school uniform. Boys usually wear a shirt and a tie, and girls wear a white blouse, sometimes also a tie and a skirt. As students get older, the rules become less strict._In the UK, boarding schools provide students with delicious food. They can choose to have a full English breakfast or simply bread. They can also choose between a meal with no meat and another meal at lunch and dinner. Students can also make themselves something to eat at any time in a kitchen.从A, B, C, D中选择正确的选项作为文章第2-5段的小标题,并填入1-4四个空格中。AWhat to eatBWhat to wearCWhat to learnDWhat to obey_Which is the best title for the passage?ABoarding schools in the UKBHow to study in the UKCStudents work hard in the UKDThe history of boarding schools in the UK30. (5分)请阅读下面一篇关于中国演员吴京的文章,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。 Wu Jing, born in April 1974, in Beijing, is a Chinese martial artist(武术家), actor and director. Jason Wu is best known for his roles in different kinds of martial arts films such as Tai Chi BoXer(太极宗师)、Fatal Contact(黑拳), Sha Po Lang(杀破狼)and as Leng Feng in Wolf Warriors which is one of the most popular Chinese action films in 2017. At the age of 6, he was sent to the Beijing Sports Institute(北京体育学院). And then he began to compete as a member of the Bei Jing Wushu Team. He won first place in several national level Wushu competitions at the junior level. He made hi S first HongKong film Tai chi Boxer in l995. Since Jason Wu has appeared in many mainland Chinese Wushu TV series, he has also worked in 2003 film Drunken Monkey. Jason Wu achieved Success in HongKong action movie for his role as a bad assassin(刺客)in 2005 film SPL:Sha Po Lang. In 2006, Jason Wu continued his movie into Hong Kong cinema by starring(任主角)in the film FataContact. Wu is the male leader in 2007 film Twins Mission(双子神偷). He also worked on the police action film Invisible Target(男儿本色)which was released in 2007. In march 2008, Wu made his directorial debut(导演处女作), Legendary Assassin(狼牙). Wu prayed the role of an assassin in 2008 film The Mummy(木乃伊)-his first American film debut.Wu directed and starred in the action war film, Wolf Warriors ,for which he got the best screenwriting award and the best new director award and its 2017 sequel(续集)Wolf Warriors . The latter film has become a hit at Chinese summer box office, and got a total 01、2.2 billion yuan in its first 8 days of release. Information CardThe place that Wu Jing was born_The age that Wu Jing sent to the Sports Institute._The name of his first Hong Kong film_The kind of the film SPL_The time that it took the sequel to get 2.2 billion yuan at the Chinese summer box office._九、 完成句子。 (共5题;共5分)31. (1分)他梦想着当一个歌手。 He_being a singer. 32. (1分)电脑游戏对我来说很容易。 33. (1分)我能通过查字典找到生词的意思。 I can find the meaning of the new words by_them_in a dictionary.34. (1分)为了发展农村,很多新的公路将要在以后五年里被建。 A lot of new roads will be built _ _ _ develop the villages in the next five years. 35. (1分)我们中国人见到来宾的时候经常握手、微笑。 We Chinese often _and smile when we meet visitors.十、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)36. (1分)语法填空Which do you prefer to use when you are studying, iPads _books? Here is a survey about it. Some students think that iPads are_(good). iPads can give them more choices. They can search for information in an iPad easily instead of _(look) everything up in different books. At the same time, students can send pictures directly to a printer to photocopy_(they). And homework will not be_(forget)easily because teachers can send all the homework to their iPads. With_iPads, they can do all their work in them. But _(other) think that books are more_(help) for learning._, reading books wont hurt eyes. Second, what they read in books can leave a deeper impression on them. Whats more, some students usually use iPads to play games at school, which is bad _their study. So they prefer to use books.十一、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)37. (1分)根据下面的内容要点写一篇短文介绍马克吐温。1)美国著名作家,写了许多著名的小说;2)1835年出生于佛罗里达的乡村,4岁时全家搬到城里,12岁时父亲去世;3)从童年开始工作,做过不同的工作,他最著名的小说之一是汤姆索亚历险记4)他写作的才能并非从小就有,而是来自于他个人的经历。参考词汇: 小说novel 童年childhood 个人personal 佛罗里达Florida汤姆索亚历险记 The Adventure of Tom SawyerMark Twain第 20 页 共 20 页参考答案一、 听下面5个句子,选出与所听内容相符的图片。 (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听下面5段小对话,每段对话对应一个小题,从题后所给的A、B、 (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、9-2、9-3、10-1、三、 听下面4段长对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题后所给的A、B、 (共4题;共10分)11-1、11-2、11-3、12-1、12-2、13-1、13-2、13-3、14-1、14-2、14-3、四、 听下面一篇短文,选出最佳选项。 (共1题;共5分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、五、 单项选择。 (共10题;共10分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、六、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)26-1、七、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共10分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、27-5、28-1、28-2、28-3、八、 任务型阅读 (共2题;共6分)29-1、30-1、九、 完成句子。 (共5题;共5分)31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、十、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)36-1、十一、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)37-1、


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