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冀教版2020届九年级下学期英语期中考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分).A: Can I help you, madam? B: I want_ .A . two boxes of appleB . two glass of waterC . two bowls of porridge2. (2分)What do you think of water?It is very _ in our daily life. We cant live without it.A . dangerousB . importantC . Large3. (2分)My sister _ home at 5: 00 P.m. every day.A . getsB . gets toC . getD . get to4. (2分)I dont like loud people. Me, _.A . tooB . alsoC . eitherD . both5. (2分) In addition, you and I have lots of things in common. I really cant agree more.A . HoweverB . BesidesC . At last6. (2分)All the workers went home yesterday _ Mr. White. Why?Because he was on duty.A . exceptB . besidesC . except forD . beside7. (2分)Dont forget a gift for your cousin. Tomorrow is his birthday. A . to buyB . buyC . to sellD . sell8. (2分)Mr Smith is going to build up a new business next month. A . set outB . set upC . make up9. (2分)Nobody likes him, so he has _ friends. A . a fewB . fewC . a littleD . little10. (2分)I dont agree with you. _, I think youre wrong. A . In factB . Excuse meC . For exampleD . Because of11. (2分)Your fathers sisters are your_ A . unclesB . cousinsC . auntsD . parents12. (2分) I called you at about seven last night, but nobody answered.Oh, I _in the park with my parents at that time.A . take a walkB . is taking a walkC . took a walkD . was taking a walk13. (2分)Of the three reading rooms, one is near, but _ two are far.A . otherB . the othersC . the other14. (2分)- When did Uncle John _ Aunt Alice?- At the end of the year 2006. They _ for nearly ten years.A . marry; have marriedB . marry with; have marriedC . marry; have been marriedD . marry with; have been married15. (2分)Maybe in the near future, students _ at home through the Internet. A . studyB . has studiedC . is studyingD . will study二、 完形填空 (共1题;共8分)16. (8分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The Fruit Is SweetMy mother liked to fill our house with plants. She treasured her little garden and the lives she created with tiny seeds (种子 ). I remember the happiness on her face when she showed me what had grown.One day in high school, I passed through a gardening store, hoping to find something that I could use for my art piece. I had no luck finding one, so I decided to take bags of 1seeds home instead. I had never planted anything in my life.For some reason, these colorful seed packets attracted me. I 2many bags: roses, morning glories, lilies and even some moonflowers.When I got home, my mother told me seriously that, if I was going to plant these flowers, it would have to be on my own. Not discouraged, I planted the different seeds in different pots. Every day, I3them, hoping that the next day a little green head would spurt (冒出 ) to say hello. But each day, I became 4when I saw that my flowers hadnt grown. After about a week, when I was ready to give up on them, my mom said to me, You need patience (耐心 ).I did wait. One sunny afternoon, I came home from school. Walking up to the house, I took a quick look at the pots, really not 5to see that anything had grown. To my surprise, there was a long green stem (茎) in one of the planted pots. A big 6lit up my face. The morning glory vine suddenly spurted while I was at school.In the past few years, Ive learned that mothers are usually7. My mother taught me well, even though she really didnt have to use much effort. I learn to treasure those little lives that I create. She taught me to 8. I believe that patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.(1)A . flower B . vegetable C . tree D . fruit (2)A . borrowed B . bought C . lost D . wasted (3)A . fixed B . moved C . cleaned D . watered (4)A . certain B . excited C . unhappy D . weak (5)A . expecting B . agreeing C . continuing D . deciding (6)A . sign B . smile C . stress D . fear (7)A . serious B . strict C . fair D . right (8)A . offer B . try C . wait D . share 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)17. (10分)阅读理解Mr. King goes to a dinner party. He wears old clothes. He comes into the room. But people there dont look at him at all. They dont ask him to sit at the table.Mr. King goes home and puts on (穿上) his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles(微笑)at him. They give him very good food to eat.Mr. King takes off (脱下) his clothes, puts his clothes in the food and says, Please eat, my clothes! The other people ask, What are you doing? He answers, Im asking my clothes to eat the food. When I wear old clothes, you dont look at me. You dont ask me to sit down. Now I am in the good clothes and you give me the very good food. Now I see, you give the food for my clothes, not for me!”(1)Mr. King goes to the dinner party, but people there dont look at him. Because_。A . he doesnt come by carB . he is youngC . he wears old clothesD . he is old(2)Mr King goes home to _ his _ clothes.A . put on, goodB . puts on, fineC . take off, goodD . takes off, good(3)Mr King goes back to the party. People in the room stand up and smile at him. Because _A . he wears an old clothesB . he comes by a very good carC . he wears his good clothesD . he takes off his good clothes(4)Mr. King takes off his good clothes, and _ them _ the good food.A . ask, to eatB . asks, to eatC . lets, to eatD . ask, eat(5)Now Mr. King sees the good food is _.A . for heB . for his good clothesC . for meD . for him18. (6分) Nobody is happy all the time, but some people are really happier than others. Here are some tips for you to be happy.Make enough money to meet your basic needs: food, shelter, and clothing. In the US, that magic number is $40,000 a year. Any money you make beyond that will not necessarily make you happier. Once you make enough money to support your basic needs, your happiness is not affected by how much money you make._ Or move to where other members areso you can see them more. Now, people follow jobs around the country and sometimes around the world. As a result, our relationships with our friends and family have a far greater impact (影响) on our happiness than our jobs do. So next time you think about moving, consider a place where most of your friends and families live.Find happiness in the job you have now. Many people expect (期待) the right job to change their level of happiness. But happiness research makes it clear that changing jobs cant bring you happiness. If you want, you will make the best of any job. If you have good relationships with people, you wont depend on (依赖) your job to give your life a greater sense of meaning. You will find it in your interactions with the people you care about.If you are unhappy for a long time, you should ask an expert (专家) or a doctor for help. I hope you will be happy all the time.(1)The writer wrote this passage mainly to _.A . make friendsB . give suggestionsC . put on an advertisementD . complain about your actions(2)The underlined word interactions means _.A . arrangementB . choiceC . communicationD . agreement(3)What is the title for the third paragraph?A . Ask family members for help.B . Borrow money from family members.C . How to make family members be happy.D . Stay close to friends and family.19. (8分)阅读理解(C)There is an old saying in English, “Laughter is the best medicine”. Untilrecently, few people took the saying very seriously. Now, however, doctors havebegun to study laughter and the effects (作用)it has on the human body. They have found evidence that laughter really canimprove peoples health.Tests were carried out to study the effects of laughter on thebody. People watched funny films while doctors checked their heart rate, bloodpressure, breathing and muscles. It was found that laughter has similar effectsto physical exercise. It increases blood pressure, the heart rate and the rateof breathing. It also works several groups of muscles in the face, the stomachand even the feet. If laughter exercises the body, it must be helpful.Other tests have shown that laughter appears to make the effect ofpain on the body less. In one experiment doctors produced pain in groups ofstudents who listened to different radio programs. The group which could bearthe pain for the longest time was the group which listened to a funny program.The reason why laughter can make pain less seems to be that it helps to produceendorphins (内啡肽)in the brain. These are natural chemicals which make both stress and pain less.There isalso some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the bodys immunesystem that is the system which fights infection (感染).In an experiment, one group of students watched a funny video while anothergroup served as the control group in other words, a group with which tocompare the first group. Doctors checked the blood of the students in bothgroups and found that the people in the group that watched the video had anincrease in the activity of their white blood cells the cells which fightinfection.As a result ofthese discoveries, some doctors and psychiatrists (精神病专家)in the United States now hold laughter clinics, in which they try to improvetheir patients condition by encouraging them to laugh. They have found thateven if their patients do not really feel like laughing, making them smile isenough to produce good effects similar to those caused by laughter.(1)We learn from the first paragraph that laughter _. A . is good for ones healthB . has strong effects to do with some illnessesC . has been studied for a long timeD . has no effect on the body(2)Doctors have found that laughter _. A . keeps down blood pressureB . has similar effects to physical exerciseC . decreases the heart rateD . increases stress and pain(3)Which of the following statements is NOT true of laughter according to the passage? A . It makes pain less.B . It exercises the body.C . It improves the bodys immune system.D . It can cure(治愈)cancer.(4)Smiling can produce _.A . about the same effects as laughterB . more effects than laughterC . fewer effects on the human bodyD . no effects on the human body四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)信息归纳, 请阅读下面短文,根据所提供的信息,完成信息卡。Now mobile phones become more and more popular. Should the middle school students be allowed (被允许)to use mobile phones? Different people have different ideas.John: My school is far away from my home. I only go home on weekends. So my parents bought me a mobile phone to keep in touch(联系) with me. Its convenient. I dont need to look for IC phones any more.Mary: I think its bad for us to use mobile phones in class. But after classes we can use them. We arent kids any more, we know when and where to use it, so teachers and parents should believe us and let us use mobile phones.Tony: I often send WeChat messages to my friends by mobile phone. It wont cost too much. Its a good way to talk with my friends when they are not with me.Andy: I think mobile phone is not only a tool for communication, but also a symbol of fashion. If you have no mobile phone, it means you are out of fashion. In other words, its cool to have a mobile phone.Ted: We all know that its convenient to have mobile phones. But many students often use them to play games or watch videos. Its bad for our study. I dont think its necessary for students to have a mobile phone.Information CardThe time John goes home_The thing Tony likes doing by using the mobile phone_The time Mary thinks that we can use mobile phones_Andys feeling about having a mobile phone_The number of the students who think they can have a mobile phone_五、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)努力学习,总有一天你的梦想会成真。_六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)根据首字母提示完成单词,完成短文。One day Mozart saw an old blind street performer(街头卖艺人) p_the violin at the street corner w_a hat in front of him. He found out the old man was playing one of his compositions(作品). The old man played for a while, b_nobody put any money into his hat. Mozart asked the old man, “Do you often play compositions by Mozart?” “Yes, sir,” answered the old man. “Now everyone knows Mozart and they love music.” “Do you make a living by playing the violin?” The old man said he d_. Mozart took over the violin from the old man and began to play.He played so w_that all the passers-by(路过的人) stopped to l_to the wonderful music and g_them money. Soon the old man f_surprised that the man could play so well. He asked Mozart, “Who are you, sir?” “Your colleague(同行), a poor musician l_you.” Then Mozart gave the violin b_to the old man and left. The old man was very happy.七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)愚公移山的故事千古流传,它让我们懂得做事情只要坚持不懈,一切皆有可能。请根据写作要点提示用英语写一篇短文。写作要点提示:1)学习,生活中你都遇到了哪些困难?2)一次难忘的克服困难的经历;3)你所获得的启示;写作要求:短文的内容应包含所提示的要点。语言要流畅。可围绕提示要点适当增加情节,以使短文的意思连贯;短文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;短文的词数在90词左右。第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共8分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共24分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 翻译 (共1题;共1分)21-1、六、 单词拼写 (共1题;共10分)22-1、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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