仁爱科普版初中英语2020年九年级上册Unit 4 Amazing Science 单元检测题C卷.doc

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仁爱科普版初中英语2020年九年级上册Unit 4 Amazing Science 单元检测题C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) The Dragon Boat races are so exciting, but our boat is still behind. Dont worry. I am sure _ our team will win!A . ifB . thatC . whetherD . why2. (2分)_ you have visited the Great Wall, you cant imagine how great it is.A . BecauseB . AlthoughC . UnlessD . When3. (2分)I prefer apples pears.A . toB . fromC . withD . than4. (2分)Shall we have bread for breakfast? Sorry. I dont feel like it.A . wantB . meanC . buy5. (2分) _ terrible environment! The pollution here is even more serious than I _ .A . What a; thoughtB . How; thinkC . What an; thinkD . How; thought6. (2分)(2017泰安)It rained _ and lasted for a long time yesterday.Too bad! Even some streets were full of water.A . hardlyB . stronglyC . terribleD . heavily7. (2分)Sam opened the door and _a lovely dog outside. A . findsB . foundC . looks forD . looked for8. (2分)I would like to _Richard and Jason. Do you know them? Yes, they are my classmates. Lets go and talk to them.A . be friendly toB . make friends withC . look after9. (2分)一How can you there? taxiA . get to;ByB . get;ByC . get;InD . get to;In10. (2分)If a bear is _, it _ people.A . in danger; attackB . dangerous; attacksC . in danger; will attackD . dangerous; will attack11. (2分)Millie_ missed the train this afternoon. It started to leave right after she got on it. A . almostB . alreadyC . reallyD . seldom12. (2分) I think science is more useful than art.I disagree. I think art is _ science.A . not so useful asB . less useful thanC . the most useful ofD . as useful as13. (2分) Whats your dream? I wish _ in London.A . workB . worksC . workingD . to work14. (2分)The workers of the hotel are learningEnglish their service A . to describeB . describingC . to improveD . improving15. (2分)- Do you know _ our Chinese National Symbol of Day (国家公祭日) is?- Yes, its on December 13th. Its in memory of the people_ were killed in Nanjing Massacre.A . whether; thatB . when; whoC . how; whichD . why; that二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。After their 15-year-old pet dog died, Rain and his wife, Ann, looked for months to find the right new pet. I love dogs. said Rain, a worker at a health club in New York. I cant1 not having one.Finally, the couple found a lovely young2 and decided to3 him home. They named him Little Sheep. Little Sheep quickly made himself at home, sleeping on his new4 bed at night.With heart disease for 25 years, Rain5 look his medicine four times a day and always had no problems.6 on March 17, he took the wrong amount(数量) of medicine before he went to sleep. When he got out of bed to7 the bathroom at night, suddenly, he felt his heart beating fast and later fell to the floor heavily.Little Sheep was usually very8 and well-behaved, said Ann. But when my husband hit the floor, the dog gave a loud cry like a wild animal. I was woken but didnt know what was happening. Then l saw my husband9 on tile bathroom floor. I ran for the10 and called a hospital at once. Rain spent several hours in the hospital. By 6:30 a. m., he had been11 enough to go home. It surprises me that Little Sheep has such great12, said his thankful owner. Hes becoming a calm little gentleman. We can walk him on our street, unleashed(未拴住的), without any problem. Hes got a lot of13 now, and everyone wants to14 him kindly. We feel the name Little Sheep is not good enough, said Rain. So now we call him Big Hero, more 15 for an animal of his ability. (1)A . plan B . imagine C . win D . decide (2)A . dog B . cat C . sheep D . bird (3)A . ride B . catch C . throw D . take (4)A . relatives B . neighbors C . classmates D . owners (5)A . politely B . hardly C . carefully D . widely (6)A . And B . But C . Or D . So (7)A . start B . sell C . use D . burn (8)A . quiet B . noisy C . worried D . rude (9)A . singing B . standing C . lying D . dancing (10)A . clock B . phone C . pen D . watch (11)A . good B . full C . weak D . beautiful (12)A . stress B . danger C . courage D . sadness (13)A . pollution B . nature C . advice D . confidence (14)A . touch B . throw C . hurt D . hit (15)A . wrong B . suitable C . colorful D . common 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共39分)17. (6分)阅读下面材料,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D选项中选出最佳选项。AThe Ritz-Carlton New York Battery Park ($299 every night)Location: No.2 West StreetAbout it: You can have a good view of the Statue of liberty (自由女神像) from the 39-floor, 298-room hotel.Millennium Hilton ($219 every night)Location: 55 Church StreetAbout it: You can go swimming in the indoor swimming pool.The hotel is directly across from Times Square. The hotel is on the left of the street. Times Square is on the right of the street.Midtown East ($170 every night)Location: Between East 41st Street and East 54 Street.About it: Its quite convenient to pay a visit to the United Nations, Grand Central Station and so on.Marriott New York Financial Center ($209 every night)Location: No.85 West StreetAbout it: Next to many shopping malls. Its quite convenient if you want to buy things in this modern city.(1)Which hotel is the most expensive according to the information?A . Midtown East.B . Millennium Hilton.C . The Ritz-Carlton New York Battery Park.D . Marriott New York Financial Center.(2)If you want to buy things, youd better choose _.A . Midtown EastB . Millennium HiltonC . The Ritz-Carlton New York Battery Park. D . Marriott New York Financial Center.(3)The passage is probably from _.A . a guidebookB . a dictionaryC . a telephone bookD . a story book18. (8分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。BMore and more advertisements appear on the Web. You have to be careful, or the advertisements on the Internet will fool or trick you. They say something is a bargain, but it isnt always cheap. And some so-called (所谓的)new things just have a new outside.However, shopping online is a kind of fashionable thing today. I love to buy things of everyday use, so I often get lots of information about them on websites online. For example, if I want an MP4, I can choose my favourite one, and look for what the users like or dont like about it, then decide whether to buy or not. And at the same time, you dont have to go to a shop or walk around a crowded shopping area, so you dont have to waste much time. The Internet is really useful for shopping, but be careful not to spend too much.(1)If you want to shop online, you should .A . spend too muchB . always believe the advertisementsC . never believe the advertisementsD . be careful not to be fooled(2)What does the writer think of the advertisements online?A . They are always true.B . They are not useful.C . They are sometimes not true.D . They are always fashionable.(3)What does the underlined word “bargain” in the passage probably mean?A . A conversation.B . An expensive product. C . An agreement.D . A cheap product.(4)If you shop online, you .A . can save timeB . have to waste timeC . have to get expensive thingsD . can only buy things with a new outside19. (25分)根据短文内容,回答问题Hello, everybody. My name is Xie kai. I was born on March ninth, 1990. Im in a middle school in Xinle City. I like our school very much.Today is Monday, October 27th. This is the busiest day in the week. In the morning, at 8:00 I have Chinese. Chinese lesson is interesting. Our Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang, has a good way to make his lesson interesting. All the students in our class like him a lot. Then at 9 oclock, we have math. I dont like math, because its difficult. Next, at 10:10, I have English. I like English very much. And at 11:10, I have P.E. Thats my favorite subject. I have lunch at 12 oclock. In the afternoon, I have two lessons. At 2:00, I have science. Its difficult, but interesting. After that I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, too. She is young and beautiful. Then we can go to different clubs. Im in a soccer club. Soccer is my favorite sport.(1)How many lessons does Xie Kai have on Monday morning? (2)Whats his favorite subject? (3)Why does Xie Kai like his Chinese teacher? (4)What club is he in? (5)Whats the date today? 四、 词句运用 (共2题;共14分)20. (10分)根据中文提示,填入下列短文中所缺的词(每空限填一词)My friend is Lily, she is really_(有才能的)in music. I love music, too. We both like many kinds of_(杂志) and we often study_(一起).Last year, her mother_(去世).She was very sad. I often saw her sit_(静) in the classroom . She was _(瘦)than before, and She was not in good_(健康). I tried to help her get_(穿过)the sad days._(虽然) she still misses her mother, she becomes more outgoing now . I think she is confident(自信的)_(足够)to face the difficulties.21. (4分)这件事情与我无关。 The matter is_.五、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)22. (4分)选词填空A. Even if B. familiar C. spare D. In fact E nervousYou may not know a lot of people when you start high school. This really makes you feel _because you dont know who to talk to when you have problems._you know some freshmen(新生), you still feel worried that you dont know any elder students and teachers. How are you going to make friends with these unknown people?_most high schools hold a freshman training before school actually starts. These are helpful because you learn your way around the buildings. You also get to meet some of your teachers and other freshmen. That way, you may already recognize a few_faces when you go to school on your first day.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)根据表格提示, 用英语写一篇有关自己经历的短文。词数6080。参加人员全班学生和老师活动内容自带了食物和饮料, 去黄山旅游并野营, 欣赏美景出发时间上周六早晨七点三十分集合地点学校大门口交通工具公共汽车第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共39分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、四、 词句运用 (共2题;共14分)20-1、21-1、五、 选词填空 (共1题;共4分)22-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23-1、


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