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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期末质量调研试卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the worlds longest sea-based project, brings people in those three cities within one-hour living circle. A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)When is Jays concert? Its _ the afternoon of July 18th.A . onB . inC . atD . for3. (2分)The TV programmer (节目)is boring.Shall we play chess instead? All right. That is _ than watching a boring TV programme. A . very goodB . much goodC . very betterD . much better4. (2分) _ I sing an English song? No, you neednt. You can sing whatever you like.A . CanB . MayC . NeedD . Must5. (2分)A snake bit him he went to see a doctor at once. A . ifB . whereC . becauseD . so6. (2分)Do you like listening to English songs? No, I _listen to them because theyre very difficult for me.A . alwaysB . oftenC . usuallyD . hardly ever7. (2分)If you feel _, you could _ the feeling to your parents or friends. A . lonely; provideB . alone; shareC . lonely; communicateD . alone; talk8. (2分)I am _ Beijing in less than 20 minutes. A . arriving atB . arriving inC . getting inD . getting at9. (2分)He looked around to _ that he was alone. A . look forB . make sureC . find out10. (2分)Whats your favorite? My favorite is _. I often listen to it on the MP3 player.A . sportsB . danceC . scienceD . music11. (2分)My father has many books, but he has_ English books. A . fewB . a fewC . littleD . a little12. (2分)I get _ at six in the morning. A . onB . upC . toD . in13. (2分)Lot of trees and flowers in Zhangzhou every year. Youre right. That makes our city more and more beautiful.A . are plantedB . were plantedC . will be plantedD . can be planted14. (2分)Were going to hold a party next Saturday, and Id like you to come. _! I have a meeting to attend that day. A . Good luckB . What a pityC . Its greatD . Well done15. (2分) Would you like to go camping with us this weekend? _, but I have to prepare for my English test.A . Never mindB . That sounds funC . Its hard to sayD . I hope not二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 A poor young man named Liang lived in a small Chinese town. One night, an old man visited Liang in a dream. He gave Liang a brush.Use this magic brush to help the 1. he said, but dont use it to help people who are rich and greedy (贪婪地), or the skill will leave your 2and you will never paint again.When Liang3, he found the brush lying on the table by his bed. He painted a butterfly and was 4to see it fly off the paper.Liang went out of his house and started to paint for the people in need. He painted food for 5people and clothes for the people who were cold.However, a rich man heard about the brush and asked Liang to paint some gold for him but Liang didnt 6.If you dont paint for me, Ill cut your fingers off, the rich man said, Then you will never 7again.So Liang painted an island of 8in the middle of a blue sea.How will I 9the island? asked the rich man. Liang painted a boat for the rich man, who got in it and went on his way toward the island.But when the rich man was halfway there, Liang painted a 10in one side of the boat. The boat sank into the water and nobody ever saw him again.(1)A . young B . poor C . old (2)A . arms B . face C . fingers (3)A . woke up B . grew older C . was born (4)A . surprised B . angry C . unhappy (5)A . strong B . brave C . hungry (6)A . understand B . agree C . leave (7)A . write B . paint C . cook (8)A . gold B . animals C . trees (9)A . get down B . get off C . get to (10)A . hole B . picture C . line 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分)阅读理解 Kaitlin Riffles dream of ending poverty (贫困) started when she was visiting her father, who worked for the homeless.I never realized there were people in the world who didnt have a house or food before, said Kaitlin, who is now seventeen. I knew there was something I had to do about that.At age eight, she started raising money to build a playground. It took me two years, Kaitlin said. We started small. We wanted to do something to make a difference. In 2014, when Kaitlin was thirteen, she visited Central America, and saw people going hungry and families living in houses made of cardboard. That year, she set up Kids on a Mission, which has helped hundreds of people there.The rooms were smaller than my bedroom, but there would be eight people living in each one, Kaitlin said. We also got to see the dirty rivers that those people were drinking out of.Providing clean drinking water, food and clothes for people living in poverty is now an important task for Kids on a Mission. This young lady is changing the hearts of people, and also changing the world, said the headmaster of Kaitlins school.(1)When did Kaitlin set up Kids on a Mission? A . In 2009.B . In 2011.C . In 2014.D . In 2017.(2)When did Kaitlin set up Kids on a Mission? A . In 2009.B . In 2011.C . In 2014.D . In 2017.(3)What was life like in Central America according to Kaitlin? A . They lived in strong houses.B . Their drinking water was dirty.C . Their bedrooms were very big.D . They had enough food and clothes,(4)What was life like in Central America according to Kaitlin? A . They lived in strong houses.B . Their drinking water was dirty.C . Their bedrooms were very big.D . They had enough food and clothes,(5)What can we infer from the headmasters words? A . Kaitlin is always ready to give and help.B . Kaitlin has many chances to travel around.C . Kaitlin often changes schools for her study.D . Kaitlin has a serious problem with her heart.(6)What can we infer from the headmasters words? A . Kaitlin is always ready to give and help.B . Kaitlin has many chances to travel around.C . Kaitlin often changes schools for her study.D . Kaitlin has a serious problem with her heart.(7)The job of Kaitlins father was to _. A . sell foodsB . build playgroundsC . visit schoolsD . help homeless people(8)What might be the best title for the text? A . School life in AmericaB . Gifts from a headmasterC . Fathers duty in the familyD . A girls dream of ending poverty(9)The job of Kaitlins father was to _. A . sell foodsB . build playgroundsC . visit schoolsD . help homeless people(10)When did Kaitlin set up Kids on a Mission? A . In 2009.B . In 2011.C . In 2014.D . In 2017.(11)What was life like in Central America according to Kaitlin? A . They lived in strong houses.B . Their drinking water was dirty.C . Their bedrooms were very big.D . They had enough food and clothes,(12)What can we infer from the headmasters words? A . Kaitlin is always ready to give and help.B . Kaitlin has many chances to travel around.C . Kaitlin often changes schools for her study.D . Kaitlin has a serious problem with her heart.(13)What might be the best title for the text? A . School life in AmericaB . Gifts from a headmasterC . Fathers duty in the familyD . A girls dream of ending poverty18. (10分)阅读理解 (1)The zoo opens at on weekends. A . 8:00a.m.B . 9:00a.m.C . 5:00p.m.D . 7:00p.m.(2)How many hours is the zoo open on Friday? A . Five.B . Six.C . Seven.D . Eight.(3)Shelly is 11 years old and she wants to go to the zoo. She needs to pay . A . 0 yuanB . 20 yuanC . 30 yuanD . 50 yuan(4)Jane is 16 and her brother is 4. They need to pay to go to the zoo. A . 70yuanB . 50yuanC . 30yuanD . 20yuan(5)The zoo closes at on Sunday. A . 9:00a.m.B . 5:00p.m.C . 8:00a.m.D . 7:00p.m.19. (10分)阅读理解 Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 I got when I was in high school.The test was the last one of the term. I remember waiting nervously as my teacher Mr. Right gave out our papers one after another. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning(叹息),and I could guess by the groans that the scores were not looking good.Mr Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to catch attention, was my score, 55! I let my head go down, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classmates to see. The scores were not very good, none of you passed, Mr Right said. The highest score in the class was a 55.A 55. Thats me! Suddenly I didnt feel so bad. I had the highest score. I was getting a little better.I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My mother knew that I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, How did you do in your test? I got 55, I said. A frown (皱眉) appeared on my mothers face I knew I had to explain at once. But Mum, I had the highest score in the class, I said proudly. You failed, Dave! my mother replied. But its the highest! I insisted (坚持). I dont care what scores others had, you failed. The important thing is what you do! my mother said in a strong way.For years, my mother was always in that way. She didnt care what others did, only cared what I did and that I did it excellently. My mothers words have made a big difference to my life.(1)When did the test take place? A . At the beginning of the term.B . In the middle of the term.C . At the halfway term.D . At the end of the term.(2) of the students failed the test. A . BothB . NoneC . AllD . Neither(3)How did Daves mother feel when she knew his score? A . She was upset.B . She felt very happy.C . She felt embarrassed.D . She was really excited.四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。 Huge Waves Destroying Arctic Ice Faster than ExpectedIce covers much of the Arctic Ocean (北冰洋). Some pieces of ice are huge, like moving islands. As temperatures have increased, however, some of the ice has begun to disappear. Scientists have discovered huge waves (海浪) in the arctic waters.The waves were discovered by accident in May, 2010. Scientist Aleksey Marchenko and his students set out on a trip. They wanted to study the icy waters.On May 2, the ship traveled east and stopped next to a large chunk of ice around 50 miles from the small island of Hopen. Marchenko prepared to lead his students out onto the ice.We were ready to go but when I went out, I discovered many cracks (裂缝) around, he remembers.He decided to move the ship deeper into the ice to keep safe. The farther in they went, he thought, the harder the ice would become. As they pushed forward, however, the ship experienced small waves, and then bigger ones. Soon, the waves broke up the ice around the ship into thousands of smaller pieces.Within an hour, Marchenko and his team saw a wave that was about 13 feet high. The ships navigation (航行) system finally recorded the largest waves. They were more than 20 feet in height. The waves were so strong that they forced huge pieces of ice to jump up and down, breaking the ice into smaller pieces within just one hour. Scientists had never imagined that the process could happen so fast. The waves in these areas used to be small.The speed and force of the huge waves there makes it impossible to know in advance when they are coming. That could be dangerous for navigators and local communities who are unprepared for huge waves or depend on sea ice to protect them. Wildlife like polar bears and walruses that depend on sea ice to live is also in danger.Some scientists think people will soon see even bigger waves in these icy waters. As waves break up ice, the seas will become more open, and the waves will get even stronger. There are stormy times ahead.(1)When did Marchenko and his students discover huge waves in the arctic waters? (2)Why did Marchenko and his students set out on the trip? (3)What did Marchenko decide to do to keep safe? (4)How high were the largest waves recorded by the navigation system? (5)What is Paragraph 7 mainly about? 五、 阅读与回答问题。 (共1题;共25分)21. (25分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下面表格,每空不超过三个单词.Jazz is a type of music, is one of the art forms. It started in the United States. Black Americans, who sang and played the music of their homeland, created jazz.Jazz is a mixture of African music, work songs, slave songs and religious(宗教的)music. Improvisation(即兴表演)is an important part of jazz. Thiss why a jazz song might sound a little different every time it is played.Many jazz bands appeared in the late 1800s.They played jazz in bars and clubs in many towns and cities, especially in New Orlean& New Orleans is an international city and people from all over the world come to New Orleans to enjoy jazz.Jazz became more and more popular. By the 1920s, jazz was popular all over the United States. By the 1940s, you could listen to jazz not only in clubs and bars, but in concert halls. Today, people from all over the world play jazz.JazzDescription(描述) of jazzIts a mixture of African music, work songs,_And religious music.An _part of jazz is improvisationAbout jazz bandsMany jazz bands appeared in the late 1800s.They played jazz in bars and clubs in many _.Becoming popularBy _, jazz was popular in the US.By the 1940s,you could listen to jazz in clubs, bars and _.Now, people from all over the world play jazz六、 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 (共5题;共5分)22. (1分)Playing table tennis is e_. We all like it. 23. (1分)Tao Wei is in front of John. John is b_ Tao Wei. 24. (1分)This is a nice _. 25. (1分)She is looking for a new_ (工作). 26. (1分)If you raise it at the meeting, Ill _(支持) you. 七、 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)27. (1分)Sadly, the robot has stopped working _. (complete) 28. (1分)What kind of person would you like to make friends _?(填介词) 29. (1分)All students had a wonderful time_ (learn) English in London. 30. (1分)I want to ask their_(suggest)for ways of raising money. 31. (1分)All of the students hope _ (do) well in the final exam. 八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)湘西自治州正在进行“美丽湘西”建设,我们要积极参与“美丽湘西”建设活动,从小事做起,让我们家乡变得更美。作为学生,请以“Start out small”为题,用英语写一篇倡议书。 要点提示:1)多种植树木和花草,不乱砍伐树木。2)购物时重复使用袋子。3)不乱扔垃圾,保持河流等干净。4)遵守公共秩序,做文明学生。要求:1)80词以上。文章的开头已给出,不计入总词数;2)文章须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使短文意思通顺、语气连贯、过渡自然。不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称和学生的真实姓名。参考词汇:protect the environment;reuse bags;plant;cut down;throw;wait in line;be wie;oboeysart outsnalStart out smallHello, everyone. We should try our best to make our hometown Xiangxi more beautiful and comfortable. What can we do for our hometown?第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、17-6、17-7、17-8、17-9、17-10、17-11、17-12、17-13、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、五、 阅读与回答问题。 (共1题;共25分)21-1、六、 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。 (共5题;共5分)22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、七、 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共5题;共5分)27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32-1、


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