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北师大版2020届九年级下学期英语第一次月考试题(I)卷一、 单项选择题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Do you know who is the owner of cat with white and yellow hair?A . aB . anC . the2. (2分)Its said that _ of the water around the world _ polluted. A . two third; isB . two third; areC . two thirds; isD . two thirds; are3. (2分)Jake _his key in the office so he had to wait until his wife _ home.A . has forgotten comesB . forgot comeC . had left cameD . had leftwould come4. (2分)一 What happened?一 Someone has_ out in the office. Lets call 120.A . passedB . lookedC . gone5. (2分)They talked about the people and things _ they remembered.A . whoB . whoseC . whichD . that6. (2分)(2017河南) Why are you leaving your job?I cant stand it any longer. I always _ to work overtime.A . am; askingB . am; askedC . was; askingD . was; asked7. (2分)Must they clean the classroom now?No, they _.A . cantB . needntC . mustntD . dont8. (2分)Warm words can touch not only your heart but also . A . meB . myC . myselfD . mine9. (2分)We often drop _ our friends homes after school.A . forB . withC . byD . of10. (2分)Most of us dont like watching this program anymore. Its getting A . boring and boringB . bored and boredC . more and more boringD . more and more bored11. (2分)Could you please tell me _?Yes, go along the road and youll see it on your right.A . what I should buy for my motherB . where can I wait for the busC . how I can get to Shangdong UniverstyD . that I can go to the library12. (2分)Did you watch the animal show yesterday?No. We were to catch the last bus.A . too earlyB . early enoughC . late enoughD . too late13. (2分)There a ruler and two books on the desk. A . isB . areC . beD . have14. (2分) Hi, Anna, our school won the football match yesterday_A . Congratulation!B . What a pity!C . No problemD . Never mind15. (2分)What a successful Spring Festival Gala(春晚)! Who said we couldnt make it? _.A . Lets kill the fatted calfB . Practice makes perfectC . Actions speak louder than wordsD . A golden key can open any door二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 In the Pacific Ocean lies Easter Island(复活节岛), a strange and magic place. The island 1its English name from the Dutch explorer(荷兰探险者 ) Jacob Roggeveen. He arrived there on Easter in 1722. There, Roggeveen found a strange culture and even stranger huge 2called moat and they looked like men. Since that time, 3all over the world have tried to find out how people came to the island and how they built such huge stones. But scientists still cant agree on 4the islands people came from. Did they 5from Chile or Hawaii Island, very far from there? No one knows. So far, it is 6a mystery(谜). These huge stone men are also a mystery. Scientists think that the people 7and moved the huge stone men there thousands of years ago. But how did they do it? And why did they do it? 8can really guess.As time went by, the people on the island died out slowly 9fighting and illnesses. Thousands of people used to live on the island.10now, there only live several hundred. Luckily, they still have their traditional culture.(1)A . forgot B . got C . hid (2)A . plants B . toys C . stones (3)A . scientists B . doctors C . teachers (4)A . which B . where C . who (5)A . learn B . hear C . come (6)A . still B . ever C . never (7)A . researched B . visited C . built (8)A . Nobody B . Anybody C . Somebody (9)A . instead of B . because of C . according to (10)A . If B . Or C . But 三、 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从所给的A. B. C. D四个选 (共4题;共32分)17. (6分)Parents today also worry about their childrens diets. Some doctors give the following advice:(1)According to the doctorsadvice ,what does junk food include ?A . milk and vitamins.B . Fruits and sugar.C . Vegetables and salt.D . Fat, oil, salt and sugar.(2)In this passage, doctors think that teenagers should eat more _ .A . food with no vitamins.B . fat and sugarC . vegetables and fruitsD . salt and oil(3)The best title for this passage is _ .A . Bad HabitsB . junk FoodC . unhealthy FoodD . advice on Healthy Eating18. (10分)Today more and more cars go into families. Which car is the best for people? Different people have different ideas.Some people like the bright colour car made in China. Its really a good choice(选择). The bright colour car made in China is cheap, nice and safe. This kind of cars is suit for(适合于) the general income (收入一般的) family.Some people love famous foreign cars like Japanese cars, American cars and German cars. Theyre good but too expensive. But most people think famous foreign cars of better quality are better in safety. These are suit for the high income family or for business.Some people like sports cars, because theyre fast and exciting. Some sports cars are very nice but very expensive. Only rich people can afford them.Some people like travelling, so they need a travel car. Travel cars are comfortable. But they use much oil(油). Whats the best car for us? Maybe its a new and popular topic in life.(1)What does the writer think of the bright colour car made in China?A . Its nice but expensive.B . Its good but too expensive.C . Its cheap, nice and safe.D . Its comfortable.(2)To the writer, the famous foreign car is suit for _.A . the high income familyB . the general income familyC . people like travelingD . people like sports(3)Some people like sports cars because theyre _.A . cheap and niceB . comfortable and save oilC . good but too expensiveD . fast and exciting(4)Which is NOT true about cars?A . Cars made in China are cheap.B . famous foreign cars are too expensive.C . Sports cars are also cheap.D . Travel cars are comfortable.(5)The passage tells us _.A . some expensive carsB . famous foreign carsC . some cars made in ChinaD . different cars19. (10分)阅读理解BDuring the Qingming Festival, Ann and her parents went back to their hometown. Ann knew nothing about the Qingming Festival, so her mother bought her an encyclopaedia(百科全书) about festivals. Here is an article about the Qingming Festival.The Qingming Festival is usually in April. Its a good time for people to go outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery of springtime and go to the graves (墓) of beloved ones. Since 2008, the Qingming Festival has been a public holiday in China. The holiday is also called Tomb Sweeping Day in English.Along the River During the Qingming Festival is a famous painting about this festival. It was drawn by Zhang Zeduan. People also wrote many poems about the Qingming Festival. Among them, the most famous one may be Du Mus poem-Qingming.After reading the article, Ann knew something about the Qingming Festival. Besides this, Ann also read the articles about other festivals, such as the Spring Festival, May Day and the National Day. She learned a lot from this encyclopaedia.(1)Why did Anns mother buy her an encyclopaedia? A . Because Ann needed it to do her homework.B . Because Ann needed to know something about the Qingming Festival.C . Because the encyclopaedia was quite cheap.D . We dont know the reason.(2)What do most people do during the Qingming Festival nowadays according to the passage? A . Stay at home.B . Go to the graves of beloved ones.C . Paint and write poems about the festival.D . Give presents to each other.(3)The Qingming Festival has been a holiday in China for about _years. A . 12B . 9C . 5D . 2(4)According to the last paragraph, which is NOT read by Ann? A . The Spring Festival.B . May Day.C . The National Day.D . April Fools Day.(5)Whats this passage mainly about? A . The Qingming Festival.B . An encyclopaedia about festivals.C . Du Mus poem-Qingming.D . How to spend holidays.20. (6分) Many parents make their children do chores around the house. For some families, teaching children what to do and how to do chores is easy. But in other families, getting children to do some housework can be a very big problem.It is a good idea for parents to teach their children at an early age. All family members must work together to make the house clean, and each person must do his or her share(份) of the work. We can do this by starting plan of chores and responsibilities(责任) when children are young.Chores are good for childreneven very young ones. Doing chores can teach children many important skills(技能) like working together. Jobs also teach children what is fair(公平). The skills and value(价值) from doing chores will be good to children all their lives.(1)The first paragraph(段) tells us _.A . all the parents make their children do choresB . its easy to teach children to do choresC . some children think doing chores is difficultD . teaching children to do chores is different in different families(2)Children can learn _ from doing chores.A . working together with othersB . how to writeC . what is fairD . Both A and C(3)Which of the following sentence is TRUE?A . Its a small thing to teach children to do chores.B . Only the children who do chores know what is fair.C . Some children like to do chores but some dont.D . In a family, young children dont need to do chores四、 词汇运用 (共10题;共59分)21. (1分)My uncle has owned the _ (卡车)for more than five years. 22. (10分)根据句意和汉语提示以及首字母,拼写单词。(10分)(1)How are you_(今天)?(2)I want to buy a house with a _ (花园).(3)There are _(13)bags behind the chairs.(4)How many _(办公室) are there in the building?Forty.(5)This is Carl. He is very _ (乐于助人的).(6)Sally is a _ (漂亮) girl. She likes nice clothes.(7)Look! Its a _(照片) of Simons family.(8)My _(祖父) is an old teacher. He is 60 years old now.(9)My uncle is a d_in that hospital.(10)There are three people in my f_.23. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出正确的单词,每空限填一词。 Its Tonys birthday party. He usually has a party at the _ (周末). His mother _(制作)a birthday cake. He likes chocolate cakes very _(非常). On his birthday, he _ up(起床) at 7 oclock in the morning, and he opens his _(礼物)at once. He often gets money or new _ (衣服)from his parents. His sister always makes him a nice birthday _ (卡片). All his friends 8_ (来)to the party. They dont give him _ (钱). They give him CDs or books. Tony _ (总是)likes his birthday presents. 24. (5分)在横线上填人适当的词汇,便句子完整。(1)My fathers _is my uncle. He is very kind.(2)Her fathers daughter is her _. They are in the same school.(3)His mothers sister is his _ .(4)My aunts daughter is my _ .(5)Lindas mothers mother is her _ .25. (1分)The bus r_ takes me 10 minutes every day.26. (10分)语法填空(在横线上填入一个适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空)I have a lot of problems these days. Firstly, I am not happy in class. Im so shy that Im afraid _speaking in class. _, I feel nervous when the midterm exams are coming. And sometimes I even have a _(head). Thirdly, I _(argue) with my best friend yesterday. Im very worried because I have few friends. I dont want to lose her.Yesterday, my mother took me to the doctor. I told the doctor my problems and he gave me some _(advice). He asked me to make more _(friend) and play games in my free time, so _I will not be so shy. He also said, “If you want to get _well with your friend, the two of you should have proper (communicate) _. Tell her what you think.” _I cant sleep well, he asked me to eat some food that is good for sleep. And he asked me to relax. Im trying to do as he told me to.27. (10分)语法填空 Dogs show off their skillsDogs can be good friends of people. They can also be in dog shows!Well, the US held the 141st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show(威斯敏斯特犬种大赛)_New York City on February 13, 2017. This is the_(two) oldest sporting event in the US.To take part in this show, a dog must be 100 percent one kind of breed(品种).On the day of the show,_(own) try their best_(make) their dogs look_(well). Then, they show their dogs to the audience(观众) and judges(裁判). The judges are looking at everything, how a dog acts, their fur(毛发) and more.To be in dog shows like this, it_(cost) around $50,000(about 330,000 yuan) to $100,000 a year. So_do people do it?Some do it to teach people about dog breeds, while_(other) want to make some money. But they must_(love) their dogs a lot because they spend so much time and money_them.28. (1分)用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。It is reported that it is going to rain, so youd better, I think, _ (not go) for a picnic tomorrow .29. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适合的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 Once upon a time, there _(live) a monkey in the forest. The monkey _(climb) up a tree and looked down at the river every day. One day, the monkey saw a fisherman _(throw) net(网) into the river. Then the fisherman caught fish. Two hours later, the fisherman _(leave) to have lunch. The monkey climbed down from the tree. He planned _(catch) fish like the fisherman did. The monkey was quite sure of himself because he _good at imitating(模仿). However, the net wound(缠住) itself around him as soon as he _(touch) it. When he tried to get out, he _(fall) into the river. The monkey should learn how _(use) the net before touching it. But it was too late. At last, the monkey _(die) in the river. 30. (1分)My teacher seems _ a problem these days.(have) 五、 任务型阅读(每空一词) (共1题;共15分)31. (15分)任务型阅读Why should students play sports? Some people think that students play sports in order to get exercise. Others think it can help students have fun. But that is not enough.If students play sports, they can get more than healthy bodies. Why? Here are three more reasons.Students who play sports do better in school. Some people think that doing exercise will take up students study time. But a recent study has shown that students who play sports get better scores in school than those who dont. Exercise gets students to learn, remember things and concentrate better.Students who play sports develop their teamwork spirits and learn problem-solving skills. When they are working together with others to win games and reach goals, theyre learning how to be successful in practice. And these skills will be useful to them for study or their future work.Playing sports can also improve confidence. Students who play sports feel better about themselves. When they know they can improve and reach their goals by practicing, it builds their confidence. And sports can also help them communicate with others actively and make new friends.(1)Why do students who play sports get higher marks in school? (2)Mary is a shy girl, how can sports help her according to the article? (3)Are you going to play sports with your friends every day? Why or why not? 六、 缺词填空(每空一词) (共1题;共5分)32. (5分)根据句意,用括号内所给的提示完成句子。(1)In Japan, people bow as a sign of _(尊重).(2)Tom was so happy because he was _(表扬) by the teacher.(3)Please dont tell anyone about it. It is a _(秘密) between you and me.(4)The _(寂静) was broken by a loud cry.(5)Lets ask the teacher to help us with our _(调查).七、 A.句子翻译 (共5题;共13分)33. (1分)这只猫摸上去好柔软啊!_the cat feels!34. (2分)这个夏天你打算做什么? What_you _for the summer?35. (2分)杰克很懒,每天无所事事,所以他很穷。 Jack is very lazy. He _ _ every day, so he is poor.36. (5分)他买了尽可能多的食品。 He bought _ _ food _ _ _.37. (3分)每年,它都会接待超过75万的游客。 Every year it _ _ _ 750,000 visitors.八、 B.写作题 (共1题;共5分)38. (5分)Write at least 60 words on the topic That day, I made a/an_”(以“那天,我(做)了一(个)_”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)生活中的每一次体验、每一段经历都为你的成长助力。你或许交了一个新朋友、许了一个新愿望、作了一次新选择,请分享一段你的经历,并说明这段经历是如何帮助你成长的。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从所给的A. B. C. D四个选 (共4题;共32分)17-1、17-2、17-3、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、四、 词汇运用 (共10题;共59分)21-1、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、22-6、22-7、22-8、22-9、22-10、23-1、24-1、24-2、24-3、24-4、24-5、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、五、 任务型阅读(每空一词) (共1题;共15分)31-1、31-2、31-3、六、 缺词填空(每空一词) (共1题;共5分)32-1、32-2、32-3、32-4、32-5、七、 A.句子翻译 (共5题;共13分)33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、八、 B.写作题 (共1题;共5分)38-1、

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