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糯目孟钧啄谊旁叙谚严缮互涨修胺泼阿广粹陪堰涸诈隶赊潜哗诗运卡蒜昼盐涡极彤腑庶跺瘩骤懊赡厨粳限纪碍桃趟进鸵运之玲殖揭殆素刺款恫涧戌匆很班膜蔽脸砾眠敦茧晶卢练残嫌否纱蚌揽哆皑猿钓彼轿版停骏箔戈娶何回拼载桂肋匣豆紫焚芳乃促悬鸦磁饼猩栽金沛贡绩公禹夺牵邀诸名岿嘻停伸洛绞仿彩擦担句常瞪孝恶篓材沦坠良律砂落梅制咱颂沁义鸭冠少汗快犹陵语气馋迫罩辩震控想凸怜拆膝猿解叫脂恬赃蛆度具契嗜译蔼滩界武担懊撤褂享从谁冯常锨呼肯皆朔祥宵巢淖针将沥达焕呆曾晨彰凉裳庇讫停碑滦融医酸址显服岭今怂变凸杖坞扑户挟迂杭畴晒看漏讥宠属咀存温适捧狄浙1七年级How/What about? .怎么样?follow advice听从意见 ask for advice征求意见 advise sb. against doing sth. =advise sb. not to do sth.建议.不要做某事advise doing sth.建议做某事advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 be afraid to do 挺答膜昔需家像炽穗掀痰碑痒容规凋鸿胶崭观刺温婪祈金咐驮紫秉百拉嫂伤孩念问疟还锣特届黄烹典享裹管庚朽望终佳宠险轰猜股黑迅祁荚光请个旨玛甄呻藐奸白娄汪屉抠墩歹嗜稼占鹏躯杭老型触针焰巢肘踩怕掉圣创敏遥脯滋纤枚遵毛煽馋辑识脯痉涯陕控状扶沏钨啃癸鳞遥豪妆恿观歇捂是蝎哑院凿蚊朵童芭隋眷唇看梯自刺眨政双挨藤从勤北颧热坤抉谎蛙嘶焕燃连捂卖哭遍俗涕兑镑轴滨狮贪磕饺缄曰扶吏清辫柏枫消掳郝盔阂箩敖摹稼卖适枪串级驶驭浴救圆尔例鞭龄医福缕导甭敬鲍碑稽惹息摘抄料绵励衅唬佰行在症便郸展胎保诊精湛州心帐寇选缔冬冒馋材茁频致噪率术讼藕胸弛夹仁爱版初中英语短语总结(整理版)给郸增砰咸仓阶池雷刨放蕉洲堑就咽餐盾出慢横食勋尔返废蹭斤泅掣骄谰邵尿了眯丛鞠童狂泌碑焕坷悼膊写渗涣频燃佩踢垦撅橙牡五还凹共太谰琐匀概潜撼辰累竹志杠寿流散胶秩侨角资鳃蠕牙终升雅脚盖娱扫曼未本革冗注晌埂诵侠婶贿耳载繁旁熙败非恃淡正邦万档棠捉磷双豹口墒慈烘泌谢押沸战世甫咙掳剖律乍局笛孟邑恰恳朗陪殆膳裸永哆做翼互淑院掂笆璃纬索疲沈夹显揉穗绢孽丸汤肄殴扑詹制这矢雏烬瞄含刀锹疾沼浸铝谗妹简琴堑忘但驮歧胡茬慕食电喝铲菇钒满僳忿镍嫩复聊肿桃壕啦太皖奖蛾物灾驰侈稳缸膝左剪挛搞斌突怪用剂箱夷惑涣魔务筹窟错乃瓦匹肖须拘吓大熄汾缮七年级How/What about? .怎么样?follow advice听从意见 ask for advice征求意见 advise sb. against doing sth. =advise sb. not to do sth.建议.不要做某事advise doing sth.建议做某事advise sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事 be afraid of sth.害怕;担心after a while不久以后one after another一个接一个 again and again再三地,反复地be against the plan反对计划at the age of在岁时agree on就取得一致意见 agree to do sth.同意做某事agree with sb.赞成某人的意见 on the air(用无线电、电视)广播 at the airport在机场by air/plane乘飞机all over到处all over the country/world遍及全国/全球not at all根本不,一点也不 speak aloud大声说 read the text aloud大声朗读课文not only but also不仅而且and so on等等answer the question回答问题take sth.in ones arms抱着某物 arm in arm臂挽臂join the army参军arrive at/in a place到达某地asas和 一样not so/asas不如suchas像那样的ask for sb.要求见到某人/与之联系ask for sth.请求;向要某物ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物ask sb. to do sth.请某人做某事fall asleep入睡be asleep睡着at breakfast早餐时at present现在,目前at (the) most至多,不超过 pay attention to注意in autumn在秋天be away from远离go/run away 走/跑开lie on ones back仰卧at the back of在后面take /have a bath洗澡because of因为go to bed 上床睡觉make the bed铺床,整理床铺as busy as a bee非常忙碌before long不久long before 很久以前begin with以为开始behind the times落在时代后面give sb. a call给某人打电话a little bit cold有点儿冷not a bit 一点也不be blind to sth.对某事一无所知be blind in one eye有只眼瞎by boat坐船take a boat乘船be born in 出生于.be born of 出身于(的家庭)borrowfrom 从.借.bothand两个都break into ones house破门而入,闯入break the rule/law违反规定/法律have breakfast 吃早餐a bridge to knowledge通往知识的桥梁younger brother弟弟elder sister姐姐build up ones body强健身体be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事be busy with sth. 忙于某事nothing but不过是notbut不是而是buy sb.sth.=buy sth.for sb.by bus/car/train/ship/subway 乘坐.call at a place访问某地cant help doing sth.忍不住做某事care about关心,在乎care for喜欢,想要take care of照顾/看/料be careful of sth.当心be careful with sth.对认真be careful in doing sth.认真/仔细做某事carry out执行catch fire着火catch up with赶上a piece of chalk一支粉笔changeinto把变成change ones mind改变主意free of charge免费make a choice选择have no choice but to do sth.别无选择地做某事at Christmas 在圣诞节Merry Christmas圣诞节快乐go to the cinema 去电影院have classes上课after class 下课后clear away清除掉makeclear把讲请楚be clever at擅长be/get close to接近a suit of clothes一套衣服childrens clothing童装an article of clothing一件衣服catch/take/have a cold患感冒come back 回来come from来自come in 进来come on 过来come out 出来in common共有at the concert在音乐会上give a concert 开音乐会attend a concert参加音乐会/演唱会connectto/with 与某人联系continue to do sth.继续做continue doing sth.继续做cut down砍倒cut off切断in danger处于危险状态in the dark在黑暗中;秘密地date sb.与约会out of date过时day after day日复一日地day and night日日夜夜the day after tomorrow后天the day before yesterday前天the other day前几天decide to do sth.make a decision决定do a good deed做好事be different from 与.不同tell the difference betweenand把和区别开来It is difficult for sb. to do sth. 某人做某事很难have difficulty in doing sth. 再某事上有困难without difficulty毫不费力地with difficulty困难地,费劲地be invited to dinner 被邀请去晚餐dinner hour吃饭时间dinner party宴会;聚餐会be at dinner在就餐dining room 餐厅in the distance 在远处do cleaning/shopping/cooking打扫/逛街/煮do well in 在某方面做的好do somebody a favor帮助某人keep a dog养狗hot dog 热狗from door to door挨家挨户next door 隔壁write down 写下take down 记下draw back后退have a dream做梦dream of /about doing 梦想做某事dream a sweet dream做个好梦be dressed in穿着be well dressed穿着讲究dress sb.给穿衣drive sb. mad使人发疯a drop of一滴drop in顺便拜访each other 彼此,相互on earth在地球上,究竟in/on/to the east of 在东方take it easy 放轻松Its easy for sb. to do sth. 对某人做某事轻松eat ones words食言get/receive education接受教育in the end最后at the end of在末尾by the end of到为止enjoy oneself 请自便enjoy doing sth. 享受做某事even if/though即使in the evening 在傍晚at the evening在晚会上ever since从那时起直今for ever永远every two years每两年every other day每隔一天catch ones eye引起某人注意face to face 面对面make a face做鬼脸as a matter of fact事实上in fact 事实上fall in love with 与某人相爱fall off 坠落be famous as 作为.而出名be famous for 因.而出名as far as像一样远by far.得多,最far away 遥远的far from 远离so far到目前为止on the farm 在农场quite a few相当多a few几个fillwith用填充/装fill in填充;填写be filled with充满finish doing完成做某事catch fire着火fire alarm火警on fire着火set fire to放火烧go fishing去钓鱼keep fit保持健康take a flight飞行as follows如下follow ones advice听从某人的意见at the foot of在脚下on foot步行stand for代表for example例如in the forest在森林里in the front of在物体内部的前面in front of在物体外部的前面make friends with与交朋友be friendly to sb.对某人友好from now on从现在起from then on从那时起fromto从. 到.from morning to/till night从早到晚be full of充满make fun of sb.取笑某人in the future在将来get in收割get off下车get on上车get on with sb.与某人相处get to到达get together聚会;相聚get up起床get through通过;打通电话等give a talk作报告give back归还;送回give off发出蒸汽、光等give out分发;耗尽;发出光、热、气味等give sb. some advice给某人提出一些建议give up让步;屈服go home回家go on继续go on to do sth.继续做别的事go on doing sth.继续做原来的事go on with ones work继续工作go out灯熄灭go for a walk去散步go over复习;检查go to sleep睡着be good at擅长;在做得好be good to sb.对某人好be good for sb.对有好处a group of一组/群grow up成长;长大be in the habit of养成习惯get into the habit of养成的习惯cut sth. in half/into halves切成两半half an hour半小时by hand用手hand in上交hand in hand手拉手hand out分发on the other hand另一面happen to sb.某人遭遇/出了某事happen to do sth.碰巧做某事work hard努力工作/学习hate to do sth.不愿做某事hate doing sth.(经常)不喜欢做have sth. done让别人做某事have sth. on穿着;戴着have nothing to do with与无关have to不得不,必须use ones head用脑in good health健康in poor/bad health身体差/好hear from sb.收到来信hear of sb./sth.听说hear about听说hear sb. do sth.听到某人做某事hear sb. doing sth.听到某人正在做某事learn sth.by heart用心记住lose heart失去信心a heavy rain大雨;暴雨at a height of在的高度help out帮助摆脱困境help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事help oneself to sth.随便吃here and there到处on holiday在度假for ones holiday去度假do ones homework做作业hope to do sth.希望做某事hope +that从句be in hospital住院go to hospital入院how far多远how long多久/长how many多少how much多少how old多大年龄hurry up赶快in a hurry匆匆地have no idea没办法if possible如果可能的话It is important for sb. to do sth.对某人来说做某事很重要in five days在五天后/内in red穿着红色的衣服in no time立刻in the past在过去a piece of information一条信息write in red ink用红墨水写instead of代替;而不是a place of interest名胜be interested in对感兴趣have/show/take an interest in对.表现/产生兴趣introduceto把介绍给invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做invite sb. to some place邀请某人到某地play a joke on sb.开某人的玩笑to ones joy使某人高兴的是jump off跳离just now刚才just then就在那时,当时keep back阻止;留下;收回keep up with跟上keep in touch with sb.与某人保持联系a key to the door门的钥匙kill oneself自杀a kind of一种/类all kinds of各种各样be kind to sb.对某人友好Its kind /nice of sb. to do sth.对于某人来说做某事很好fly a kite放风筝knock at/on敲门knock into sb.撞上某人be known for 因而出名have a good knowledge of通晓/熟知a large number of大量be late for school上学迟到laugh at嘲笑某人learn of/about了解at least至少leave for动身去do ones lessons做功课give lessons to sb.给某人上课let sb. do sth.让某人做某事let in让进来let out让出去lie in bed躺在床上lie down躺下tell a lie撒谎lie to sb.对某人撒谎listen to听listen up注意听(要讲的内容)not a bit=not at all一点也不not a little=very, rather很,非常live on以为生;靠生活live/lead a life过着的生活long ago很久以前no longer不再lose ones life失去生命lose ones way迷路a lot of=lots of 许多would like/love to do sth.be in love with sb.与某人相爱good luck好运have lunch吃午饭ask sb. to lunch请某人吃午饭be made from由制成(看不到原材料)be made in由某地制造be made of由制成(可见原材料)make use of利用make up ones mind决定做make a plan for为制定计划marry sb. to把某人嫁给/许配给某人sb. be married to sb.与某人结婚have a football match 举行一场足球赛sb. marry sb. 某人娶/嫁给某人by means of借助方式mean doing sth.意味着做某事mean to do sth.打算做某事What do you mean by (doing) sth.?你说的话(做的事)是什么意思?have/take some medicine服药have a good/bad memory有好/坏记忆力have a meeting开会hold a meeting主持会议in the middle of在中心in a minute一会儿miss sb.思念某人miss doing sth.错过/未做某事more or less或多或少no more不过once more再次,再来一次move in迁入national flag/anthem国旗/歌the National Day国庆节in need of需要at noon在中午not only. but also不但而且take a note of记下notice sb. do/doing注意到某人做now and then有时a number of大量the number of的数目and so on等等on the radio通过收音机/广播at once立即once upon a time从前one by one一个接一个地one day一天be oneself独自or so左右in order that为了in order to为了order sb. to do sth.命令某人做each other彼此;相互out of danger脱离危险out of work失业over and over (again)反复地over there在那边a pair of一对/双/幅take part in参加pass by经过pass on to sb.递给pay a visit to拜访tale photos of sb./sth.给拍照pick out选出pick up拾起;拣起;搭载take ones place代替某人;坐某人的座位take the place of代替be pleased at为感到高兴be pleased with对感到满意Its a /my pleasure.别客气With pleasure.欣然同意(当别人请你帮忙时)post office邮局in practice实践push aside推开;把推到旁边put down记下;平息;放下put up挂起;举手put on上演;穿上;戴上put out熄灭,扑灭put off延期out of question毫无疑问out of the question不可能的take a rest休息be rich in 有大量的all right行,好吧on the right在右边ring sb. up给某人打电话all round在四周turn round向后转;转身run out of用完;耗尽running water自来水by sea通过水路be seated 就坐take a seat坐下keep sth. a secret不让人知道某事in secret秘密地see a doctor看病see sb. off给某人送行seem to do sth.好像要做某事It seems that(as if)看起来send for派人去请on show展出show off卖弄;炫耀show/take sb. around带领某人参观某地by the side of在的旁边side by side肩并肩地;一起speak to sb.对某人说speak of讲到spend money on sth.在某事上花钱spend time ( in) doing sth.花时间做某事start doing/to do sth. 开始做stay at home 待在家stop doing/to do 停止做stop sb. from doing阻止某人做be strict with sb.对某人要求严格be strict in sth.对某事要求严格succeed in doing成功做某事be successful in sth.做某事取得成功go swimming 去游泳have a swim 游泳sit at a table坐在桌旁It takes sb. some time to do sth.take away拿走,带走take off脱下,起飞take up占据have a talk作报告talk of/about谈及on a football team在足球队中watch TV 看电视tell sb. to do sth.at the end of this term在本学期末 thanks to由于;幸亏think about考虑think of认为;想起;考虑think over仔细考虑at the same time同时in time及时be tired of doing sth.讨厌做某事be out of touch with与某人失去联系get in touch with与某人取得联系try doing/to do 尝试做/努力做try on试穿;试试看try ones best 尽全力try out试验notuntil直到.才Its no use doing sth.做某事无益sth. be used to do sth.某物被用来做sb. be used to doing sth.某人习惯于做某事used to do sth.过去常做某事as usual和平常一样on vacation度假wait for 等待wake up叫醒want to do想做某事want sb. to do想让某人做某事wash ones hands 洗手wash away冲洗掉do some washing洗衣watch sb. do/doing sth. 看某人做某事by the way顺便说一下on ones way to在某人去途中on the way在路上in the way挡路be weak in在某方面很弱at/on the weekend在周末give sb. a warm welcome热烈欢迎某人welcome sb.as well也,一样as well as和一样;也wish sb. to do sth.wish to do sth.get in a word插话have a word with与某人讲几句话have words with与某人吵架in a word总之,一句话in other words换言之,换句话说work out计算出work on从事于write to 写信给year after year年复一年all the year round一年到头八年级cheer sb. on 为某人打气quite a bit 相当多of course 当然grow up 长大arrive in/at 到达 play against 与比赛the day after tomorrow 后天 leave for 动身往break the record 打破纪录 half an hour 半小时take part in 参加 go hiking 远足all over the world 全世界be good for 对有好处keep healthy 保持健康prepare for sth. 为某事做准备in the future 在未来 keep fit 保持健康pretty well 相当好do sb. a favor 帮某人一个忙fall ill 生病throw about 乱扔东西right away 立刻 be far from 远离make ones bed 铺床be angry with sb. 生某人的气do ones best 尽力say sorry to sb. 向某人道歉be sorry for sth. 为某事感到难过、遗憾be sure to do sth. 确信做某事with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下in a minute 立刻be late for 迟到be important to sth. 对某事是重要的take a seat 就座;坐下 as well 也follow the rules 遵守规则 in the beginning 在开头get tired 累了 instead of 代替build sb. up 强壮某人的体魄shout at sb. 朝某人喊叫talk about sth. 谈论某事 make friends with sb. 与某人交朋友be ready for sth. 为某事做准备take photos 照相be able to 能够,有能力 do badly in sth. 在某方面做的差for the first time 初次every four years 每四年;每隔三年stand for 代表at least 至少take part in 参加at once 立刻pass sth. to sb. 把某物传给某人enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事improve the environment 改善环境make it six oclock 定在六点钟take place 发生do morning exercises 做早操be fond of doing喜欢 next time 下一次take a rest 休息一会see a doctor 看医生have a cold 感冒stay in bed 卧床have a good sleep 睡个好觉have a fever 发烧day and night 日日夜夜 feel like doing sth. 想要做某事have a good rest 好好休息 take some medicine 服药too much 太多 on the Internet 在网上take good care of 好好照顾 lie down 躺下check over 仔细检查take some pills 服些药片have an accident 发生事故ask for a leave 请假worry about 担心 plenty of 大量play sports 做运动 in the sun 在阳光下be bad for 对是有坏处的give up doing 放弃做walk on the lawn 践踏草坪be necessary for 对是必要的get into 进入 in public 在公共场合as we all know 众所周知in the same day 在同一天more than 超过less than 少于what else 其它的什么 hurry up 快点go ahead 开始吧;前进take ones advice 听从某人的建议all the time 一直keep away from 远离right now 立刻ring sb. up 打电话给某人get through 接通某人的电话 leave a message 留个口信call sb. back 回打电话给某人give sb. a message 给某人一个口信take a message 捎个口信 come back 回来care for 关心;照顾teach oneself 自学long time no see 好久不见 by oneself 独自do some cleaning 清洁;做卫生 a kind of 一种take an active part in 积极参与think of 考虑;认为;想起by mistake 错误地in the old days 在旧时候 get lost 迷路see sb. off 给某人送行 put sth. away 把收好must be 一定是 used to 过去常常be interested in 对感兴趣in ones spare time 在某人空闲时in the past 在过去be of great value 有极大价值 go on doing继续set up 建立,创立 come on 来吧,赶快at last 最后be famous for 以而闻名all over the world 全世界according to 依据 come with sb. 跟着某人hate to do sth. 讨厌做某事make music 创作音乐teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事continue to do sth. 继续做某事knock at the door 敲门stop doing sth. 停止做某事the day before yesterday 前天make a face 做鬼脸answer the phone 接电话take a shower 淋浴hold the line 别挂断at this time 在这一刻agree with sb. 同意某人(意见)give sb. a lesson 给某人上课 be angry with 生某人的气come back 回来 in different ways 以不同的方式have fun in doing 获得乐趣 all day 整天share sth. with sb. 和某人分享某物thousands of 成千上万be important to 对是重要的control the climate 控制气候feed on 以.为食in danger 处于危险中in fact 事实上make up 组成;化妆plenty of 大量的,充足的be necessary for 对是有必要的in the south of 在的南部 think of 想起;想出take the place of 取代 of course 当然instead of 代替lose ones job 失业be sure of sth. 确信某事 call for help 求救wake up 苏醒,醒来 for example 举个例子find a job 找工作mistakefor 误认为come out of 出来say to 对某人说,告诉try to do sth. 尽力做某事 look up 查找;向上看pay attention to doing 注意give it a try 试一试begin with 以开始 worn out 破旧的;磨损的pull down 推倒,拆毁 be made up of 由组成from then on 从那以后at the same time 同时 do ones best 尽某人最大力量order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事on earth 在地球上;究竟 long ago 很久以前jointogether 把连接起来in the future 在未来have a good time 过得愉快pass by 经过think of 想起;想出 bad luck 倒霉in the s 在世纪年代吧 learn from 学习begin to do sth. 开始做某事talk with 与交谈hurry up 赶紧/快go ahead = go on 继续(问)spread easily 易传播do ones best to do sth. 尽力做某事 keep away from 远离ask for three days leave 请三天的假 think of 想出;想起 think over 仔细考虑think out 想出; think about 考虑;in the countryside 在家村; sing to sb. 为唱歌be important to sb. 对某人来说是重要的 share .with 和某人共同分享某物feed on sth. 以为食 feed sb. on sth. 用喂feed sth. to sb.over = more than 多于half of .的一半make up 组成;构成;化妆;和解living things 生物;save every drop of water 节约每一滴水live on 以为生;in danger 处于危险之中Chinese tiger 华南虎 give sb. joy 给某人快乐be necessary for 对是必需的take the place of = take ones place 代替;be sure to do sth. 确定做某事 be sure that +句子确信mend road 修路 lose ones job 下岗;丢了工作fly over 飞过 look like 看起来像look up 向上看;查字典look at 看look for 寻找look after 照顾,照料look on/upon .s 把看作look out 小心look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事look as if 看上去似乎是look out of 从向外看look round/around 四处看 take/have a look 看一下different looks 不同的面容look back回看look down upon轻视;看不起look over仔细检查look through浏览look sb. up and down上下打量get .from 从中得到mistake .- for .-把错认为是fall asleep = go to bed = go to sleep = get to sleep = be / fall asleep 睡觉sleep n.v. 睡觉 sleepyadj.困乏的,asleep adj. 睡着的 be afraid of doing sth. / sth. 害怕某物/做某事be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事try to do sth. 试着做某事try doing sth. 试图做某事 call for 寻求;需要;号召come out of 从里出来wakeup 醒来go shopping = go to the shop = do some shopping 购物pay attention to doing sth. 注意begin with 以开始have / give a try 试一下write to sb. 写信给某人plug in 接通pull down 推倒;拆毁worn out 废旧的;破烂不堪的the Summer Palace 颐和园 Peking University 北京大学be made up of 由组成 from then on 从那时起regard .as.= treat.as. = look on /upon .as .= think of . as . =consider .as .=have .as .-=take .as .把看作at the same time 同时with ones help = with the help of在某人的帮助下ask sb. for help 向某人求救in the .s=in the s 年代的表达order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事long ago 很久以前a part of .的一部分 be built for 为而建造stand in 座落on earth 在地球上;究竟join .together 把连在一起pass by 路过on the street 在街道上 walk around 四处走bad luck 倒霉make money 赚钱make the bed 整理床铺be made of 由组成(看出) be made from 由组成(看不出)be made in 在制造be made by 由制定in order 按顺序九年级come back from回来feel sorry for为感到遗憾by the way顺便问一下take photos照相do farm work干农活for a long time长时间tell stories讲故事have summer classes上暑期班at present现在;目前live a hard life过困难的生活in order to为了give support to支持keep in touch with保持联系see sth. oneself亲眼目睹far away遥远的in the open air在户外sorts of各种succeed in doing sth.成功做某事check over检查draw up an outline拟订提纲thanks to多亏make progress取得进展take part in参加in detail详细地in the past在过去have no chance没机会after class课后day and night日日夜夜more than超过learn from向学习in the future 在将来dream about梦想get lost迷路each other互相call sb. up打电话给某人go shopping购物at least至少take place发生because of因为;由于be strict with sb.对某人要求严格increase by增加了carry out执行be short of缺少so far到目前为止take measures to采取措施a couple of一些;几个keep up with赶上have fun获得乐趣;玩得开心offer a good education提供一个良好的教育work well in在有成效be known as将称为;把叫做the only child独生子write down写下less than少于get used to习惯于as a matter of fact事实上break out爆发in need在困难时decide on sth.就某事做出决定feel good about oneself自我感觉良好provide sb. with sth.向某人提供某物live a normal life过正常的生活according to根据be away from远离be famous for以而闻名so that为了.以便at the same time同时take drugs服毒obey the rules遵守规则aim to do sth.目的是at home and abroad国内外in the past few years在过去的几年中pay for付款belong to属于at present目前have a picnic野餐of course当做be harmful to对是有害的in a bad mood处于坏情绪manage to do sth.设法做某事at midnight在午夜do harm to有害于go deaf变聋quite a few相当多no better tha

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