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英语预习指导(先完成课文预习的相应练习再进行课文跟读,读至熟练)指导一:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn (第四页)1、我们在三年级学了几个关于交通工具的单词,先读一读这些单词,再写出相应的中文。boat ( )car ( ) plane ( ) bus ( ) bike ( )taxi ( ) jeep ( )2、乘公共汽车用英文表达_, 步行是用脚foot,那么应该是by foot还是on foot? _ 为什么?_train 和subway的主要区别在哪里?_3、人在囧途:How do Li Chenggong and Niu Geng go to Changsha? They go by 飞机( ),by 火车( ),by 公共汽车( ),by 拖拉机( tractor ),by 公共汽车( ),by 渡船( ferry ),by 面包车( van ),by 小货车 ( truck ). At last最后,they get to Changsha.4、你去哪些地方旅游过?是乘坐什么交通方式去的?请想一想,填一填。Where do you go on your holiday? I go to _.How do you go there? I go _. 指导二:Date: _ Title: A. Lets talk (第五页)1、读一读并写出中文,并且按顺序标好序号。 often ( ) usually ( ) sometimes ( ) always 总是,一直2、想一想,填一填。My home is _ (near/ far). I _ (always/ usually) go to school _. Sometimes I go _.指导三:Date: _ Title: A. Lets read (第6页)1、猜猜这些是什么地方?(有些可以从课本对话中找一找。)a. students, teachers ( ) b. flowers, trees, children play( ) c. people get on/ off the bus ( ) d. letters (信件) ( )2、读课文,在下图上画出Zhang Peng 和Sarah去的路线图,以及每一段路线所使用的交通工具。其中5= No.5 bus 3、不看课文,根据以上画出的路线图,填一填。Zhang Peng and Sarah go to the _.First(首先),_ goes to _s home. Next(接着), they can go to _.Then(然后), they go to_. At last(最后), they are in the park.4、阅读短文,回答问题。(可以简单回答,从对话中找到关键词。)a.How do they go to the bus stop? _b. Which floor is Zhang Pengs home? Which room? _c. What time do they meet (见面) ? _5、假设:你和你的朋友一起去萧山,你们在学校里碰头,想一想你们的路线。 _and I go to Xiaoshan this weekend. First, I go to school _. He/She goes to school_. Next we go to the bus stop _. Then we go to Xiaoshan _. At last, we can play in Xiaoshan. 指导四:Date: _ Title: B. Lets learn (第7页) 1、考考你:你对我国的交通灯和交通规则了解多少? a. 交通灯有几盏?( )b. 交通灯有哪几种颜色?请你用彩色笔按顺序画出来。 颜色对应的英文单词是什么? _ _ _ c. 交通灯分别对应的交通规则是什么?(中文)_2、你能读懂路上的交通标志吗?完成第12页上看一看,选一选。 3、想一想,根据常识和课本内容填一填,每空一词:Look! Three eyes are watching us. Red, yellow and green. They are _ _ .Why do they have three colours? Because there are _ _. What should you do? _at a green light._at a yellow light. _ at a red light.指导五:Date: _ Title: B. Lets talk (第8页)1、你知道这些单词表示公共场所中的什么地方吗?从词汇表中找一找。post office ( ) library ( )hospital ( )bank( )bookstore( ) cinema ( ) fast food shop ( )supermarket( )2、仔细观察第8页对话下面的图片:The boy is at school. He wants to go to Zhongshan Park. How can he go? He can go _(理由是:_)3、注意Zhongshan Park 和by the No.15 bus.的书写,自己抄写一遍,想一想要注意的地方。_4、读一读,完成对话。A: Excuse me. _ get to Xiaoshan?B: Let me see. You can go there _ (738/728/737 公交车).A: Can I go by bike? B: Oh, you cant. Its very far.指导六:Date: _ Title: B. Lets read / C. Pronunciation(第9页,第11页)1、 读一读,填一填。In China, there are _(three/ four/ five) traffic lights. They are _, _ and _. Red means (意思是) _. _ means wait.Green means _. We must know the traffic _.2、 看一看,选一选,填一填。仔细观察P9页上的图片,第一幅图行人和司机是靠路的_行进,第二幅图行人和司机是靠路的_行进(左left/ 右right),第一幅图表示的国家是_ 和_,第一幅图表示的国家是_ 和_(US/ England/ Australia/China),所以可以得出的结论是国家间交通文化有所不同:中美靠_行,英澳靠_行(左/右)。3、完成第9页短文下面的判断题。4、读一读,判断画线部分的读音是否相同,对的打勾,错的打叉。a. meat read ( ) b.teacher sea ( ) c.leaf sweater ( ) d. kite pig ( ) e.if sit ( ) f.thin bike ( )指导七:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn/Lets talk(第16,17页)1、我们五年级学过一些表示物体位置的方位词,读一读并写出中文。in ( ) on( ) under( ) near ( ) behind ( )over( ) in front of ( ) left ( ) right ( )2、猜一猜,这些是什么地方?(可以借助词汇表的帮助)a. see a doctor , dont feel well( ) b. read a book. ( ) c. see a film(电影) ( ) d. post a letter ( ) e. buy a book ( )3、读一读,填一填图片中空白的四个地点单词。指导八:Date: _ Title: A. Lets read (第18页)1、根据课文,写出路线后(去鞋店要先到达医院),再完成课文中的排序。 get on/off( ) walk( ) go next toschool - ( )-( )-shoe store2、阅读课文对话,回答问题。a. What is Mike going to do after school? _b. Where is the shoe store? _c. How can he get to the hospital? _d. How long (多长时间) does it take to go from the cinema to the hospital? _e. Is the hospital on the left? _3、根据第22页地图填空,每空一词。 A: _ is the museum? B: Its _ the cinema. A: _ can I get to the museum? B: You can go _ _.A: Which bus can I take? B: You can take No. _ bus. A: _ is the bus stop? B: Walk south for three minutes. Its _ the cinema. A: Thank you. B: Youre welcome.指导九:Date: _ Title: B. Lets learn (第19页)1、写出以下中文对应的英文单词。多云的( ) 下雨的( ) 晴朗的( ) 有雪的( )东( ) 南( ) 西( ) 北( )3、根据中国地图,写出一下省份在地图中所处的位置。例如:Shanghai is in the east of China. 上海在中国的东面。 Heilongjiang: _Xinjiang: _Guangdong:_4、根据课本P20页图片可以这样说:The park is south of the cinema. 公园在电影院的南面。(在地图中判定物体方向会用这个口诀:上北下南左西右东。那么表示的是公园在电影院的下面。)你来试试看:The hospital is _ of the post office.The cinema is _ of the post office. The park is _ of the school.The bookstore is _of the school. The school is _ of the park.指导十:Date: _ Title: B. Lets talk (第20页)1、 选一选,填一填。 north/ south/ west/ easta. The sun rises in the _, and goes down in the _.b. The houses face (朝向,面向) _.c. The magnet has two poles, the _ and the _.d. People in the _ like to eat noodles (面食). 2、请翻译以下句子。 a. Turn left at the cinema. _b. The bookstore is on the left. _c. The post office is south of the library. _d. There is a hospital west of the science museum. _3、根据课本20页上的图片位置,假设你现在站在医院门口,你打算去书店,根据图片完成填空:Now you are at the _. You want to go to the _. First, turn _ at the _. Next go _. Then turn _ at the _ _. Go _ again. You can see the bookstore on the _.指导十一:Date: _ Title: B. Lets read (第21页)1、 从P21课本图片中,可以看出是_打算开一个生日派对,“祝你生日快乐!”的英语句子是_。短文是一封书信格式,开头称呼是_,结尾的署名是_,由此可以看出是_写给_的生日派对邀请函,其中里面具体提到了怎么去她家的路线顺序。2、阅读短文,回答问题。a. How old is Sarah? _b.When is her birthday party? _c. How can Amy get to her home? _d.Where is the bus stop? _e. Is her home near the post office? _指导十二:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn (第28页)1、我们已经学过一些表示时间的词语,读一读,写出中文。morning( ) afternoon ( ) noon( ) evening( ) night ( ) today ( ) tomorrow( ) week( ) weekend( )2、我们还学了很多表示活动的词语,读一读,写出中文。do homework ( ) watch TV ( ) read books( )play computer games( ) play sports( ) climb mountains ( )go shopping ( ) play the piano ( ) visit grandparents ( )go hiking ( ) clean the room ( ) go to the cinema ( )2、 想一想,填一填。假设:Today is Sunday. Its 7:00 in the morning. Youre eating breakfast with your mom. Mom: What are you going to do this morning? You: Im going to _.Mom: What are you going to do this afternoon? You: Im going to _.Mom: What are you going to do this evening? = What are you going to do tonight? You: Im going to _.Mom: What are you going to do tomorrow? You: _.Mom: What are you going to do next week? You:_. Mom: Good. You have a good plan. (你的计划很好。)注意:be going to do表示的是计划或是打算要去做,还没有做过,所以表示将来要去做的,一般句子中跟的都是表示将来的时间,如:tomorrow, this morning 等。指导十三:Date: _ Title: A. Lets talk (第29页)1、What are you going to do on the weekend? (按照你自己的实际情况回答) _2、 P30课文中讲到Liu Yun将会读过一个忙碌的周末(a busy weekend),请你阅读后把她周末两天里分别计划做的事情用动词词组写一写,完成表格。3、国庆节马上就要到了,十一长假你有什么安排呢?想一想,填一填。Hello, Im _. National Day is coming. Thats a long holiday. On the first day, Im goingto _. On the second day, Im going to _. On the third day, _. On the fourth day, _.On the fifth day, _.On the sixth day, _. On the last day, _. That will be fun. 指导十四:Date: _ Title: A. Lets read (第30页)1、阅读短文,回答问题:a. How is Liu Yun going to the bookstore?_b. What is she going to buy in the bookstore? _c. Where is she going on Sunday after lunch? _d. What is she going to do on Sunday evening? _e. Who is going to watch TV with Liu Yun? _2、你自己的周末安排又是怎么样的呢?先用动词填表,然后练成一段话说一说。SaturdaySundaymorningmorningafternoonafternooneveningevening照样子说话:Im going to have a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, Im going to.In the afternoon, Im going to. In the evening. On Sunday morning指导十五:Date: _ Title: B. Lets learn (第31页) 1、我们已经学过一些表示书报类的单词,读一读,写一写中文。 notebook ( ) storybook ( ) picture book ( ) magazine ( )2、本课时要学习几个新单词,你知道中文吗?post card( ) dictionary ( ) comic book( ) newspaper( )3、在问句中,我们经常会看到以下三个问题词语,想一想回答。What 意思是( ),我们要回答表示( )的词语。Where意思是( ), 我们要回答表示( )的词语。When意思是( ), 我们要回答表示( )的词语。指导十六:Date: _ Title: B. Lets talk (第32页)1、以下这些商店主要卖什么,请你至少用英语给每家商店写出五种物品(可以借助分类词汇讲义)Shoe store_ Fruit stand _Pet shop_2、根据回答的句子写出正确的问句。a._? Im going to buy a shirt.b._? Im going to the supermarket?c. _? Im going at 5 oclock.3、根据时间安排表把句子写完整。8:00-9:009:00-10:0013:00-17:0018:00:00-20:00clean the roomread booksPlay sportsgo to the cinema Ill be busy tomorrow. Im going to _ at 8 oclock. Then _ at 9 oclock. In the afternoon, _.At night, _.指导十七:Date: _ Title: B. Lets read (第33页)1、阅读课文对话,回答问题。a. What does Sarah need to plant trees? _b. Is she going to use any books? _c. Where is she going to buy books? _2、看着33页上面的图画回答问题。a. Whats the weather like? _b. Is there a lake in the picture? _c. What are Chen Jie and Sarah doing? _d. Are there any mountains in the pictures?_ e. What is the yellow bird doing? _f. How many little (小的) tree do the plant?_3、根据第2题问题的提示,试着看图写作文,运用语文写作的方法和技巧,把图画意思尽量表达清楚和完整。_指导十八:Date: _ Title: A. Lets learn (第46页)1、Read and write. 读一读,写出中文。read books( ) listen to music ( ) draw pictures ( ) sing and dance( ) play football ( ) play chess ( ) swim ( ) play pingpong ( ) climb mountains ( )2、Look at the book and find out. 预习课文,写一写。a. 每个人都有自己的兴趣爱好,有自己喜欢做的事情,用什么句子去问别人的爱好呢?_? 要表达我自己的爱好又应该怎么说呢?比如说我喜欢集邮_. b. 你注意到了吗?单词like作为动词“喜欢”的时候,后面再加上一个动词,加的这个动词有什么变化?_ 这与我们上学期学的Whats he like? 中的like意义是一样的吗?_3、Think and write. 想一想,填一填。Whats your hobby? I like _.指导十九:Date: _ Title: A. Lets talk (第47页)1、Think and write. 想一想,填一填。我们学习了Whats your hobby? I like doing 如果我问你班上一个男生和一个女生的爱好,我怎么问?你怎么答呢?(注意:我不用他们的名字问,而是用指代词 her/ his)男生:Whats _ hobby? He _ playing football.女生:Whats _ hobby? She _ singing. 2. Read and write. 照样子读一读,写一写。 Whats your fathers hobby? He likes diving ; diving is his hobby. Whats your mothers hobby? She likes _; _is _ hobby. Whats your brothers hobby? He likes _; _is _ hobby. Whats your sisters hobby? She likes _; _is _ hobby.指导:Date: _ Title: A. Lets read (第48页)1、 本文是两篇电子邮件,最上面是表示两个人的电子邮箱地址,如Liu Yun penpal. com. 其中To表示收信人的邮箱地址,而From是表示写信人的邮箱地址。由此可以看出,第一封电子邮件是_写给_的,第二封电子邮件是_写给_的。而Alice和Liu Yun是通过书信交往的朋友,英语叫做_。她们分别介绍了自己和家人的兴趣爱好等情况。2、 读第一篇电子邮件,回答问题。a. Where is Alice? _b. Do Alice and Ann look the same and like the same thing? _c. Who likes sports? Who likes art? _d. Are Alice and Ann twins? _3、读第二篇电子邮件,回答问题。a. Where is Liu Yun? _b. How many people are there in her family? Who are they?_c. What does her mother do? _d. What does her father do? _B. Lets learn1、我们上学期学过介绍自己的一天所做的事情,本课时是介绍别人的一天所做的事情,同样是使用动词,有什么不同?_(其实这是动词第三人称单数形式的变化。当一个动词碰到你我之外的另外一个人或物的时候,也就是遇到第三人称单数时,动词就要这样变化了,如他,她,它。)2、照样子,写一写。live ( lives ) teach ( ) go ( ) watch ( )read ( ) do ( ) like ( ) play ( ) 3、以上这些动词的变化是一样的吗?如果是不一样的,请把它们按变化分分类。 _ 4、跟读录音,注意动词词尾s或es的不同发音,你可以试着标注出来。 家长签名_(跟读录音基本上会读吗?回答:_)B. Lets talk1、复习:默写词汇表单词“居住”到doesnt。2、跟读课文录音,模仿录音,标注出句子的声调。3、对话中有一个Yes/No问句,如Does she teach English? 这是一句以单词_ 开头的问句,这个单词是_(哪个单词) 的动词三单式,在这个问句中它没有中文意思。同时你注意到了没有,在这个问句里面,does是三单式,而动词teach没有写成三单式teaches?这是为什么呢?_ 家长签名_(跟读录音基本上会读吗?回答:_)B. Lets read1、复习:背诵P50对话2遍,默写三句四会句子中英文。2、跟读课文录音,用波浪线标注出不理解的地方。3、阅读短文,完成文后回答问题的练习。 家长签名_(跟读录音基本上会读吗?回答:_)Unit 5 What does she do?A. Lets learn1、我们已经学习了一些关于职业的单词,读一读,写出中文。teacher ( ) student ( ) doctor ( ) nurse( ) baseball player ( ) farmer ( ) policeman ( )2、有一部分动词在词尾加er就变成于此相关的职业,如teach 是教,teacher就是教师。照样子,变一变,并写出中文。 clean -_( ) sing -_( ) dance -_( ) drive -_( ) write -_( ) climb -_( ) 3、四年级时我们学习了问他人职业的一个问句:Whats your father? Hes a doctor. 五年级我们也学习了一个问职业的问句:What do you do? Im a policeman. 今天课文里问职业的问句是:_.4、跟读课文录音,注意单词音发准确。同时思考一下,这些单词前面应该用a还是an?例如:a teacher an English teacher ( ) singer ( ) writer ( ) TV reporter( ) actor ( ) actress ( ) artist 家长签名_(跟读录音基本上会读吗?回答:_)A. Lets talk1、复习:默写词汇表单词“歌唱家”到“电视台记者”。2、在你所了解的名人明星中,哪些人从事这些职业,请你每个职业写一个人,并能用句型 is a/ an向大家介绍这个名人或明星。 ( ) singer ( ) writer ( ) TV reporter( ) actor ( ) actress ( ) artist3、跟读录音,模仿录音,标注出句子声调。 家长签名_(跟读录音基本上会读吗?回答:_)A. Lets read1、复习:背诵P59对话2遍,默写两句四会句子中英文。2、跟读课文录音,模仿录音,标出句子声调,并标注出不理解的地方。3、阅读对话,完成文后句子填空练习。 家长签名_(跟读录音基本上会读吗?回答:_)B. Lets learn1、这些是什么职业呢?写出中文。engineer (drawing pictures, design 设计 things ) _accountant (work with numbers and mo

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