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华东师范大学成人高等教育(网络教育)物流管理(专科)物流英语模拟试卷(C卷)考试形式:闭卷 考试时间:90分钟 学习中心:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_ 成绩:_注:答案统一做在答题纸上。一、 单项选择(15题*2分,共计30分)1. Before making the ultimate site selection, you have to consider all of the following EXCEPT _. Aland tax rates in the areaBaverage wage rate in the areaCclimatic conditions in the areaDpotential space for later expansion in the area2. The purpose of strategically located warehouses is to _. Aprovide consumers with an increasing assortment of products.Bcut down the cost of transporting small shipmentsCprovide retailers with timely and economical inventory replenishmentDencourage wholesalers and retailers to develop new warehouse systems3. Why is supply chain management emerged as a core management discipline? _A. Savvy supply chain executives have started to focus on the enormous benefits to two extremes.B. Collaboration between all facets of the supply chain goes a long way.C. Few are asking enough of supply chain.D. Elizabeth Arden provided examples of how todays companies are defining and building core competencies.4. Distribution is still a _ function.A. labor-intensiveB. Technology-intensiveC. Knowledge-intensiveD. Export-oriented5. Which of the following is true? _ AManagers can avoid the risk of stocking out by demanding high levels of service from their employees.BManagers can always avoid the risk of stocking out by demanding high levels of service from providers.CStocking out will occur when there is no vendor co-location with customer.DRisks of stocking out can be eliminated if the manager is efficient.6. The word ”profitable” in the sentence “If this were true, most organizations would not be profitable today.” Means _.A. existing B. making money C. going bankruptcy D. listed7In a traditional pattern, strategic decisions _. Aare made by old managersBare made by high-ranking managersChave effects over the medium termDare less important than tactical decisions8. What is the function of the integrated Early Warning System? _Ato react in time to exceptional situations.Bto define the level of detail in which the information is displayed.Cto recognize exceptional situations at an early stageDto evaluate SAP data structures9. Which of the following is not the function of the warehouse?A. storingB. picking productC. enable product flowD. eliminate warehouse storage10. What makes industry move reverse logistics to the front burner? _ A increasing population B environment changeC decline of forward logisticsD . buying power11Why the companies outsource their logistics activities? _A. To change the relationship between a company and its third party logistics provider.B. To solve the financial problem.C. To make the 3PLs be the supplier.D. Both to cut costs and to leave an increasingly critical part of their business to the experts.12. What will play an important role in supply chain management? _. A. Delivering system B. Information system C. Facility D. Transportation13To improve efficiency, _. Acompanies need to form partnerships and alliancesBmanagement should concentrate on cost containmentCsome key parts of logistics profession should be heavily regulatedDanti-trust rules should be practiced14. In the sentence “An important charge in warehousing is maximum flexibility”, the underlined word is closest in meaning to _. A. command B. responsibility C. expense D. accusation15. What should NOT be expected when a company uses outsourcing for its final assembly anddelivery? _A. a high extent of creditB. the efficiency of the supply chainC. the location of OEMD. investment in several fields二、名词解释(用中文回答,2题*5分,共计10分)1、Reverse logistics2、Third Party Logistics三、中英互译(4题*15分,共计60分)1、物流是一个知识系统,它与高程度的市场交换关系发展关联。然而在形成和发展市场经济过程中,物流作为经济系统管理实用工具和国家经济管理理论与方法的一部分,获得第二次生命。2、In inventory management, high stock levels are often seen as wasteful in themselves, but are also symptoms of other more pervasive waste within the organization. Over-production will obviously give high stocks of finished goods, while poor procurement can give high stocks of raw materials. The effects are, however, usually more subtle than this. Bottlenecks in a process, or processes that are too long, give higher stocks of work in progress; unreliable suppliers encourage higher stocks of raw materials; poor delivery schedules to customers give high stock of finished goods; poor quality materials encourage higher stocks throughout the organization. The lean approach says that reducing stock saves money directly, and it also highlights problems that are currently hidden. Once these problems are identified, there is an incentive to solve them and improve overall performance.3、Suppose you are in charge of supply chain management for a retailer with 1,150 store outlets, eight distribution centers, and a network of 600 vendors. You are tasked with building the optimal supply chain to support three times the current business volume seven years from today.The DCs are already jammed with inbound shipments and outbound store delivery truckloads, and the DC managers are asking for more space just to support the current demand.What do you do?If eight DCs are already struggling to support existing business volume, how many more DCs would you need to support an expansion plan to, say, 3,500 stores? This situation actually presents a golden opportunity for a thorough review and possible reengineering of the supply chain infrastructure and process.When determining how to enhance supply chain performance, consider three critical elements: purchase orders, infrastructure, and logistics management process and technology.4、Website has enormous implications for business. A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a companys brand, products and serviceseven if the firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace (通讯、信息空间) if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in internet search results. For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the internet. The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the internet. And it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television. All this means that search is turning into the internets next big battleground.物流英语C答案一、单项选择(15题*2分,共计30分)1-5: C. C. A. A. C.6-10: B. B. C. D. D.11-15: D. B. A. B. C.二、名词解释(用中文回答,2题*5分,共计10分)1、Reverse logistics逆向物流就是对由最终消费端到最初的供应源之间的在制品、库存、制成品以及相应的信息流、资金流所进行的一系列计划、执行和控制等活动及过程,目标是对产品进行适当的处理或者恢复一部分价值。2、Third Party Logistics所谓第三方物流是指生产经营企业为集中精力搞好主业,把原来属于自己处理的物流活动,以合同方式委托给专业物流服务企业,同时通过信息系统与物流企业保持密切联系,以达到对物流全程管理的控制的一种物流运作与管理方式。因此第三方物流又叫合同制物流。三、中英互译(4题*15分,共计60分)1、物流是一个知识系统,它与高程度的市场交换关系发展关联。然而在形成和发展市场经济过程中,物流作为经济系统管理实用工具和国家经济管理理论与方法的一部分,获得第二次生命。Logistics as a knowledge system is connected with rather high degree of marketing exchange relations development. However in the market economy of formation and development logistics got its second birth both as a practical tool for economic systems management and as a new part in theory and methodology of national economy management.2、 In inventory management, high stock levels are often seen as wasteful in themselves, but are also symptoms of other more pervasive waste within the organization. Over-production will obviously give high stocks of finished goods, while poor procurement can give high stocks of raw materials. The effects are, however, usually more subtle than this. Bottlenecks in a process, or processes that are too long, give higher stocks of work in progress; unreliable suppliers encourage higher stocks of raw materials; poor delivery schedules to customers give high stock of finished goods; poor quality materials encourage higher stocks throughout the organization. The lean approach says that reducing stock saves money directly, and it also highlights problems that are currently hidden. Once these problems are identified, there is an incentive to solve them and improve overall performance.3、Suppose you are in charge of supply chain management for a retailer with 1,150 store outlets, eight distribution centers, and a network of 600 vendors. You are tasked with building the optimal supply chain to support three times the current business volume seven years from today.The DCs are already jammed with inbound shipments and outbound store delivery truckloads, and the DC managers are asking for more space just to support the current demand.What do you do?If eight DCs are already struggling to support existing business volume, how many more DCs would you need to support an expansion plan to, say, 3,500 stores? This situation actually presents a golden opportunity for a thorough review and possible reengineering of the supply chain infrastructure and process.When determining how to enhance supply chain performance, consider three critical elements: purchase orders, infrastructure, and logistics management process and technology.4、Website has enormous implications for business. A company that neglects its website may be committing commercial suicide. A website is increasingly becoming the gateway to a companys brand, products and serviceseven if the firm does not sell online. A useless website suggests a useless company, and a rival is only a mouse-click away. But even the coolest website will be lost in cyberspace (通讯、信息空间) if people cannot find it, so companies have to ensure that they appear high up in internet search results. For many users, a search site is now their point of entry to the internet. The search business has also developed one of the most effective forms of advertising on the internet. And it is already the best way to reach some consumers: teenagers and young men spend more time online than watching television. All this means that search is turning into the internets next big battleground.

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