人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中测试卷(II )卷.doc

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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语期中测试卷(II )卷一、 听句子,选择最佳答语。(每题1分,5分) (共5题;共5分)1. (1分)听句子,选择最佳应答语 A . Three times a week.B . For three hours.C . Three weeks ago.2. (1分)选出所听到的单词或短语( ) A . hisB . anC . MBA3. (1分)Nancy is a _ (A . lively B . lovely) girl. 4. (1分)听句子,选择最佳应答语( ) A . Its V.B . Good afternoon.C . Hello, Eric!5. (1分)根据录音,从A、B、C三个选项中选择与画面一致的选项。 _ 二、 听短对话,选择正确答案。(每题1分,5分) (共5题;共5分)6. (1分)Who is Tony writing to? A . B . C . 7. (1分)What will there be in the small village next year? A . A new road.B . A new bridge.C . A new hotel.8. (1分)What does Peter want to be in the future? A . A teacherB . A doctorC . A pilot9. (1分)根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案 A . He visited his father.B . He saw a film.C . He bought a ticket.D . He watched a football match.10. (1分)When did Tina go home yesterday? A . B . C . 三、 听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。(每题1分,5分) (共2题;共5分)11. (2分)听下面一段对话,回答以下小题。 (1)Whats the matter with the woman? A . She has to go to Europe.B . Her car has gone wrong.C . She has no available time to meet her cousin.(2)How is the womans cousin coming? A . By plane.B . By ship.C . By train.(3)What does the womans cousin look like? A . A short man with dark hair.B . A neither tall nor short man with beard(胡须).C . A tall man with glasses and fair hair.12. (3分)听第二段对话,回答小题。 (1)How many people are there in the photo? A . 3.B . 4.C . 5.(2)Where is Daming? A . On Tonys left.B . Behind Tony.C . On Tonys right.(3)Whos in front of Tony? A . Lingling.B . Tom.C . Lucy.四、 听短文,选择正确答案。(每题1分,5分) (共1题;共5分)13. (5分)你将听到的是一篇短文,请根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。 Information about Fantastic Summer CampThe number of days: _Location: In a small _ far away from the cityFood:_ local foodActivities: Morning: Have fun classes, learning how to cook and make works of art Afternoon: _ around the lake and fish in the lake Evening: Sit under the trees and listen to different sounds of _, or have a party五、 单项选择(每题1分,15分) (共15题;共15分)14. (1分)Egypt is ancient country with _ long history in Africa. A . a; theB . an; aC . a; aD . an; an15. (1分) Mike has some difficulty in finishing the task by Could you help him? No problem.A . himB . himselfC . his16. (1分)Jiaozi is dumpling. A . kindB . kindsC . a kind ofD . kinds of17. (1分)I feel _ that you have done such a thing. I am really sorry. I wont do that again.A . ashamedB . excitedC . pleased18. (1分)His father is a teacher. My father is _ a teacher.A . tooB . alsoC . either19. (1分) Hows it going, Sam? Pretty good. All my new classmates _me.A . are angry withB . are friendly toC . are hard onD . are sorry for20. (1分)There six countries in SCO(上合组织) at first, but now the number has increased to eight. A . isB . areC . wereD . will be21. (1分)_How do you study for a test ? _I study for a test by _ notes and reviewing them after class.A . takeB . takingC . takesD . took22. (1分)Why are you worried? The movie will start in 20 minutes, but the bus hasnt come.A . stillB . alreadyC . always23. (1分)There are _ pictures on the wall. A . a lots ofB . a lot ofC . a lotD . lot of24. (1分)You look really tired._? I didnt sleep well last night. I had a headache.A . How about youB . What should I doC . Whats the matterD . How are you feeling now25. (1分)Travelling by plane is more and more popular.So it is. But it is expensive. It more than going by train.A . takesB . costsC . spendsD . pays26. (1分)Lets do our best _ this project. A . to finishB . finishC . finishingD . finished27. (1分)Mary had to stay at home _the bad weather. A . SoB . BecauseC . so thatD . because of28. (1分)I cant play now, because I have _ homework to do. A . too manyB . too muchC . much too六、 完形填空(每题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)29. (10分)完形填空 A hobby is something you do to relax or have fun. Its 1you like to do after school or on the weekend. There are many kinds of hobbies, 2as playing games or sports, collecting things, listening to music and so on. Some people even think sleeping is a 3. Every person has different ideas of fun. Everyone 4different hobbies. Top five reasons to have a hobby:A hobby is a lot of fun. Youll 5your hobby. All hobbies are things you like. A hobby helps you learn about6. You can learn to do something. You can also become much7in your weak areas. A hobby helps you be creative. Hobbies will help you think 8new ways. A hobby helps you learn something new. A good hobby will 9you want to know more. A hobby is10at any time or place. (1)A . something B . anything C . everything D . nothing (2)A . so B . such C . quite D . too (3)A . habit B . way C . hobby D . plan (4)A . is B . are C . have D . has (5)A . reach B . enjoy C . hate D . like (6)A . myself B . itself C . yourself D . oneself (7)A . good B . worse C . better D . bad (8)A . in B . with C . for D . on (9)A . keep B . make C . get D . manage (10)A . useful B . careful C . beautiful D . lovely 七、 阅读理解(每小题1分,20分) (共4题;共20分)30. (5分)阅读下面短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 As a volunteer teacher, I travelled a long way to a small village school in Longzhou, Guangxi. On my way there, I thought about the village, the school, and the children there. However, my heart sank when I arrived there. It wasnt what I expected. It didnt look like a school at all. The school had only 3 rooms, one for Grades 1, 2 and 3, and another for Grades4, 5 and 6. There was a third one for me.The children welcomed me warmly on my first day. They asked me a lot of questions, and I told them stories and my life in Shanghai. The next day, I gave them a test to find out their level. To my surprise, although the test was very easy, over half of them failed it. But they all wanted to learn new things. I knew they needed me.I am busy preparing lessons, and reading test papers every night. I enjoyed teaching these lovely and hard-working children, and I could see that they were making progress with my help. I have also learned a lot from them. I understand their lives better and we are now good friends.I have worked in Longzhou for a year now. Im very happy, and the experience has been very useful to me. I love the small village and, the children. In fact, I would like to continue working there.(1)The writer found there were only rooms in that school. A . twoB . threeC . sixD . four(2)In the passage, my heart sank. means that the writer .A . felt excitedB . was happyC . felt sadD . was angry(3)The writer found the students level was she expected after the first test. A . just asB . higher thanC . lower thanD . as low as(4)what does the writer think of her experience in Longzhou? A . It is boring.B . It is silly.C . It is meaningless.D . It is useful.31. (5分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 John was born without arms. As a child, he learned to do many things with his legs. But there were a lot of things he couldnt do. His parents even had to feed him. His seven brothers had to help him to get dressed. One day his mom decided not to help John anymore. She told Johns brothers not to help him either. Let John do everything on his own, she said. If John needs to eat, let him eat by himself. Let him get the dish himself. If he breaks up a few dishes, its fine. No one will help him to get dressed either. Let him wear his clothes himself. If he cant get dressed himself, then let him run without clothes. But no one is allowed to help him. He has to learn to do everything himself.Johns mother loved him. She wanted to help him. But if she always helped him, he wouldnt learn anything. She wanted him to be independent.Soon John learned to do everything by himself. When he was sixteen, he could even drive a car with his feet. John felt very proud. He thanked his mother for making him independent.Today John is a grown-up man. He has a business of his own and he is very successful. He also travels around the world.John likes children very much. He likes to talk and play with them. He tells them that they can learn to do anything. He teaches them how to be independent.(1)What made John proud when he was sixteen? A . He could eat by himself.B . He could get dressed himself.C . He could get dressed himself.D . He could drive a car with his feet.(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . John was born in a rich family.B . John is a successful businessman.C . John teaches children how to be patient.D . John thanks his mother for helping him study.(3)Whats the best title of the passage? A . No hands, no problemB . How to be independentC . Johns great parents and brothersD . Tips for children on becoming successful32. (5分)阅读理解 In England, people dont usually talk too much. You can go on a bus, or in a train, and everyone sits looking out of the windows. Often they read. They read books and newspapers. But they dont talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing the weather. So when you meet someone in England, you say, Nice weather for the time of year!But it was very cold yesterday, someone may say. But there will be heavy rain! You can say. Talk like this and the English people will think, How friendly you are! But its not good to ask their age, or they will not be happy. (1)They often on a bus or in a train. A . studyB . singC . readD . sleep(2)When you talk about the weather with the English people, they will think you are . A . friendlyB . a ChineseC . coldD . unfriendly(3)When you ask an Englishman, How old are you? he will feel . A . sadB . worriedC . unhappyD . excited33. (5分)阅读理解 Mrs. Black is a music teacher in a school. She lives in an apartment building in Star Community. She is kind and her neighbors like her.Larry lives next to Mrs. Black. He has a guitar. He always plays the guitar at night but he cant play it well. Its very noisy. All his neighbors cant sleep and they are angry about it.One Sunday, Larry comes to Mrs. Blacks house and wants to learn playing the guitar from Mrs. Black. Mrs. Black says, Young man, I would like to teach you to play the guitar, but not today. I must talk with you first. Im happy that you also like music, but its not good to play the guitar at night. From that day, Larry doesnt play the guitar at night and his neighbors begin to like him again.(1)_, so her neighbors like her. A . Mrs. Black is a teacher.B . Mrs. Black is beautifulC . Mrs. Black is kind.D . Mrs. Blacks life is colorful.(2)What kind of home does Mrs. Black live in? A . A townhouseB . An apartment.C . A farmhouseD . A hall(3)The underlined (划线的) word angry means _. A . 无聊的B . 生病的C . 生气的D . 悲伤地(4)Which is TRUE according to the passage? A . Larry makes a lot of noise at night.B . Larry works in a hospital.C . Larry likes playing sportsD . Larry lives far from Mrs. Black八、 补全对话(10分) (共2题;共10分)34. (5分)用方框中所给的选项补全对活(有两个多余选项)。 A. Football.B. Lets play football.C. Hello, Tony.D. How old are you?E. Good morning.F. Its Saturday.G. Whats the weather like?A: Good morning, Tony!B: _A: _B: Im fifteen.A: What day is your favourite day?B: _A: Whats your favourite sport?B: _A: _B: Good idea.35. (5分)根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出恰当的句子补全对话。 A: Hello! This is Lucy. May I speak to Amy?B: Hi! Lucy! Speaking please!A: Im not happy today. I dont want to do anything.B: _A: I argued with my mother. I spent too much pocket money. _B: You should talk to her and say sorry.A: Yes, I know I should. But its not easy.B: _You should save your pocket money.A: You are right. _What can I do to make her happy?B: What about buying something useful for her by saving your pocket money?A: _Thanks for your advice. Goodbye!B: Bye! A. Whats up?B. Its really difficult for parents to make money.C. That sounds great.D. Now she is still angry with me.E. What should I do?九、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)36. (10分)用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 Canada realise operate invent wound(1)Do you _ that this is the third time youve forgotten? she said angrily. (2)Her mother is Chinese and her father is _. (3)The _ birds finally died and fell to the ground. (4)The _ of printing was a milestone(里程碑) in human history. (5)The whole _ on the sick boy lasts over 4 hours. 十、 任务型阅读(10分) (共1题;共10分)37. (10分)任务型阅读配对阅读。请阅读以下左栏的相关信息, 然后与右栏内容相匹配。_John is a 22-year-old young man. He can play the guitar and sing pop songs very well. But he is worried because he doesnt have a job now._Wang Mi is a new comer in Guangzhou. She has no friends here now. She feels lonely. So she would like to find a place to make some friends in a short time._Henry is an old man. He lives alone and has few friends. He wants to take part in some activities for the old people, such as playing cards, chess and so on to make him feel better._Lucy came from Chengdu. Her money was stolen when she arrived at Guangzhou Railway Station. She is so helpless in the street now. And shes hungry and cold. She was so sad. What could she do?_Rose was walking along Dong Feng road. Suddenly a car hit her and knocked her down. She was badly hurt and couldnt move. The driver ran away after the accident. What could Rose do?A. If you have problems, you can call us at the following number. 110 for anything urgent, 119 for a fire burning, 112 for a sick person. We will come to help you in 10 minutes.B. If you have no place to stay, you can call us for help. Well serve you a room to stay in for one or two night for free. Our telephone number is 22335687.C. My bar need a pop singer who is under 25 years old. He or she must be able to play the guitar and good at singing. If you know how to play the piano, thats better.D. If you are over 60 years old, welcome to come here to enjoy yourself. You will no longer be lonely. You can play chess, cards or Mahjong with your new friends here.E. Its a place for the young people to make friends here. Its free for you to sign your name here. But you must help us to hand out some advertisements.F. Our school needs an English teacher. He or she must have at least three years teaching experiences. He or she must be friendly and warm-hearted.G. More than 100 artists get together and show their works here. If you are interested in them, you can buy the one you like at a low price. Come here to enjoy yourself.十一、 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(10分) (共8题;共10分)38. (1分)王浩骑车去书店花了大约半小时。 It _ Wang Hao about half an hour _ _ to the bookshop.39. (1分)史密斯先生效力于上海的一家公司。 Mr. Smith works for _ _ in Shanghai. 40. (1分)要保证你有足够的时间为考试做好准备。 Make sure you have enough time to _ _ the exams.41. (1分)这个杯子的号码是321568。 The cups number is_. 42. (1分)地震中受灾的孩子需要很多帮助,但最重要的是爱。(词数不限) The children who have suffered from the earthquake need plenty of help, but _they need love.43. (1分)对孩子们来说,整天待在家里很无趣。 44. (2分)学生应该每天准时到校。 Students should get to school _ _ every day. 45. (2分)污染如此严重,人人都应该出一份力来制止它。( so.that ) 十二、 书面表达(15分) (共1题;共15分)46. (15分)每年的3月27日是全国中小学生安全日。请你以一个中学生的角色,写一篇短文,就平时大家缺乏交通安全意识而经常发生的交通事故,谈谈中学生该如何注意交通安全。现象很多学生过马路时不看红绿灯,跑着过马路原因以为汽车会让他们先走;以为他们能足够快通过马路;不想等红绿灯措施遵守交通规则,过马路时先左右看看词数: 70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;提示词:红绿灯traffic lights 跑着过马路run across the road遵守交通规则 follow the traffic rules 先左右看看 look around firstNow a lot of traffic accidents happened among the students.第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 听句子,选择最佳答语。(每题1分,5分) (共5题;共5分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、二、 听短对话,选择正确答案。(每题1分,5分) (共5题;共5分)6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、三、 听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。(每题1分,5分) (共2题;共5分)11-1、11-2、11-3、12-1、12-2、12-3、四、 听短文,选择正确答案。(每题1分,5分) (共1题;共5分)13-1、五、 单项选择(每题1分,15分) (共15题;共15分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 完形填空(每题1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)29-1、七、 阅读理解(每小题1分,20分) (共4题;共20分)30-1、30-2、30-3、30-4、31-1、31-2、31-3、32-1、32-2、32-3、33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、八、 补全对话(10分) (共2题;共10分)34-1、35-1、九、 选词填空(10分) (共1题;共10分)36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、36-5、十、 任务型阅读(10分) (共1题;共10分)37-1、十一、 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。(10分) (共8题;共10分)38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、十二、 书面表达(15分) (共1题;共15分)46-1、

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