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译林牛津版2019-2020学年度九年级期末上学期测试A卷一、 选择题。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)(2017河南) The plane on the ground for two more hours because of the bad weather. A . ranB . movedC . shookD . remained2. (2分)(2015江苏镇江)Never give up. If you keep practicing speaking English every day. youll make great progress.Thanks for encouraging me. I know .A . practice makes perfectB . it never rains but it poursC . many hands make light workD . the grass is always greener on the other side3. (2分)Go straight this street and , you can see the post office.A . turn the leftB . turn to rightC . turn leftD . turn the right4. (2分)If you want to order some dishes in a restaurant, you should read a _. A . menuB . billC . note5. (2分)The story is very interesting. It is _ the novel. A . part ofB . a part ofC . the part ofD . parts of6. (2分)David Burts dream in China is to go into the west and an early childhood school there. A . clean upB . look upC . give upD . set up7. (2分)_ ! The bus is coming. A . Fix upB . Hurry upC . Call upD . Give up8. (2分) Michael Jackson was called the king of pop, wasnt he? Of course. He by people all over the world.A . was looked atB . was looked up toC . was looked forD . was looked down二、 根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)What should we do before we use the blender? I think we must read _.A . informationB . instructionsC . notesD . opinions10. (2分)I want to borrow the book, but I dont know how long I can _ it.For two weeks.A . borrowB . keepC . lendD . get11. (2分)Shenzhen was not prepared for the heavy rains which caused deaths and disasters in May, 2014.A . helpfulB . usefulC . ready12. (2分)- If you want to be healthier, you must eat junk food and do exercise.- Yes, you are quite right.A . little, manyB . much, fewC . fewer, lessD . less, more13. (2分)As students, we should ourselves. We cant spend much time playing computer games. A . be responsible forB . be proud ofC . be popular withD . be thankful to14. (2分) What do you think of that restaurant? I go there, because the food there is very expensive.A . usuallyB . hardly everC . oftenD . sometimes15. (2分)In winter holidays, some children play_ computer games, its bad for them. A . too littleB . too fewC . too muchD . too many三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) Dogs are very popular pets all over the world. Some people keep dogs because the dogs help them. These dogs may1someones house. They can also help a 2 man by leading him to places3 he needs to go. Other people keep dogs as pets4 they like dogs. Almost 33 percent of the homes in the USA and England have dogs, and these dogs come in 5 kinds of shapes and sizes.By all accounts, the largest dog in the world is a dog named Zorba. This dog is a mastiff that lives in London, England. When it was 7 years old in 1989, it was 92.5 centimeters tall. In6 words, it was more than half as tall as an adult man. Some Great Danes can grow taller than 98 centimeters, but they do not grow as large as Zorba. At its7 ,Zorba weighed more than a heavyweight boxer at 156 kg.However, the8 dog was a Yorkshire terrier from England. This dog was only the 9of a matchbox measuring 5 centimeters tall and, at most, 8 centimeters from nose to10.(1)A . help B . make C . protect D . build (2)A . deafB . blind C . disable D . poor (3)A . thatB . which C . where D . who (4)A . forB . so C . because D . as if (5)A . largeB . wide C . deep D . different (6)A . other B . another C . some D . else (7)A . largeB . larger C . largest D . the largest (8)A . largestB . smallest C . least D . most (9)A . height B . weight C . size D . big (10)A . top B . bottom C . back D . tail 四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共57分)17. (8分)阅读理解 Do you often have a headache(头痛) during a test? Are you worried about something that you cant sleep well at night? If so, then you will know what pressure(压力) is. You will feel it when you are worried about something. This worry in your mind can make your body feel bad. You may feel angry, sad or afraid-all of them can make your life bad.There are different kinds of pressure. Some kinds of pressure are good and others are bad. Good pressure might come to you when your teacher asks you to answer questions in class or when you try to get good grades at school. This kind of pressure can help you to do things better.On the other hand, bad pressure will come if the pressure lasts too long. You may not feel well if your parents are getting on badly with each other, if a family member is sick, if youre having problems at school, or if anything else often makes you unhappy. That kind of pressure isnt going to help you. And it can really make you feel sick.The best way to face pressure is to make sure you keep these in mind: sleep, exercise and food. If you get enough sleep and eat healthily, and if you exercise and leave time for fun, youll probably have an easier life.(1)The underlined word it refers to(指的是) . A . worryB . pressureC . sleepD . test(2)From the passage, we know .A . all pressure is bad for usB . bad pressure comes to us quicklyC . some pressure is good for usD . all pressure makes our life bad(3) is not a good way to face pressure. A . To have enough sleepB . To eat healthy foodC . To do more exerciseD . To feel angry and sad(4)This passage is probably from .A . Healthy LifeB . Latest NewsC . Funny StoriesD . Sports Fans18. (8分)阅读理解 Its almost that time of year again. Beijing held the two sessions(两会)in March. They are the National Peoples Congress (NPC, 全国人民代表大会)and the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC, 中国人民政治协商会议).This year, the NPC opened on March 5 and the CPPCC began on March 3. How much do you know about the sessions? Read on to learn more.Q: What is the NPC?A: At school, every class has a class committee (班委会).The committee holds meetings to make decisions for the class and generally improve the classroom environment. The NPC does the same thing, but for the whole country.With nearly 3,000 deputies (代表), it is Chinas highest organ (机关)of state power. The deputies supervise (监督)the work that the government does. The deputies also make and change laws. Every five years, they vote for the leaders of the Chinese government.All of the NPC deputies are elected (选举).They use their power on behalf of (代表)the Chinese people. Any Chinese national who is over 18 can take part in an election. The term length for an NPC deputy is five years.Q: What is the CPPCC?A: Leaders need suggestions for what they should do for the country. Its like youre your friends give you advice on what to do with your life. The CPPCC does this for Chinese leaders. Its 2,000 members supervise the work of the government and give suggestions.The Communist Party of China (CPC) is Chinas ruling party (执政党), but there are also other political parties and organizations (组织). CPPCC members come from these parties and organizations. They are not elected like those of NPC but chosen by CPPCC. They include businessmen, teachers and even celebrities, such as Jackie Chan and Feng Xiaogang.Q: What are the biggest topics at this years sessions?A: Attendees at this years sessions discussed new prospects (前景)for the future. They set economic index (经济指标)targets for the year, such as what the GDP (国内生产总值)should be. They discussed environmental events, such as how to prevent groundwater pollution. In addition, they considered new efforts to fight corruption (腐败), according to Guangming Daily.(1)What is the duty for deputies of the NPC? A . To hold all the meetings for the government.B . To keep an eye on the work of the government.C . To decide the deputies of the CPPCC.D . To choose the leaders of the government every four years.(2)Who can NOT be a deputy of the CPPCC? A . An American doctor.B . A good teacher.C . A successful businessman.D . A famous star.(3)What is the hottest topic at this years sessions? A . To explore the outer space.B . To help develop the education.C . To prevent our environmental problems.D . To speed up the science and technology development.(4)Which of the following is right according to the passage? A . Two sessions is made up of the NPC and the CPC.B . In 2019, the CPPCC started earlier than the NPC.C . The CPPCC gives advice for the deputies of the NPC.D . Jack, a 17-year-old boy, can take part in the election of the NPC deputies.19. (25分)Dear Maria ,How are you ? Im in Beijing , China now . The food here is different and I dont like it . But I like the people here .Young people in Beijing like to see movies on weekends . But old people like to see Beijing Opera . There is no Beijing Opera in America . It s like a story song . I like it very much .I have a DVD player in my room . I often watch comedies . They are my favorites . There are many stores in Beijing and I can buy my favorite DVDs . I also like to watch Chinese action movies . There are lots of Chinese actors in the movies . Jackie Chan is a great one . I think he is funny and really good at Chinese kung fu . I like his movies very much .Yours ,Sally根据短文内容判断正误。 (正确的写T, 错误的写F)(1)Sally is from America and shes in Beijing now . (2)Sally likes Beijing food . (3)Old people in Beijing like Beijing Opera . (4)Sallys favorite movie is action movies .(5)Sally thinks Jackie Chan is a great actor . 20. (10分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。My mother is a teacher. On weekdays, she gives lessons at school and on Saturdays she works in clubs. On Sundays, she is still busy.On Sunday morning, mum gets up at six. She cooks breakfast for us first. And then its time for cleaning. After that, she has breakfast with father and me. At 9, she goes to buy food for lunch in the supermarket. She can have a short rest after lunch. In the afternoon, mum doesnt go out. She helps me with my lessons. She does some reading, too.Mother watches TV at about 7 when she finishes (完成) the housework. But at that time she is always tired and falls asleep (睡着) in the sofa sometimes.(1)Mother gives lessons at school . A . every dayB . five days a weekC . six days a weekD . four days a week(2)Paragraph (段) 2 is about . A . mothers SundayB . mothers workC . mothers school lifeD . mothers after-work activities(3)Mother usually first after she gets up. A . does some cleaningB . has breakfastC . wakes father and me upD . cooks breakfast(4)Mother doesnt on Sundays. A . read booksB . buy foodC . go to the libraryD . help me with my lessons(5)Mother usually watches TV . A . in the morningB . in the afternoonC . before supperD . after all the housework21. (6分)根据短文内容的理解,选择正确答案。Sports are important in English life. The people of England are sports lovers. Some of the worlds famous sports began here such as football and cricket(板球).Football is a fast game played in winter and early spring. Lots of people play football in parks or playgrounds just for fun. With hundreds of years history, its one of the most popular sports in England. The English love football very much and they turned most of their main players into famous persons. David Beckham and Bobby Charlton became heroes(英雄) for many children. The most interesting part of the English football year is the FA (Football Association) Cup Final each May.Cricket is a national sport in England. It is a very popular summer sport. It is a game played on grass(草地 )by two teams of eleven players. Players wear white clothes and score points(得分) by hitting(击打) the ball with a bat(棒子). People can sit around the green, enjoying the sun, having drinks and watching the team games.(1)Bobby Charlton is a hero in children because _. A . he is helpfulB . he plays football wellC . he is coolD . he plays cricket well(2)Whats the meaning of the underlined word green? A . the green roomB . the green houseC . the green grass landD . the green clothes(3)Whats the best title of the passage? A . English heroB . Famous sports in EnglandC . Football in EnglandD . Cricket is popular五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)How is the weather today? Its _(snow), and we are going to have snowball fights. 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)王丹是九年级学生。她父亲在一家公司工作, 家里几乎天天来客人。他们在客厅高声谈笑, 有时还一起打牌, 弄出许多噪音。这种吵闹的环境使王丹无法集中精力学习。她不知道如何解决这个问题。假如你是王丹, 请你给青少年辅导员张老师写封信, 谈谈你的烦恼并请张老师提出宝贵意见。第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 选择题。从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思, 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空。 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解。 (共5题;共57分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、20-5、21-1、21-2、21-3、五、 语法填空。 (共1题;共1分)22-1、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)23-1、

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