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人教版八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷(16)一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1. (15分)完形填空Let me tell you something 1my little dog, Snoopy. Snoopy is a healthy 2dog. He looks 3ugly (丑陋的). He has two small eyes, two big ears, 4short legs and a small tail.Its great fun 5with him. I often teach him 6to play games. Now he can play many kinds of 7. If (如果) I say Go to 8! he 9his bed and lies down (躺下). If I say 10basketball! he goes to catch (接住) a ball and puts it into a 11. If I say Please 12for us!he dances to the music. Can he sing a song? Of course he can. But he does not 13in English or Chinese, When he sings, 14can understand 15. (1)A . for B . to C . at D . about (2)A . China B . America C . American D . England (3)A . kinds of B . kind of C . a little of D . a kind of (4)A . one B . two C . three D . four (5)A . played B . to play C . play D . plays (6)A . what B . where C . how D . when (7)A . game B . games C . a game D . sport (8)A . sleep B . play C . swim D . bring (9)A . goes to B . go to C . went to D . is going to (10)A . Do B . Help C . Run D . Play (11)A . floor B . basket C . bed D . sofa (12)A . write B . cry C . dance D . jump (13)A . sing B . say C . show D . speak (14)A . somebody B . many C . nobody D . some (15)A . he B . his C . him D . them 二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)2. (6分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ARestaurants in the USASteves Pizza So many pizza stores in South Beach, but ask a Miami Beach local where to get the best pizza and theyll tell you about Steves. This is New Yorkstyle pizza, handmade with care and good ingredients (佐料). New stores of Steves are opening elsewhere in Miami, all in non-tourist areas.Opening hours: 11am-3amCattlemans Steakhouse This place is 20 miles east of the city, but local people would probably drive 200 miles to eat here. The food is good, and the scenery is even better. Come early and wander around the grounds of Indian Cliffs Ranch, where youll see everything from rabbits to buffalo, then catch the sunset either before or after your meal.Opening hours: 5pm-10pmAbsolute Baking & Caf The screen door is always swinging open at this town hot spot with giant breakfasts. Try the green chili on eggs its made from scratch, as are the organic breads. And lunch includes salads, big sandwiches and local grass-fed beef burgers. Dont miss a square of soft, fresh carrot cake.Opening hours: 7am-2pmWalts Wharf Everybodys favorite for fresh fish (some drive in from LA), Walts packs them in on weekends. You cant order your dinner (though theyre accepted for lunch), but its worth the wait for the seafood and steaks in the many-windowed ground floor or upstairs in captains chairs.Opening hours: 11am-3:30pm(1)According to the passage, Steves Pizza . A . has new stores all over MiamiB . lies on Miami BeachC . serves the best pizza in MiamiD . is open only in the daytime(2)Which restaurant serves both breakfast and lunch? A . Steves Pizza.B . Walts Wharf.C . Cattlemans Steakhouse.D . Absolute Baking & Caf.(3)The passage is probably taken from . A . a science reportB . a history bookC . a travel magazineD . a movie poster3. (10分) Today Grandma comes for a visit. She gives my sister and me a box of chocolate candies. We say thank you!Then Jenny quickly takes off the box. The pieces all look the same! I cant tell which pieces are hard inside and which are soft! I only like the soft ones. Jenny does not care. She is happy to get any kind of candy!I slowly look at all the pieces; I dont know which one to choose. Just then Dad calls us Grandma is going home, He wants us to say goodbye to her. I hurry to the front door where they are standing. Jenny comes a few minutes later. I say, Grandma, I hope to see you soon. I always feel sad when you leave. Jenny stands behind me and doesnt say anything. After Grandma goes home, I find out why Jenny doesnt say anything.She has most of our candies in her mouth! Only a few pieces are left in the bottom of the box! Then Im sad!(1)Who comes to see Jenny and her brother?A . DadB . GrandmaC . GrandfatherD . Mother(2)What do they get from their grandma?A . Chocolate cakesB . Bar of chocolateC . A box of chocolate candyD . Some sweet cookies(3)What kind of chocolate candy does the writer like?A . Hard onesB . Big onesC . Small onesD . Soft ones(4)What kind of chocolate candy does Jenny like?A . Any kind of candyB . Hard onesC . Soft onesD . Big ones(5)Why doesnt Jenny say anything when her grandma leaves? Because _.A . she comes lateB . she doesnt want to say goodbye to her grandmaC . her mouth is full of chocolate candiesD . she cant speak4. (10分)阅读理解DGetting around Vancouver (温哥华)is quick and convenient. Downtown is home to many nice hotels. If youre rich, you can enjoy Vancouvers best.hotels that are all within a few blocks from each other. There are also plenty of budget-friendly hotels that are comfortable and convenient and you only need to pay a few dollars.There are many foreign restaurants in this city. You can actually take a tour of the world by visiting one restaurant at a time. Restaurants in Vancouver can fill up very quickly on weekends.To avoid a long wait, book a table before you go there if you can.Vancouver has plenty, to see and to do. People who love outdoor activities will enjoy the attractions on the North Shore. There are small quiet paths for hiking in summer and slopes (斜坡)for skiing in winter. Vancouvers Seawall is a local favorite for a relaxing bike ride or a morning run. Pack yourself a picnic and eat on one of Vancouvers beaches. Sunsets from English Bay are amazing, Dont miss them during the summer months.Granville Streets entertainment district is where youll find a large number of nightclubs in the city. Gastown and Yaletown are some of the neighborhoods where you can dance. The latter two neighborhoods are local favorites for those looking to enjoy a great cocktail (鸡尾酒).Remember that taxies can be difficult to get when all the clubs close.Robson Street is where you will find anything from a new pair of shoes, a fashionable new dress and sunglasses to handmade chocolates. The Pacific Centre shopping mall is perfect for those rainy days and has two wonderful department stores where you can find both expensive and cheap goods. South Granville, Gastown, Main Street and Kitsilano are also lovely neighborhoods to explore. There are youll find a larger number of boutique stores (精品店).(1)By using the underlined word “budget-friendly,the author means the hotels are . A . mainly for the richB . not far from each otherC . comfortable and convenientD . not too expensive to stay in(2)What do we know about restaurants in Vancouver? A . None of them provide local food.B . They usually have very few tables.C . They provide food of different countries.D . They are usually very busy on weekdays.(3)According to the passage, the North Shore is . A . a good place for hiking and skiingB . the best place for a relaxing bike ride ,C . the best place lo enjoy sunsets in the cityD . only suitable for outdoor activities in summer(4)What would the author most probably suggest you do if you go to have fun Gastown and Yaletown? A . Go to clubs using your own car.B . Avoid drinking a cocktail in clubs.C . Leave the clubs before close time.D . Avoid going to dance in nightclubs.(5)By writing the last paragraph, the author wants to tell us . A . what to buy in VancouverB . where to shop in VancouverC . where to visit in VancouverD . how to choose goods in Vancouver三、 单词拼写 (共2题;共20分)5. (10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个合适的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式(不多于3个单词)Do you like running? Running is becoming one of the most popular activities these days. Many of us run for our _(health ). Doctors say many of the health problems come from such bad habits _eating too much, drinking too much, smoking, staying up late and not having enough exercise. Doctors tell us, “Eat_, dont smoke, have enough sleep and exercise more. “Running is a good exercise because it can help us _(build) a strong body. It also _many people lose weight. One 25-year-old woman teacher runs for half an hour in the morning five times_week. She runs to lose weight. “I feel comfortable and Im not fat any more,” she says. Running is good_health in other ways, too. Many runners say running also makes people_(strong). “After school, I like to run for ten minutes. Then I feel _(relax)and energetic,” says Yang Min, a middle school student. So today men and women of all ages enjoy _(run). Do you want to keep fit? Come on! Lets join in the running.6. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Dear Betty,I am an American schoolboy. My name is John White. I am _ (twelfth). I have two brothers. My brothers and I are all at. school. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We dont have any classes _ Saturdays or Sundays. My father and mother _ (be) teachers. They say that _ (Chinese) is great, and that Chinese people are very _ (friend). I want _ (travel) around China. I think it will be very interesting, wont it? I like reading. Now, I am reading _ book of Chinese stories. They are very interesting. My brothers _ I like playing football and basketball. _ do you like to do?Lets be friends. Please _ (writing) soon.Yours, John White四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)7. (10分)选词填空choose across never thirst need time play on exercises photo through differenceDo you want to be healthier? Then go _ the passage, and you may find its easy to keep fit.First, eat all kinds of foods, especially fruits and vegetables.You may have a favourite kind of food, but the best _is to eat as many kinds as possible. If you eat _foods, youre more likely to get the nutrients(营养) your body needs. Taste new foods that you _tried before. Some foods, such as green vegetables, are very important. Have five servings(份) of fruits and three vegetables.Second, drink water and milk often.When you are really_cold water is the No. 1 choice. Kids need calcium(钙) to grow strong, and milk is a great source of this mineral (矿物质) . How much do children_? About three glasses of milk every day.Third, limit screen time.Whats screen time? Its the _for watching TV, DVDs, and videos,_computer games, and using the computer. If you spend much time_these activities, you may have less time left to take_such as playing basketball, bicycling, and swimming.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)8. (5分)阅读理解The Internet is generally(通常) considered to be the world that belongs to young people. But some old people in Shanghai dont think so. Recently, more than 8,000 people over 50 took part in a web page designing contest in Shanghai.The contest lasted for two months and attracted a lot of old people. Among them, the oldest is a 79-year-old retired (退休的) lady. She had learned web page designing for 4 months before attending the contest. She finally got an honorary (荣誉的) title of “The Most Senior Participant(参与者)”. About 30 other old people got different prizes such as “The Best Creative Work” and “The Best Fine Arts Work”. Their works themes included science, technology, Olympics, personal life and so on.The organizers of the contest hoped to encourage more and more elderly people to learn more about the Internet world. And many of the participants felt they really got a lot from the contest. “Designing web page enriches my life and makes me feel much closer to the young people,” one participant said.The designing of web page is not an easy job. But that doesnt mean it is the patent(专利) of young people. In fact, as the saying goes: “Its never too old to learn.” As for the teenagers, perhaps they should know“Its never late to learn”, whether it is English, piano or others.(1)What was the contest about?_(2)How many people took part in it?_(3)How old is the oldest participant?_(4)Is the designing of web page the patent of young people?_(5)What can we learn from the passage?_六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)写作题。当前,你们学校正开展好书伴我成长活动。请你根据活动主题并结合表格中所给的信息,以Growing up with good books 为题,用英语写一份倡议书,向学校同学发出倡议。字数在100字左右。倡议书的开头已给出,不计入总词数。存在的现象读书时间少,听音乐、看电视、上网占用了大部分业余时间读书的益处随时随地可以读书,获取知识,使人放松,为我们打开了新世界发出倡议多读不同种类的书,特别是经典书籍。让读书成为生活中的一部分。Growing up with good booksRecently, our school has organized a meaningful activity called Growing up with good books. 第 13 页 共 13 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、三、 单词拼写 (共2题;共20分)5-1、6-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)7-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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