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Unit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark语言目标language goal: Talk about what you used to be like. 谈论你过去的外表。 学习目标Functions: 1. 学会陈述自己过去常做的事情 2. 学会陈述自己过去的爱好等 3. 能够表达自己现在和过去在外表、性格、娱乐等方面的变化 4. 能够表达朋友、家人等现在和过去的变化 语言结构Target Language: 1. I used to be short when I was young. 我年轻时个子很矮。 2. Did you use to have straight hair? 你过去是直发吗? Yes, I did. 是的。 3. Did you use to play the piano? 你过去弹钢琴吗? No, I didnt. 不,我不弹。 4. I used to be afraid of dark. 我过去害怕黑暗。 5. Im terrified of the snakes. 我害怕蛇。 6. Did you use to be afraid of being alone? 你过去害怕独自一人呆着吗? Yes, I did. 是的,我怕。 7. I used to walk to school. 我过去走着上学。 主要词汇Vocabulary: dark 黑暗sure 无疑,确实terrify 使害怕,使恐惧 on 接通的,工作着的spider 蜘蛛insect 昆虫 chew 嚼,咀嚼gum 口香糖right 立即,马上 comic 连环漫画hardly 不十分,简直没有 used to do sth. 过去经常be interested in 对感兴趣 be on the swim team 是游泳队成员be afraid of 害怕 be terrified of 害怕with the light on 灯开着做 worry about 担心chew gum 嚼口香糖 these days 目前,如今 notanymore 不再 词汇复习recycling: short hair 短发curly hair 卷发 long hair 长发straight hair 直发 tall 高的short 矮的 (be)medium height 中等身高 thin 瘦的 heavy 重的,沉的(have/has) a medium build 中等胖瘦 语法分析一、本单元语法重点内容是used to这个句型。 1. “主语+used to+动词原形+其它”。在这个句型结构中used to的含义为“过去常常”。表示过去的习惯,暗示现在已无此习惯,请看图: Dave在过去几年中一直在factory(工厂)中工作,但现在他在Supermarket(超市)中工作,所以Dave used to work in a factory. 隐含的意思是:Dave worked in a factory before but he doesnt workthere now. 如果用时间轴表示的话,应该是这样的。 2. 我们可以说I used to work/She used to have/they used to be等等,也就是说used这个词没有人称的变化,to后面接动词原形。used tobeworkhaveplay etc. 请看例句: When I was a child, I used to like chocolate I used to read a lot of books but I dont read much these days. Liz has got short hair now but it used to be very long. Liz现在梳短发,但以前她是长发。 They used to live in the same street as us, so we often used to see them. But we dontsee them very often these days. 他们过去和我们住在同一条街道,所以我们经常能看见他们,但现在我们不能经常见到他们了。 Ann used to have a piano, but she sold it a few years ago. Ann过去有一架钢琴,但几年前她把钢琴卖了。 used to的否定形式是I didnt use to. When I was a child, I didnt use to like tomatoes. 当我还是个孩子时,我不喜欢西红柿。 问句形式是did you use to? Where did you use to live before you came here? 当你来这儿之前你住哪儿? 3. used to这个词组只用于讲述过去,我们不能用use to来讲述现在 I used to play tennis. These days I play golf. (不说 I use to play golf.) We usually get up early. (不说We use to get up early)二、anymore 我们用anymore来表示情况或活动的变化。(We use anymore to show a change in a situation oractivity.) She used to live in NewYork, but she doesnt live there anymore. 如果动词(或动词短语)相同,则第二个动词可省略。(If the Second Verb phrase has the sameverb, you can omit it.) She used to live in London, but she doesnt anymore. anymore可不与used to连用(You can use anymore without used to) She doesnt live in NewYork anymore. anymore只能和否定词连用 We dont go there anymore. They never talk to me anymore. No one likes him anymore.三、still 我们用still来说明某人或某物没有变化。(Use still to show that something or someone has notchanged) She still lives in Mexico. still应放在主要动词前面(Use still before the main verb) He still lives in New Zealand. still应放在be动词后面。 He is still crazy after all these years. still 应放在像can, may, should这样的助动词之后 She can still play the piano.四、频率副词 频率副词(如always)在句中位置不同。(Adverbs of frequency can appear in differentpositions in a sentence.) 它们的位置应是:在主要动词之前,在be动词之后,在助动词(will, can, have等)之后,在used to之前。 I usually get up at six. You were rarely happy. 你很少高兴。 You will sometimes hear from them. I have seldom spoken to her. They never used to dance. He always used to call her.五、词语辨析 1. used to和would used to和would都可表示过去的习惯或行为,常可换用。 When we were children we used to/would go skatingevery winter. 我们小时候每年冬天都去滑冰。 used to含有较强的“今昔对比”的含义,而would无此含义 I do not swim so often as I used to 我不像过去那样常游泳了。(不能用would代替) He would sometimes work into the night. 以前他常工作到深夜。(不表示现在他不工作到深夜) 用would时,有时应有时间状语来加以限制,而used to则可无时间状语 He would go to see Mother every vacation. (那时)他每个假期去看望妈妈 He isnt what he used to be. 他不再是过去的他。 2. used to do和be used to doing. be used to 是“习惯于”某一客观事实和状态,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词,如: I am used to the weather here. 我已经习惯于这里的天气了。 He is used to hard work. 他习惯于艰苦的工作。 get(或become)used to指的是从不习惯到习惯这一过程的转变,另外,它往往包含着克服困难去适应的意思。 如:You will soon get used to the weather here. 你会习惯于这里的天气的。 In the end, I got used to doing the hard work. 最后,我终于习惯干苦活了。 单元课文重点分析 1. Im on the swim team. (Section A 2b) 我是游泳队成员。 类似的说法还有:Im on the soccer team 或I play on the soccer team. 2. People sure change. (Section A 2b) 人们的确是要变的。 sure在这里为副词。 如:It sure was cold. 天气确实很冷。 3. Are you still afraid of the dark? Im terrified of the dark. (Section A 3b) afraid的词组有be afraid of sth 害怕某物 如:Shes afraid of dogs. Hes afraid of seeing strangers. 在口语中也说Im afraid hes out at the moment. 我想他现在出去了。 be terrified of doing sth 是个同义词组。 如:Im terrified of being alone. 我害怕独自一人呆着。 4. I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. (Section A 3b) 我把卧室的灯开着睡觉。 with的短语表方式 5. 课文Section B 3a 难点 5. these days “but these days I get up early and stay in school all day.” these days是个词组,意思是“现在,这几天” Your sons trouble is very common these days. 你儿子的毛病现在是极常见的。 6. right Then I go right home and eat dinner. right在这里是副词,意为“直接地”。 如:The wind blew right in our faces. 风迎面吹来。 7. have to but now. I have to study. have to意为“必须”侧重于客观上的必要。 其句型为have (has) to+动词原形 如:We have to leave now. He has to work on Sunday. I had to do my homework last Sunday. 8. hardly ever. These days, I hardly ever have time for concerts. hardly ever = very seldom.很少 He hardly ever goes to bed before midnight. 他很少在午夜以前就寝。 9. miss I really miss the old days. miss在这里为“怀念”的意思。 How he misses his mother while she is away in London! 他妈妈在伦敦期间,他多么想念她啊! 此外miss还有“缺”的意思。 Im afraid that Jim will miss a lot of his lessons. 恐怕Jim会缺很多课。 错过 I missed catching the 2:15 train. 我未赶上2点15分的火车。 missing 失去的,缺少的,不在的,失踪的。 They are looking for the missing child. 他们在寻找失踪的孩子。 10. It seems that(Selfcheck) It seems that YuMei has changed a lot. It seems as if he would recover. 看来他好像会康复的。 It seemed that the day would never end. 那天好像没有尽头似的。 【模拟试题】一、单词分类。请将单词或短语按要求分类,(只写序号) 1 read comics2 chew gum3. short4 get up early5 medium build 6 play on the swim team7 sleep with light on 8 play games 9 straight hair10 heavy11 watch TV12 thin 13 paint pictures 14 attend gym class15 eat candy A 容貌外表_ _ _ _ _ B 生活习惯_ _ _ _ _ C 活动爱好_ _ _ _ _二、英英释义。选出正确的英文解释填入相应的括号内。 1. comica. almost no 2. hardlyb. fill with fear 3. insectc. books or magazines with stories in the form of drawings 4. terrifyd. winged animals with 6 legs 5. darke. having little or no light三、单项选择。 1. I _ frustrated when I wasnt sure of the correct answer. A. may beB. used toC. used to beD. use to be 2. When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate. A. likingB. likeC. likedD. likes 3. _ work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used toD. Do you use to 4. Where _ live before you came here? A. did you used toB. did you use to C. use he toD. he used to 5. No one likes him _. A. stillB. neverC. anymoreD. too 6. I am _ of spiders. A. terrifyB. terrorC. terrifyingD. terrified 7. He is afraid of _ strangers. A. seeB. seeingC. sawD. seen 8. It _ that he has been ill for a long time. A. seemsB. looksC. looks as ifD. seems as if 9. I always go to sleep _ the light on. A. inB. withC. toD. and 10. Dont _ about things so much. It will make you stressed out. A. afraidB. terrifyC. terrifiedD. worry四、看图,用used to完成句子。 五、用used to或一般现在时完成句子。 1. I used to play tennis. I stopped playing a few years ago. 2. Do you do any sport? Yes, I play basketball. 3. Have you got a car?No, I _ one but I sold it. 4. George _ a waiter. Now hes the manager of a hotel. 5. Do you go to work by car?Sometimes but most days I_ by train. 6. When I was a child, I never _ meat, but I eat it now. 7. Mary loves watching TV. She _ TV every evening. 8. We _ near the airport but we moved to the city centre a few years ago. 9. Normally I start work at 7 oclock, so I _ up very early. 10. What games _ you _ when you were a child?六、用used to或anymore的正确形式填空。 My grandmother complains about how things have changed, and she says that life 1 bebetter. Families arent families the way they 2 be. Everyones divorced.(离婚) If a husbandand wife are having problems with their marriage, they dont stay together 3 . Andmothers 4 stay home and take care of their children, but not 5 . Everyones working.No one has time for children 6 . And the cars! No one walks 7 ; everybody drives. We 8 walk five miles to schooleveryday, even in winter. And people dont talk to each other 9 . They are too busy to talk, too busy to eat,too busy to think Life 10 be simple, but it isnt 11 .七、Holly和Greta自从高中以来就是朋友,Greta刚刚参加了他们的20年校庆,在下面的对话中,他们在谈论他们以前的同学,看图片完成对话,请使用still和anymore的正确形式。(注意一些句子是否定的) Holly: Did you see Jim Jensen? He used to be so wild! Greta: Yes, but he 1 (be). He looks very conservative(保守) now. Holly: Was he thin in high school? I dont remember. Greta: Yes, and he 2 (be). Holly: 3 (he, wear) glasses? Greta: Yes, he does. Holly: 4 (he play) the guitar? Greta: Yes, he does, but now he plays classical guitar. He 5 (play) rock and roll 6 . Holly: Didnt he used to have long hair? Greta: Yes, he did, but now hes bald. I also saw Jan Bissing at the reunion(校庆).Remember her? She used to be the most popular girl in school. Holly: What does she look like now? 7 (she, look) the same? Greta: Yes, except for her hair. She 8 (have) long, brown hair 9 . Its short andblonde. And she 10 (be) cute! She 11 (have) those big blue eyes and those thickeyelashes(眼睫毛). Holly: There was something different about herdidnt she always used to wear a hat? Greta: Yes, and she 12 (do). Holly: Didnt she used to date(和约会) George Weissler? Greta: She 13 (do)! In fact, theyre going to get married (结婚)next month.八、看下列表格,用still,anymore和频率副词写一篇文章,注意动词时态,Carol过去是单身。去年她和George结婚了。George离过婚,并有两个孩子。这个表格显示了Carol生活的变化。请用6句以上的话描述。alwaysgo dancing on weekendsstay home on weekendsoften/usuallygo out to eattravelcook dinnerclean the housedo the laundry every daysometimesread novelsgo to the beachhelp kids with homeworkgo to the beachread novelsseldom/hardlyevercookcleango out to eatneverstay home on weekendsgo to baseball gameshave childrengo dancingtravel 【试题答案】一、A. 容貌外表 3 5 9 10 12 B. 生活习惯 2 4 7 11 15 C. 活动爱好 1 6 8 13 14二、1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b 5.e三、1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. D 7. B 8.A 9. B 10.D四、2. He used to play football 3. She used to be a taxi driver. 4. They used to live in the country. 5. He used to wear glasses. 6. This building used to be new.五、3. used to 4. used to 5. go to work 6. used to eat 7. watches 8. used to live 9. get 10. diduse to play六、1. used to 2. used 3. anymore 4. used to 5. anymore 6. anymore 7. anymore 8. used to 9. anymore 10. used to 11. anymore七、1. isnt anymore 2. still is 3. Does he still wear 4. Does he still play 5. doesnt play 6. anymore 7. Does she still 8. doesnt have 9. anymore 10. is still 11. still has 12. still does 13. still does八、She always used to go dancing on weekends, but now she stays home on weekends; She oftenused to go out to eat, but now she cooks dinner every day. She doesnt read novels anymore.She sometimes help kids with homework. She still goes to the beach.


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