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沪教版初中毕业生学业考试英语预测卷(二)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项填空,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)There is useful book and interesting magazine on the desk. They aremy brothers.A . a, an, allB . a, a, bothC . a, an, bothD . an, a ,all2. (2分)You had better _ wine because you have to drive back home.A . not drinkB . dont drinkC . not to drinkD . wont drink3. (2分) When I ask him a question, usually he doesnt reply at once. He needs to think it over for a time.A . answerB . agreeC . disagree4. (2分)Do you know _ the population of China is?Yes, it has the _ population in the world, about 1.3 billion.A . how much, mostB . how much, largestC . what, mostD . what, largest5. (2分)My phone number is 872-4567.读作_. A . eight six two five four six sevenB . eight seven two four five seven sixC . eight two seven four five six sevenD . eight seven two four five six seven6. (2分)He eats _ food, so he is _ fat.A . much too, too muchB . much too, too manyC . too much, much tooD . too much, many too7. (2分)Lindas dream in China is to go into the west and_ an early childhood school there.A . clean upB . look upC . give upD . set up8. (2分).We didnt enjoy the day the weather was so bad.A . becauseB . thoughC . unlessD . till9. (2分)Why are you in such a hurry, John?There _ a fashion show in ten minutes.A . is going to beB . is going to haveC . will haveD . will hold10. (2分)While we were enjoying the tasty food, our mother in the kitchen.A . cleanedB . cleansC . was cleaningD . clean11. (2分)We will build a subway in Fuzhou before 2014.Wow, _! Will it pass our place?A . what an excited newsB . how excited the news isC . what exciting newsD . how exciting news12. (2分)Our plan to clean the park tomorrow.A . discussesB . will discussC . will be discussed13. (2分)I dont know _. A . when will he be backB . when he will be backC . where did he goD . where will he go14. (2分) What are you looking for? Im looking for the music CD you lent me yesterday.A . whatB . whoC . whenD . that15. (2分) I prefer western food. Its delicious and good for us. ? But western food is said to be high in sugar and fat.A . Is that rightB . How do you know thatC . Do you really think soD . Who told you that二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。A young man once asked Albert Einstein, the German scientist, 1the secret of success(成功的秘密)was. The scientist 2him that the secret of success was hard work. A few days 3, the young man asked him the 4question again. Einstein was very angry. He did not say 5,but wrote a few words 6a piece of paper and handed(传递) it to the young man. The young man looked 7the piece of paper. On it was written: A=X+Y+Z. “What 8this mean?” Asked the young man. “A means success,”9the old scientist. “X stands for (代表) hard work, Y stands for good methods(方法), and ZZ means 10talking and start to work.”(1)A . who B . whether C . what (2)A . told B . said C . replied (3)A . ago B . before C . later (4)A . easy B . difficult C . same (5)A . anything B . something C . nothing (6)A . in B . over C . on (7)A . on B . up C . at (8)A . will B . shall C . does (9)A . said B . thought C . believed (10)A . go on B . stop C . enjoy 三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17. (10分) Have you seen Avatar?Its a popular movie this year. It is three-dimensional(3D), so you may have to wear a special pair of glasses to see it. The 3D glasses make the images(图像) from the movie look like they are coming straight at you.More and more 3D movies are coming to theaters. 3D TV sets have been produced in Japan now. Three-dimensional technology can make TV and movies more exciting. But people with eye problems may get headaches if they spend too much time watching 3D movies.When we look at an object(物体), each eye sees it at a different angle(角度). Our eyes send the two images to our brain(大脑), and the brain puts them together. Thats how we see depth(深度). So when we watch a 3D movie, one film projector(投影机) projects a left eye image and the other projects a right eye image. 3D glasses allow us to see a different image in each eye.There are a lot of people walking around with very less serious eye problems. Under normal situations, the brain can adjust to their eyes so they can see things normally.But when they are watching a 3D movie, the images projected to their eyes cant be put together by their brain. So the brain needs to work harder at reading the images. That makes it easier for these people to get headaches.Dr John Hagan, an eye doctor in Kansas City, said some people who do not see depth normally cannot see in 3D at all.(1)When people want to watch a three-dimensional movie, they need .A . a ticketB . a pair of 3D glassesC . an earphone(2)Three-dimensional technology uses film projector(s) to project one movie at the same time.A . oneB . twoC . three(3)According to the passage, if we look at an object by only one eye, we cant judge the excatly.A . imageB . angleC . depth(4)Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?A . In the near future, people can enjoy 3D movie by watching TV at home.B . Whenever you wear a 3D glasses, you can see objects more clearly.C . People who have something wrong with their brain cant read the images of 3D movie.(5)The main idea of this passage is .A . how to use 3D glasses to watch a 3D movie.B . 3D glasses make the movie seem aliveC . not everybody can enjoy 3D movies.18. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Some people love going to museums,while others absolutely hate it and would rather stay at home,enjoying their favorite TV showsIncreasingly,museums are being seen as outdated and boring by todays youngstersI have just returned to the UK after travelling around the USA While there,I visited lots of museums I must say,museums are typically educational, either to develop knowledge gained at school in particular subjects,or to enhance knowledge of other culturesIn Chicago,we visited the world-famous Art Institute of ChicagoIt was filled with paintings,drawings and sculptures by a huge variety of artists,such as Picasso,Monet,Matisse and DaliThere was a mixture of traditional and modern art,including colorful stained glass windows and abstract artWhen we were in Washington D C ,we visited a few of the Smithsonian museumsThese are all free to visit-which is great if you just want to see a few things,and not spend all day insideThe Air and Space Museum was particularly good:it had lots of aircrafts and rockets on display,interesting information and also some interactive partsWe also went to the National USHolocaust(纳粹大屠杀)Memorial MuseumNaturally,it was sad to read about the horrors of this tragedy which affected so many people in World War IIHowever,it was also incredibly interesting to read the stories of those who survived the Holocaust,as well as those who helped othersLast but not least,I also found the 9/11 Memorial and Museum to be of great interestThis museum is dedicated to those who lost their lives,as well as their families,when the Twin Towers in New York City were attacked by terrorists in 2001It tells you how the terrorists planned the attack,how they hijacked the planes,and ultimately what happened as a result of their actionsSurviving pieces of the towers are shown in the museum,alongside damaged fire enginesIt was a truly thought-provoking visit,which made me value my own life that little bit moreI think museums play an important role in preserving artifacts of historical importance for future generationsWhatever your interests,there is likely to be a museum for youYou can visit waxwork museums to see models of your favorite celebrities(and get photos with the Queen!),science museums for a more hands-on,interactive visit and so much more!Best of all,if youre ever in the UK,many of them are free!(1)The first paragraph tells us that_A . people of all ages love going to museumsB . trips to museums are always very tiringC . most museums in the USA are outdatedD . some youngsters find museums boring(2)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . There are a lot of interactive parts in waxwork museums.B . Art Institute of Chicago has a mixture of traditional and modern art.C . Youd better read the stories before visiting the holocaust Memorial Museum.D . The Air and Space Museum shows the attack 01 the twin towers by terrorists.(3)What can we infer from the passage?A . Future generations have the duty to protect museumsB . Visiting 9/11 Memorial and Museum is educationalC . Most museums around the world are free for students.D . Taking photos is allowed in the Smithsonian museums.(4)What is the writers attitude towards museums?A . She suggests going to museums.B . She warns the problems of museumsC . Museums have advantages and downsidesD . Museums should be open to all kinds of people四、 配对阅读 (共1题;共5分)19. (5分)根据短文内容,从方框中选出五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整正确。 American and British people both speak English of course. But sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact, there are some important differences between British English and American English. _Often, Americans dont say each word separately. They say several words together. Americans may say I dunno instead of I dont know. Or they may say Whaddya say? instead of What did you say? However, the British are more careful in their speech. They usually say all the words and keep them separate. Sound is not only the difference between British English and American English. Words sometimes have different meanings too. _Americans drive trucks, but in England people drive lorries. _In England, if you are going to telephone your friends, you phone them up. In America, you give them a call.There are also some differences in grammar. For example, Americans usually use the helping verb do when they ask a question. They say Do you have a storybook? But the British often leave out the helping verb._Most languages are like this. Languages change over time. When people live in separate places, the languages change in different ways. This is what has happened to English. _Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France.A. English is widely used in China.B. It can also happen to other languages, such as French.C. For example, the vocabulary for cars and driving is very different.D. They say Have you a storybook?E. Many expressions are also different in the two countries.F. First of all, they sound very different.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20. (10分)根据首字母提示完成下列短文。A good class monitor gets on well w_ classmates and likes to h_ others. He often cleans the classroom and makes the classroom c_ just like h_. C_ him to be your monitor.六、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)21. (5分)任务型阅读CMany scientists think that life may be very different by 2050.First of all, TV might not be used by 2050. People will choose music, films, programs and newspapers on the computer. And they can smell(闻) and touch things on the Internet. That sounds really interesting.Water pollution(污染) will become the most serious problem by 2050. Human beings will need more water than today. There will be less fresh water on the earth.Cars will not only run on the land but also fly in the air by 2050. That can help to alleviate the heavy traffic. There wont be any accidents, because computers will control the traffic. Whats more, the speed of the plane will be much faster. Itll take only 2 hours for people to fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo.Robots will become very popular by 2050, because they dont ask for money and can work 24 hours a day. Well see robots everywhere factories, schools, hospitals, shops and homes.By 2050, medicine will be improved a lot. Cancer and AIDs wont be serious diseases.(1)The biggest problem people will face in 2050 is the _(2)In the future, most of the factories will use robots because _(3)写出文中划线部分alleviate的汉语意思 (4)将文中划线句子翻译成汉语 (5)What does the passage mainly tell us? 22. (5分)良好的生活与学习习惯对我们的成长是非常重要的。请从以下的习惯中选择一个你以前做得不够好,但现在已具备的好习惯,谈一谈你养成这个习惯的过程及收益。要求:1. 不使用真实的校名、人名等相关信息;2. 内容完整,书写整齐;3. 80词左右;4. 文章的开头已给出,但不计入总词数。第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、 单项填空,在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共2题;共20分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、四、 配对阅读 (共1题;共5分)19-1、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)20-1、六、 读写综合 (共2题;共10分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、22-1、


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