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八年级 小巨人教育 授课老师:吴少娟第2次课:八年级英语上Module1 Unit3新知1. 词语短语讲解2. 提建议的句式表达3. 音标的学习 ( 元音i: i : )典型例题:i: 发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea ee e: me be she he we evening ee:sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three green ea:meat leaf sea pea teach eat cleani 发这个音的字母和字母组合i e y ey ayi: pig fish in fifteen six ship thine: begin behind jacket basketbally: happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainyey: monkey moneyay:Sunday Saturday Friday : 发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or er: her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or: word work world 发这个音的字母和字母组合ure er ar or a e ure: picture er:teacher brother dinner father sister ar: sugar or:doctor a:panda about above camera sofa Chinaask for 请求【经典例句】He asked his father for ten yuan.他向他父亲要了10元钱。【考点聚焦】1)可以是ask for sth.要求得到某物,如:ask for advice 请求建议;ask for money 要钱。2)可以是ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物,如:ask her parents for a bike 向父母要一辆自行车。【活学活用】12.选择You can your teacher some advice about it.A.help;withB.ask;toC.tell;aboutD.ask;forenjoy yourself 过得快乐【经典例句】Did you enjoy yourself at the party?你在宴会上愉快吗?【活学活用】13.同义句改写They enjoyed themselves last weekend.Last weekend they .提建议的几种表达方法本单元出现了很多诸如 “You should speak more English in class.”“How about writing down your mistakes?”“Why dont you write the correct words next to the mistakes?”的句子,这些句子都是用来提建议的,那它们该如何使用呢?请看如下表格:句型意思举例You should/shouldnt.你应该/不应该You shouldnt copy others homework.How/What about.?怎么样?What about going for a picnic?Why dont you/Why not.?为什么不?Why not ask the teacher for help?Dont forget.别忘了Dont forget to read an English story.Try to.努力Try to remember ten words a day.Try not to.尽量不要Try not to look up the words in a dictionary while reading.Shall we.?我们好吗?Shall we go to see Mr.Black?Lets.让我们吧。Lets listen to music and films in English.Youd better (not).你最好(不要)Youd better not play with fire.例1 (2010烟台中考)Would you mind if I close the window? .A.With pleasureB.Yes,please C.Of course not D.Thats a good idea例2(2010乐山中考)This backpack doesnt look smart.Could you show me one?A.the otherB.others C.otherD.another例3(2010厦门中考)You speak English very well.You must have a good English teacher.But no one taught me.I learned it all by .A.meB.IC.mineD.myself 例4(2010湖北宜昌中考)Fathers Day is coming.Im going back home to see my father. .A.Give my best wishes to him B.Its very kind of youC.Say goodbye to him,please D.See you soon例5(2010潍坊中考)People everywhere celebrate(庆贺) the New Year. is a time to say goodbye to the past and to think about new beginnings.A.ThatB.ItC.ThisD.Such课堂练习阅读刘畅在学英语过程中遇到的问题,利用下面的表达完成外籍教师Rose给他的回信(每词只能用一次)。dont forgethow aboutshouldtry toyoud betterwhy dontHi Rose,I like English very much,but my grades are not very good.What should I do to improve my English?From Liu ChangHello Liu,Id like to hear that you like English very much.You want to improve your English.Then you 1 always practice your listening,speaking,reading and writing.2 listen for the important words,not every word.Reading English stories is also good for you.If you are not interested in it,3 watching Englishlanguage movies?4 to take grammar notes in class.Then try to use the grammar to write your own sentences.Finally,I know we have “English Corner” in our school,so 5 you join it to practice speaking?Whats more,6 keep a diary in English every day because its a good way to improve your writing.Best wishes,Rose二、单项选择。( )1.What about _ to the cinema on Sunday? A. go B. to go C. going D. will go ( )2. There are many new words on the blackboard; please _. A. write down them B. write down it C. write them down D.write it down( )3. Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it? A. ask; write B.to ask; writing C. ask; writing C.to ask; to write( )4. The teacher often advises me _ English in class. A.to speak B. speaking C. spoke D. speak( )5.There is _ in todays newspaper. A. something new B. anything new C.new something D. new anything 课后练习一、选择题。( )1. Jim is _ playing volleyball while I do _ playing basketball. A. good in; well at B. well in; good at C. well at; good in D.good at; well in( )2. What about having some drink first? _?A.Well, will you B. OK, shall we C.Yes, dont we D. Sure, why not ( )3. He has two brothers. _ is a teacher, and _ is a soldier. A.One; another B. One; the other C. One, other D. Another, the other( )4. Dont forget _ your new English friends _ your club. A. invite; at B. invite; to C.to invite; at D. to invite; to ( )5. My brother wants _around the world because he enjoys _ new places. A. traveling; seeing B. to travel; to see C.to travel; seeing D. traveling; to see( )6. Its best _ come to Beiing in spring. A. at B. in C. for D.to ( )7. They _goodbye to the old man and went home. A. told B. said C. talked D.spoke ( )8. You should _ the mistakes in your homework.A. correct B. to correct C. correcting D. to correcting( )9. Do you know that there are many different _ animals in the zoo. A.kinds of B. kind of C. a kind of ( )10. I have two skirts. One is red, and _ is blue.A. other B. the other C. others D. another二、词汇考查。根据首字母和汉语提示完成单词。1.Many people are s_ when they speak a foreign language. 2. I dont think its a good way to i_ my English. 3.We want you to give us some a_.4. Mr Wu can speak four _(语言).5. Who _ (其他) did you see there?6. You should write down the c_ answers next to the mistakes in your homework.7.May I b_ your dictionay? Sure. Here you are. 8. Lets sing the English song _ (一起).三、翻译句子。1. 每天看检查词汇笔记本是个好主意。_2. 我怎样练习讲英语?_3. 每个人应该有一个笔友。_4. 在开始讲话前,深吸一口气并且笑一笑。_学生要重点掌握的知识点1. 词语短语讲解2. 建议句式运用 家长签名: 学生签名:

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