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牛津版备考2020年小升初英语专题复习(语法专练):固定搭配C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共28题;共56分)1. (2分)People cant live _air. A . withoutB . withC . dont have2. (2分)I hope _ have a mobile phone, _. A . to; toB . to; tooC . too; to3. (2分)The king likes _ beautiful clothes. A . inB . wearingC . try on4. (2分)I like _ jigsaw puzzles. A . doB . doingC . does5. (2分)He is a pilot. He flies a _. A . planeB . planC . play6. (2分)Its 5:00 pm. Its time _ go home. A . forB . toC . at7. (2分)Look my hand. A . atB . toC . 8. (2分)He is six _ old . A . /B . yearsC . year9. (2分)You can _ it.A . touchB . touchsC . touches10. (2分)My brother likes to swim _ the sea.A . atB . onC . in11. (2分)Lets _. A . playingB . playsC . play12. (2分)Lets _to the park. A . walkingB . walkC . to walk13. (2分)This is my home. _ very old. A . ThisB . ItC . Its14. (2分)We wait _ the pavement _ the green light. A . for, forB . for, ofC . on, for15. (2分)Spring is_! A . comeB . comingC . comes16. (2分)She doesnt like singing. She likes _. A . to dancedB . dancingC . dance17. (2分)He goes _ in the lake. A . fishingB . fishC . fishes18. (2分)Happy _ Year!A . new B . New19. (2分)I have a cute parrot. It can .A . sing and danceB . singing and dancingC . sings and dances20. (2分)The Olympic Games is coming. Youd better _ the tickets as early as possible. A . getB . to getC . gettingD . got21. (2分)I want _ to the London Eye. A . to goB . goC . goes22. (2分)Jennifer likes _. She goes _ every week.A . swimming, swimmingB . swim, swimmingC . swimming, swim23. (2分)I had _ stop it. A . toB . inC . on24. (2分)Look _the people _the park. A . at, onB . on, inC . at, in25. (2分)You should brush _ teeth. A . youB . meC . your26. (2分)Shes _China. A . withB . fromC . to27. (2分)_ you like a pie?Yes, please.A . DoB . CanC . Would28. (2分)I _ eat. I have a _.A . can, toothacheB . cant, toothacheC . cant, headache二、 语法填空 (共11题;共11分)29. (1分)Does she like_(do)word puzzles? 30. (1分)Jimmy _ (want) to go _ (swim) in the sea.31. (1分)Are you afraid of _(swim)?No, Im not.32. (1分)Pandas eat _twelve hours a day . (填介词) 33. (1分)I _(be)Wang Ping. I can _ (write). 34. (1分)Alice wants _ (write) a letter to her friend, Kitty. 35. (1分)I can _(sing). But I cant_(dance).36. (1分)Tonny likes _ _ _.He _ _ _ every day.37. (1分)What are you doing? I am _(read) a book.38. (1分)I want _ (surprise) Li Ming. 39. (1分)Ill make a _(shop) list. 第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共28题;共56分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、二、 语法填空 (共11题;共11分)29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、

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