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原版英语口语情景对话第0084集:介绍捡回家的流浪犬四年半前James将Piper捡回家,它是一只非有意思的小狗,有一个小特技,看看是什么吧。Todd: James, I saw on your desk you have a nice picture of a dog.James: Yes.Todd: OK. Tell us about your dog.James: My dogs name is Piper. He was a mutt, a homeless dog that we picked up off the street about four and a half years ago.Todd: Oh, wow! So what kind of dog is he now?James: Hes a yellow lab, golden retriever mix. Hes very very sweet, very very fun to play with, really really nice.Todd: Oh, thats great. Can he do any tricks?James: No.Todd: No.James: We can do one trick where we point our finger at him and go Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! and he falls over dead, but that is the only trick he can do and he only does that maybe half the time.Todd: OK. Does he bark a lot?James: Usually no. Usually hes pretty good.Todd: Pretty quiet.James: Mm, hm!Todd: OK. Is it a male dog or a female dog?James: Yeah. Its a male dog.Todd: So, no puppies.James: No, puppies.Todd: OK. Would you like to have another dog, another puppy?James: It would be fun in the future, but not for awhile.

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