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Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?重点和练习一. 重点单词和词组New York City 纽约市Central Park 中央公园delicious adj. 可口的;美味的expensive adj. 贵的;昂贵的inexpensive adj. 不贵的crowded adj. 人多的;拥挤的corner n. 角;转弯处;角落walk v. 走路;步行;散步the Great Wall 长城Tianan Men Square 天安门广场the Palace Museum 故宫(故宫博物馆)Hutong 胡同discuss v. 讨论二. 重点难点讲解1. -Where did you go on vacation ? 你去哪儿度假了? -I went to the mountains. 我去大山里了。(1)where did you go?是一般过去时的疑问句,did是助动词.(2)went是go的过去式,实义动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化。(3)实义动词一般过去式的一般疑问句以助动词did开头。如:-What did you do yesterday afternoon?-I played volleyball with my friend-Did you have a good time?你们玩得很高兴吗?-Yes,We did是的。-Did she come to help you?她来帮助过你吗?-No,she didnt没有。2. We had great fun playing in the waves. 我们在海浪中尽情玩耍.(l)have fun doing sth. 做某事很有趣(快乐). 如-Did you have fun hiking into the mountains?你们去山里徒步远行,玩得快乐吗?-Yes,we did是的。have fun 过得痛快, 过得快活 。 (2) had 是 have 的过去式, 为不规则动词,需记忆. 其他不规则动词还有很多. 如make-made fly-newsay- saiddo-didtake-took come-camego-went find-foundknow-knewsee-sawtell-told put-putget-got3. I found a little boy crying in the corner. 我发现一个小男孩在角落里哭。(1)found是find的过去式,是不规则动词,此句中意为“发现”。find sbdoing sth意思是“发现某人正在做某事”。如:I found her reading in the library 我发现她在图书馆读书。类似此用法的感官动词还有:see,watch,hear等。(2)in the corner 介词短语,在“一角”。如Mike went to the telephone in the corner of the room. 麦克向房间一角的电话走去。街道的拐角处称作corner,前面常用介词on.如There is telephone box on the corner。在拐弯处有一个电话间。4.The shop were too crowded, so I didnt real enjoy it. 商店太拥挤了,所以我们玩得不是太愉快。(1)crowded形容词,意思是“拥挤的,人多的”。(2)too副词,表示“太”,too.to句型含有“以致不”的意思。如: The boy is so young that he cant go to school.=The boy is too young to go to school.这个孩子太小,不能去上学。5. visit (v. 动词)visit sb; 访问,拜访某人visit some place; 游览,参观某地I want to visit my friend. Jane visited the Great Wall on vacation. visitor (n.名词)参观者,宾客There are many visitors in summer in Beijing. 2. help sb. do sth. 帮助某人做某事help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人。Tom often helps us with our English? Tom often helps us study English. 这两句意思相近,汤姆帮助我们学习英语。3. make sb do sth. 使某人做某事 make sb adj. 使某人.That made me feel very happy. 那使得我感到非常高兴。It made me tired. 这使得我非常累。The boss makes the sales assistant work day and night, It makes him angry. 老板使售货员整天工作,这使得他很生气。4. walk. (n.名词)步行go for a walk去散行take a walk去散步walk(v.动词)行走,步行Unit 10Where did you go on vacation?基础练习.Choose the right answer.单项选择填空。1.Hangzhou is a beautiful city.There are many people here _ vacation every year.A.in B.on C.for D.to 2.You didnt go to Shanghai last summer holidays,did you?_.A. Yes,I didnt B.No,you didnt C.Yes,you did D.No,I didnt3._ was the food in the restaurant?A.How many B.WhyC.How D.Where4.How many sheep _ there on the farm last year?A.are B.were C.is D.was7.Today is Childrens Day.There are lots of people in Happy Valley.Its very _.A.busy B.uncrowded C.hot D.crowded8.Uncle Liang can make his kite _ higher in the sky.A.flies B.to fly C.flying D.fly9.Is Rick there?No,he _ for Beijing three days ago.A.left B.leaves C.leaving D.has left10.How was your summer camp in Dalian last year?_.I had a good time with my friends.A.Awful B.Fantastic C.Expensive D.Not good11.I have only ten yuan with me,_ I cant buy the expensive dictionary.A.thought B.but C.so D.because12.Where did you go on Midautumn Day?I wasnt out.I just _ at home.A.stayed B.was C.stay D.am13.Its _ today.We have to turn on aircondition(空调).A.pretty hot B.a little cold C.a little hot D.pretty dry14.Did you visit your grandma on Friday evening?No,I _ to a wonderful movie with my mother.A.didnt go B.went C.go D.did went15._ go out for a walk?A.Why not B.What aboutC.How about D.Lets.Change the following sentences.句型转换。16.She went to the beach last Sunday.(一般疑问句) 17.The weather was hot and humid.(变否定句) 18.They stayed at home on vacation.(划线部提问) 19.The people in New York were friendly. (就划线部分提问) .单项选择1.We had great fun in the waves.A.play B.playing C.played2.He helped me my lost book.A.found B.find C.finding3.The old song made me .A.smile B.to smile C.smiling5.May I go there by bike?No,you .The weather is rainy.A.arent B.dont C.cant6.Every one an English story book.A.have B.are having C.has7.What did you have breakfast this morning?A.at B.for C.to8.Where did Vera go vacation?A.for B.in C.on.补全对话A:Hi,Lin.Long time not see.B:I my vacation.A:Really? did you go on vacation?B:I to the beach.A:How was the ?B: hot and humid.A: you swim?B:Yes,I did.The weather was really warm.What about you? was your vacation?A:Its .I went nowhere.I at home.根据句意及所给首字母完成单词。1 The streets are all c_in the rush hours.2 I like seafood very much.Its d_.3 He didnt do well in the e_,so he felt unhappy.4 Last week we visited the Palace M_.5 They took some photos of the Great W_.6 I played soccer all the afternoon and I was r_tired.7 What do you think of the talk s_?8 Where did you go on your v_?9 It was r_.The ground was wet.10 The trousers are too e_.I cant buy them.Unit 10Where did you go on vacation?提高练习一、选择填空题 (15分)( )1. It _sunny today, but it _ cloudy yesterday. A. is, is B. was, was C. is, was D. was, is( )2. I _ at school now, but I _ at home an hour ago. A. am, am B. was, was C. am, were D. am, was( )3. - _ there any students in the classroom? - No, there arent. But there _ some half an hour ago. A. Are, were B. were, are C. are, are D. were, were( )4. - Where _you last night? - I _ at home. A. are, am B. am, am C. were, was D. were, were( )5. _ Nancy at home last weekend? No, she _. She was in the library with her friends. A. Is, isnt B. Was, wasnt C. Did, didnt D. Was, isnt( )6. - What _ you do last night? - I _ my homework.A. do, do B. do, did C. did, doed D. did, did( )7. _you often go to the beach? No, but I _ last Sunday. A. Do, go B. Did, went C. Do, did D. Did, do( )8. She _ to the movies with me last weekend. A. go B. goes C. going D. went( )9. What _Kevin _ on weekends? A. is, doing B. does, do C. did, do D. is, do( )10. What _ Cathy and Glora _ now? A. are, doing B. do, do C. did, do D. are, do( )11. What _ Dean _ last Saturday night? A. is, doing B. does, do C. did, do D. was, do( )12. I watched Wang Wang _ with a friendly white cat ten minutes ago A. played B. to play C. plays D. play( )13. - How _ your last weekend, Tony? - It _ very good.A. is, isnt B. was, wasnt C. does, doesnt D. did, didnt( )14. - What _ they do last Saturday night? - They _ an English party. A. do, have B. were, had C. did, had D. did, haved( )15. Last weekend we had great fun _ on the beach. A. played B. to play C .playing D. play( )16The kids spends two hours Chinese every day. A.on B.in C.at D.to( )17.I cleaned my room last night, you? I did my homework. A.What B.How C.What about D.What like( )18.They enjoyed storybooks very much last year. A.to read B.read C.reading D.do reading( )19. The funny story made us _. A、to laugh BlaughingClaughDLaughed( )20. - What _ they_ now?-They are playing footballA do,do Bare,doing Ccan,do二、完形填空:(10分 It was Childrens Day yesterday, we 16 the park. Our teacher was 17 us. 18 many people there. Some Young Pioneers (少先队员) 19 near the river. 20 sang and danced. There were some 21 on the river. There was a hill 22 . Some boys 23 in the river. We sat under 24 apple tree with our teacher. We 25 on Childrens Day yesterday.( )16. A. went B. went to C. went for D. went in( )17. A. to B. from C. with D. of( )18. A. Those were B. How C. Had D. There were( )19. A. are B. was C. were D. did( )20. A. They B. Them C. Their D. Theirs( )21. A. hills B. boats C. flowers D. trees( )22. A. here B. over C. over there D. near( )23. A. swim B. swimming C. swimmed D. swam( )24. A. a B. an C. / D. the( )25. A. liked B. enjoyed C. had great fun D. did三、阅读理解:(30分) Some years ago there was an old woman. She had no children because she did not like children at all. But she loved cats. She had mother cats and baby cats. She had black cats and white cats. The children in the neighborhood came to her house to play with the cats. More and more cats came to the old womans house. There were too many cats. The old woman couldnt(不能) feed them all. Then she had an idea (主意). “The children love my cats,” she thought (想). So she gave each child a cat. Then she was very happy. And the children were very happy, too. And the cats were pleased, too, because they each had a room.( )26. The old woman didnt like .A. old cats B. baby cats C. old people D. children( )27. Why did the children come to the womans house?A. To look at her house B. To help the old woman C. To play with the cats D. To buy young cats ( )28. The word “feed” in the passage means.A. give food to B. look after C. live with D. play games( )29. The woman gave each child a cat because .A. the children liked the cats B. she couldnt feed so many catsC. more cats came to her house D. children came to her house very day ( 30. Finally (最后) the woman . A. began to love children B. sold (卖掉) all her cats to childrenC. bought enough food for the childrens catsD. could get enough (足够的) food for the cats in her house四、单词拼写( 10分)41. The weather was _(多雨的) last week.42. The good news made us _(感到) very happy.43. I found a girl _(哭) in the corner on my way home yesterday.44. We had _(美味的) Sichuan food for dinner today.45. Where did you go on your _(假期)?46. Her sweater was not cheap, it was _(昂贵的).47. She _(学习) for exams last week.48. Cathy_(听) to popular music last night.49. Jim _(去) to movies with his friends last weekend.50. She_(看) an interesting talk show yesterday.五、句子转换(10分)51. I cleaned my room yesterday.(就划线部分提问) _ _ you _ yesterday?52. Her vacation was great. (就划线部分提问) _ _ her vacation?53. Jim went to the library last night.(改一般疑问句) _ Jim _ to the library last night?54. They went back to the hotel on foot last night. They _ back _ the hotel last night.55. She did her homework last night.(改为否定句) She _ _ her homework last night.六、用所给动词的适当形式填空(每题1分,共10分)11.He (live) in Beijing in 1998.12.Listen! The students (read) in the classroom.13.Last Tuesday, we (play) soccer with class one. 14.Jack often (visit) his friends on Sundays.15.She wants (be) a doctor.16.It (be) very hot last night.17.Last night I (study) for the math test.18. he (go) to the beach with you? No, he went to the mountains last week.19.Linda (not speak) Chinese last year.20.They (do) their homework last weekend.七、补全对话(5分)A: 61 _?B: It was great. I enjoyed it.A: 62 _?B: My family went to the Great Wall. We visited my uncle in Beijing.A: 63 _ _?B: No, I stayed at home and studied for the math exam, 64 _.Did you go?A: Yes, I did. I saw the Rush Hour last night.B: 65 _?A: It was really exciting.A. Was it exciting B. How was your vacation C. How was the movie D. Frank helped me study it E. Where did you go on vacationF. What did you do last night G. Did you go to a movie last night八、书面表达(10分)以 “My Busy Day”为题描述你昨天的活动情况。_

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