(临沂专版)2019中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第3讲 Unit 1-3课件.ppt

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(临沂专版)2019中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第3讲 Unit 1-3课件.ppt_第1页
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(临沂专版)2019中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第3讲 Unit 1-3课件.ppt_第2页
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(临沂专版)2019中考英语总复习 第一部分 系统复习 成绩基石 七下 第3讲 Unit 1-3课件.ppt_第3页
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第一部分系统复习成绩基石 七年级下册 第3讲Unit1 Unit3 要点梳理过关 重点词汇过关 词形转换1 Asadoctor hecansavelotsofliveseveryyear life 2 Weneedtwomusiciansforthemusicclubinthecity music 3 MissWhiteteachesushistoryandwealllikeher teach 4 Thestoriesinthebookareveryinteresting story 5 Twopianosareinthemusicroom piano 6 Tomcanplaytheviolin buthecan tplayitwell good 7 Hegoestoschoolafterheeatsbreakfastquickly quick 8 2017 临沭一模 HeisthefunniestpersonthatIhaveeverseen funny 9 Thesevillagersarekindtous Welikethemverymuch villager 单项填空10 Isthebusrideboring No IusuallyBmyclassmates A talkoverB talktoC playwithD talkabout11 Whattimedoyouoftendoyourhomework WedoBat7 30p m A myhomeworksB ourhomeworkC ourhomeworksD myhomework12 MylittlebrotherDverywell Look Herearesomeofhispictures A singsB dancesC swimsD draws 13 PeterlikestheDWherearewegoing Dad verymuch A festivalB testC tripD show14 DoyouknowMr Brown Yes he sateacheratBlueSchool HeBmusicthere A writesB teachesC joinsD helps15 TomhasagoodB butheoftenhasmuch todo A work jobB job workC work workD job job 16 TomlookssoBinhisfather sbigT shirt Yeah He ssosmallandtheT shirtissobig A boringB funnyC tidyD nice17 Hereareyourbrother sclothes GoandhelphimBquickly A cleantheroomB getdressedC takeashowerD dohishomework 18 Don tbeD Wecanaskthepolicemanforhelp A tidyB earlyC happyD afraid19 Youworksohard IthinkyourdreamcanDsomeday Thankyou A getupB talktoC gettoD cometrue 高频考点精讲 考点1good短语小结 You regoodattellingstories 你擅长讲故事 Unit1P2 考点2play的用法 Canyouplaytheguitar 你会弹吉他吗 Unit1P3 透析 play作动词 具体用法如下 拓展 play还可作名词 意为 剧本 戏剧 考点3辨析speak say talk与tell CanyouspeakEnglish 你会说英语吗 Unit1P5 考点4either的用法 IeitherwatchTVorplaycomputergames 我要么看电视 要么玩电脑游戏 Unit2P11 注意 在连接两个并列主语时 谓语动词在人称和数上必须与所靠近的主语保持一致 考点5常见乘坐交通工具的表达 Howdoesshegettoschool 她怎样到学校 Sheusuallytakesthebus 她通常乘公共汽车 Unit3P15 考点6句型Ittakes sb sometimetodosth 的用法 Howlongdoesittaketogettoschool 到达学校要用多长时间 Unit3P15 透析 take在此处意为 花费 时间 句型Ittakes sb sometimetodosth 意为 做某事花费 某人 多长时间 it为形式主语 后面的动词不定式是句子的真正主语 如 Ittakes me abouthalfanhourtogettherebybike 骑自行车到达那儿花费 我 约半个小时的时间 考点7句型It s adj forsb todosth 的用法 Formanystudents itiseasytogettoschool 对于许多学生来说 到达学校是容易的 Unit3P17 透析 It s adj forsb todosth 对某人来说做某事 其中形容词是形容做某事的 如 It sdifficultformetolearnEnglishwell 对我来说学好英语很难 difficult是指学好英语这件事很难 拓展 It s adj ofsb todosth 对某人来说做某事 其中形容词是用来形容人的品质 特征的 如 It skindofyoutosayso 你这么说真是太好了 kind形容人的品质 类似的形容词有 clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 polite 有礼貌的 考点8辨析between与among Thereisaverybigriverbetweentheirschoolandthevillage 在他们学校和村庄之间有一条很宽广的河流 Unit3P17 关联语法链接 语法1 情态动词can的用法见P151语法2 what how howlong howfar when whattime等引导的特殊疑问句见P162语法3 频度副词见P147 单项填空1 考点3 I mbusynow Iwill withyouafterschoolthisafternoon A talkB speakC sayD tell2 考点3 You dbetternot Oliveraboutit It sasecret OK Ipromise A talkB speakC sayD tell3 考点6 It MrsSmiththirtyminutestowritethelettertohersonyesterday A costB paidC spentD took A D D 考点即时运用 4 考点8 Whydoyouwanttobeateacher David BecauseIlikechildrenandIfeelhappy them A inB betweenC amongD above5 考点1 WhatdoesLucylikebetter singingordancing Singing ofcourse She it A isafraidofB ishelpfulforC isgoodatD isgoodwith6 考点1 MissGreenisgood music Sheisgood herstudents soallthestudentslikeher A at atB with withC at withD with at C C C 7 考点4 WhenarewegoingtoseethemovieZootopia thisafternoonortonight isOK I mfreetoday A EitherB NeitherC BothD All8 考点2 Everyeveningmydaughterplays pianoforanhour A theB aC D an9 考点5 Mr Zhaoisgoingtotheairport taxi A inB onC byD with10 语法1 2017 恩施中考改编 IsthatboyTony It behim HehasgonetoShanghai A maynotB shouldC can tD can A A C C 11 考点7 It snecessaryforus Englishwell A tolearnB learningC learnD learns12 语法2 doyoustudyforatest Istudybyworkingwithmyclassmates A HowB WhyC WhatD Where13 语法2 2017 哈尔滨中考改编 isitfromyourhousetothebookstore It saboutfifteenminutes walk A HowlongB HowfarC HowoftenD Howmuch A A B


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