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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级上册期末复习(题型专练):单项题(二)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分)The boy is dying to see his mother who has been on business for nearly a month. She will be back this afternoon.A . is able toB . fails toC . cant wait to2. (2分)Sara appeared very weak this morning. What was wrong with her? She suffered from a bad stomachache. Now she is feeling better.A . respondedB . showed upC . looked3. (2分)Jims brother often borrowed his money.But he never returned it. So Jim doesnt lend him any now.A . tookawayB . gavebackC . turnedover4. (2分)Bob was very bad at sport before.Yes, but his father put pressure on him to do exercise every day. So he becomes strong and does well in sport now.A . expected him toB . forced him toC . encouraged him to5. (2分)Our village is holding a meeting to raise money for building the new hall. A . createB . stealC . collect6. (2分)Miss Li has less free time than Mr Brown.Yes. She is busy every day.A . spareB . restC . cheap7. (2分)Is your father in the photo? A . mapB . pictureC . card8. (2分) Mom, why do you buy so many apples? Because they are delicious. Whats more, they are very cheap.A . More importantlyB . HoweverC . Therefore9. (2分)Films have a history of more than a century. Will you tell me more about them?A . a decade yearsB . a hundred yearsC . a thousand years10. (2分)Its _ to play computer games on weekends.A . relaxB . relaxedC . relaxesD . relaxing11. (2分)We visited Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace, and also saw many _ people and some other places of _. A . interested; interestedB . interested; interestC . interesting; interestedD . interesting; interest12. (2分)China gave permission to online business at the beginning of the 21st century.Yes. Thats why we can buy everything with a click now.A . allowedB . punishedC . stopped13. (2分)She provided her father all the food and money he wanted.A . forB . withC . inD . on14. (2分)I like the beef soup because it _ nice. A . tastesB . soundsC . looksD . gets15. (2分)Alan is _ more outgoing than I am. A . littleB . veryC . tooD . a little16. (2分) What _ does Ann like? Oh, she likes tennis.A . colorB . vegetableC . sportD . fruit17. (2分)New Years Day is in_. A . JanuaryB . JuneC . JulyD . August18. (2分)Jane never climbs trees because she once saw a boy from a tree when she was a little girl. A . fall downB . sit downC . cut downD . go down19. (2分)Li Jie _ a round face and blonde hair.A . hasB . wearsC . areD . is wearing20. (2分)Cathy has such a good that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A . sleepB . ideaC . voice21. (2分)There arent many tickets left for the concert. Youd better _ that you get one today. A . make sure ofB . make a decisionC . make sureD . make plans22. (2分)Excuse me. Can you tell me where the nearest bus station is?Yes. Go along the street for about 5 minutes. Its close to the department store.A . nearB . behindC . far from23. (2分)Could you _ me this book please, Daniel?Sorry, but I _ it for only half an hour. I havent finished it.A . lend; boughtB . borrow; have boughtC . borrow; have hadD . lend; have had24. (2分)-Every time the exam is over, I will the results.-Take it easy! Grades are not our whole life.A . be worried aboutB . be pleased withC . be good atD . be good for25. (2分)There are people in the park on weekends! A . suchB . soC . so muchD . so many26. (2分)一 What time will the meeting end? At 4:00 in the afternoon.A . continueB . be overC . begin27. (2分)What about going boating this weekend?That great.A . hearsB . soundsC . listensD . sounds like28. (2分)I think Zhou Xun is one of the best . I like her movies very much.A . doctorsB . playersC . actresses29. (2分)The new bridge the school with the village. A . communicatesB . connectsC . playsD . talks30. (2分)Tina didnt go to bed until midnight.A . after nightB . 12 oclock at nightC . midday第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、

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