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外研版备战2020年小升初专题复习(语法专练)冠词(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分)There is egg on the table, and _egg is for you. A . the ,anB . an, anC . the , theD . an, the2. (2分)He _sad yesterday . A . wereB . wasC . be3. (2分)当你让别人看看你的玩具熊时,说: A . Have a look my bear. B . Look at my bear.4. (2分)I can play piano,but I cant play football. A . ;theB . the;C . the;the5. (2分)The students are going to art museum tomorrow. A . aB . anC . the6. (2分)Have you got _ cars?A . someB . anyC . a7. (2分)In the evening, I _ dinner.A . haveB . drinkC . look8. (2分)Look at _ my cap. A . aB . theC . /9. (2分)It is _. A . a eggB . a cakeC . an sweet10. (2分)当你想认识新朋友,你这样向他作自我介绍: A . Hi,Im Mike. B . This is Mike.11. (2分)This is Mr. Lis room. room is clean. A . HeB . HerC . HimD . The12. (2分)The book is _ the table . A . atB . onC . by13. (2分)I have _ red ball. A . a B . an14. (2分)This is apple.A . an B . a15. (2分)你在路上碰到一个小女孩,不知道她叫什么名字,你会这样问:_ A . Whats his name? B . Whats her name?16. (2分)A monkey has _ tail and _ mouth. A . a long, a bigB . a longC . long, big17. (2分)Mr Zhang is _actor . A . aB . anC . the18. (2分)Im _plastic bottle.A . aB . anC . /19. (2分)It is _ hot dog. A . /B . anC . a20. (2分) class is English A . OneB . The oneC . FirstD . The first21. (2分)You can see English book under the phone A . aB . anC . some22. (2分)Could you play the erhu before? A . Yes, I can.B . No, I could.C . Yes, I could.23. (2分)There is m in the word primary.A . anB . aC . theD . /24. (2分)It is _ fish . A . aB . anC . none25. (2分)The baby is one _old. A . yearsB . yearC . 26. (2分)当你想告诉对方早晨你整理床铺时,你可以说:_ A . I make the bed in the morning. B . I put on the clothes in the morning.27. (2分)This is _apple.A . a B . an28. (2分)A: Who did you go with? B: A . I went to Xinjiang.B . I went yesterday.C . My parents and friends.29. (2分)I can play _ pipa.( )A . aB . theC . /30. (2分)Mary has apples. Mike has apple.A . some; anB . any; anC . an; aD . a; all第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、

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