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沪教版2020年中考英语复习专题固定搭配(真题)(I)卷一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1. (2分)He was tired he fell asleep as soon as he lay down. A . so; thatB . too; toC . enough; toD . such; that2. (2分)Whats your hobby?I _ listen to music, but now I enjoy dancing.A . am used toB . used toC . am used3. (2分)Its hard to learn a language. Remember not to _ easily. A . give upB . get upC . put upD . look up4. (2分)There are many_ between the two pictures.A . differentB . differentsC . differenceD . differences5. (2分)Lets and ask him to his dog. A . wake up him; look atB . wake him up; look forC . wake him up; look upD . wake up him; look like6. (2分)Tom, your hair is too long. Would you please get your hair ? A . cutB . to cutC . cuttingD . cuts7. (2分)The old man is very kind-hearted and everyone would like to _ him. A . make a friend withB . make a friendC . make friends withD . make friends8. (2分)Our math teacher is strict us our studies.But we all like him. A . in;withB . with;inC . with;for9. (2分)How about a kite with me?A . fly B . to fly C . flying10. (2分)I cant wait _ the winner! A . for seeB . seeC . to seeD . to be seen11. (2分)Hangzhou is really a beautiful city, isnt it?Yes, _ travelers like to come here for a visitA . thousands ofB . thousand ofC . thousandD . three thousands12. (2分)How does your mother ?By bike.A . to thereB . get to thereC . go thereD . go here13. (2分)She dropped her pen her way home yesterday. A . inB . onC . toD . with14. (2分)I _ to think their jobs were _ .A . used; boredB . am used; boringC . am used; boredD . used; boring15. (2分)They agreed _ on a picnic on a sunny day. A . wentB . goingC . to goD . go16. (2分)He listen to pop music, but now he dancingA . is used to, used toB . used to, is used toC . used to, is used forD . used, used for17. (2分)He doesnt want to be late _ school again, so he eats quickly and runs to school. A . forB . onC . asD . in18. (2分)George has put on weight recently. I think hed better _ too much.A . not eatB . not to eatC . not eatingD . dont eat19. (2分)My father used to football, but now he is interested in mountains. A . play; climbingB . playing; climbC . play; climbD . playing; climbing20. (2分)When I walked past the park, I saw some old people _ Chinese Taiji.A . doesB . didC . doingD . are doing21. (2分)We ask the students to at 9: 30 in the evening. A . get upB . have breakfastC . have classD . go to sleep22. (2分)How many brown boxes ?Two.A . do you haveB . is thereC . are you haveD . does you have23. (2分) What a valuable book it is! So it is. Its worth _.A . readsB . to readC . readD . reading24. (2分)When I got to Beijing, it began to rain . A . heavyB . heavilyC . easilyD . hardly25. (2分)(2016衡阳)My neighbor asked me _ I heard the big noise last night or not. A . whetherB . ifC . what26. (2分)My father bought a new bike _ me.A . ofB . forC . atD . to27. (2分)Is Jim at home by himself?No. Theres another boy with him.A . playingB . playC . playsD . to play28. (2分)Whats the matter?I have stomachache. Maybe I have eaten _ tonight.A . too muchB . too manyC . much tooD . many too29. (2分)There is no coffee left. Shall we have some water _. A . instead ofB . insteadC . howeverD . either30. (2分)Thank you _ me. A . in helpB . for helpingC . for your helpD . help31. (2分)He used to _ his time on the Internet after supper, but now he gets used to _ a walk. A . spend; takingB . spending; takeC . spend; takeD . spending; taking32. (2分)My mother finds interesting to learn to drive a car.A . itB . thisC . thatD . what33. (2分)I was afraid _ speak English in class, because I was afraid _ being laughed at. A . to, ofB . of, toC . in, ofD . of, in34. (2分)The shoes were worn out, whats more, they arent worth _.A . to mendB . mendingC . mendedD . mend35. (2分)Cathy used to _ much for dinner, but in order to keep fit, recently she has got used to _ less.A . eating; eatB . eat; eatingC . eat; eat36. (2分)Tom is one of _ students in my class .Yes . He usually prefers _ at home to playing outside .A . the most hard-working , studyingB . more hard-working , to studyC . the most hard-working , to studyD . more hard-working , studying37. (2分)I hate _ the dishes because its boring. A . doB . doingC . makeD . making38. (2分) Whats wrong with my grandpa, doctor? _, just a cold.A . Something seriousB . Serious somethingC . Nothing seriousD . Anything serious39. (2分)You had better _ wine because you have to drive back home A . not drinkB . dont drinkC . not to drinkD . wont drink40. (2分)This pair of glasses cost _ that she didnt buy them.A . so expensiveB . so muchC . too muchD . too expensive第 11 页 共 11 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共40题;共80分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、

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