牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级上册期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷.doc

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牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级上册期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷.doc_第1页
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牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级上册期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷.doc_第2页
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牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级上册期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷.doc_第3页
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牛津版(深圳广州)初中英语九年级上册期末模拟复习卷一(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)Where do animals like to live? Animals like to live in the mountain.A . riverB . hillC . forest2. (2分)Hes never rude. I think hes one of the most _ boys in his class.A . politeB . healthyC . beautifulD . strong3. (2分)We cant go out _ the heavy rain. A . insteadB . becauseC . instead ofD . because of4. (2分)Unluckily , while I was watching TV last night, the lights suddenly _. A . went downB . went offC . go downD . go off5. (2分) How can we learn about the reason why the dinosaurs die out?You can get some information from their fossils.A . know aboutB . take outC . think of6. (2分)The boy dropped from his bike. Luckily, he didnt hurt badly. A . jumpedB . fell downC . walked7. (2分) Please be careful with the car in front of you. It may hit you. Thank you! I am leaving at once.A . watchB . catchC . mind8. (2分)At the Spring Festival, you can see many lights _ in the trees on _ side of the square.A . hanging; bothB . hung; otherC . hanging; everyD . hung; every9. (2分)What _ do you like best ?Football .A . foodB . subjectC . sportD . music10. (2分)Rose always cares for others.Shes a very considerate and caring girl.A . looks afterB . worries aboutC . takes away11. (2分)Would you like to try some pizza?Yes, please. It lovely and nice.A . sounds; seesB . hears; turnsC . looks; smellsD . sounds; watches12. (2分)This kind of bread is terrible. I dont want to eat it_.A . any moreB . some moreC . no longerD . some longer13. (2分) He was to give up smoking. So he was.A . kindB . wiseC . foolish14. (2分)More and more people come to visit Mount Huang.Thats true.It has become the _ of Anhui.A . prideB . effortC . praiseD . courage15. (2分)What do you think of Confucius?He was an ancient teacher _ wise sayings have influenced many people in different countries.A . thatB . whichC . whoD . whose二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从1-20各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Amy was looking for a gift for her little daughter. Suddenly she1 before a store of dolls. Girls like dolls,she thought as she stepped into it.Looking around, she saw a 2 doll one with grey hair and a pair of glasses. In her mind appeared Joyce, her mother.When Amy was a little girl, she got her first doll from Joyce for her birthday. Then the second, third A doll a year from Joyce never arrived 3 .Why always a doll? This 4 had been in Amys mind until one day she knew the answer.Little Joyce dreamed to have a doll. Her parents promised one for her 5birthday. Sadly, they both 6 in a traffic accident before it arrived. The never-received gift was the most7 thing in her eyes.Joyces story being recalled, Amy got an idea.It was Joyces 60th birthday. A parcel was sent to her, with a 8 that read.Dear Joyce,I forget to 9 you the parcel that you should have received on May 20, 1956, your fifth birthday. The gift inside has aged, but I felt that you might still wish to have it.Love, Angel of JoyJoyce opened the parcel and saw a lovely grandma doll. She held the doll tightly that she had waited so many years for, with tears running down her face. The doll, given by Angel of Joy, made herthe 10 child in the world.(1)A . Stopped B . sat C . went D . moved (2)A . Mother B . child C . grandma D . daughter (3)A . early B . late C . sadly D . lovely (4)A . idea B . mind C . question D . answer (5)A . Second B . third C . fifth D . sixtieth (6)A . left B . stepped C . dreamed D . died (7)A . helpful B . important C . useful D . careful (8)A . gift B . word C . card D . parcel (9)A . buy B . send C . leave D . show (10)A . Happiest B . saddest C . loveliest D . smallest 三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17. (8分)阅读理解(A)News One: 29 October, 2015The government of China plans to end its one-child per family policy(政策) and instead let families have two children. The plan was announced Thursday after high-level meetings in Beijing.China,which has the largest population,made the one-child policy in 1980. The government allowed only a small number of couples to have two children for so many years. For example, some couples in the countryside could have two children.News Two: 05 October, 2015The first of the 2015 Nobel Prizes has been announced. Swedens Nobel Prize committee (委员会) says the Nobel Prize for medicine will go to scientists from Ireland, Japan and China.William Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan share the prize for their discovery of the medicine avermectin. The Nobel committee praised their work on what it calls a novel therapy. The treatment fights disease caused by parasites(寄生虫).The prize for medicine is also going to Chinese researcher Tu Youyou. She discovered artemisinin. Artemisinin is a drug that has greatly made the number of people who die from malaria(疟疾) smaller.News Three: 09 December, 2015Oil prices have fallen to their lowest levels since 2009.Brent crude oil, one of several kinds of oil on the world market, dropped below $40 a barrel(桶) on Tuesday. However, the main group of oil producing countries has been unable to reduce the oil production.(1)How long did Chinas one-child policy last? A . 38 years.B . 35 years.C . 25 years.D . 65 years.(2)Who got the Nobel Prize for medicine?A . Tu Youyou from China.B . William Campbell from Ireland.C . William Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan.D . William Campbell from Ireland, Satoshi Omura from Japan and Tu Youyou from China.(3)What is the price of Brent crude oil on Tuesday? A . $40 a barrel.B . Over $40 a barrel.C . Less than $40 a barrel.D . Less than¥40 a barrel.(4)What can we know from News Three? A . There is only one kind oil on the world market.B . Main oil producing countries will produce less oil.C . Oil prices on Tuesday are the lowest in history.D . Main oil producing countries will still produce as much oil as before.(5)Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage? A . The oil prices are the lowest in 2009.B . The artemisinin has saved lots of lives.C . There are the most people in China in the world.D . Not many Chinese couples can have two children in China in the past few years.18. (8分)阅读理解。根据表格所提供的信息选择最佳答案。(1)All the ball game in the table were first played before the nineteenth century except . A . basketballB . soccerC . table tennis(2) played soccer earliest in the world. A . AmericansB . ChineseC . Englishmen(3)People can find players playing on court in a volleyball match. A . sixB . elevenC . twelve(4)Every part of the basketball playing time is about . A . 12 minutesB . 24 minutesC . 45 minutes(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above? A . NBA is a famous sports event which is about baseball.B . Both volleyball and table tennis come from Europe.C . It is over 2000 years since people began to play soccer.19. (8分)阅读理解ASummer vacation is coming. Most of students want to have a good trip this summer. Here is some information about trips for you.Trip 1 The Stone Sea Bring your strong shoes for hiking in the beautiful Stone Sea.You can find all different kinds of stones and wild flowers in the area.Time:8:00am-6:00pm Tel:4325116Adult: ¥80.00 Child: ¥20.00Trip 2 The Pine Sea This is a sea with a lot pines in Mount Wu.Take your digital camera and enjoy the great sights here. It is a good place to avoid summer heat.Time:9:00am-3:00pm Tel:4258663Adult: ¥120.00 Child: ¥60.00Trip 3 The Big Vally Take your swimming suits,and come for a night walk along the Big Vally.You can take hot spring and enjoy some folk music.Time:10:00am-11:00pm Tel:4325611Adult: ¥160.00 Child: ¥120.00Under 12 years old for freeTrip 4 The Grass Lake Wear your sun hats and enjoy wonderful sunshine.Of course,you can swim in the lake and take the boat to different islands for natural scenery.Time:8:30am-8:00pm Tel:4325711Adult: ¥60.00 Child: Free(1)You should call if you want to take hot spring.A . 4325116B . 4258663C . 4325611D . 4325711(2)You should call if you want to take hot spring.A . 4325116B . 4258663C . 4325611D . 4325711(3)If you want to go to the Pine Sea, you cant enter_.A . at 10 :00 amB . at 6 :00 pmC . at 11 :00amD . at 2 :00 pm(4)If you want to go to the Pine Sea, you cant enter_.A . at 10 :00 amB . at 6 :00 pmC . at 11 :00amD . at 2 :00 pm(5)If a couple with a 5-year-old child go to the Big Valley, they need to pay _ for the trip.A . ¥160.00B . ¥280.00C . ¥440.00D . ¥320.00(6)If a couple with a 5-year-old child go to the Big Valley, they need to pay _ for the trip.A . ¥160.00B . ¥280.00C . ¥440.00D . ¥320.00(7)You can go to _ for hiking.A . the Stone SeaB . the Pine SeaC . the Big ValleyD . the Grass Lake(8)You can go to _ for hiking.A . the Stone SeaB . the Pine SeaC . the Big ValleyD . the Grass Lake20. (8分)阅读理解 Perhaps youve already watched or heard about Readers, a TV show that has recently become popular. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage, as well as tell the touching stories behind them. They can read everything, like poems(诗), book, and letters. Many people are fans of the show and begin to enjoy reading aloud at home. Now the show gives people a special place to read across China. Reading pavilions(亭)are now in cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xian. The pavilion is quite small. Only one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone in it and it records peoples voices. Everyone can read anything they like for three minutes in the pavilion. The show will later pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV. People of all ages have come and read in the pavilion, according to Peoples Daily. Reading should be just like singing and talking, said Dong Qing, the host of the show. We can actually express our deep feelings through reading aloud.Both the TV show and the pavilion are encouraging reading among the public, reported China Youth Daily. In fact, this is also what our country is trying to do now. During the two sessions(两会)this month, deputy(代表)Lu Yaping suggested(建设)that a national reading day be set up. Many other deputies agreed with it. (1)Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph? A . Reader is a popular TV show.B . People can only read poems on Reader.C . People can only read poems on Reader.D . People tell stories for kids on Reader.(2)What is in a reading pavilion? A . Telephone.B . A tape recorder.C . A camera.D . A microphone.(3)What are the reading pavilions made for? A . To help ordinary people become super stars.B . To help the show pick possible readers.C . To teach people how to read aloud.D . To help people express their feelings freely.(4)From the story, we learn that . A . people must pay to record their voices in the pavilionB . few people are interested in the reading pavilionsC . the TV shows aims to encourage more people to read aloudD . there is a national reading day in China21. (8分)One morning it was shining brightly when I woke up. I looked at the alarm clock. It said 3:45! It had stopped! What time was it? I climbed out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. The kitchen clock said 8:30I was late! My parents were away. My aunt had gone to work without checking if I was up. The school bus went at 8:00. I had missed it. I rang my friend Tony on his mobile phone.“Tell the teacher Ill be in as soon as I can!”I said.“Come on your rollerblades,” Tony said. “It will be faster than the bus.”I washed and dressed in a hurry. I grabbed an apple to eat on the way. That was my breakfast! Then I put on my rollerblades and set off for school. It took half an hour to get to the school. I took all the shortcuts I knew. I went across the park even through some backyards! When I got to school, I was very hot and my legs ached. I had missed math, our first lesson of the morning. But I made it just in time for history, our second lesson. I was very happy because history is my favorite subject.(1)The boy woke up at _ that morning.A . 3:45B . 7:30C . 8:00D . 8:30(2)The boy got up late mainly because _.A . his alarm clock had stoppedB . his parents were awayC . his aunt had gone to workD . he had missed the school bus(3)The boy got to school _ that morning.A . by busB . by skatingC . by runningD . by bike(4)The boy took all the shortcuts in order to _.A . have breakfast on the wayB . meet his friendC . get to school as soon as he couldD . have his favorite lesson(5)Which of the following is NOT true?A . The boys bedroom is upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs.B . Tony told the boy to go to school on his rollerblades.C . The boy had nothing for breakfast that morning.D . The boy didnt miss his favorite lesson.四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。In a small house outside London lives an old man. People often see him look _ his flowers in his garden all the time.One day, a young painter _ (go) by the old mans house. He looked at the nice garden and the special room, picturing how happy he would be if he lived in such a _ (beauty) place. Suddenly he found the old gardener _ (terrible) blind. Shocked, he walked to the old man and asked, “Why are you taking care of the flowers every day which you cant see in fact?” The old man smiled, “I can tell you four reasons. First, I was _ gardener when I was young and I really love this job. Second, although I cant see these flowers, I can touch them. Third, I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last, its you.”“Me? But you dont know me.” answered the painter, still puzzled.“Yeah, its true that I dont know you. _ I know flowers are gifts which everyone loves. And the beauty of my garden will get many people into a good mood.” answered the old man.The words of the gardener warm me with _ (please). He looked after the flowers _ (make) others enjoy the warm sunshine in spring. He cant see the beautiful flowers he planted, just like Beethoven, who cant hear his wonderful music _.The old man is alone but not lonely. All of his flowers are his friends and neighbors. They _ (grow) in his heart. I believe that he can hear the voice of them.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)23. (10分)寒假(winter holiday)即将到来, 假如你是Daming, 你的英国笔友Mike想了解你和你的家人寒假期间通常性的活动。请给Mike写一封信, 向他介绍你们的寒假生活。要求: 1)包含表格中所有要点, 并适当发挥: 2)文中不能出现真实的学校、班级和人名;3)不少于60词, 已给出的开头和结尾不计入总词数。Dear Mike,Im happy to tell you something about our winter holiday.What do people in England usually do during the winter holiday? Look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours,Darning第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共5题;共40分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、19-7、19-8、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、21-5、四、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)22-1、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)23-1、

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