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牛津版(深圳广州)2019-2020学年初中英语七年级下册期末综合能力检测题A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1. (2分)After reading the article, with your classmates about the differences between Chinese high schools and American high schools. A . chooseB . expectC . discussD . question2. (2分)What do you think of the music?It was light and soft. It made me _.A . relaxedB . sleepyC . to relaxD . asleep3. (2分)I _ my mother and I _ her very much.A . like; likeB . am like; likesC . look like; am likeD . am like; like4. (2分)There is going to be _ jobs for people because some robots will do the same jobs as people. A . manyB . fewerC . moreD . less5. (2分)Do you finish your homework?Yes, I alsothe answers.A . planB . checkC . speakD . click6. (2分)The film is fantastic, and all of my best friends like it. A . wonderfulB . friendlyC . comfortable7. (2分)It half an hour to prepare for the dishes. A . will takeB . will spendC . will cost8. (2分)一Do you have penfriends in Australia?一Yes,I have penfriends thereA . some;anyB . some;someC . any;someD . any;any二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)9. (2分)Sally, do you know how to use this word? Sorry, I dont know. You can look up the word in the _.A . dictionaryB . grammarC . websiteD . information10. (2分)I plan to go out for a bicycle trip to LongzhongBut Im afraid I dont know the _A map is helpful,I thinkA . timeB . wayC . weatherD . price11. (2分)When the accident happened, people in the building poured out in a hurry.A . came inB . ran outC . jumped down12. (2分)He _ in his office. I phoned to his office just now, but no one answered. A . may beB . cant beC . mustnt beD . neednt be13. (2分)The weather in Fujian is that in Beijing. A . different withB . the same ofC . different fromD . the same to14. (2分)He always appears to _. Thats because hes really knowledgeable and experienced.A . make an effortB . have a pointC . pull togetherD . take place15. (2分)- Jim looks so sleepy that he keeps nodding his head in class.- Just as the saying goes, “_.” It is bad for his health to stay up late (熬夜) A . Better late than neverB . Burn the candle at both endsC . No pain, no gainD . You are never too old to learn三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Whats the matter, Mum?As soon as I enter the door, I find that my mother is unhappy. Its unusual. She usually 1 the door and welcomes me with a smile!Shes dying, Mum says sadly. I2 what she says. The tulip(郁金香), mothers favourite, is dying.A month ago, we moved 3 our new house and Mum bought a very beautiful tulip. Mum liked it very much.4 she was free, she would sit in her armchair beside the tulip and enjoy its beautiful colour 5nice smell.She treated it like a baby and looked after it 6 . She put the tulip by window and moved it from one place to7 to give the tulip enough sunshine. The first thing she did when she8 every morning was to water the tulip. Mum also fertilized(施肥) it many times.She hoped that with great care, the tulip would become more and more beautiful and 9.But the tulip was dying because of too much sunshine, water and fertilizer.Its true that mother loved the tulip. But this kind of love10 be harmful. Love can sometimes kill what you love.(1)A . closes B . opens C . keeps D . takes (2)A . know B . love C . think D . find (3)A . into B . around C . across D . with (4)A . Though B . Because C . After D . Whenever (5)A . but B . and C . for D . or (6)A . happily B . brightly C . carefully D . usually (7)A . other B . place C . two places D . another (8)A . got up B . made the bed C . played the piano D . washed her face (9)A . dry B . strong C . wet D . old (10)A . must B . should C . can D . need 四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)17. (10分)阅读理解 World famous physicist(物理学家) Stephen Hawking died peacefully at his home in Cambridge on March 14th, 2018. Hawking was born in Oxford, England on January 8th, 1942. He went to school in a small city near London. As he himself admitted, he wasnt very serious about studying. He did very little work, he was never top of his class. However, he still achieved good marks. After leaving school, Hawking first went to Oxford University to study physics. Then he went to Cambridge University to study cosmology(宇宙学).At the age of 21, Hawking noticed something wrong with him. He had a bad illness that stopped him from moving and talking. He couldnt communicate except by blinking(眨眼). He sat on a wheelchair with a computer by his side. To communicate with others, he moved two fingers to control the computers mouse. He chose his words from the screen, which were then spoken by a voice synthesizer(音响合成器). Ive had the disease for most of my life, Hawking once said, Yet it has not stopped me from being successful at my work.Although Hawking was a disabled man, he made great achievements. He received many awards and prizes for his work, including the Albert Einstein Awardthe highest achievement in physics.Hawking worked at Cambridge University as a professor. His story shows that nobody, however bad their situation is, should lose hope. Life is not fair. he once said, You just have to do the best you can in your own situation.(1)When did Stephen Hawking pass away? A . On January 8th, 1942B . On March 14th, 2018C . On March 24th, 2018(2)During studying in a small city near London, we know that . A . Stephen Hawking was the best student of his classB . Stephen Hawking didnt work hard at his lessonsC . Stephen Hawking began to study cosmology(3)What happened to Stephen Hawking when he was 21? A . There was something wrong with his headB . He couldnt even blink to communicate except by moving fingersC . He could neither talk nor move(4)How did Stephen Hawking communicate with others after the bad illness? A . By mouthB . By body languagesC . By a voice synthesizer(5)Why was Stephen Hawking so successful at his work? A . Because he never hope in his own conditionB . Because life was not fair for himC . Because he had a bad illness18. (10分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Fred, a young man of twenty-five, was a clever boy. He worked in a factory after he finished high school six years ago. At first, he spent much time in studying all the machines(机械) in the factory and learned to repair them. His boss(老板) Mr. Dick liked the clever young man and paid him more than any other worker.Another four years later, the young man got into the habit of drinking and was often drunk. He couldnt go to work on time and didnt work so hard as before. Sometimes he slept when he was at work. It made Mr. Dick angry and Mr. Dick told him not to drink, and he agreed but soon forgot it. His friend Henry often helped him and tried to stop him from drinking, but he failed.And one afternoon, something was wrong with an expensive machine. The work had to stop. Fred was found in a bar(酒吧) but he was drunk. He broke the machine when repairing it. Henry had to take him home.The next morning, as soon as he got up, the telephone rang and Henry said, Two pieces of news for you, Fred. One piece is good and the other is bad.Tell me the good one first, please, said Fred. Youll be given double(双倍) pay next month. Oh, great! called out Fred. What is the bad news? Mr. Dick told me to take your place. (1)Before working in Mr. Dicks factory Fred was a .A . factory bossB . high school studentC . bar waiterD . high school teacher(2)Why did Fred get the most pay at first?A . Because he was hard working and could repair all the machines.B . Because he worked in the factory for six years.C . Because he was cleverer than other people.D . Because Mr. Dick was his uncle.(3)Which is NOT the reason that Mr. Dick was angry with Fred four years later?A . He had the habit of drinking and was often drunk.B . He went to work late and didnt work so hard as before.C . He didnt help Henry while Henry helped him.D . He sometimes slept during his work.(4)Fred worked in Mr. Dicks factory for years in all.A . 4B . 6C . 8D . 10(5)We can learn from Henrys telephone that .A . Fred was fired(被解雇)B . Fred liked the good newsC . Henry could repair expensive machinesD . Henry was angry with Fred19. (10分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(A)A lot of boys and girls in western countries are wearing the same clothes, and many boys have long hair, so it is difficult to tell whether they are boys or not.One day an old man went for a walk in a park in Washington and when he was tired, he sat down on a chair by a swimming pool. A young person was standing on the other side of the pool.“Oh!” the old man said to the person sitting next to him, “Do you see the person with the loose clothes and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?”“A girl,” said the person, “She is my daughter.”“Oh!” the old man said quickly, “Please forgive me. I dont know that you are her mother. ”“Im not,” said the person, “Im her father.”(1)What did the old man see on the other side of the pool? A . A girl.B . A boy.C . An old woman.D . A man.(2)The old man thought the person sitting next to him was_. A . a womanB . a manC . a girlD . a boy(3)“Please forgive me. ” in the passage means“_” A . Im not sure.B . Im surprised.C . Im sorry.D . Im not living here.(4)Which is right according to the passage? A . Most people in western countries wear the same clothes.B . The old man thought the person next to him was a man.C . Its difficult to tell boys from girls because they wear the same clothes.D . Sometimes men also have long hair as women in western countries.(5)Which can be the best title for the passage? A . Are They Wearing the Same Clothes?B . Can You Tell Boys from Girls?C . Are They Boys or Girls?D . Whats Wrong with the Boys?20. (6分) “Its 8:15 on a Sunday morning,” said the officer, Tidwell, “and this sort of thing seems an unlikely adventure(冒险) at such a time. Would you mind explaining?”The man was astonished(吃惊的) at the voice from behind. He turned about and said, “I know what youre thinking, officer, but it isnt true. Its a very funny mistake.”“I think youve just left this house in a manner rather than the usual one. That may be quite all right, but Id like to make sure.” Tidwell took out his notebook and a pen. “Name, address and occupation and then, please tell me your story.”“Charlie Crane, lorry(卡车) driver, from Nottingham, 51 Brecon Street. My story?”“Yes, What were you doing like a fly on that wall, Mr. Crane?”“Well, I had a breakdown yesterday and had to stay the night here. The landladys name is Mrs. Fern. She gave me breakfast at seven, and I was out of here in the right way and down at the lorry park by half past seven. It was only when I felt around for a cigarette that I realized Id left $80 under the pillow(枕头) here. Its a habit Ive got into. I even do it almost every day.”“I see. Why didnt you miss it when you meant to pay Mrs.? Whats her name?”“I paid her last night. Youve got to pay when you take the room, see? So I came rushing back, but its Sunday, and shed gone back to bed. I rang the bell and banged on the front door for ten minutes before I came round here. Up I went this pipe(管子) and the money was still there. You know the rest, and I hope you believe it because.”“Mr. Crane, whatever are you doing here? I thought youd gone an hour ago.”It was Mrs. Fern.(1)What did Tidwell see?A . He saw a man going to a park in a hurryB . He saw a man bringing a pipe out, through a window.C . He saw a man leaving a houseD . He saw a man trying to go up a pipe(2)When Mr. Crane was at home, he .A . kept his cigarettes under his pillow at nightB . always carried his money about him at nightC . tried to give up the habit of smokingD . put his money under his pillow at night(3)What do you think happened in the end?A . Mrs. Fern found the $80 in the houseB . Tidwell took Mr. Crane to the police stationC . Mrs. Fern said sorry to Mr. CraneD . Mr. Crane was let go五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 The earth is our home. We must look _it well. That is to say we must keep the land, air and water clean.But man has been polluting _earth since he first made a fire. People washed their clothes in the river and threw dirty things on the ground. Many _(year) ago, pollution has not so serious _there were not so many people. When the land or the river became dirty in one place, man moved to another place. But. now, there is _(little)clean air, land and water. Man is _(pollute) the whole world and there _neither enough clean air, nor clean land, nor clean water. More people, more pollution. Is it possible to get rid of(解决)pollution? We are glad to say that people have come to know the _(dangerous)of pollution and a large number of them are working hard _(protect)our earth. One of the _(good) ways is to stop the pollution.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)书面表达 假如你是李明,你的英国笔友Mike给你发了一封电子邮件请认真阅读并用英语回复Hello Li Ming,Im going to China as an exchange student this September. I will spend the Mid - Autumn Festival with Chinese family. Could you tell me: What is the Mid -Autumn Festival? How do you celebrate it? What table manners should I pay attention to when I have dinner with them?Write soon.Mike要求:1)表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;2)须回复所有问题(问题1两点,问题2和问题3各三点),并适当发挥;3)词数:100词左右(开头与结尾已给出,不计人总词数);4)不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。Dear Mike,Its fantastic that you will coffee to China and spend the Mid - Autumn Festival with a Chinese family. Enjoy your stay in China.Li Ming第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳 (共8题;共16分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、答案:略7-1、8-1、二、 根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词 (共7题;共14分)9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16-1、四、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)21-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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