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人教版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语开学测试试卷C卷一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最 (共16题;共32分)1. (2分)Its so hot today.Its the hottest day Ive had so far.A . from now onB . up to nowC . since then2. (2分)Its awful of you to play a joke on the blind man.Sorry, I wont do that again.A . make fun ofB . be angry withC . feel ashamed of3. (2分)My mother is heavier than my aunt.A . littleB . moreC . a little4. (2分)Have you ever a speaking competition? A . meetB . enterC . enteredD . joined5. (2分)Although the old man lives in a house _, but he does not feel _. A . alone, aloneB . alone, lonelyC . lonely, aloneD . lonely, lonely6. (2分)When I handed in my paper, I was unaware of the mistakes.whats a pity! Next time you will check your answers before you hand in.A . didnt realizeB . didnt putC . didnt move7. (2分)If I have a big house, I will a pet dog. A . wearB . workC . keepD . look after8. (2分)The T-shirt is small for my son. Do you have a _ one? A . shortB . niceC . tidyD . big9. (2分)Millie was reading when the teacher came into the classroom.A . herselfB . lonelyC . aloneD . along10. (2分)It is _ to push _ people in British. A . polite; pastB . impolite; passC . polite; passD . impolite; past11. (2分)If you stay at home alone and have nothing to do, you may feel _.A . happyB . boredC . tired12. (2分)How soon can we receive the emails?They can reach us in a second if they are sent.A . in the endB . all the timeC . after a while13. (2分)The art club is for members only. You cant go in _ you are a member. A . unlessB . becauseC . ifD . though14. (2分)一I think Beijing is a good place to visit一I agree with your A . adviceB . decisionC . opinionD . trouble15. (2分) There is no drink in the fridge. Will you go and some for the party, Mary? OK, Mum.A . takeB . getC . carryD . bring16. (2分)He likes dogs, but she likes cats _.A . lotB . lotsC . a lot ofD . a lot二、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共14题;共28分)17. (2分)The scientist dont exactly know when the universe_ but they are still studying it. A . come trueB . came into beingC . come aboutD . come out18. (2分)Eric likes reading very much.He spends every _ moment in the library. A . nervousB . spareC . boringD . intelligent19. (2分)Youve let me down too often and I shall not trust you.A . madenervousB . madehappyC . madedisappointed20. (2分)My sister was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village in Xinjiang last year.She said she would never forget some pleasant _ while working there.A . experimentsB . expressionsC . experiencesD . emotions21. (2分)一Kate,I have a sore throat一You talked just nowTry to talk less and drink more waterA . many tooB . too manyC . too muchD . much too22. (2分)Your father helps me a lot. Please _ your father.I will.A . say hello toB . say thanks toC . say sorry toD . say goodbye to23. (2分)My mothers favorite is red. A . colorB . fruitC . sportD . subject24. (2分)I_ some clothes to charity because they are too small for me. A . take afterB . hang outC . give awayD . put off25. (2分)When he it was early morning and it A . got to,rainedB . reached,was rainingC . arrived,rainedD . arrived,was raining26. (2分) Linda often to help her classmates with their English. What a kind girl!A . forgetsB . offersC . givesD . hates27. (2分)He had to retire(退休) early _poor health. A . because ofB . becauseC . so28. (2分)If these trousers are too short, buy a longer _. A . oneB . pairC . ones29. (2分)Whats the matter with Tommy? He is _. Oh, you can tell him to share worries with his friends and _.A . in a bad mood ; cheer him upB . in good mood; cheer himself upC . in a bad mood; cheer himself upD . in good moods ; cheer up him30. (2分)If you have a(n) _ to do something, it is your duty to do that thing. A . obligationB . thoughtC . chance三、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)31. (15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Double 11 is coming. Many people say its Bachelors Day(光棍节) because its named after the1 November 11th. For most young singles, its such a special day that they usually2 lots of shopping online to celebrate themselves. They are happy because they are free.Whenever the day comes, I think of my parents. I once doubted whether there was3 between my parents. Every day they were busy trying to make money for my brother and me. They never act4 the romantic ways that I read in books or see on TV. In their opinion, I love you is too5 for them to say. Sending each other flowers on Valentines Day is6 more impossible.One day, mom was sewing(缝纫) a quilt. I silently sat down beside her. Mom, I have a question to ask you. Is there love between you and dad? Mom stopped working and raised her head with7 in her eyes. She never expected that I would ask her such a question. She didnt answer at once.I was worried because I thought I had hurt her and didnt know8 to do. She thought for some time and said, Look at this thread(线). Sometimes it appears, but most of it disappears in the quilt. The thread really makes the quilt strong. If life is a quilt, then the love should be thread. It can hardly be seen9 or anytime, but its really 10 . Love is inside.I couldnt understand her11 the next spring, when Dad suddenly got sick seriously. Mom had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. When they returned, I read love in their hearts. After that, every day in the evening, mom12 dad walk slowly on the country road. How 13 I was to see that!Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet14. But from this experience, I know life a lot15. Love is life. It is inside, making life strong and warm.(1)A . season B . date C . time D . month (2)A . do B . play C . buy D . spend (3)A . money B . luck C . love D . peace (4)A . with B . by C . in D . at (5)A . difficult B . quick C . beautiful D . interesting (6)A . so B . quite C . very D . even (7)A . sadness B . pleasure C . surprise D . anger (8)A . how B . where C . when D . what (9)A . anyone B . anything C . anywhere D . anyway (10)A . that B . here C . there D . this (11)A . unless B . if C . until D . whether (12)A . helped B . asked C . advised D . wanted (13)A . tired B . bored C . interested D . moved (14)A . looks B . words C . foods D . walks (15)A . more B . farther C . higher D . longer 四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共44分)32. (6分)MitziLost Wednesday eveningFrench poodle(卷毛狗)called MitziBrown, 5 years old, good reward(报酬)Phone Barbara555-4140 anytimeBlueyLost blue/ white Persian male cat12 months old, friendly natureAny info about BlueyLarge rewardTom 555-2732 eveningsPets-CatsBurmese kittens 11 weeks old2 female 4 male 1 RedOthers various coloursGentle and registered(注册)$250Sandy 555-0001 morningsPets-DogsSmall dogs/ short legs/ long body3 red 2 male 1 female5 months old, registeredSale $280Phone Carl 555-9019 afternoons(1)If you want to buy a little dog, you can call .A . 555-9019B . 555-0001C . 555-4140D . 555-2732(2)If you tell the owner where Bluey is, you will be given .A . a gold medalB . a large petC . a great prizeD . a lot of money(3)The above four notices are all about .A . dogsB . catsC . petsD . selling pets33. (10分) As a father, I always do my best to help my son, Peter. I like to help him with his study. I encourage him to join team sports. I send him to the summer camp if he wants to go. I also teach him to be both a good student and a useful man.He used to make me feel proud. I often thought he was the best son and I was the best father in the world.However, things changed two years ago. It was Peters 12th birthday. My wife and I bought him a computer as a present. We thought it was necessary for him to learn how to use a computer in the modern world. We knew that some children were addicted (上瘾的) to computer games and that they didnt study or work at all. Someone said that computers and the Internet were bad for children, but I didnt worry about it. I trusted (信任) my son. I believed that he could control himself. Peter did very well at first. He played computer games, but for only two hours every week. Most of the time he studied or wrote articles on the computer. We felt very happy to see that.When we finally learned that Peter was also addicted to computer games, it was too late. He didnt like studying at all. He no longer joined team sports. Sometimes we even couldnt find him at night. He spent several days and nights at the Internet cafe. We tried everything to help him, but nothing worked. What should we do?(1)Why did the writer think his son was the best in the past?A . Because his son joined many team sports.B . Because his son was a good student.C . Because his son always made him feel proud.D . Because his son loved him very much.(2)How old is Peter now?A . 10 years old.B . 12 years oldC . 14 years old.D . 16 years old.(3)What did the writer buy for his son as a birthday present two years ago?A . A computer.B . Some computer games.C . Some books.D . A computer book.(4)How long did Peter play computer games at first?A . About two hours every day.B . About two hours every week.C . About two hours every month.D . The whole day.(5)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . Peter likes to study a lot now.B . It wasnt necessary for children to learn how to use a computer.C . Many children have lost interest in studying because of computer games and the Internet.D . Children shouldnt use the computer.34. (10分) According to the recent survey , only forty percent of children in our school feel happy, Why?Do you know what “happiness” means? A lot of money? No homework every day? High marks or anything else?In fact , happiness is always around you put your heart into it. When you are in trouble at school, you r friends will help you; When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health; When you get success, your friends will say congratulations to you; When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to collect it; When you do something good to others, you will feel happy ,too. All these are happiness. If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you. All these cant be bought with money. Its a feeling of your heart. When you come across difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy, because you have more chances to challenge yourself.As the saying goes , lift is a revolving door. When it closes, it also opens. If you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky person.(1)When you fail in the exam, both your teacher and your classmates will _ to make you happy.A . laugh at youB . play jokes on youC . help youD . quarrel with you(2)What will your friends say to you when you get high marks?A . Good luck!B . CongratulationsC . Just so-soD . Is that so?(3)In the writers opinion ,_ can make you happy.A . no homeworkB . high marksC . peace of mindD . money(4)Which of the following is this passage about?A . LifeB . HappinessC . Good luckD . Chance(5)How many examples are given to show the meanings of happiness?A . 5B . 7C . 4D . 635. (10分)阅读理解 As space science develops, man has learned more and more about space. Space is not only amazing but also dangerous. While working in space, spacemen are facing danger as well as success.Scientists have found out that the radiation(辐射) is the greatest danger to spacemen in space. When spacemen are working in space, they are in danger of the radiation from the sun and other stars, which is bad for their health. The harm of the radiation wont be found until their children even grandchildren are born. Some special medicine may work a little, but no really effective medicine has been found so far.Space rubbish is also thought to be a great danger to spacemen. Its reported that there were 9,000 man-made things flying in space. About 30% of these are satellites, 10% are spaceships, and the rest are space rubbish. An explosion(爆炸) in space in 1999 made a cloud of 300,000 fragments, each at least 4 mm in size. A small piece of these even knocked a spaceship window and caused some damage(损坏). Scientists are watching and reporting any possible danger all the time. They are working to deal with space rubbish.Although space is really dangerous, it interests many people on the earth. In the near future, it may become possible for people to spend a few days in a space hotel. We may even choose to leave the earth and live in space in a few years. So we should do something to help improve the space environment.(1) shows the man-made things in space in the correct way. A . Space rubbish: 20%; Spaceships: 0%; Satellites: 40%B . Space rubbish: 60%; Spaceships: 10%; Satellites: 30%C . Space rubbish: 50%; Spaceships: 20%; Satellites: 30%D . Space rubbish: 45%; Spaceships: 30%; Satellites: 25%(2)The radiation from the sun and other stars is to spacemen. A . goodB . helpfulC . usefulD . harmful(3)The underlined word fragments means . A . 碎片B . 泡沫C . 烟雾D . 飞碟(4)The passage talks about kinds of danger in space. A . twoB . threeC . fourD . five(5)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Scientists have found out ways to solve any problem in space.B . Every one of us can have a travel to space in ten years.C . The harm of the radiation may be found in the spacemens children.D . Space is really dangerous, so it doesnt interest anyone on the earth.36. (8分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHow does a young dog or cat get to know a new home? The animal uses its nose. Right away it smells its new places. Then it makes wider and wider circles, smelling all the time. Before long it can find its way home very well, even in the dark. It simply follows something it knows well.Stories happen about animals who found their way across land they had never smelled before. Take the case of Smoky, a small white cat. Smoky had some funny red hair around its right ear. One day Smoky and his owner began a long journey. They were moving from Oklahoma to Tennessee. When they were just eighteen miles from their Oklahoma home, Smoky jumped out of the car. Then he found his way back to the old house. There he wandered around outside for many days. Finally he disappeared.A year later Smoky meowed at the door of a house in Tennessee. A man opened the door. Is that you, Smoky? he said in surprise. At first he couldnt believe it. Then he saw the red hair around its right ear. It was Smoky!(1)What is the first thing a pet does in a new place?A . It travels a long way.B . It smells the new place.C . It finds its way in the darkD . It follows something it knows.(2)Put these events in the right order that they happened.Smoky got to Tennessee.Smoky jumped out of the car.Smoky went to his old house.A . B . C . D . (3)What does the underlined word wandered mean in the passage?A . 游荡B . 思考C . 搜寻D . 围绕(4)What is the best title of the passage?A . A Kind OwnerB . A Humorours CatC . A Surprising JourneyD . An Excellent Memory五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)37. (1分)MS. Lins daughter only three_(month) old 六、 句型转换。 (共5题;共13分)38. (2分)All the people clapped for the singer.(改为一般疑问句) _all the people _for the singer?39. (3分)There will be a sports meeting this weekend. (改为同义句) There _ _ _ be a sports meeting this week.40. (3分)The green skirt is a present for me. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is a present for _?41. (2分)MrZhang went to London in 2016(改为一般疑问句)_MrZhang_to London in 2016?42. (3分)Tony is buying a ticket to the match (对划线部分提问)_Tony_?七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)43. (5分)假设你是李华,上个月你回到了家乡,发现变化很大。请根据以下提示写一篇题为“Changes in My Hometown”的短文,词数不少于70。 提示:1)我的家乡过去是个安静的小镇,山清水秀,空气清新。人们骑自行车或步行出行。2)现在我的家乡已变成一个现代化的城镇,已建起座座高楼,处处可见宽阔的马路。我们的社区门口有许多公交车经过,很多人都已买了私家车,出行很方便。3)但是,家乡的变化也给我们带来了许多麻烦,例如:4)我的想法是:Changes in My HometownWhen I returned to my hometown last month, I found it changed a lot. 第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最 (共16题;共32分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、二、 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共14题;共28分)17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、三、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)31-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共44分)32-1、32-2、32-3、33-1、33-2、33-3、33-4、33-5、34-1、34-2、34-3、34-4、34-5、35-1、35-2、35-3、35-4、35-5、36-1、36-2、36-3、36-4、五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)37-1、六、 句型转换。 (共5题;共13分)38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)43-1、

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